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Proficiency in fundamental motor skills (FMS) is important for both the health and the overall growth and development of young children. To identify factors that facilitate the development of FMS, the study provided preliminary data on the effect of videomodeling (VM) on the acquisition of FMS by typically developing young children. Participants were six conveniently selected typically developing preschool-age children from an early care and education center. A multiple-baseline-across-participants single-subject research design was used to evaluate VM effects. Motor skill acquisition was assessed with validated developmental sequences of the standing long jump and the overarm throw. The results demonstrated that the VM intervention improved participants’ FMS performance and the improvement was maintained even after the withdrawal of the VM, 2 weeks after the last VM session. Qualitative data collected via a self-report enjoyment scale and field notes with the instructors elicited four factors that might have affected participants’ performance: their attention and motivation to perform the task and the skill complexity and reproduction. The data suggest that VM may be an efficient strategy for teaching FMS to preschool-age children.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between motor competence and BMI in Hispanic preschool children from low SES backgrounds. One hundred and forty-eight Hispanic low SES preschool children (male = 81, female = 67 participated in this study. All children were measured on gross and fine motor competence using the Peabody Developmental Motor Scales-2 (PDMS-2). Body Mass Index (BMI) was calculated for all participants. A Pearson correlation was used to analyze the relationship between the preschool children’s BMI and PDMS-2 performance. A 2 (gender) × 3 (BMI) MANOVA was conducted to assess the gender and BMI differences on each PDMS-2 subtest. Nearly one-third of children in the study demonstrated gross and fine motor delays and slightly over one-third of the children were classified as overweight or obese. A significant negative correlation was found between BMI and visual motor integration scores. The MANOVA analysis showed that low SES Hispanic boys were significantly better in gross motor skill competence and girls were more advanced in fine motor performance. These findings will make a significant contribution to the literature in identifying relationship between motor competence and children’s body weight. This study is also beneficial to practitioners and educators in designing intervention and preschool curriculum to improve children identified with motor delays and to reduce BMI through physical activity.  相似文献   

Cognitive impairment is common among children born very preterm (VPT), yet little is known about how this risk changes over time. To examine this issue, a regional cohort of 110 VPT (≤ 32 weeks gestation) and 113 full‐term (FT) born children was prospectively assessed at ages 4, 6, 9, and 12 years using the Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence–Revised and then Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children, 4th ed. At all ages, VPT children obtained lower scores than their FT born peers (p < .001). Growth curve modeling revealed stable cognitive trajectories across both groups. Neonatal white matter abnormalities and family socioeconomic adversity additively predicted cognitive risk. Despite some intraindividual variability, cognitive functioning of typically developing and high‐risk VPT children was stable and influenced by early neurological development and family rearing context.  相似文献   

A pool of 116 14-18-year-old secondary school pupils who had been given the computer-presented Cognitive Styles Analysis was used to provide two sub-samples to explore the relationship between style and motor skills and sports performance. The Motor Skills sub-sample of 69 (32 males and 37 females) did a battery of motor skills tests. A factor analysis suggested four skills factors - bodily movement, interactive skills, mechanical skills and aiming. All of these except the mechanical skills showed a significant relationship to style. The Sports Performance sub-sample of 99 (46 males and 53 females) were rated on a five-point scale by their teachers on performance in rugby, soccer and cricket for the boys, and hockey, netball and tennis for the girls. Here, there was a significant effect of style for tennis but not for the team games. The findings were discussed in terms of their practical implications.  相似文献   

The incidence of romantic, same-sex friendships and CMSS-sex friendship dyads was examined in preschools and daycare centers. The objectives were to demonstrate the existence of preschool romances, to describe behavior patterns that characterize these relationships, and to compare the social skills of the three dyad groups using the Social Skills Rating Scale (Gresham & Elliott, 1990). No significant difference in social skills existed between the groups. The results suggest that preschool romances and cross-sex friendships are common occurrences and do not interfere with normal development of social skills.  相似文献   

The incidence of romantic, same-sex friendships and CMSS-sex friendship dyads was examined in preschools and daycare centers. The objectives were to demonstrate the existence of preschool romances, to describe behavior patterns that characterize these relationships, and to compare the social skills of the three dyad groups using the Social Skills Rating Scale (Gresham & Elliott, 1990). No significant difference in social skills existed between the groups. The results suggest that preschool romances and cross-sex friendships are common occurrences and do not interfere with normal development of social skills.  相似文献   

