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In the reconciliation of rational-choice and social-influence approaches to media choice offered here, the choice process is decomposed into two subprocesses. In the first subprocess—that of rational choice—decisional ambiguity frustrates complete optimization. Optimization is partial, yielding a set of effectively interchangeable media alternatives over which the user is indecisive. In the second subprocess—that of social influence—imitation, deference, and other cues act on the set of interchangeables, yielding a single ultimate choice. If in the social-influence subprocess there are benefits to coordinating with others, group choice crystallizes around a single media alternative. If these benefits are absent, individual choice remains idiosyncratic, with each decision maker making random choices within the set of interchangeables. In organizational life, media choice transpires sequentially, with each choice conditioning a succeeding one. In its dynamic form, the present model explicitly incorporates such sequential environments: The twofold choice process transpires iteratively within individual decision sites (in the multiple purchasing decisions of a committee, for example) and sequentially across decision sites (from committee to individual, for example). The model generates considerable empirical implications. As decisional ambiguity grows, the rational-choice component of the choice process shrinks, implying upper-bound conditions for the explanatory power of rational-choice statistical models.  相似文献   

In this digital era, it is important to make a wise course choice since the building blocks of a career starts from choosing the career-specific course. With the number of online courses available, it is tough to differentiate a relevant career-focused course from a mediocre one. Hence, the authenticity and validity of a particular course influence the career choice of individuals. The other important factor is perceived benefits. Additionally, an increasing number of educational businesses has already integrated or plans to integrate social media applications into their marketing plans to reach and attract future students, thus showing a shift from traditional ways of marketing. As the nature of this study is both purposive as well as probabilistic, a mixed method approach has been chosen. The study consists of two phases: the exploratory research process consisting of the literature review, the semi-structured interviews with information technology professionals to form the questionnaire and hypotheses. The researchers found that through personal inputs strongly influence the learning experiences, authenticity and perceived benefits of a course plays the most important role in the individual’s decision to adopt a technical course. The practical and research implications have also been discussed.  相似文献   

选择集对消费行为的影响是近年国际学术领域研究的热点命题,其研究成果颠覆了传统的理性选择理论,重构了消费行为的新规则.消费者的偏好不是既定的,而会受到选择集结构的影响,不同的选择集结构会影响消费者的信息处理和感知方式.本文结合最新的国内外研究进展,构建了选择集结构新的分类体系,把选择集结构区分为量差结构和同异结构,并以此整合了相关研究成果,从感知和推断两个方面揭示了多元选择集结构对消费者行为的影响机理.  相似文献   

This study examined the development of individual social capital in a distributed learning community. Feld's theory of focused choice predicts that the formation of network ties is constrained by contextual factors that function as foci of activities. In our research, we examined how group assignment and location could function as such foci to influence the development of individual social capital in a distributed learning community. Given that networks with different content flows may possess different properties, we examined two different types of networks—task-related instrumental networks and non-task-related expressive networks. A longitudinal research design was used to evaluate the evolution of networks over time. Hypotheses were tested using a sample of 32 students enrolled in a distributed learning class. The results show strong support for Feld's theory. While serving as foci of activities to organize social interactions, both group assignment and geographic separation can also function to fragment a learning community.  相似文献   

提供大于外显需求的服务——政府用户的隐性需求   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
边晓利 《现代情报》2014,34(3):51-54
文章基于政府决策参考服务的实践,指出超越用户期望,经常需要为用户提供大于外显需求的服务。为此,参考馆员要充分考虑到政府决策及其过程的特殊性和规律,注重对于用户隐性需求的发掘,不仅满足用户想要获取的,同时提供用户有必要获取的,以求拓宽决策思路,最大化地为政府提供决策支持。  相似文献   

盛润佳 《科教文汇》2014,(12):132-133
择校是家长根据个人的意愿来为孩子主动选择到其他学校就读的现象,体现了一种自由选择的意志,来满足不同孩子的个性化需求。但是,实际实施过程中往往会产生教育的不公平等一系列的负面社会问题。因此对于择校制度是否应该存在,一直备受争议。然而,通过深入分析教育的实际状况,择校的不可避免性也凸显出来。所以,政府、学校、家长和整个社会都应积极应对,使得择校能在保证公平的前提下发挥积极作用。  相似文献   

