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传统的领导理论对于新时代的教育领导潮流无法适应,分布式领导成为新的领导趋势和潮流。分布式领导强调校长有意识地将领导功能分布于组织中各阶层成员,组织中的每个成员能够有机会参与组织运作决定过程,共同承担领导责任。对于分布式领导的测量,有双维度、三维度、四维度、五维度等多种观点,学者们也为此开发出多种测量表;以分布式领导为前置变量进行研究,其对于学校、教师乃至学生多方面均产生显著影响。  相似文献   

随着我国教育发展和学校变革的不断深入,学校组织领导变革越来越受到重视.分布式领导为学校组织领导变革提供了新的理念.本文分析了我国当前学校组织领导的弊端,阐释了分布式领导的内涵和特征,并探讨了其对我国学校组织领导的启示意义.  相似文献   

分布式领导:缘起、概念与实施   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分布式领导是近年来兴起的一个概念,自提出以来受到极大关注。分布式领导理论是组织思考的根本改变,它将领导定义为学校所有人的责任,而不仅仅是校长等少数人的行为。分布式领导致力于在组织成员中分享领导职能,建立清晰的愿景和目标,提升组织成员的领导能力,同时考虑到学校组织结构和管理体制、绩效责任制度以及学校文化等因素的配合。  相似文献   

詹姆斯·斯皮兰从分布式视角为教育领导研究开辟了崭新的路径.分布式理论将学校领导建构为人与人之间在不同情境中的互动式实践,主要包含协作分布、集体分布和协调分布,并且这些不同的领导实践之间具有相互依赖性.在分布式视域中,情境成为了实践的核心组成要素,并通过教育设施这一崭新概念,由外到内影响实践.分布式领导实践因学校背景和学...  相似文献   

分布式教育领导理论旨在强调集体领导和组织内的权力共享,倡导建立一个具有共同愿景和协同工作的团队,并强调在领导过程中,领导者、追随者和环境的融合与协调。分布式领导主要分为合作式分布、集体式分布与协调式分布。分布式教育领导理论对于小学领导在创造共同愿景,打造小学道德共同体,实施党组织领导的校长负责制,注重教职工民主参与,建设合作型学校文化,优化小学集团化办学等方面具有启示和借鉴意义。  相似文献   

分布式领导正成为学校变革内部治理的趋势,而学校背景和校长个人特质可以在一定程度上预测分布式领导实施的可能性和程度.研究基于TALIS 2013数据和夏普里值分解来探索学校背景和校长个人特质与校长分布式领导的关系,结果表明:初中校长分布式领导具有显著性的国家差异,中国上海等7个国家校长分布式领导处于较高的水平;校长分布式领导有显著的性别差异,女校长相对较高,分布更集中;不同的学校位置,校长分布式领导存在显著性差异,且人口分布更少的地区,校长分布式领导相对更高;校长分布式领导受到学校背景和校长个人特质的影响,并证明尊重与信任的氛围对分布式领导具有重要作用.  相似文献   

分布式领导是近十年来在西方教育领导研究领域兴起的一种观点,近来已经发展成为一种颇具影响的领导理论。分布式领导可从概念性、实践性以及实证性三个不同的视角进行阐述。概念性视角关注分布式领导的理论基础,回答分布式领导"是什么"的问题。实践性视角关注具体情境中的领导实践,即"怎么样"进行分布领导的问题。实证性视角主要关注分布式领导对学校组织发展与学生学习的影响,致力于解决分布式领导"效果如何"的问题。  相似文献   

分布式领导是教育管理中一个新兴的领导学研究领域。面对复杂多变的学校环境,分布式领导是优化组织决策、促进教师员工参与管理的重要领导模式。因此,当学校处于变革发展的条件下,面临加倍动荡的环境时,必须用新的思维整合分布式领导概念,将领导者、追随者和情境放在一起理解。以形成更有效的学校组织结构和流程。  相似文献   

分布式领导思想已对西方的学校领导研究与实践形成了巨大的影响,但在中国却并未出现类似的局面,其主因之一,是分布式领导在中国学校领导语境下的意义未获充分揭示。本文试从"学校领导‘分布’的要义"、"分布式领导的核心关注面"、"课程领导力研究的焦点"、"骨干教师专业发展的侧重点"、"学校领导理论价值体现的中介条件"等方面,来阐释分布式领导的中国意义。  相似文献   

分布式领导是学校组织成员之间相互依赖与协调的行为过程,在变革传统领导体制和教育教学方式的实践中,实现领导者与下属及环境之间的有效交互。对分布式领导的理解,必须突破只关注行为方式的思维惯性。要关注赋权中的角色分工与协作的过程,用新思维认识学校分布式领导的概念,将学校领导力资源整合为统一的系统,使分布式领导在改进学校管理绩效和提高学生的学业成绩上形成合力。  相似文献   

