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Language, maternal responsiveness, and developmental play levels were investigated in 43 middle-class dyads at 9, 12, and 18 months: hearing child/hearing mother (hH), deaf child/deaf mother (dD), deaf child/hearing mother (dH). Group dH provides information about play when language is delayed and maternal responsiveness decreased. Group dD provides information on developmental effects of diminished audition. There were no 9-month group play differences. At 12 months, hH infants displayed more representational play than infants in either deaf group ( p < .001). At 18 months, hH and dD children displayed more preplanned play than dH children ( p = .01). At 12 and 18 months, language was associated only marginally with play levels. Maternal responsiveness was significantly associated with 18-month-olds' preplanned play ( p = .01).  相似文献   

A multiple case‐study design was used to explore the spontaneous play of three toddlers with disabilities as it emerged in the course of everyday activity in the home. Children were observed at home playing independently and with their mothers. Data consist of videotaped naturalistic observations in the children’s homes and mothers’ perspectives of their child’s play obtained in semi‐structured interviews. There was a great deal of similarity in the playful behaviour of toddlers and their mothers. Toddlers were active players throughout all daily routines and their play reflected their developmental level. Mothers actively supported their children’s initiative and engagement in play and they spoke of play as a highly valued behaviour. Some qualitative differences were noted in child and mother–child play, which seemed to relate to the nature of the child’s disability and developmental level. Further study of the play of young children with disabilities in naturalistic settings and ways that mothers and other caregivers value and support child play is recommended.  相似文献   

2-year-old children interacted with a robot in a large playroom while their mother sat quietly in the corner. Identical vocalizations from the robot had very different effects on 3 dimensions of the children's behavior when the vocalizations were embedded in reciprocating and nonreciprocating social structures. The reciprocating robot produced (1) more topic-maintaining verbal dialogue, (2) less physical and more linguistically mediated social play, and (3) gender-specific effects on the children's tendency to visually reference their mother during the play session. The data are discussed with reference to the frequently encountered assumption that reciprocal social structures have an impact on children's behavior when the quantity and other qualitative dimensions of social stimulation are held constant, and with reference to the children's attributions about the robot as a social partner.  相似文献   

Relations among indices of maternal mind‐mindedness (appropriate and nonattuned mind‐related comments) and children's: (a) internal state vocabulary and perspectival symbolic play at 26 months (= 206), and (b) theory of mind (ToM) at 51 months (= 161) were investigated. Appropriate comments were positively associated with ToM, but were unrelated to internal state language and perspectival symbolic play. Nonattuned comments were negatively correlated with internal state language and perspectival symbolic play, but were unrelated to ToM. Path analyses indicated that the best fit model assumed: (a) indirect links between nonattuned comments and ToM via children's perspectival symbolic play, (b) a direct link between appropriate comments and ToM, and (c) an indirect link between appropriate comments and ToM via children's concurrent receptive verbal ability.  相似文献   

This study examined the time course of typing in prelingually and profoundly deaf as well as hearing individuals. Both groups of participants performed a written picture naming task and a written pseudoword task. Keystroke timing measurements from the written picture naming task revealed that the deaf as well as the hearing group were significantly delayed at syllable boundaries compared to identical within-syllable letter combinations. As the deaf are impoverished with respect to phonology based on spoken language experience, we postulate that syllabic segmentation is not crucially dependent on experience with spoken language. Furthermore, delays at syllable boundaries were not affected by word frequency in both groups, in contrast to the keys straddling a root morpheme boundary. Together with the finding that delays at syllable boundaries also occur in pseudowords, the experiments provide strong evidence towards post-lexical syllabification processes. Our results support previous findings which claim that (1) orthosyllables are autonomous and mode-specific entities, and (2) that the principles of syllabic organisation apply post-lexically.  相似文献   