Technology acceptance has spawned considerable research in technology adoption, technology use, and technology switching. However, technology choice—i.e., an individual’s selection of a technology from a set of technologies that support similar tasks—has received limited attention in information systems research. This research was aimed at identifying the drivers of technology choice through a series of activities in two universities, in which students chose an information technology tool from various alternatives to complete the given tasks. A thematic analysis was conducted on the reasons for technology choice reported by 249 students, which yielded 18 technology, user, and environmental drivers that influenced individuals’ technology choice. This study provides insights into the drivers generally applicable for technology choice and drivers applicable in specific contexts. Implications for research and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

本文以2004-2014年中国企业有海外研发投资项目的 79个国家为样本,采用负二项回归模型实证分析了中国企业海外研发投资区位选择的影响因素。通过实证检验发现东道国的市场需求和技术水平对中国企业海外研发投资区位选择存在显著的积极影响,而研发人员成本有着显著的消极影响。而东道国的制度质量在其中起着显著的正向调节作用,随着东道国制度质量的上升,市场需求、技术水平与区位选择之间的正向关系在加强,研发人员成本与区位选择之间负向关系在减弱。最后对中国企业在海外研发投资进行区位选择时提出建议。  相似文献   

陈京莲 《情报科学》2007,25(9):1314-1316,1320
本文就受众对信息的选择过程进行了初步的探讨。指出受众信息选择的几率与信息选择宽度和信息量有关。但当信息选择宽度一定时,信息量的增加很难提高受众信息选择的几率。为了提高受众信息选择的几率,就必须对信息进行过滤和归类,构建信息包。以信息包的形式为受众服务。  相似文献   

主要探讨关系对企业国际化进入模式的影响.环顾企业国际化进入模式的理论与研究,以关系为视角的探讨甚少.以中国企业为研究对象,在经营环境因素与内部资源特性因素之外加上关系因素为观点,提出一个较为契合中国企业情境的国际化进入模式理论模型.通过对110个企业决策者的问卷调查,实证分析结果发现:企业决策者的个人关系会影响企业的国际化进入模式.具体而言,企业决策者的个人关系会使企业以风险更高的模式进入国际市场,而企业关系则不会影响其国际化进入模式.  相似文献   

This article asks two related questions: Is digital media studies a discipline, and should scholars within the field desire to move toward disciplinarity? Drawing on the writings of Michel Foucualt and Pierre Bourdieu, as well as several Anglo-American cultural studies of disciplinarity, the essay argues that digital media studies has not yet constituted a truly novel scholarly discourse. Because of that, our reasons for disciplinizing—to the extent that it is possible to choose to become a discipline—would be largely strategic. Given that the field is already successfully reproducing itself, the symbolic benefits of becoming a discipline are relatively limited, and such a move would also have significant intellectual costs.  相似文献   

本文构筑了能力资源整合理论的分析框架,将企业对外投资的区位选择与企业自身所具有的能力资源、战略动机结合起来进行动态考察,构建了区位选择模型。同时以在华外国创业风险投资企业为样本进行实证分析,检验理论的正确性,并得出创新性的结论与针对性的对策。  相似文献   

在新的时代背景下,旅游业的发展必将面临着许多新的机遇和挑战。在此关键时期,全力推行品牌战略是一件不容忽视的大事,也是未来旅游业发展必然的战略选择。为此,对新世纪旅游业发展的时代背景进行了分析,认为必须从注重品牌的质量建设、实施产品和服务的差异性和个性建设、加大品牌的服务支持、强化品牌的形象塑造、重视品牌创新等方面来提高企业形象,提高市场竞争力。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]研究了大数据环境下个体投资者的信息获取行为偏好,探索新媒体环境对个体投资用户的决策影响。[方法/过程]基于开放式股票投资在线社交网络(OSN)的视角,分析、确定个体投资用户的主要信息获取行为,以及影响个体投资决策的两个重要因素;通过问卷调查收集相关数据,提出研究假设,进行数据分析,并运用回归分析方法进行假设检验,分析个体投资者决策的信息获取行为偏好。[结果/结论]研究发现:不同个体投资者对信息获取行为的选择存在明显差异;并且个人分析能力不同的投资者的行为偏好存在差异;个性化推荐是对个体投资者决策具有较大影响作用的信息获取行为。  相似文献   

