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Practice or Policy: Continuity of care (COC) has many benefits for young children's development but is not the norm in infant/toddler classrooms. As a consequence, policymakers might not realize how such an approach might also benefit the professional development of infant and toddler teachers, particularly if they come to the field with little formal training. Although the supports and policies available to military child development centers may not be possible to implement at present in much of the civilian sector, this study suggests that their potential benefit for infant/toddler teachers' learning and practice may be worthy of further inquiry. Research Findings: This study shares the results of an exploratory study of the benefits of COC, professional community, and the larger policy context for staff working in a military child development center serving children aged 0 to 2. COC-related professional development also seems to enhance professional community, which along with the policy context is viewed as an essential aspect of improving teacher learning and practice in the K–12 literature.  相似文献   

在促进婴幼儿早期发展的过程中,"教"与"养"两种抚育行为构成了一对重要的关系,直接关系到婴幼儿身体发育和心理发展之间的相辅相成.早期的身心相依,决定了教与养合一,养的过程客观上渗透了教,但却是一个"无意教"的过程.处理教与养的关系,就是要使无意的教变为自觉的教,而不是刻意的教,是以养融教.  相似文献   

Research Findings: There is a growing need for accurate and efficient measures of classroom quality in early childhood education and care (ECEC) settings. Observational measures are costly, as their administration generally takes 3–5 hr per classroom. This article outlines the process of development and preliminary concurrent validity testing of the Assessment for Quality Improvement (AQI), a new measure of global quality. The AQI is a classroom-level measure of structural and process quality. It consists of 24 items on a 5-point scale designed for use in ECEC infant and toddler classrooms. At between 60 and 90 min per room, the AQI is a relatively efficient measure. Item response theory modeling was used to ensure logical and coherent ordering of subitems. Exploratory factor analysis supported the use of the AQI total score and the Interactions section as a stand-alone measure. Correlations between the Infant and Toddler versions of the AQI and the Infant/Toddler Environment Rating Scale–Revised were moderate, providing preliminary support for the concurrent validity of both versions. Practice or Policy: Our results suggest that the AQI is a promising, efficient measure of global quality in infant and toddler ECEC environments. This may be especially relevant for Quality Rating and Improvement Systems, for which the observational component is a major cost driver.  相似文献   

文章从本体论、认识论、价值论角度对教师发展进行了反思,帮助人们提高对教师发展本质的认识,拓宽教师发展方式、模式等多样化的探索,揭示教师发展方式、模式后所隐藏的价值观,从而帮助决策者提高教师发展的效果。  相似文献   

This article summarizes a reformulation of the main findings and perspectives from a cross-sectional and longitudinal qualitative study of the development of 100 counselors and therapists. The results are presented as a phase model and as a formulation of 14 themes of counselor/therapist development. The following six phases are described: The phases of the lay helper, the beginning student, the advanced student, the novice professional, the experienced professional, and the senior professional. The themes describe central processes of counselor/therapist development. The themes are addressing different issues such as shifts in attentional focus and emotional functioning, the importance of continuous reflection for professional growth, and a life-long personal/profession integration process. Sources of influence for professional functioning and development are described. The results show consistently that interpersonal experiences in the personal life domain (early family life and adult personal life) and the professional life domain (interacting with clients, professional elders, and peers) are significant sources of influence for professional development.  相似文献   

社会转型产生的乡村治理困境近些年成为各学术研究的热点且居高不下,中央文件屡次将乡村振兴战略置于"三农"改革的重中之重,但仍然产生了诸如治理主体缺位、共同体解构、乡村空心和核心资源配置不均等问题。社会工作能助推乡村振兴战略的落地,在于其专业价值和服务方法等具有亲民属性;因此社会工作在农村的实务路径应该紧密围绕乡村中的"人",从政策、文化技术等角度促进人的主体性、自信心和本土认同,并形成互助网络,使其更有"能力"从而实现真正"自助"。  相似文献   

This article describes preschool teachers' espoused mental models (EMMs) or, in other words, their naïve understanding of young children's learning. Our research goal was to examine differences within the teachers' EMMs regarding the minds and learning of young children from different cultural backgrounds. The subjects included 18 preschool teachers from the center of Israel, all of whom belonged to the mainstream cultural background and taught in the national school system. Their classes consisted of 5- to 6-year-old children from the mainstream cultural group as well as children from Ethiopian immigrant families. We conducted individual semistructured interviews that were transcribed and analyzed to identify the original EMM structure. While analyzing the parts of the narratives that referred to Ethiopian children, we discovered a metacategory that did not exist in the original model: Culture. This finding contributes to the construct of espoused mental models for teachers of children from diverse populations.  相似文献   

In this article, personnel evaluation is reconceptualized in terms of coteaching, an epistemology and methodology for teaching and learning to teach that is grounded in the collective (societal) motivation of preparing the next generation of citizens. Coteaching engages all participants (teachers, student teachers, supervisors, evaluators, and researchers) in the effort of helping students to learn. Central to coteaching are cogenerative learning sessions in which those who share a classroom experience (teachers and students) collectively construct local theory with the intent of improving the learning of students. Because our studies have been conducted in urban schools, in which often the least qualified teachers end up teaching, our work is particularly relevant to improving teaching in these most needy contexts.  相似文献   

