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Testlet effects can be taken into account by incorporating specific dimensions in addition to the general dimension into the item response theory model. Three such multidimensional models are described: the bi-factor model, the testlet model, and a second-order model. It is shown how the second-order model is formally equivalent to the testlet model. In turn, both models are constrained bi-factor models. Therefore, the efficient full maximum likelihood estimation method that has been established for the bi-factor model can be modified to estimate the parameters of the two other models. An application on a testlet-based international English assessment indicated that the bi-factor model was the preferred model for this particular data set.  相似文献   

在分析领域中逐渐分离出的学习分析,通过获取、分析数据来实现促进学习和优化教学的目的。学习分析模型作为学习分析的参照性指导方略,对学习分析的高效实施具有重要作用。文章归纳了国内外学者提出的各种学习分析模型的基本策略与设计结构,并按照各模型不同的侧重点,将现有的学习分析模型分为反馈环状学习分析模型、交互网状学习分析模型和多因素学习分析模型。此外,文章还研究了这三类学习分析模型的特征、基本环节、设计特点并进行了对比分析。文章的研究成果,可为今后学习分析领域的研究与应用提供参考。  相似文献   

To better understand the statistical properties of the deterministic inputs, noisy “and” gate cognitive diagnosis (DINA) model, the impact of several factors on the quality of the item parameter estimates and classification accuracy was investigated. Results of the simulation study indicate that the fully Bayes approach is most accurate when the prior distribution matches the latent class structure. However, when the latent classes are of indefinite structure, the empirical Bayes method in conjunction with an unstructured prior distribution provides much better estimates and classification accuracy. Moreover, using empirical Bayes with an unstructured prior does not lead to extremely poor results as other prior-estimation method combinations do. The simulation results also show that increasing the sample size reduces the variability, and to some extent the bias, of item parameter estimates, whereas lower level of guessing and slip parameter is associated with higher quality item parameter estimation and classification accuracy.  相似文献   

This study evaluated exact testing (Agresti, 1992) as a method for conducting Mantel-Haenszel DIF analyses (Holland & Thayer, 1988) with relatively small samples. Sample-size restrictions limit the standard asymptotic Mantel-Haenszel for many practical applications; however, new developments in computing technology have made exact testing procedures feasible. The highly discrete distributions that are likely to occur in small-sample DIF analyses could yield very different results for asymptotic versus exact methods. It is therefore important to determine under controlled conditions the extent to which the exact approach is effective in correctly identifying DIF. A series of computer simulations were conducted in which 3 levels of induced bias (IRT b -parameter differences between groups of .25, .50, and .75) and 4 sample sizes (reference group = 500, focal group = 25, 50, 100, and 200) were investigated. Power comparisons at .01 and .05 alpha levels were carried out between the exact testing procedure and the conventional Mantel-Haenszel  相似文献   

用统计分析方法对区域经济状况进行分类比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用统计资料 ,从消费支出的角度 ,运用多元统计分析中的聚类分析及判别分析的方法 ,建立数学模型 ,对我国不同地区经济发展水平进行分类比较研究 .  相似文献   

In this study I compared results of chained linear, Tucker, and Levine-observed score equatings under conditions where the new and old forms samples were similar in ability and also when they were different in ability. The length of the anchor test was also varied to examine its effect on the three different equating methods. The three equating methods were compared to a criterion equating to obtain estimates of random equating error, bias, and root mean squared error (RMSE). Results showed that, for most studied conditions, chained linear equating produced fairly good equating results in terms of low bias and RMSE. Levine equating also produced low bias and RMSE in some conditions. Although the Tucker method always produced the lowest random equating error, it produced a larger bias and RMSE than either of the other equating methods. As noted in the literature, these results also suggest that either chained linear or Levine equating be used when new and old form samples differ on ability and/or when the anchor-to-total correlation is not very high. Finally, by testing the missing data assumptions of the three equating methods, this study also shows empirically why an equating method is more or less accurate under certain conditions .  相似文献   

Testing the goodness of fit of item response theory (IRT) models is relevant to validating IRT models, and new procedures have been proposed. These alternatives compare observed and expected response frequencies conditional on observed total scores, and use posterior probabilities for responses across θ levels rather than cross-classifying examinees using point estimates of θ and score responses. This research compared these alternatives with regard to their methods, properties (Type 1 error rates and empirical power), available research, and practical issues (computational demands, treatment of missing data, effects of sample size and sparse data, and available computer programs). Different advantages and disadvantages related to these characteristics are discussed. A simulation study provided additional information about empirical power and Type 1 error rates.  相似文献   

This module discusses the 1-, 2-, and 3-parameter logistic item response theory models. Mathematical formulas are given for each model, and comparisons among the three models are made. Figures are included to illustrate the effects of changing the a, b, or c parameter, and a single data set is used to illustrate the effects of estimating parameter values (as opposed to the true parameter values) and to compare parameter estimates achieved though applying the different models. The estimation procedure itself is discussed briefly. Discussions of model assumptions, such as dimensionality and local independence, can be found in many of the annotated references (e.g., Hambleton, 1988).  相似文献   