桂思思  徐健 《情报科学》2021,39(11):90-95
【 目的/意义】针对查询意图歧义性自动识别,探讨特征有效性及采用不同分类算法识别三类查询意图歧义 性的分类准确率,以期对后续研究提供借鉴与指导。【方法/过程】首先提出了一个面向查询意图歧义性的查询表达 式分类体系;随后,构建了查询表达式特征及相关文档特征共六类;最后,分别采用决策树算法、神经网络算法及k 最邻近算法,探讨采用不同特征组合的有效性及不同分类算法的分类准确率。【结果/结论】①分类准确率较基准实 验提升比例为49.5%;②使用查询表达式特征分类优于使用相关文档特征;③决策树的分类准确率略高于其他两类 分类算法。【创新/局限】构建了一个面向查询意图歧义性的查询分类体系;完成了面向三类查询意图歧义性的分类 任务;然限于数据集获取途径,仅对200数据验证。  相似文献   

This paper continues the attempt of Part I to develop a coherent family of measures of influence between classes of documents, for example, language or nationality classes, as indicated by citation choice. In this paper we focus on situations in which there is some ambiguity as to how to assign items to a class. For simplicity, we change our focus from citations to co-authorship patterns, restricting most of our discussion to papers with two authors. Like the earlier paper, we propose very simple models of the citation decision, and base our measures on the parameters that appear in the model.  相似文献   

知识特征与知识传递媒体的选择   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
知识传递是知识创造和应用的一个重要基础,本文从知识特征入手,分析根据知识特征如何选择合适的知识传递媒体。首先,本文定义了知识歧义性,论证了知识歧义性与性息歧义性的本质一致,并指出减少歧义性的根本途径都是组织学习;然后论证知识歧义性是选择知识传递媒体的重要影响因素,并进一步指出知识的隐性特征是选择知识传递媒体的重要影响因素;然后引入信息富裕和媒体富裕的概念,得到知识特征与媒体富裕匹配规律,即知识的隐性特征越强,所需的媒体富裕度越高,最后用已有的实证研究证明了该规律的正确性。  相似文献   

潘镇 《中国软科学》2005,56(7):100-108
本文以江苏省3570家制造业外资企业为对象,分析了区位因素对外商直接投资选址的一般性影响,考察了外商直接投资在区位选择中的异质性,并对外商直接投资区位选择的有效性进行了检验。实证研究结果表明,外商直接投资趋于流向经济规模大、城市化水平高、基础设施完善、劳动力成本低廉、市场发育完善、政策优惠、外资集聚程度高的地区。竞争力弱的外资偏爱劳动力成本低廉、优惠政策较多、集聚程度高的地区。从总体上来看,外商直接投资的区位选择具有一致性和有效性,并在此基础上,提出了相应的政策建议。  相似文献   

We develop a two-phased survey design—based on the uses and gratifications approach and the theory of planned behavior—to analyze competitive relations between search engines and traditional information sources. We apply the survey design in a large-scale empirical study with 14-to 66-year-old Internet users (mean age 32) to find out whether complementary or substitutional dependencies predominate between search engines and three traditional information sources—paper-based encyclopedias and yellow pages and telephone-based directory assistance. We find that search engines, compared to the traditional alternatives, are gratifying a wider spread of users' needs. Although yellow pages and directory assistance are potentially substitutable, encyclopedias serve those needs that search engines cannot (yet) fulfill. The traditional media companies face increased competition, but do not necessarily have to be in an inferior competitive position.  相似文献   

本文利用"中国私营企业调查"数据考察了企业主对官方媒体的信任与企业投资决策的关系。研究发现:(1)信任官方媒体可以扩大企业的整体投资,但主要是对长期导向投资有促进作用。这一结论在处理了内生性问题和稳健性检验后仍然成立;(2)从影响机制来看,信任官方媒体可以降低企业家对环境风险的感知并提高对自身地位的感知,从而为制定积极的投资决策创造心理条件。本研究表明强化民营企业家对官方媒体的信任是激励企业投资的有效路径。因此,应进一步加强官方媒体传递政策信息的作用,缓解非市场因素导致的信息不对称问题,为扩大民营企业投资创造有利的信息环境。  相似文献   

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