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This article addresses the transition of young children from preschool programs that provide special education services to kindergarten or alternative elementary school placements. The roles of the child, family, and service providers in transition preparation, planning, implementation, and evaluation are described. Successful transitions include assessments of children's skills in meeting the demands of kindergarten programs, teaching these skills to children, and actively encouraging parent participation in plans and programs. Barriers to successful transitions include lack of time and funding to coordinate both parent activities and between-school arrangements. A critical area for future research is the long-term evaluation of the procedures described as "best practice," as well as the definition of what constitutes a successful transition.  相似文献   

The present study is a longitudinal examination of family-school communication in preschool and kindergarten. Preschool and kindergarten teachers and family workers of 75 children from families with low SES logged the frequency and characteristics of family-school communication, resulting in over 22,000 contacts. Data were collected during a period of implementation of an intervention designed to enhance relationships upon the transition to school. Family demographic information and information about family support for academics at home were assessed through parent interviews and children's behavior problems were measured through teacher questionnaires in preschool and kindergarten. Familyteacher communication decreased between preschool and kindergarten and there was a shift from shorter to longer types of communication between the two years. Communication differed as a function of program. Counter to expectation, few family factors and experiences predicted frequency of family-school communication, and more frequent communication in preschool was unrelated to more frequent communication in kindergarten. Findings have several implications for practice. Families experience a great decrease in communication between preschool and kindergarten and interventions designed to ease the transition to kindergarten need to either ameliorate the decrease or acknowledge its existence to prepare families. Otherwise, this contrast may be interpreted negatively. Given that our findings show no relation between a family's communication in preschool and kindergarten, it appears that it is not enough to support communication in preschool to ensure frequent communication in kindergarten.  相似文献   

当前我国学前教育政策出现不同程度的执行偏差,究其原因主要是学前教育政策体系不完善,政策执行主体专业性不足,科学地政策执行评估体系缺失,政策执行方案制定随意化,支持性政策执行环境缺失等。为提升学前教育政策执行效能,我国学前教育政策执行应当着力提升政策执行人员的专业素质,合理确定学前教育政策执行目标,有效配置学前教育政策执行资源,加强政策执行管理的科学性与规范性,提高执行主体及目标群体对政策的认同度,合理有效解决学前教育政策执行过程中的各方利益冲突。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine teachers’ perceptions and concerns about the implementation of the preschool curriculum developed over 10 years (2005–2015). This paper reports findings from an interpretive case study design in four preschool settings in Tanzania with 12 teachers and 8 parent participants. Data were generated using interviews and documentation. The research focus was on how teachers have implemented the 2005 preschool curriculum. The findings indicate that the implementation of the curriculum was problematic due to teachers’ lack of knowledge of a child-centred pedagogy. In addition there were no teachers qualified to work with young children, overcrowded classrooms, poor teaching and learning environments, and insufficient teaching and learning materials and facilities. This study recommends that to improve the current situation and attain quality provision of early education, teachers need to develop their professional knowledge through in-service training. The government policy planners need to provide initial teacher education, professional development, and conducive teaching and learning environments with available resources for effective teaching and learning practices.  相似文献   

The present study is a longitudinal examination of family-school communication in preschool and kindergarten. Preschool and kindergarten teachers and family workers of 75 children from families with low SES logged the frequency and characteristics of family-school communication, resulting in over 22,000 contacts. Data were collected during a period of implementation of an intervention designed to enhance relationships upon the transition to school. Family demographic information and information about family support for academics at home were assessed through parent interviews and children's behavior problems were measured through teacher questionnaires in preschool and kindergarten. Familyteacher communication decreased between preschool and kindergarten and there was a shift from shorter to longer types of communication between the two years. Communication differed as a function of program. Counter to expectation, few family factors and experiences predicted frequency of family-school communication, and more frequent communication in preschool was unrelated to more frequent communication in kindergarten. Findings have several implications for practice. Families experience a great decrease in communication between preschool and kindergarten and interventions designed to ease the transition to kindergarten need to either ameliorate the decrease or acknowledge its existence to prepare families. Otherwise, this contrast may be interpreted negatively. Given that our findings show no relation between a family's communication in preschool and kindergarten, it appears that it is not enough to support communication in preschool to ensure frequent communication in kindergarten.  相似文献   