Children's lie-telling is surprisingly understudied among children with significant behavioral problems. In the present study, experimental paradigms were used to examine antisocial lie-telling among ethnically diverse 5- to 10-year-old children with disruptive behavior disorders (DBD;= 71) and a typically developing (TD) comparison sample (= 50) recruited from a southeastern state from 2013 to 2014. Children completed two games that measured the prevalence and skill of their lies: (a) for personal gain and (b) to conceal wrongdoing. Children with DBD were more likely to lie for personal gain than TD children. With age, children were more likely to lie to conceal wrongdoing, but the reverse was true regarding lies for personal gain. Results advance knowledge concerning individual differences in children's lie-telling.  相似文献   

家园形成合力对学前儿童实施音乐教育,必须正确认识其特殊意义,找到家庭音乐教育存在的实际问题,用行之有效地方法加以解决。  相似文献   

In this study word reading (WR) fluency was used to dichotomously classify 1,598 Dutch children at different cutoffs, indicating (very) poor or (very) good reading performance. Analysis of variance and receiver operating characteristics were used to investigate the effects of rapid automatized naming (RAN) and phonemic awareness (PA) in predicting group membership. The highest predictive values were found for the combination of RAN and PA, particularly for the poorest readers. Furthermore, results indicate that with the severity of impairment, WR is more dominated by deficient PA, which is interpreted as an enduring problem with sublexical processing. Another main result is that with the increase of reading skill, the contribution of PA diminishes, whereas the contribution of RAN remains fairly constant for the whole reading fluency continuum. These results warrant the conclusion that whereas PA hallmarks reading disability, RAN appears to be the default predictor for above-average or excellent reading proficiency.  相似文献   

The quality of the parents' marital bond and their ability to work together in the parenting role were examined for the parents of school-aged children (ages 6-18) with mild and moderate mental retardation (n = 38) and a comparable group of parents of typically developing children (n = 34). Significantly more negative functioning for the parents of mentally retarded children was observed during marital interactions, and parent-child interactions but was not reflected in their self-reports of marriage and parenting, suggesting that expectations about marital and parenting strains may modulate negative sentiments for these parents. Across both groups, marital quality and the parenting partnership, together with child behavior problems, accounted for 23% to 53% of the variance in parenting confidence and in aversive parent-child exchanges. Negative marital interaction was a particularly important predictor of aversive parent-child exchanges.  相似文献   

电话和视频等媒介下的交流方式与面对面的交流具有不同的特征.研究在面对面、电话和视频三种交流情境下诱发大班和小班儿童的故事叙事,考察交流情境对学前儿童叙事表现的影响.研究发现:(1)在叙事语境化上,非面对面交流情境表现出显著优势;(2)在心理状态术语上,电话交流情境对小班幼儿有明显的促进作用,而视频交流情境对大班幼儿有明显的促进作用;(3)在叙事结构上,电话交流情境能显著促进小班幼儿的总词汇量和平均句长的表现,而面对面的交流情境能显著促进大班幼儿叙事总词汇量的表现.研究表明,非面对面交流情境对提高儿童的叙事表现有独特的优势,教育者要适当利用或创设远距离交流情境的机会促进儿童对叙事语境变化的敏感性,提高叙事质量.  相似文献   

Research Findings: This study investigated the effects of full- and half-day kindergarten programs on classroom instructional quality and children's academic achievement. Considerations were given for how the length of the school day, language status (English language learner [ELL] and non-ELL), and children's attendance patterns influenced achievement. Quantitative and qualitative data were collected concurrently and were interpreted to note the convergence (or lack thereof) of the findings. Quantitative results revealed no difference in the quality of instruction being offered in full- and half-day classrooms. Additionally, full-day kindergarten positively impacted children's academic achievement in literacy but not in mathematics, regardless of children's language status. In regard to language development, ELL children benefited more from full-day kindergarten than did their English-speaking peers, whereas all (ELL and non-ELL) children enrolled in full-day kindergarten made greater language gains when they missed fewer than 10 school days. Practice or Policy: Findings from this study have significant policy and practice implications related to the overall quality, availability, and cultural and developmental appropriateness of kindergarten programming in the United States.  相似文献   