Distributed leadership, while an established concept in the international literature on education leadership, is slowly gaining prominence in post-apartheid South Africa. This is primarily due to its normative and representational appeal. However, of concern is that the concept has become a catch-all phrase to describe any form of devolved or shared leadership and is being espoused as ‘the answer’ to the country’s educational leadership woes. Drawing on a South African publications-based doctoral study of distributed teacher leadership (Grant 2010. “Distributed Teacher Leadership: Troubling the Terrain.” Unpublished PhD diss., University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg) for its evidence, this article argues for a theoretically robust form of distributed leadership conceptualised as socio-cultural practice and framed as a product of the joint interactions of school leaders, followers and aspects of their situation (Gronn 2000. “Distributed Properties: A New Architecture for Leadership.” Educational Management and Administration 28 (3): 317–338; Spillane, Halverson and Diamond 2004. “Towards a Theory of Leadership Practice: A Distributed Perspective.” Journal of Curriculum Studies 36 (1): 3–34; Spillane 2006. Distributed Leadership. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass). It endorses a sequential distributed leadership framing for the South African context and calls for further empirical studies which interrogate the complex practices of distributed school leadership. For without this theoretically robust work, the article argues, distributed leadership is likely to be relegated to the large pile of redundant leadership theories and become a passing fad.  相似文献   

分布式领导因强调"领导并非集中在居于正式职位上的个体"而为越来越多的研究者、政策制定者和实践者所接纳。本文认为,应该采用一种渐变调适的视角对其加以理解。分布式领导是一个从正式领导向非正式领导不断卷入的渐变过程,需要重新理解正式领导及组织架构在分布式领导实践中的作用;分布式领导实践须与学校实际情境结合,根据学校发展对领导力的需求和组织成员的准备状态进行调适。  相似文献   

分布式领导强调通过组织活动过程中领导者、追随者、情境三个要素的整合和互动形成领导实践,这有利于教师增权赋能的实现。对协作式分布、协调式分布、集体式分布三种分布式领导形式在具体实践过程中的深入研究,有利于从组织和个人两个层面深入分析目前我国中小学教师增权赋能存在的抗拒要素。解冻-变革-再解冻的螺旋式作用是切实践行分布式领导理论中互动、分享和扩散的有效机制并最终实现教师增权赋能。  相似文献   

学校改进是促进教育变革,提升教育质量的重要手段之一。当前,我国正处在教育改革的重要时期,普遍开展的学校改进活动中,如何正确认识和理解校长领导力转型和教师专业转型的关系,并采取何种策略促进校长领导力转型和教师专业转型是一个具有现实意义的重要问题。分布式领导思想对于我们更好地认识这一问题提供了新的启示。  相似文献   

In the unfolding Maltese education scenario of decentralization and school networking, I explore distributed leadership as it occurs at the college level through the leaders’ narrative and performance in an investigation of the power relations among the different-tiered leaders. This article uses data from the case study of a Maltese college consisting of four primary and three secondary schools. Using these data from an ongoing doctoral study, all subjected to narrative and discourse analysis, I adopt the stance of a ‘story teller’, as I craft a narrative from the data to represent a ‘play of voices’. Foucault’s theories of power, governmentality, discourse and subjectivation are used to explore the unfolding of power relations. Analysis reveals a dichotomy between the leaders’ narrative of distributed leadership and their performance of it. There is the presence of a raging battle among the discourses of collegiality and isolationism, through the discourse of distributed leadership, and within the discourse of educational leadership itself. Distributed leadership is a challenge to perform at the college level; with resistance being demonstrated in overt or more subtle ways along the different hierarchies, although power does circulate. This article contributes to educational leadership literature with regard to the power relations among top educational leaders in a networked school setting.  相似文献   

The distribution of leadership and power in schools   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
Distributed leadership has come to prominence in school management discourse as a means to achieve the participation and empowerment of teachers and to create democratic schools. In this paper I explore the contradictions between these claims and both the hierarchical power structure of schools and the use of distributed leadership to secure the commitment of teachers to government education agendas. I examine how the relationship between distributed leadership and managerial power is addressed in the discourse of education management theorists and the practice of headteachers. Examples of authentically democratic schools based on collective self‐management provide the basis for questioning the hegemonic hierarchical model.  相似文献   

By the year 2000, the management of education in England had lost much of its capacity to ensure the commitment of headteachers and teachers. As market forces engendered competition among schools, the bureaucratic monitoring of schools by agencies of government increased on the grounds that objective and comparable data about schools should be made public so that parents could express a rational choice of school. Levels of stress increased; workloads intensified. Thereafter, a series of ‘softer’ approaches emerged in order to deal with this. They have coalesced around the concept of ‘leadership’, particularly distributed leadership and, more recently, emotional leadership and spiritual leadership. Distributed leadership draws on socio-cultural activity theory; emotional leadership is informed by positive psychology; spiritual leadership by eastern mysticism. Each has its advocates and its critics. At issue, however, is not so much their relative effectiveness but rather it is to relate them to the economic, cultural and political trends which have allowed them to emerge. These ‘soft’ normative leadership approaches have not supplanted a digitally-informed rational bureaucratic form in education; they are supplementing it. The theoretical stance taken falls within the field of critical theory.  相似文献   

It is time to situate distributed leadership as a critical conceptualisation of school leadership; its popularisation has generally preceded conceptual and empirical development. Over the last 10 years distributed leadership has often been presented as a new construct of school leadership, though critique against education policy reforms and conceptual and historical links to the wider leadership field have generally been underemphasised. The theorisation and research of distributed leadership is currently situated at a critical point in its development; it is at the ‘crossroads’ of where it could dominantly be situated in the field of school leadership. A review of the literature and research suggests that distributed leadership is tending towards an uncritical position that is decoupled from critique of past and present education reforms and predominantly silent on how power relations at the local school level shape leadership activity.  相似文献   

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