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Teaching young children to make picture books provides the opportunity to both record and to share personal experiences in a unique format. Two powerful modes of thought and expression, the linguistic and the visual, are naturally integrated in the process of picture bookmaking. The public recognition of picture bookmaking efforts empowers young children who are struggling to master the reading and writing processes as they gain an understanding of how text and image work together to tell the story. The increased self-confidence which comes from mastery of both bookmaking and illustrating techniques is beneficial for all children.  相似文献   

Quilts, with their bright colors, puzzle-like patterns and comforting touch, naturally appeal to children. Quilts may cover beds, blanket naps, or serve some other function in childrens homes, and the family context of quilts makes them appropriate for exploring diversity with young children in the classroom. A rich and extensive collection of quilt-centered picture books is available that explores cultural, intergenerational and social awareness themes through engaging text and captivating illustrations. Quilts and quilt-themed picture books are useful additions to an early childhood environment that explores, celebrates and integrates diversity in the daily life of the young child.  相似文献   

格式塔心理学主张任何形状或形式绝不是各个部分的简单相加,而是经过主体知觉活动重新加以建构使之完形的结果.格式塔心理学这种标举整体,弘扬接受主体性的意蕴,对儿童文学图画书的阅读有较大的启示.图画书的阅读既可以是一种整体性阅读,又可以是一种闭合性阅读,同时还可以是一种同构性阅读.这样的阅读诠释了图画书带给我们乐趣的真谛.  相似文献   

图文并茂、直观形象的图画书是学前儿童早期阅读最好的读物,是幼儿人生中的第一本书。图画书阅读能激发幼儿阅读兴趣,培养良好的阅读习惯和自觉的阅读态度;可以有效地帮助学前儿童积累和发展早期阅读应获得的"前阅读"、"前识字"、"前书写"三方面的关键经验。图画书是学前儿童早期阅读最重要的载体,选择好的图画书对儿童阅读意义重大。  相似文献   

论图画书阅读与儿童发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
图画故事书对儿童的终生发展起着非常重要的作用。越来越多的老师和家长开始关注这一神奇的发展领域.而在这其中走出思想认识的误区,采取正确合理的教育引导方法,实现幼儿与图画书的交流与对话,无疑具有举足轻重的地位。  相似文献   

绘本的图画形式多样,风格各异,被认为是儿童的艺术博物馆。许多学龄前儿童通过绘本第一次接触到经典艺术作品,绘本可以在学龄前儿童美术教育中发挥重要作用。从技法层面讲,绘本引导学龄前儿童掌握绘画的媒介、技法和原则;从鉴赏层面讲,绘本给孩子提供了一个理解艺术作品的切入点。绘本消解了艺术的神秘色彩,帮助孩子将自己和美术经典作品联系在一起,从而理解艺术的语言和结构;从美育层面讲,绘本以游戏的形式,帮助儿童感性和理性获得均衡发展,建立完美和谐的人格。  相似文献   

This article discusses the use of nonfiction as a powerful antecedent for success in the types of reading required later on in the intermediate grades. Recent trends in informational (nonfiction) books, values of bringing together young children, and informational books and criteria for selecting high quality informational books are identified. Several question types are highlighted and incorporated into three strategies for bringing together young children, informational books, and questions. Also, a bibliography of high quality informational books is provided.  相似文献   

Many at-risk children do not experience lap reading to the degree their more advantaged peers do. To investigate the effects lap reading might have on such children, three families with at-risk children were taught lap reading techniques and were provided with books for lap reading over a 12- to 16-week period. Changes in the children's behavior included choosing books and reading as free-time activities, developing positive attitudes toward books, and persisting in attending to books in the face of other activity choices. Additional outcomes included an increase in higher level questions asked by the children, some improvement in their oral language, and an increase in literacy-specific knowledge. Lap reading is recommended as a tool for parents to increase instructional motivation for their at-risk children.  相似文献   

目前,英文绘本在我国幼儿教育中掀起了一股热潮。本文以受欢迎程度较高的英文绘本《Peppa Pig》为例,借助全语言教学理论,分析英文绘本的特色,明确英语绘本教学的意义,发挥英语绘本对幼儿启蒙英语的促进作用。  相似文献   

