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Population changes in the US have created new challenges for service providers responsible for screening, determining eligibility, and providing appropriate educational services to young English Language Learners (ELLs). Six focus groups (two each) with administrators, teachers, and parents were conducted in two different locations to investigate the referral, diagnostic evaluation, and placement of prekindergarten Latino children who are ELLs and their families. The purpose of this study was to: (a) identify effective practices that differentiate between cultural/linguistic differences and learning differences; (b) identify the gaps in the current special education services; and (c) make recommendations to reduce the disproportionate representation of young ELL children based on these data. The results revealed a number of factors contributing to the disproportionality of young ELL children in special services such as: inconsistent screening and evaluation methods; insufficient numbers of bilingual professionals and trained interpreters; communication barriers and contradictory procedures that undermine meaningful partnerships with parents of ELLs; the need for professional development on the purposes and administration procedures of screening and evaluation tools; and a need for policy and regulation changes pertaining to ELL children such as the timing of screenings and evaluations.  相似文献   

The purpose of this two‐phase study was to compare teacher and parent perspectives on some important issues concerning preschool mainstreaming or the integration of handicapped and nonhandicapped children. A questionnaire was used to gather data from preschool teachers in two types of federally funded mainstreamed preschools and from a sample of parents whose children attended mainstreamed preschools. Analyses indicated that there were no significant differences among teacher responses based on type of mainstreaming setting. There were some significant differences, however, between teacher and parent responses to questions concerning the value of preschool mainstreaming, the social interaction of the preschoolers, and parent involvement activities. Explanations of these differences are discussed together with implications for future research.  相似文献   

曾凡梅 《林区教学》2020,(7):104-107
采用自编《幼儿心理健康评定量表(CMHA-80)》和《农村学前儿童心理健康促进工程访谈问卷》,对农村1 100多名3—6岁儿童的心理健康状况进行评定,并对40多名园长进行访谈问卷。结果表明,农村3—6岁幼儿心理健康状况整体处于较好(中等偏上)水平,8%左右的幼儿可能有心理健康问题倾向,与访谈结果相吻合。幼儿突出心理问题依次为意志力、注意力、适应性、自我意识和性格五个方面。建议启动"农村学前儿童心理健康促进工程",坚持四项原则,健全体系、搭建平台,建立专业化心理健康服务队伍,推动学前儿童心理健康教育研究与实践,推动幼儿园教育"去小学化"和家庭教育指导常态化,推动专业的学前儿童心理诊断与治疗,维护幼儿教师心理健康,加强基础保障和督导评估。  相似文献   

学前儿童身心健康的和谐发展一直是我们比较重视的问题,因而为这对一个人的一生会产生很大的影响,尤其是心理卫生方面,许多儿童之所以出现种种精神方面的问题,大多是因先天自身的或后天环境的原因造成的,本文通过对此问题的分析提出一些必要的对策,旨在引起家长和幼儿教师对这一问题的关注。  相似文献   

This article describes the Parent Teacher Education Curriculum, a Web-based curriculum focused on instructing teachers about best practices in family involvement and assesses its impact on the knowledge and attitudes of preservice teachers related to family involvement. Pre- and post-measures of preservice teacher candidate knowledge of and attitude toward parent involvement were analyzed using multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) and paired-samples t-tests. Findings revealed a significant multivariate main effect for the time of knowledge assessment administration (pre vs. post): Wilks' λ = .613, F(6, 449) = 47.308, p < .001, partial eta squared = .387. This suggested that overall Knowledge increased significantly from pre- to post-administration. In addition, multivariate analysis for the time of attitude assessment administration (pre vs. post) was Wilks' λ = .982, F(3, 1548) = 9.65, p <. 001, partial eta squared = .018. This suggested that overall Attitude increased significantly from pre- to post-administration.  相似文献   

Single mothers' perspectives on selecting child care reflect their experiences of the significance of parent–teacher collaboration in a Head Start context. Mothers spoke of their motivations for selecting child care, their experiences of their relationships with Head Start teachers, and how their self-development and learning were enhanced by interactions with Head Start staff. Such collaboration has positive effects for their children, their development as parents, and their development as individuals. Implications of their perspectives for teacher best practices are drawn.  相似文献   

目前在我国高校大学生心理健康服务中存在的服务内涵分歧问题,实质上是两种不同的心理健康服务模式的争论,即大学生心理健康服务应该是提供专业服务还是将专业服务非专业化?是采取医疗取向还是采取社会取向?面对目前我国大学生心理健康服务专业资源极度短缺的困境和新校区建设带来的复杂发展情境,高校心理健康服务应该放弃单纯以专业为本、以疾病或同题治疗为焦点的医疗服务模式.采取以社区为本、强调正面能力发展的心理健康促进和以专业服务为本、以疾病为焦点的心理疾病预防并重的、新的心理健康服务模式.  相似文献   

万谊  何侃 《煤炭高等教育》2012,30(2):122-125
结合近十年我国特殊儿童心理健康教育研究成果与实践经验,用多元视角观察思考解决特殊儿童心理问题的方法与路径,并视心理健康教育模式为心理健康教育理论与实践相结合的规模化产物。在分析我国目前特殊儿童心理健康教育五种基本模式的基础上,探讨了特殊儿童心理健康教育模式多元整合的总体趋向。  相似文献   

