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The main stages of the evolution of biology teaching in Africa, after the independence of the countries, have been a better adaptation of the curriculum contents to the natural and socio‐cultural environment of each country, i.e. to go beyond a simple formal adaptation and to conceive curricula closer to the needs of African societies, in line with their specific values, and fitting with the cultural level of the pupils and with the preoccupations associated with a peculiar economic and social environment; an improvement of the teaching conditions, which remain difficult due to the lack of teaching aids of all kinds; a promotion of educational research, thanks to the creation and the development of administrative bodies responsible for the training of teachers and for the supervision of their activities. African countries have universities, faculties or schools of education and teacher‐training institutes, which are in charge of the training of biology teachers for secondary schools; they also have adapted their programmes to their needs; but such in‐depth adaptation must continue, so that biology teaching responds better to social evolution, to the new conditions of economic and social change and to new ethical situations.

There remains a lot to be done in the area of elaboration and evaluation of teaching methods and techniques, bearing in mind the great difficulties of the teachers who lack the necessary minimum educational aids, specially in rural areas.

The UNESCO pilot project for the improvement of biology teaching in Africa (1966‐1972) is part of a series of projects dealing with the improvement of school programmes and sponsored by UNESCO. The teaching aids produced for the English‐speaking countries of Africa were a handbook and a teacher's guide concerning an initiation course of biology for the junior level of high schools, as well as a series of loop films for the classroom. The aids produced for the French‐speaking countries of Africa were for the senior level and included booklets and colour slides, for the teachers’ use and not the pupils'; the topics involved African ecology, plants and soils, introduction to human biology, conservation and preservation of biological resources.

As a contribution to the national endeavours of educational reform, UNESCO published in 1974 and 1975 the English, French and Spanish versions, adapted to Africa, Asia, and Latin America and the Caribbean, of a Teacher's guide on the biology of human populations. This meant to emphasize the necessary adaptation of biology teaching to its social and cultural environment, while presenting the human populations and their relations with their environments. This is a contemporary subject, which also allows the examination of the role of biology and biology teachers’ in the general awareness of environmental problems; a subject which does not need sophisticated equipment or teaching aids, but, rather, appeals to the observation skills of teachers and pupils.

It is true that the African experience has, to some extent, followed a trend which European countries acknowledged several years ago. Adaptation of curriculum content is a long‐term task and is pursued in both kinds of countries. The African experience could certainly be beneficial to European curriculum designers. The production of all kinds of teaching aids, of various degree of complexity, in the national language, as well as the evaluation of relevant teaching methods and techniques, are areas of acute shortage, where bilateral as well as multilateral assistance could be most fruitful.  相似文献   

La forte incitation actuelle de la part des autorités scolaires À recourir aux médias numériques en classe pose une nouvelle fois la question des arguments mis en avant. Et comme À l'occasion d'incitations antérieures (télévision scolaire, audiovisuel, informatique éducative), partisans et détracteurs s'appuient sur différents travaux qui attestent ou non de telle ou telle amélioration ou dégradation. Cette contribution se propose de montrer que les concepts et les modèles convoqués dans certains travaux, y compris les nÔtres et notamment le programme IN-TELE (Internet-Based Teaching and Learning), établissent entre les situations d'enseignement-apprentissage considérés comme classiques et celles qui sont supposées innovantes des distinctions parfois non pertinentes, qui se traduisent par des résultats outrageusement significatifs ou non significatifs. C'est donc le schéma modèle-observation-interprétation que nous interrogeons en suggérant que les outils de pensée disponibles et les procédés d'observation mis en m uvre aujourd'hui dans les différentes disciplines académiques qui s'intéressent aux usages pédagogiques des TIC contraignent, voire altèrent, notre compréhension des phénomènes éducatifs induits par les 'nouveaux' médias. Measuring the pedagogic effects of CIT: traps and illusions of cutting out actuality, and the

