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The determinants and impact of private tutoring classes in Vietnam   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Private tutoring is a widespread phenomenon in many developing countries, including Vietnam. Using the Vietnam Living Standards Surveys 1997–1998 and 1992–1993 for analysis, this paper finds evidence that private tutoring in Vietnam is a necessity in the household budget for both primary students and lower secondary students, and the trend to attend private tutoring is stronger at higher education levels. There is no evidence of gender discrimination in expenditure on private tutoring. Ethnic minority students spend less on private tutoring at the primary level but not at the lower secondary level, as do students living in rural areas. However, spending on private tutoring would fall significantly if the qualifications of primary school teachers are increased. Private tutoring is found to have significant impact on a student's academic performance, but the influence is larger for lower secondary students. This paper contributes to the available estimation techniques by extending the simultaneous Tobit model of Amemiya [(1974). Multivariate regression and simultaneous equation models when the dependent variables are truncated normal. Econometrica, 42(6), 999–1012] to a joint Tobit-ordered probit econometric model to address the possible endogeneity of household spending on private tutoring.  相似文献   

This article explores parents’ use of private tutoring services for their primary school children in Sydney, Australia's largest city. Using Bernstein's theories of invisible and visible pedagogies, we look, through the eyes of a small group of middle-class Chinese-background interviewees, at the tensions between certain pedagogic forms associated with private tutoring and schooling in contemporary contexts of educational competition. We show how some parents are openly seeking more explicit, visible forms of instruction through using private tutoring, to compensate for the perceived ‘invisible’, pedagogically progressive approach of Australian primary schooling. We argue that these parents’ enlistment of supplementary tutoring is a considered approach to their identification of a mismatch between (apparently) relaxed, child-centred classroom practices, and the demands of the more traditional examinations that regulate entry points to desired educational sites such as academically selective high schools and prestigious universities. Our findings show how paid tutoring is a contemporary pedagogic strategy for securing educational advantage, not just a ‘cultural’ practice prevalent among certain migrant communities, as it is often characterised. We suggest that an analytic focus on pedagogy can help connect issues of class, culture and competition in research on home–school relationships, offering a productive way for the field to respond to the tensions these issues engender.  相似文献   

This article draws on the findings from the evaluation of a three-city after-school imitative, as well as the general literature, to examine the field of after-school programs, focusing on those programs serving low-income children. A brief history of these programs is presented exploring the rationales for them in the circumstances of low-income children; a current profile of this field of services is provided; the major tensions in and challenges facing the field are discussed; and recommendations for facing those challenges are offered. The article argues for the expectations of after-school programs for low-income children to be kept modest, commensurate with both their modest means (i.e., limited resources and largely nonprofessional workforce) and distinct role in children’s lives.  相似文献   

Expansion and effectiveness of private tutoring   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Private paid tutoring is one of the most common approaches of remedial instruction to improve school performance of poorly performing pupils. The expansion of private tutoring was affirmed in a study with 904 pupils in Luxembourg. 23% of the participants reported that they receive tutoring at present, mainly in the subject matter of Mathematics. Theoretical considerations suggest the effectiveness of private tutoring in promoting school performance by an improvement in cognitive and motivational variables and a higher amount of time spent on task. However, appropriate evaluation studies are lacking. In an empirical study the effectiveness of tutoring is evaluated in a prepost-control-group-design. One group (N=122) received private tutoring over a period of nine months and was compared to a non-tutoring control group (N=122). These results indicate that receiving tutoring leads to a larger improvement in school performance and motivational variables. Directions for further research and practical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

近年来,教育公平问题作为教育领域的突出问题,一直受到教育界乃至社会各界的重要关注。我国教育在教育起点、教育过程、教育结果中都出现了一些问题,应从我国社会经济的发展、教育制度、教育政策和传统思想等方面来反思。  相似文献   

课外补习在国外被称为“影子教育(shadow education)”。国内有研究者将其称为“择教”,是与“择校”并列的教育选择形式之一。国内的课外补习研究主要是从课外补习的概念、成因、现状、影响和政策启示等方面展开的。未来该领域需要加强基础性理论研究、实证研究、比较研究等。  相似文献   