In today’s global age, it is important for young students to develop multiple perspectives. Some of the standards that today’s teachers are required to adhere to include an understanding of different cultures. The National Council for the Social Studies, for example, indicates that teachers should provide instruction that complies with various thematic standards which include teaching about global connections and cultural diversity. To encourage young students to develop multiple perspectives, teachers need to pay attention not only to how they teach, but also to what they teach. Educators can guide students to develop cross-cultural understanding at an early age by using well-written picture book biographies which represent people from diverse backgrounds. This article explains what multiple perspectives are and offers resources and strategies for educators that will help young students develop an understanding of the frames of reference that different groups of people hold. It also emphasizes the importance of developing multiple viewpoints at a young age.  相似文献   

在《3-6岁儿童学习与发展指南》对幼儿的阅读提出具体目标和指导建议的背景下,绘本是最适合幼儿阅读的图书。然而农村幼儿的绘本阅读并不乐观。本文在分析农村幼儿绘本阅读现状的基础上,阐述了绘本阅读的重要意义,并提出一些建设思路,以期引起人们对农村留守儿童绘本阅读的关注和重视。  相似文献   

对幼儿进行优秀的中国传统文化教育,是幼儿教育的一大重要课题。把中国传统文化融入到幼儿图画书的创作中去,为幼儿提供大量的有中国特色和中国元素的图画书,充分利用"图画书"这一特殊的文化载体,让幼儿在享受阅读的同时,重拾经典,回归传统,帮助幼儿形成初步的民族心理、民族意识,增强民族的认同感。  相似文献   

对幼儿进行优秀的中国传统文化教育,是幼儿教育的一大重要课题。把中国传统文化融入到幼儿图画书的创作中去,为幼儿提供大量的有中国特色和中国元素的图画书,充分利用"图画书"这一特殊的文化载体,让幼儿在享受阅读的同时,重拾经典,回归传统,帮助幼儿形成初步的民族心理、民族意识,增强民族的认同感。  相似文献   

图画书不是插图书,不是认字书,也不是语言教科书。图画书运用"图"和"文"两种媒介,为幼儿创造了独特的阅读世界。从生命教育的角度看,阅读图画书就是幼儿与图画书、与同伴、与老师展开对话,共同建构多元化意义,从而引领幼儿享受图画书所创造的感性世界、故事世界、幻想世界的乐趣的过程。让图画书走进幼儿的日常生活,需要以合作共享为轴心建立生态阅读圈,以经验整合为轴心建立阅读系统。如此,逐步使阅读成为幼儿的生活方式,图画书才能真正以润物细无声的方式惠泽幼儿的生命。  相似文献   

绘本阅读对幼儿的发展至关重要,而绘本阅读的指导以幼儿心理特点为基础,掌握其阅读心理是绘本阅读有效开展的前提。文章基于心理学视角,分析阅读活动中幼儿认知、情感、语言发展及阅读兴趣特点以及它们对绘本阅读指导的影响,并从教师观念、目标制定、绘本选材以及指导方法等层面提出指导策略:教师基于幼儿阅读心理建立科学的阅读指导观;阅读目标的设置应具针对性、全面性,关注其发展的整体性及差异性;绘本材料需题材丰富,关注幼儿情感需要,并遵循其发展特点;指导方法应具年龄针对性,巧妙运用游戏法和图文对照法。  相似文献   

绘本以其独特的性质与特点日益成为幼儿获得新知的载体.本研究采用行动研究范式,探索利用情绪主题绘本促进幼儿情绪能力发展的教学模式,发现采用绘本阅读与互动讨论、绘画、表演、阅读分享与情绪日记等不同教学形式相结合的感悟体验式教学能够充分发挥情绪主题绘本的情绪教育价值,促进幼儿情绪健康和谐发展.  相似文献   

为发掘有价值的包含数学核心概念的图画书,促进其更好地融入幼儿教育实践,采用内容分析法和文本分析法,对30本图画书进行分析:一方面,分析图画书中隐含的具体数学核心概念,梳理每一本图画书涉及的数学领域分布情况;另一方面,从故事、画面、文字三方面分析图画书中数学核心概念的呈现特点,探讨其是否适宜应用于幼儿数学教学活动中。结果发现:图画书中包含"集合"、"数概念"、"数运算"、"模式"、"测量"、"空间关系"、"图形"这七个领域的具体数学核心概念,其中,涉及"数数的原则"这一核心概念的图画书最多,涉及"组合与分解"的次之,涉及"测量"的最少;每一本图画书包含一种或多种领域的数学核心概念;图画书中数学核心概念的呈现具有故事情境性、画面趣味性和概念传达性等特点,适合作为幼儿数学教育的媒介。最后对运用图画书进行数学教育提出相应建议。  相似文献   

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