The interconnectedness of bilingual memory remains a topic of great debate. Semantic priming provides a powerful methodological tool with which to investigate this issue in early bilingual toddlers. Semantic priming effects were investigated in 21 bilingual toddlers (2.5 years) within and across each of their languages. Results revealed the first evidence of cross‐language and within‐language semantic priming in bilingual toddlers. However, priming effects were only observed when the prime was presented in the dominant language and were comparable in magnitude within and across languages. Findings point to high interconnectivity across languages; however, there appear to be strong influences of language dominance on semantic facilitation. Findings serve to inform and refine developmental models of bilingual memory.  相似文献   

从聋校学生的书面语谈其语言能力与教育对策   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
聋校学生 (以下简称“聋生”)有口语、书面语、手势语、手指语四种语言形式 ,书面语是聋生语言能力投射的平台。该文立足于聋生书面语掌握情况的基本分析 ,试图从各种语言形式及相关关系出发对其中呈现的问题进行论述 ,以了解聋生的整体语言能力。最终的目的是提出一些有利于聋生语言能力发展的改进措施 ,以便最大限度地发挥教育的功用。  相似文献   

This paper reviews some of the language problems faced by deaf children in the light of psycholinguistic research, and considers several requirements for the provision of a meaningful language learning environment for the deaf. The utility of computer-aided instruction (CAI) in the education of the deaf is discussed, and a language manipulation program (entitled JUMBLE), designed to meet the specified requirements, is described. Preliminary findings using this program are presented, and implications for the future development of the approach advocated are discussed.  相似文献   

离群聋儿自创手势与中国手语的比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过对19名农村离群聋儿自创手势的调查分析,得出聋儿自创手势的表达特点:(1)模仿事物的基本外形特征;(2)模仿事物的典型动作和神态;(3)表达事物的用途或功能;(4)直观模拟动作行为;(5)指代现场的事物。本文通过比较离群聋儿自创手势与中国手语后得出:聋儿具有发展手语的先天的生物学基础,具有获得手语的潜能,离群聋儿的自创手势是对生活经验的符号化,但他们的自创手势有局限性,抽象程度不高,是一种前手语(Pre-Sign language),中国手语的构成不完全是任意性的。  相似文献   

This is a multiple case study of literacy acquisition in three deaf preschoolers aged 3 and 4 years. Data are drawn from a year long study of each child in a program for deaf and hard of hearing students. The primary focus of the project was to document the ways in which these students interacted with and around storybooks. Of special interest was the relationship between language development and the children's emergent literacy experiences.  相似文献   

废名的长篇小说《桥》被誉为一部“破天荒”的“创格”作品。它在语言层面表现为一种“象喻”的特征,大量运用“转喻”和“隐喻”,既表现了艺术思维的具象性,也表现出作者对理趣与观念的钟情。同时,废名的比喻还兼有一种叙事功能。论文正是力图从语言的层面具体揭示《桥》的诗性特征的生成,并试图提供一种解读文本的微观诗学的视角。  相似文献   

聋童推理能力与言语理解能力关系初探   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
作者使用CRT、GIT及自编言语理解能力测验对七、八年级聋生的推理能力与言语理解能力的关系作了初步探讨.结果表明七、八年级聋生的推理能力与言语理解能力比正常同龄儿童要低1-3岁和4-6岁;言语理解能力的三个方面与推理能力的相关程度不同.作者还就如何克服聋生的言语缺陷,提高言语理解能力提出几点建议.  相似文献   

This article reports the process of creating a developmental measure that assesses the multilingual capabilities of deaf children and the problems that were encountered. Because deaf children may be using more than one method of communication (e.g., sign language skills and spoken language skills), it is important to evaluate their skills as completely as possible. In a pilot study, we used a nominal scale that assessed language skills based on a single continuum, with good English and good American Sign Language (ASL) skills as its two extremes and approximately equal skills in both as the midpoint. In the main study, a more complete measure was created, the Profile of Multiple Language Proficiencies (PMLP). The PMLP uses a single scale that represents the different stages of language development that can be observed in both English and ASL. The PMLP showed reasonable initial reliability and has good promise as an easy-to-use measure of developing language skills in children who use multiple modalities of communication. Using the PMLP as a prototype, we discuss some of the issues that influence the reliability and validity in evaluating such a scale and how these can be overcome or avoided.  相似文献   