This study examined coping competence in three groups of young children: at- risk, developmentally delayed, and typically developing. The Early Coping Inventory was adapted to rate coping behaviors objectively in 114 infants and toddlers (mean age = 22 months). Typically developing children were rated as significantly more effective than children at-risk and children with developmental delays; Children at-risk received significantly higher coping ratings than did children with developmental delays. A significant main effect due to ethnicity and a developmental group by ethnicity interaction also emerged. Post hoc analyses suggested that ethnicity differences were-limited to the at-risk and developmentally delayed groups, Also, ethnicity differences in children within the at-risk group served as an informative source for understanding the developmental group by ethnicity interaction. These findings' contribution to the literature on socio-emotional competence, early childhood assessment, and prevention/intervention policies for young children are discussed.  相似文献   

智障儿童青少年的健康问题越来越被社会所关注.采用针对性的干预措施,提高智障儿童青少年基本运动技能,对于促进其体力、心理、认知发展及提升其社会参与度等具有重要意义.研究利用Web of Science、EBSCO、Pub Med等8个数据库,搜索了国内外1990-2020年间发表的有关智障儿童青少年基本运动技能干预的文献...  相似文献   

开展技能竞赛引发的若干思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从参与、组织、策划职业学校学生技能竞赛的角度出发,阐述技能竞赛与技能教学之间的关系,围绕专业的外延发展与内涵完善为主题,在行政决策、学校管理、教师素质三个层面上加以论述.  相似文献   

2013年5月12~13日,由北京师范大学教育学部与北京师范大学流动儿童教育问题研究中心共同举办的"第二届流动儿童学前教育发展论坛"在北京师范大学英东学术会堂举行.本次论坛以"守护童年幸福,行动带来改变"为主题,聚焦流动儿童的学前教育问题,近400位参会代表就以下问题进行了深入探讨.  相似文献   

幼儿礼仪启蒙教育的探索   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
幼儿礼仪指幼儿在幼儿园、家庭、社会活动中所必须遵守的一些简单的行为规范。幼儿礼仪教育应是人之初的“必修课”。 一、实施幼儿礼仪启蒙教育的必要性 国内外的不少研究表明:在个体的发展中,某些行为的习得有一个关键期,期间,个体处在一种积极的准备和接受状态,如果给予必要的刺激和帮助,某种行为能力就会迅速发展起来,并产  相似文献   

Research Findings: Given the growing literature pertaining to the importance of fine motor skills for later academic achievement (D. W. Grissmer, K. J. Grimm, S. M. Aiyer, W. M. Murrah, &; J. S. Steele, 2010 Grissmer , D. W. , Grimm , K. J. , Aiyer , S. M. , Murrah , W. M. , &; Steele , J. S. ( 2010 ). Fine motor skills and early comprehension of the world: Two new school readiness indicators . Developmental Psychology , 46 , 10081017 .[Crossref], [PubMed], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]), the current study examines whether the fine motor skills of economically disadvantaged preschool students predict later academic performance in 2nd grade. More specifically, we expand on the current literature and evaluate whether 2 types of fine motor skills—fine motor object manipulation and fine motor writing—predict academic achievement above and beyond the effects of demographic characteristics and early language and cognition skills. Results indicate that performance on both fine motor writing and object manipulation tasks had significant effects on 2nd-grade reading and math achievement, as measured by grades and standardized test scores. Stronger effects were yielded for writing tasks compared to object manipulation tasks. Practice or Policy: Implications for researchers and early childhood practitioners are discussed.  相似文献   

An exploratory study of the efficacy of The Word Within the Word tested students’ abilities to recognize, use, and recall vocabulary. Ten middle school teachers and their 493 students participated. Five teachers used The Word Within the Word, and five used traditional vocabulary materials. Students completed an out-of-level sentence completion test and a test of prompted vocabulary recall. Analysis of sentence completion data revealed significant differences with moderate effect sizes, favoring students in The Word Within the Word sixth- and seventh-grade classes. Analysis of prompted vocabulary recall data revealed significant differences with moderate to large effect sizes at all grade levels, favoring The Word Within the Word classes. Results suggest that in this case, both gifted and typically developing students in classrooms using The Word Within the Word were more skilled in vocabulary recognition, use, and recall than students in classrooms using traditional methods of vocabulary instruction.  相似文献   

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