With the growing worldwide prevalence of private tutoring, the causes and effects of private tutoring have been drawing increasing attention both academically and policy wise. This study intends to draw policy implications by investigating the determinants of private tutoring participation of school-aged children and expenditures per child for such private tutoring. The logistic regression (for participation), OLS, and F.E. panel models (for expenditures) were adopted for the analysis, using the Korean panel data. The empirical findings indicate that private tutoring for children—both in terms of participation and expenditures—has a positive correlation with the mother’s educational attainment (preference effect), a negative correlation with the mother’s employment status (time constraint effect), and a positive correlation with the household income (income effect).  相似文献   

The academic placement decisions of school personnel in desegregated elementary schools is assessed. Placement decisions involving labeling, classifying, and differential assignment policies are often related to the student's racial background. Students are often misclassified and misplaced because of inappropriate evaluation procedures and arbitrary decisions made by school personnel. Such assignment policies have led to high levels of classroom and program resegregation once districts and school buildings have been desegregated.Differential placement, often referred to as ability grouping, must be discontinued as it is currently practiced. Low teacher expectations, differential curricula, and low student achievement are often associated with differential placement decisions in desegregated elementary schools.  相似文献   

Impacts of urban economic factors on private tutoring industry   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper investigates both supply (the number of employees in the PT industry and the number of PT institutions) and demand (the number of middle and high school students, grade 7?C12). Panel data are used for this research, making it possible to analyze market growth over time since it contains both cross-sectional and time-series information. Also this research sheds light on regional differences (urban socio-economic factors) which influence the growth of the PT market. Fixed effects and random effects regression models are developed to analyze the panel data. The purpose of this study is to analyze whether the changes in the demand for PT affect the growth of PT market between 2001 and 2006 in 25 gu (borough) of Seoul. Urban economic and industrial structures and income were controlled because they are known to influence the PT market along with demand for PT.  相似文献   

The determinants of demand for private tutoring in South Korea   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This study investigated the determinants of the demand for private tutoring (PT) in South Korea, especially focusing on the effectiveness of governmental regulations regarding the operating hours of cram schools in decreasing expenditure on PT. Survey data from 3,605 parents of 12th grade students were collected from 45 proportionally stratified high schools and analyzed using Tobit and censored least absolute deviation models. Results showed that among student and family background characteristics, students’ achievement level, household income, and parents’ educational level were positively associated with a higher consumption of PT. At the school level, students attending schools with higher student–teacher ratios were expected to spend more on PT. Urban schools under the high school equalization policy (HSEP) showed larger expenditure on PT than non-HSEP schools. Despite the public perception of the ineffectiveness of government policy on PT, this study finds that the local governmental regulation of PT positively contributes to decreasing the demand for PT.  相似文献   

校际落差与义务教育公平   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
当前校际落差的存在是一个普遍现象 ,但落差的形成既有社会经济与文化发展的地区差异、学校自身差异等客观因素 ,也有教育决策失误和教育资源配置不合理等政策因素。校际落差对教育公平是有危害的 ,应缩小校际落差 ,促进义务教育的均衡发展  相似文献   

一个国家的教育经费有以下来源:国家财政拨款、学生交纳的学费等。据我国有关资料表明:目前,我们的国家没那么多钱,不可能象发达国家那样投入太多的钱,我们的人民也不像有些经济学家所想象的那样富裕,国家助学贷款由于种种原因受阻。然而,要改变我国教育产业对国民经济的“瓶颈”现象,以适应国民经济持续稳定的发展,其资金来源,能否从资本市场上去开拓、筹集。  相似文献   

Robert A. Bonfiglio suggests that a more explicit and systematic approach to moral development is necessary for the learning benefits of student participation in sports to match its claims.  相似文献   