家庭感恩教育是一种以德报德的道德教育,更是一种以情动情的情感教育。由于家庭教育的襁褓式理念,家长重智轻德的教育方式以及网络的冲击等因素造成了家庭中孩子感恩意识和感恩行为的缺失,因此有必要采取各种措施,对孩子实施感恩教育。  相似文献   

受教育权是学前儿童应享有的一项基本权利,其保障有赖于家庭、政府和社会的共同努力。家庭是学前儿童受教育权保障的原生性责任主体,应为学前儿童创设适宜的成长环境,并进行教育启蒙。政府是学前儿童受教育权保障的次生性责任主体,应加强制度建设以确保学前儿童的受教育权,并提供充分且优质的教育供给。社会是学前儿童受教育权保障的补充性责任主体,应为学前儿童提供多样化的教育选择,并为其学习与成长创设良好的外部环境。  相似文献   

近年来,中央和地方政府一系列幼儿教育发展计划的颁布与实施虽在一定程度上扩大了男幼师的规模,但由于工资待遇微薄、传统观念束缚、自我价值实现机会缺乏和人际关系处理困难等诸多原因,导致长期以来存在的男幼师“双失”现象未能得到根本好转。相对女幼师而言,男幼师具有市场需求大、性格特点优、知识结构全的职业优势。破解男幼师的“双失”现象与职业优势这一悖论,应从政府、社会、幼教机构和男幼师自身四方面整体着手。  相似文献   

家庭是社会的基本单位,家庭教育是促进儿童发展及社会和谐的重要保障,支持家庭教育是社会的必然选择。回顾新中国成立70年来历程,学前儿童家庭教育的社会支持从为促进社会生产而支持家庭,到逐步关注家庭教育现状,再到注重提升家庭教育质量,最终形成了多方推进家庭教育的社会支持体系。70年的发展过程中,学前儿童家庭教育的社会支持主体逐渐多元化,支持内容日益丰富化,支持方式不断多样化,但仍存在不足。新时代背景下,学前儿童家庭教育社会支持的发展,需要政府发挥主导作用,完善家庭教育公共服务;幼儿园密切家园伙伴关系,增强对家庭教育指导能力;社区发挥多种资源优势,强化社区公共服务功能;社会力量积极支持家庭教育,丰富家庭教育社会服务。  相似文献   

从我国大众对学前教育资源的需求侧出发研判学前教育公共服务的供给现实,对于厘清当前学前教育资源的需求层次、提升学前教育公共服务供给质量具有关键意义。学前教育公共服务的目标应把握保基本和求发展的需求逻辑,从基本需求、差额需求和超额需求三个层次出发构建学前教育公共服务供给的差序格局。在明晰学前教育公共服务供给现实问题的基础上,提供公共性和共享性的普及化基本公共服务、公益性和分享性的普惠化补充性公共服务、私益性和独享性的个性化非公共服务,保证学前教育公共服务供给的可实现性和可获得性。对学前教育公共服务供给机制的设计探索,需积极构建责任共担与收益共享的供给制度,保证经费供给的可行性和可持续性,从参与主体、服务供给、成本分担、人员管理、监督管理五个维度设计供给路径。  相似文献   

This article reviews the Tenth Annual Report to Congress on the Implementation of The Education of the Handicapped Act (EHA), covering the 1986-1987 school year. In addition to reporting the current status of services (i.e., numbers of students served, their placement, resources allocated and needed for their support), the report also discusses and cites data pertinent to (a) transition from secondary education; (b) state and federal efforts anticipating full implementation of preschool special education services under Public Law 99-457; and (c) the classification of students with learning disabilities. Some directions for research on special education at a national level are suggested.  相似文献   

政府购买学前教育服务作为实现公益普惠性学前教育发展目标的重要举措,成为当前研究的热点问题。运用信息可视化软件CiteSpace对我国2010—2021年间发表的170篇政府购买学前教育服务的相关文献进行分析可知,当前政府购买学前教育服务的研究热点聚焦在购买动因、购买对象、购买方式、购买内容、购买成效、购买问题及对策研究等几个方面,其研究大致经历了初步探索、转型适应和深化拓展三个阶段。鉴于此,提出该领域的未来展望:完善制度设计,理论联系实践;构建教育监测体系,注重过程质量监管;重视农村学前教育建设,统筹城乡均衡发展。  相似文献   