在整合中发展——美国学校心理健康教育综合化趋势评析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
在20世纪80年代初期,美国的学校心理健康教育掀起了一股综合性服务热潮,在这股热潮的推动下,美国涌现了大量综合性服务的模式,文章分析了美国学校心理健康教育综合化的趋势及其多样化的模式。以期为我国的学校心理健康教育今后的发展提供一些借鉴和启示。  相似文献   

新起点项目(New Beginnings Program,NBP)是美国心理学家Wolchik等人为预防离异家庭儿童心理健康问题而编制的一套家长干预技术。NBP面向离异母亲,包括为期十周的团体培训及两次个别辅导。NBP课程的内容包括提高母亲与孩子的亲子关系质量,增强母亲管教孩子的有效性,增进父亲与孩子的接触与联系,减少父母冲突对孩子的影响,从而达到预防离异家庭儿童心理健康问题的目的。近年来我国离婚人数持续上升,离异家庭儿童的心理健康问题不容忽视。本文详细介绍了NBP的理论基础、发展过程、内容、形式等,收集了NBP的临床实验研究证据,并进一步讨论了如何将NBP引入中国家庭。  相似文献   

运用症状自评量表(SCL-90)和教师一般情况调查问卷,采取方便取样和整群取样的方法对延安市幼儿园一线245名教师进行了调查,延安市幼儿教师的心理健康水平整体好于全国普通人群;阳性项目检出率为11.02%,心理问题排前三位的依次是强迫、敌对和抑郁;民办园教师的心理健康水平好于公办园教师;无职称教师的心理健康水平整体上好于初级、中级和高级职称教师;中专学历教师的心理健康水平整体上好于大专学历和本科学历教师。建议建立独立的幼儿园教师职称评审制度,增强幼儿园教师个人的心理调试能力和切实提高幼儿园教师的工资水平,提高幼教质量。  相似文献   

采用SCL-90症状自评量表,对福州市6所幼儿园的151名幼儿教师进行测试,探讨幼儿教师心理健康状况,结果表明:心理健康水平显著低于全国成人常模;心理健康问题检出率排前三位的依次是强迫症状、抑郁、躯体化;公办园幼儿教师的心理健康状况差于民办园幼儿教师;不同学历、不同年龄、不同月收入的幼儿教师心理健康状况差别不显著;教龄高的幼儿教师心理健康状况差于教龄低的幼儿教师;对自己的收入越满意、对职业越喜欢、职业满意度越高、职业幸福感越高,则心理健康水平倾向于越高。  相似文献   

The development and validation of the 29‐item Understanding Mental Health Scale (UMHS) is described. This new questionnaire measures college students' understanding of mental health issues. The authors also identified significant demographic differences in students' understanding of mental health issues. A principal factor analysis revealed a 2‐factor solution. The dimensions were labeled Risk‐Factor Awareness and External Support Awareness. Findings suggest the UMHS demonstrates adequate reliability and validity. Implications for college counseling are discussed.  相似文献   

特殊家庭子女心理健康状况的调查分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
采用自编的中小学生心理健康状况测查问卷测查了526名特殊家庭和510名普通家庭的小学生和初中生。结果表明,特殊家庭子女的自我概念(2.20±0.49)最差,其次为学习认知问题(2.09±0.66)较多,再者是性格缺陷(2.03±0.54)和情绪问题(2.00±0.51)。特殊家庭子女在学习认知、人际适应、行为问题、情绪问题、性格缺陷、自我概念等各个方面以及总体心理健康状况均显著劣于普通家庭子女。不同类型特殊家庭子女的心理健康状况的比较显示,分居家庭子女的心理健康状况最差,流动家庭子女的心理健康问题也较多,其次是离异、丧偶和再婚家庭子女,留守家庭子女的心理健康问题最少。特殊家庭初中生在学习认知上存在的问题显著多于特殊家庭小学生。特殊家庭小学女生的自我概念问题显著多于小学男生。特殊家庭初中男生的学习认知、人际适应、行为问题、性格缺陷和总体心理健康状况显著劣于初中女生。  相似文献   

心理健康标准探析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
心理健康标准是心理健康研究领域中一个基本理论问题。目前在判断心理健康的标准上存在争论,建立具有层次性和全面性的心理健康标准系统可以化解这些争论。  相似文献   

Relatively little has been published on mental health care and counseling as they pertain to Armenia, a country of approximately three million residents that gained independence in 1991 from the former Soviet Union. Various influences, such as its history, economy, religious and family systems, and a major natural disaster in 1988, have affected the subsequent development of professional mental health systems. Though challenges exist, improvements have been evident in the past 15 years with the development of psychiatric facilities, laws protecting clients using mental health services, and professional associations to educate and advocate for mental healthcare issues. The development and possible role of counseling in this country are also discussed.  相似文献   

对河南省900名学前儿童家庭教养现状进行调查,结果显示:学前儿童核心家庭比率略有下降,联合家庭有增多趋势,但无论在何种结构的家庭,家庭教育的主体都是父母;受科学教养观念缺失的影响,不少学前儿童没有得到应有的照顾,有些儿童日常活动安排不科学;城市的家长更注重与儿童进行亲子沟通;父母的教养知识、教养观念等存在不少问题.要提高学前儿童家庭教养水平.必须从家长做起;改善学前儿童家庭教养的整体现状,"主战场"在农村,重点是农村家长.  相似文献   

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