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Teaching Language as Communication   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The purpose of English Language teaching is “communication”.So the enphasis of foreign language teaching is to develop students‘ability of communication.  相似文献   

What do we teach English for? For Language itself? Definitely not. Language is a means of communication. So it is no good teaching English all about its grammar rules and long lists of words without using it in real communication. Very often we have many students,who bave studied English for 6—10 years and acquired a vocabulary of thousands of individual words and a good mastery of hundreds of grammar rules but can not use them as a means of communication.  相似文献   

There are many potential problems in intercultural communications. Politeness principle is very important in helping improving intercultural communications. But different cultures have various standard of politeness principle. This essay discusses the very different points of view on politeness principle between Chinese people and westerners, and studies how the context and settings affect the practice of politeness principle. At the ending of the essay, the guiding significance of politeness principle is pointed out. And it also points out seeking common understanding of various cultures. In some aspects, this paper is useful for effective intercultural communications.  相似文献   

We learn English in order to communicate and simetimes,we meetdifficulty in expressing ourselves,because our linguistic repertoireis lacking.  相似文献   

周宇岚 《双语学习》2007,(10M):138-138,140
There are many potential problems in intercultural communications. Politeness principle is very important in helping improving intercultural communications. But different cultures have various standard of politeness principle. This essay discusses the very different points of view on politeness principle between Chinese people and westerners, and studies how the context and settings affect the practice of politeness principle. At the ending of the essay, the guiding significance of politeness principle is pointed out. And it also points out seeking common understanding of various cultures. In some aspects, this paper is useful for effective intercultural communications.  相似文献   

Introduction This article is a discussion of seating arrangement in view of communicative teaching ofEnglish for 2--year English majors in a teachers' college. The attempt is to reform the tradi-tional (still commonly existing) frame of classroom seating so as to establish a more flexibleand learner-centred seating arrangement where more collective and effective learning can be  相似文献   

Students’ Classroom Communication Effectiveness   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Instructional communication research has frequently examined effective teacher communication, but has ignored effective student communication. This study draws on the transactional model of communication to hypothesize that students who are effective communicators will be more successful in the classroom. Participants reported their level of interaction involvement, socio-communicative orientation, and out-of-class communication in regard to a specific class. Additionally, participants reported recently received grades, their level of state motivation to study, affective learning, performance of learning indicators, and satisfaction with instructor communication. Overall, students’ communication effectiveness was positively associated with positive learning outcomes.  相似文献   

1 Brief introduction of pragmatic principles and pragmatic failure1.1 Pragmatic principlesLeec[1]suggeststhatthe semantics/pragm aticsdis-tinction can be equated,atleastin part,with the dis-tinction betw een‘sentence-meaning’and‘speak-er-meaning’,a definition which unfortunately ob-scures the fact that there are several levels of speaker meaning.This point has been well made and exten-sively discussed by Jenny Thom[2].Thom asarguesthatw hile the range of possible senses and references of …  相似文献   

Ⅰ  Communicationisnotanobjectwecanholdinourhand -itisanactivityinwhichweparticipate (Pearson ,1991) .Communi cationisusuallydevidedintotwoprimarycategories :verbalandnonverbal(Brooks ,1974 )intermsofitselements.Verbalcommu nication(VC)meanscommunicationwithlanguag…  相似文献   

黄冰 《海外英语》2014,(17):199-200
This paper discusses firstly the main differences between men’s and women’s speech in everyday communication among English native speakers,and then analyses the effects on inter-gender communication. It reduces English learners in China barriers when they communicate with English native speakers in different situations and gives domestic English teachers some enlightenment when they foster students’ communication competence.  相似文献   

Liaoning University of Petroleum and Chemical Technology Yumei Gu。  相似文献   

Youspeak,writealetter,makeatelephonecall.Yourwordscarryamessage.Peoplecommunicate(交流)withwords.Butdoyouthinkyoucancommunicatewithoutwords?Asmileonyourfaceshowsyouarehappyorfriendly.Tearsinyoureyestellthatyouaresad.Whenyouraiseyourhandinclass,theteacherknowsyouwanttosaysomethingoraskaquestion.Youshakeyourhead,andpeopleknowyouaresaying“no”.Younod(点头)andpeo-pleknowyouaresaying“yes”.Otherthingscanalsocarrymessage.Forexample,asign(招牌)atthebusstophelpsyoutoknowwhic…  相似文献   

1 .Brief Introduetion to Nonverbalo川lmunica·tion 1 .11头三finition of Ilollverbala妞1卫11unication Simply put,~erbal~城catlonen以)Inpass-es everythi眼that we Conlnlunieate to others侧thoutusing words,or oonlnlunicate州thout words.Thereare a lot of definitions for nonverbal conlnlunication.Judee Burg(均n an(ISa恤e state that~erbal~-eation 15 the qualities or behaviors kll(〕wll to all inaCOlllnlunity雨tllout the use of words,and that suehqualities or behavi犯are intentionally or thol,ght …  相似文献   

The role that family communication patterns (FCPs), sex, and Facebook® use play in young adults' decisions to “friend” their parents on Facebook was examined, as well as whether students who friend parents adjust their privacy settings. Results from an online survey of college students (N = 189) indicated that young adults who friend their parents are more likely to be female and report higher conversation FCPs than those who do not friend their parents. In addition, young adults who adjust privacy settings after friending parents (25.3%) update their profiles more often and report lower conversation and higher conformity FCPs than young adults who do not adjust privacy settings.  相似文献   

①The world today is characterized by a growing number of contacts which results in communication between people with different cultural background .This communication takes place because of contacts within the areas of business, military cooperation, science, education, massmedia, entertainment, tourism and etc. ②In all these contacts, communication needs to be as constructive as possible, without misunderstandings and breakdowns. It is our belief that research on'the nature of cultural differences here can play a positive and constrcitve role.③I wanted to convey a deeper message: "No culture is inferior to another and human civilization is the combination of all cultures,Thus,communication, mutual understanding and tolerance are conducive to the development of peace and harmony."  相似文献   

本文以美国文化为主要背景,从体态语(Bodylanguage)的角度,论述非语言在跨文化交际中的使用特点和作用。此文将从身体的动作姿态,丰实多变的面部表情.微妙微俏的眼神变化、空间尺度的把握等几个方面进行论述。  相似文献   

There is nothing new about the use of audio and visual aids to communication. Speech and gesture and demonstration are the oldest forms; drawings very early ones, developing to hieroglyphics and ultimately to alphabets and written language. What is new is the multiplicity of media. The invention of papyrus was perhaps the earliest important fillip to mass communication—the drawings on walls were of fixed location, and clay tablets not exactly easy to transport. Then the invention of movable types with paper and printing presses made possible the vast movement of ideas leading to the ‘New Learning’ and the Renaissance in the West. Visual development was slower: drawings had to be laboriously engraved on wood or metal, in order to be reproduced by letter-press printing. This lasted until after the middle of the 19th Century. Then the tempo quickened; the inventions of photography, photo-etching, lithography, kinematography followed one another in fairly rapid succession and with the enormous improvements in the speed of printing presses, mass media in the form of newspapers, illustrated magazines, books, illustrated or otherwise, poured from the presses.  相似文献   

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