自20世纪50年代以来,学前教育的重要性日益突出,美国联邦政府陆续颁布了一系列涉及或专门有关学前教育的法案以保障学前教育事业的发展.本文从相关法案的立法宗旨、资金投入和实施方案三方面着手,分析美国的立法特点,结合我国当前学前教育发展存在的问题来探讨如何借鉴美国的经验.  相似文献   

Consumer satisfaction with the delivery of preschool speech‐language services in a sparsely populated rural region of Canada was investigated. A 22‐item questionnaire was developed to evaluate parent satisfaction for seven targeted service themes. Of the 152 parents identified for study, 79 (52%) completed and returned the questionnaire. Although results indicated generally positive levels of parent satisfaction for the services provided significant differences emerged for four service themes: intervention format, parent support, parent satisfaction, and service convenience. Similar patterns were found for two service themes (i.e., intervention format and parent support), when parent responses were sub‐categorised and analysed according to children's preschool program outcome (i.e., goals reached versus transferred to school). The speech‐language service themes rated the highest by parents included referral process, assessment process, and parent intervention. Parent evaluations were less supportive for three additional service themes: service convenience, parent support, and overall parent satisfaction. Intervention format received the lowest parent rating. The results are suggestive of ways in which the speech‐language service may be enhanced to achieve greater levels of consumer satisfaction.  相似文献   

Conclusion In summary, this article has emphasized the stressful effect of a handicapped child on the family. The effect of the family on the child's achievement is emphasized as many handicapped children would not become disabled or their disability lessened by appropriate parental behavior. Because of the importance of the family as a teaching environment, for the preschool child in particular, three home-oriented programs are out-lined as possible models that others might find useful. These programs attempt to capitalize on the mother's continued contact with the child and her ability to supply a one-to-one teaching arrangement during the time when the child is most susceptible to change. Such programs also increase mother-child communication and enhance her sense of having some control over the child's development, and her self-image as a competent parent, in addition to making the parents aware of community resources and fostering contact with appropriate services. These parent programs for handicapped children should not be seen as a substitute for other child-oriented preschool programs but as part of a co-ordinated approach to the education of the preschool handicapped child.
Benachteiligte Kinder Und Benachteiligte Familien

Enfants Handicapes Et Familles handicapees

为深化教师教育改革,教育部发布了《教师教育课程标准(试行)》。而成功地实施高期望的标准,必然需要一种系统的标准驱动的教师教育改革,从而确保高校教师教育机构培养出来的教师的合格性和专业性。文章对基于标准的职前幼儿师资培养特征与实施模式进行了分析,并对我国教师教育标准体系的建立完善、我国早期儿童学习与发展标准与幼儿教师教育等相关问题作了进一步思考。  相似文献   

This study examined the impact of parent education meetings on preschool parents' knowledge of child abuse. One hundred sixteen parents participated in the study. Parents were selected from seven preschool sites across California. Parent education appeared to have little effect upon (1) parents' knowledge of the prevalence of child sexual abuse, (2) indicators of abuse, or (3) parents' appropriate response to disclosures. Results from the parent data show the negligible effect of parent education as it is presently delivered. Few parents attend the meetings, and those who do learn very little.  相似文献   

以"公益性"为核心特征的美国州立学前教育项目自20世纪90年代以来发展迅速,投资不断增加,覆盖面持续扩大,为众多处境不利幼儿提供了灵活多样、高质量的学前教育服务。但是,它也存在着发展不均衡、服务内容相对单一等问题,教育质量保障仍然面临挑战。其实践成果对我国当前发展学前教育事业具有启发意义。  相似文献   

社区学前教育在现代社会中发挥着越来越重要的作用。然而,目前社区学前教育存在诸多问题,即资源利用率低,社区学前教育区域发展不平衡,亲子教育机构、教育基地少,社区教育经费不足等。鉴于此,必须以地方政府为主导,多渠道解决经费问题;积极探索社区幼儿园资源共用途径;建立健全社区学前教育政策和地方法规,从而保证社区学前教育的实施。  相似文献   

趣味体育教学模式为培养学生个性,促进学生全面成长成才搭建了平台,对于重构高职体育教学体系,提高学生的素质和能力有着重要的现实意义。通过在辽宁石化职业技术学院作趣味体育和常规体育对比实验,结果显示:在高职院校实施趣味体育教学模式受到学生普遍欢迎;不同的体育教学模式对学生素质和能力拓展与提高的作用有较大差异,总体上讲,趣味体育教学比常规体育教学效果好。  相似文献   

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