administration of proof. The strong current encouragement of school authorities to have recourse to digital media in the classroom poses once again the question of the arguments that have been advanced. And, as at the tine of earlier encouragement, (for school television, audiovisual, educational informatics), partisans and detractors rely on different works which support, or not, such-and-such a praise or detraction. This contribution attempts to show that the concepts and the models brought together in certain works, including our own and notably the IN-TEL (Internet-Based Teaching and Learning) programme, which establish between the teaching-training situations considered as classic and those which are supposed to be innovative, distinctions which sometimes are not pertinent, which are translated into results which are outrageously significant – or non-significant. It is, then, the schema of model-observation-interpretation that we question in suggesting that the mental tools available and the observational procedures used today in the different academic disciplines which are interested in the pedagogic use of CIT constrain us to see, may even, alter our understanding of the educational phenomenon introduced by the 'new' media. Analyse der pädagogischen Auswirkungen von ICT (Information and Communcation Technologies) : Fallen und Illusionen aus der Wirklichkeit, sowie die Beweisführung. Die gegenwärtig stark geförderte Umstellung des Unterrichtsmaterials auf digitale Medien durch die Schulbehörden, stellt erneut die bereits vorgebrachten Argumente in Frage. Und wie schon bei vorangegangenen Einführungen (von Schulfernsehen, Audiovision, pädagogische Informatik) beziehen sich Befürworter und Gegner auf verschiedene Studien, die den Nutzen oder Unnutzen attestieren. Dieser Beitrag versucht aufzuzeigen, dass herangezogene Konzepte und Modelle in verschiedenen Arbeiten - einschliesslich der unseren und insbesondere des Programms IN-TELE (Internet-Based Teaching and Learning) - sich zwischen klassischen Bildungssituationen und denen als innovativ angenommenen wiederfinden - auch wenn diese Unterscheidung nicht immer treffend ist. Wir stellen also das Schema Modell-Observation-Interpretation in Frage, indem wir suggerieren, dass die heute applizierten Denkmodelle und Observationsverfahren - der verschiedenen akademischen Disziplinen, die sich für den pädagogischen Gebrauch von ICT interessieren - für unser Verständnis des pädagogischen Einflusses durch Multimedia hinderlich sind, ja wenn nicht sogar deren Gebrauch nachteilig beeinflussen.  相似文献   

In the world of nineteenth‐century educators Charles Ange Laisant occupies a special place. Laisant’s training, which was that of the French elite, opened up an administrative career but at the same time he continued to work and publish in the subject area of mathematics. His research demonstrates that he was clearly an accepted member of the scientific world, and he met the most eminent mathematicians of his day. Laisant played a major role in structuring the mathematical community, both nationally and internationally. He participated prominently in the battle that led to a change in the status and teaching of science in many countries in the early twentieth century. He is also one of those individuals who dedicated themselves to the renewal of pedagogy and to the goals of the new education. Yet, Laisant is still largely unknown; perhaps because of the profusion of his activities and interests he remains beyond the limits of traditional analysis. The author has chosen here, after retracing Laisant’s life in all its diversity, to focus on the profound unity of thought that characterised his mind. Laisant’s life as an educator allows us to understand how politics, science and teaching were inextricably linked, and to witness how personalities so diverse, even opposing, could come together to pursue common goals of educational reform.  相似文献   


This paper proposes a kind of summary of research made from twenty years by historians and jurists about the question of philanthropy, ?patronage?, and the origins of the protection of children in Europe. The principal sources are the International Penitentiary Congresses between 1840 and 1914 and the International Congresses of protection of children (1880–1914).

Two periods and two generations of philanthropists have to be distinguished. The first one (1840–1850) that we can call the time of the ?Sainte Alliance? of European philanthropists against poverty and criminality, is characterised by individual action of personalities like prisons inspectors (Ducpétiaux in Belgium, Lucas in France) or private philanthropists like Suringar in the Netherlands who travel around Europe to visit reformatories and prisons to compare and promote their own solutions. This is the time of ?penitentiary tourism? and comparison between different models of treatment of juvenile delinquency, based on the concept of ?guilty children?, who have to be punish and re‐educated..

The second one, after 1880, is characterised by a new generation of philanthropists, members of government, ministers, lawyers, and the lobby of private associations of “hommes d'?uvres” and “dames patronesses” who try to change legislations and reform the ancient system of prison's children and reformatories. This the time of protection, “patronage” and prevention, based on a new concept of “children in danger? who have to be protected and not punish. The confrontation between European legislations and American experience of ‘juvenile courts” will give birth to a new model of treatment of juvenile delinquency, with more protection, less punishment. That stay the norm in Europe until these last years. But we can see today the return of a new American model, more punitive, based on the ideology of “tolerance zero” and the coming back to prisons.  相似文献   


The F.‐A. Demetz's example, one of the most well‐known prison reformers, is representative of the evolution of the relations between State and private initiative in France. For most of the people, the creation of the penitentiary agricultural colony of Mettray by F.‐A. Demetz is a model. F.‐A. Demetz belongs to the tradition of prison reformers, men or women coming from charitable societies, and acting mostly by charity and pity. Far to be a thinker, he is a “doer”. He also wants to be a pedagogue.

Mettray symbolises the triumph of the private initiative. But as soon as Mettray opened or only after a few months running, much of the colony organisation was modified. There are very important differences between Demetz’ s plans and the colony opening in 1839. For example, the repressive rules were strengthened. The family‐like organisation was changed into a more military one. Demetz had to comply with the administration's will to obtain its support.

This paper will allow us to understand the relations between reformers and the penitentiary administration.  相似文献   

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