Private tutoring has been a burgeoning phenomenon in Malaysia for decades. This study examines the determinants of private tutoring expenditures in Malaysia using the 2004/2005 Household Expenditures Survey and applies hurdle regression models to the data. The results indicate that total household expenditures, household head’s level of education, household head’s gender, number of school-age children, and home ownership are important determinants of private tutoring expenditures in Malaysia. In comparison with Malay households, Chinese and Indian households have a higher likelihood of enrolling their children in private tutoring and spending on private tutoring. Indigenous households are less likely to spend for tutoring, but once their children are enrolled, they spend more than their Malay counterparts. Regional characteristics are also important determinants of private tutoring expenditures.  相似文献   

优先政策与教育公平   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对于教育公平,可以从机会与结果两个层面来讨论,然而,不论是机会还是结果,都不可能达到一种完全均等的状态,因而也就有了制定优先政策以实现教育公平的必要。从个人所处的自然和社会条件两个方面的影响因素角度来看,社会应对由此所产生的不公平负起责任,通过采取一定的优先政策,来弥补个体某些先赋性的不平等以及后天社会因素而导致的结果的不平等;同时,还存在优先政策自身的公平性问题。只有既注意到不同个体自身所存在的差别,也注意到由社会因素而引起的发展起点的不同,这样的优先政策才真正有利于教育公平的实现。  相似文献   

社会排斥与流动人口子女的教育公平   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
流动人口子女的教育公平问题是一个相当复杂的问题,需从不同的角度去进行探讨.基于此,本文试图从社会排斥的视角来分析流动人口子女的教育问题,以期寻找到造成流动人口子女教育公平问题的真正的原因.并提出解决问题的相应对策.  相似文献   

A recent development in English teaching in Russia is the emergence of private online language-tutoring schools, which offer one-on-one lessons by means of audio/videoconferencing. It remains unclear: (1) how these new providers of educational services are presenting themselves to the potential learners; (2) what ideology they tend to drawn on and (3) whether there is sufficient similarity to conceptualise these websites as exemplars of the same genre. This paper employs the tools of critical discourse analysis (CDA), Genre Theory and Appraisal within the Systemic Functional Linguistics to study the language of 17 websites of private online language schools. The study aims to investigate whether the websites exhibit similar discourse and ideology and whether they might belong to the same ‘genre prototype’. The analysis reveals a considerable thematic, structural and rhetorical similarity between the websites and a high presence of neoliberal ideology.  相似文献   

从教育公平原则看中国城乡教育差距   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
教育公平是社会公平的前提与基础,追求教育公平是当今人类社会教育发展的趋势,是世界各国教育改革和发展的基本出发点和重要目标。近年来城乡教育不公平问题日益突出,中国社会长期存在的城乡二元分割是导致城乡教育不公平的根源。城乡二元经济结构和二元教育结构直接影响到城乡间教育资源的配置和教育政策的制定。缩小城乡教育差距不仅要以发展经济、完善教育制度为依托,更有赖于树立公平的教育理念。  相似文献   

围绕"补习教育"体系对于学校教育和家庭的影响,不同的人站在不同的角度有着激烈的争论。本文通过文献研究发现,补习教育的支持者往往是自由主义者,他们普遍坚持家长拥有对子女的教育选择权;而补习教育的反对者则往往是教育机会平等的支持者,认为补习教育使得家长陷入"囚徒困境",并对教育机会平等分布产生影响。而实证研究的成果无疑对于收敛两者间的争论富有效果。补习教育是否应该进行,会受到关于补习教育效果和代价的实证研究成果的影响。最后,文章还探讨了补习教育研究的政策意义。  相似文献   

我国高等教育公平的成就、问题与反思   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在我国高等教育实行跨越式发展战略的过程中,如何保障弱势群体的受教育权和促进社会阶层合理流动。是人们关注的焦点。高等教育实现大众化之后,我们应该以新的视角来重新阐释并界定高等教育公平的层次性和现实选择。高等教育公平既取得了巨大的历史成就,也面临新的问题,因此,寻求高等教育公平的理想途径,是教育改革的一项重要内容。  相似文献   

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