The need for nurses to participate in continuing professional development (CPD) is growing to keep abreast of rapid changes in nursing care. Concurrently, the nursing workforce is growing older. Ageing leads to changes in biological, psychological, and social functioning. Little is known about the effects of age-related changes on nurses’ CPD. A literature review was conducted to examine whether and how CPD differs across age groups. A framework with five perspectives on age was used in an attempt to distinguish factors contributing to these age differences. Given the limited research on this topic with respect to nurses, we also included studies of workers in general. The literature search revealed 27 relevant studies. In general, older workers appeared less likely to participate in CPD, when considering formal learning activities and late-career workers (older than 50/55 years). We found no clear age patterns for motivation to participate in CPD, for learning outcomes, and for participation in informal and non-formal learning activities. The study showed that more nuanced results are found when studies distinguish at least three age groups. By using different perspectives of age, a comprehensive overview of age-related factors in CPD was generated and gaps in current research were identified. Recommendations for further research are discussed, such as the need for research on whether the types of learning activities that nurses undertake change with ageing.  相似文献   

在我国民间资本规模庞大,民间资本借贷活动比较活跃,同时也出现一些亟需解决的问题。文章从我国当前民间资本借贷活动现状入手,剖析了存在的主要问题,提出了适应社会主义市场经济发展要求,促进民间资本借贷活动健康发展的思考和建议。  相似文献   

文章从多元视角阐释了数字化的童年具有时代发展的趋向性、人技相依的互映性和系统嵌套的生态性等特征,并基于此探讨了数字化的童年存在童年生活质量差距拉大、童年技术生态失衡且缺乏治理等问题。建议在宏观层面上,建构新技术教育文化蓝图;微中观层面上,家园齐力营造良好的数字技术教育环境;个体层面上,支持儿童积极构建丰富精彩的数字生活。  相似文献   

民工荒对我国经济社会的影响及政策建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
这次民工荒发生在国际金融危机的后期,我国经济实体正是需要大量劳动力振兴发展的时刻,同时,我国正处于工业化、城镇化加速发展的关键时期,民工荒无疑会对我国的经济社会及未来发展产生深刻的影响.为应对民工荒,结合我国实际,提出了一些应对措施.  相似文献   


This paper is intended as a contribution towards understanding recent developments in government policy for teacher education by providing an account of the dilemmas and issues the authors are encountering in the course of developing practice in three key areas in the education of teaching. These are: the implementation of school‐based forms of initial teacher education in partnership with schools; the development of higher education involvement in and responsibility for teachers’ professional development in their first year of teaching; the development of profiles of competence by which to evaluate and assess the progress of beginning teachers. Opportunities for the creation of coherent, principled progression in the early years of teaching are identified, as are sources of confusion and tension in current policy changes.  相似文献   

促进教师专业发展是基础教育优质均衡发展的必要条件,"大学区管理制"的实施,为教师专业发展和教育质量的提高提供了一个很好的平台。通过名校名师的引领带动,学区内教师之间不断深化合作共生机制,优质师资力量不断增强,有效促进区域内基础教育优质均衡发展。  相似文献   

在教育生活史视野下,全科教师专业成长显现了自我存在别样的意义与价值。当前,受多种主客观因素影响,我国全科教师的专业成长举步维艰,主要存在着教师专业自我的缺失、学校管理的缺陷、社会培训的偏差等三方面问题,只有整合教师、学校、社会三者之力,才能真正提高全科教师的整体素质,促进教师专业成长。  相似文献   

独立学院政策执行内化于中央政府逻辑、地方政府逻辑与独立学院逻辑的互动过程。不同的政策行动者处于不同的"制度场域",被"意义构建"的成分渗透着,往往会采用不同的态度、行为与方式对特定的政策加以"阐释"和"践行",形塑着独立学院政策执行的困境。建立合理的独立学院产权制度,推行多元化的"选择性激励"机制,建立立体的监控机制是走出独立学院政策执行困境的最优策略。  相似文献   

基于工作过程的高职机械制造工艺与装备课程的开发,其根据是机械制造行业对数控技术专业高技能人才能力的要求。高职院校在机械制造工艺与装备课程教学中,要开发出以真实工作项目为导向、以生产任务为驱动的教学模式,将理论知识对应地应用在解决生产实际问题之中,从而真正实现高职教学与就业岗位的零距离对接。  相似文献   

在现代社会中,新闻传播活动有一整套与其自身特点相适应的道德要求与规范。纵览我国新闻职业道德建设的历史轨迹,其特点有三:一是党和政府在新闻职业道德建设中发挥着积极的领导作用;二是新闻职业道德建设以行政治理为主要手段;三是新闻职业道德行为规范的政治性过强,职业特点不够鲜明。展望未来,目前可预见的重要变化也大致有三点:一是行政治理与行业自律并重,使行政治理与行业自律在新闻职业道德建设中形成和谐的互动关系;二是加强新闻职业道德的理性教育;三是借鉴各国新闻职业道德准则的合理成分,建立与国际接轨的中国新闻职业道德规范体系。  相似文献   

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