The relation between social interaction and complexity of toddler's symbolic play was investigated. 57 toddlers between 15 and 24 months of age were observed under 4 conditions: (1) child play alone, (2) child play with mother, (3) child modeling mother, and (4) child play with mother following the modeling condition. Each subject was rated on complexity of play, maternal attention directing, reciprocity, and maternal intrusiveness. Significant condition effects were found in which more complex forms of play were observed when the children were playing with their mothers than when playing by themselves. Maternal intrusions and questioning were negatively related to symbolic play. Turn-taking was negatively related to simple exploratory play. Results of a sequential analysis demonstrated that turn-taking was more likely to precede symbolic play, and maternal intrusiveness was more likely to precede simple exploratory play. The role of active partnership in symbolic play development is discussed.  相似文献   

"地板时间"疗法的高级目标是:借助象征游戏,促进意义表达能力,联结观念与情感的逻辑智慧的发展.本文对基础治疗阶段之后如何进一步组织治疗活动、主要的训练方法和干预技术的要点,作了系统的归纳和评价,期望为临床工作者和自闭症儿童的家庭提供自闭症干预理论和方法的参考.  相似文献   

为了研究聋人大学生书面语中的问题,研究采用手语语法和汉语语法比较的方法,分析四个问题:手势和表演、量词和类标记、动词和类标记、时间词语。结果发现聋人在书面语中忽略了手语中的表情、动作和姿态等表演成份,手语中的类标记和量词有相同之处,手语手势的四个基本部分分别代表不同的意义,聋人学生时间词语掌握上存在困难。结论是通过对手语语法和汉语语法的对比和研究,可以解析聋人书面语产生错误的原因,找到纠正的方法。  相似文献   

英语语言能力主要包括英语认知、语法等方面的能力。良好的语言能力能够培养出超强的语感,好的语感又有利于英语语言能力的培养和提高。两者不仅在语言的创造性、移位性及传递性方面有密切的联系,在学习的基础内容和方法上也有相通之处。把握好两者之间的关联性,并加以系统的研究和指导,对于提高商务英语专业学生的英语表达能力有重要作用。  相似文献   

为使修改后的《中国手语》推广更有实效性 ,需了解推广工作开展多年的状况 ,及对进一步推广的意见 ,特进行此次调查。内容包括对推广的主要对象和机构、推广的有效载体、推广效果及原因、手语新闻、聋校开设手语课等的看法。调查结果表明 :在今后的推广工作中应 :1.提高对推广工作的认识 ;2 .大力利用媒体的优势进行宣传、推广 ;3.成立专门组织 ;4 .手语新闻增加字幕 ;5 .在聋校开设手语课。  相似文献   

对《中国手语》修订意见的调查报告   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
《中国手语》出版已有十来年 ,为适应时代的发展和聋人的需要 ,需进行修订。在修订过程中 ,尚存在一些有争议的问题。因此 ,就对《中国手语》总体看法、修订意见 ,以及对一些有争议手语的具体修改等问题 ,在北京市部分聋人和聋校教师中进行了调查。由调查结果表明 :《中国手语》在修订过程中 ,除了应对许多手语进行具体的修改之外 ,还应当增加词汇量、增加词条的英文、合并首续集、增加手语国歌及地方手语。  相似文献   

本研究采用词汇理解任务和语言理解任务同时考察注意缺损对阅读障碍的解码水平和语言理解水平的影响.结果发现与正常儿童相比,ADHD儿童解码能力存在明显落后;线性回归分析的结果表明,解码能力和ADHD症状均对阅读理解成绩有较高预测力,这说明ADHD对阅读理解在解码和语言理解两个层面都有影响.  相似文献   

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