民族是文化的栽体,文化以民族文化的形式而存在;文化是民族的标记,不同的文化构成不 同的民族。拉祜族是一个历史悠久的古老民族,其民族文化源远流长。在漫长的民族发展和繁衍生息的岁月 中,拉祜人在创造生存所必需的物质财富的同时,也创造了丰富的精神文化财富。同所有事物一样,拉祜族文 化一经产生,就具有自身特性。其主要表现为多样性、流动性、交融性、非均衡性、社会性、创新性、开放性特 点。同时,拉祜族文化是在自身发展与其它文化比较、互助双重改造中成长起来的。  相似文献   

In this study, the effectiveness of an oral history assignment was assessed in a traditional gerontology class versus a distance education (DE) gerontology class. Attitudes toward older adults and the aging process were measured before and after students in the traditional (n = 29) and DE (n = 16) setting completed an oral history assignment. Scores were evaluated at posttest for differences between groups. The assignment positively influenced students' attitude toward older adults in both classes. Results indicate that this assignment was as effective in the DE setting as in the traditional setting. Findings suggest that oral history is an effective teaching assignment in a DE gerontology class.  相似文献   

Researchers have devoted some time and effort to developing methods for fitting nonlinear relationships among latent variables. In particular, most of these have focused on correctly modeling interactions between 2 exogenous latent variables, and quadratic relationships between exogenous and endogenous variables. All of these approaches require prespecification of the nonlinearity by the researcher, and are limited to fairly simple nonlinear relationships. Other work has been done using mixture structural equation models (SEMM) in an attempt to fit more complex nonlinear relationships. This study expands on this earlier work by introducing the 2-stage generalized additive model (2SGAM) approach for fitting regression splines in the context of structural equation models. The model is first described and then investigated through the use of simulated data, in which it was compared with the SEMM approach. Results demonstrate that the 2SGAM is an effective tool for fitting a variety of nonlinear relationships between latent variables, and can be easily and accurately extended to models including multiple latent variables. Implications of these results are discussed.  相似文献   

中国传统数学和西方传统数学对世界的数学发展起着重要的作用,但中国传统数学和以希腊为代表的西方传统数学存在较大差异.本文从地域和哲学等角度分别对中西传统数学的成因进行分析和比较.  相似文献   

In one study, parameters were estimated for constructed-response (CR) items in 8 tests from 4 operational testing programs using the l-parameter and 2- parameter partial credit (IPPC and 2PPC) models. Where multiple-choice (MC) items were present, these models were combined with the 1-parameter and 3-parameter logistic (IPL and 3PL) models, respectively. We found that item fit was better when the 2PPC model was used alone or with the 3PL model. Also, the slopes of the CR and MC items were found to differ substantially. In a second study, item parameter estimates produced using the IPL-IPPC and 3PL-2PPC model combinations were evaluated for fit to simulated data generated using true parameters known to fit one model combination or ttle other. The results suggested that the more flexible 3PL-2PPC model combination would produce better item fit than the IPL-1PPC combination.  相似文献   

The effects of fluency training on the acquisition and retention of a composite skill were compared with those of training to accuracy only. Participants were 30 college students, and the task was a stimulus equivalence task, similar to the one used by Binder (1995) in earlier assessments. Participants learned associations between Hebrew symbols and nonsense syllables and between nonsense syllables and Arabic numerals. Immediately after training and every 2 or 4 weeks for 16 weeks, they were tested on a composite task that required both associations. Retention of the original component associations was also assessed after 4 months. With respect to the composite skill, fluency training resulted in: a) higher response rates immediately after training and across the 16 weeks; b) better accuracy 4 and 16 weeks after training; and c) less deterioration of accuracy after 16 weeks. Effects on the component skills were similar. The results document that for skilled adult learners, fluency training can aid the acquisition of a higher level skill and increase the retention of accuracy for both the component and composite skills.  相似文献   

本研究基于人类发展生态学的基本理论,对国外三种较有代表性的幼儿园课程模式即蒙台梭利教育法、瑞吉欧教育方案和高宽课程模式中的环境创设进行了比较,进而分析了这三种课程模式中的环境创设理念对我国幼儿园环境创设的有益启示,包括精心规划幼儿的学习和生活环境,以引导和促进幼儿的发展;更多关注幼儿园心理层面的环境创设,为幼儿营造积极的学习氛围;更多关注幼儿园环境与各层次环境的互动,以全方位构建幼儿的发展环境.  相似文献   


Achievement goal theory is one of the most widespread motivation models within education research. Strong empirical support exists for the trichotomous model, comprising mastery-approach, performance-approach, and performance-avoidance goals. However, research also indicates problems with model transferability between contexts. In this study, based on questionnaire data from 4201 students, we use confirmatory factor analysis to compare the factor structures of students’ achievement goals in two culturally distinct countries. Factor structures for Grades 5–11 within the two countries were also compared. Results show that the separation between performance-approach and performance-avoidance goals differs between the two countries, and that this difference is consistent over the grades. Hence, results indicate that the model is not freely transferable between countries. The results are discussed in relation to differences in national culture and other proposed explanations such as age, perceived competence, and questionnaire characteristics.  相似文献   

高质量的做好高校出纳工作   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文针对当前社会上普遍存在的对出纳工作有偏见这一现象,结合笔者多年的工作经验,通过摆事实,讲道理,从出纳的地位、作用以及业务技能、国家的法律法规等各方面,详细论述了出纳岗位的重要性, 给出了有关的落实措施。  相似文献   

The conventional noncentrality parameter estimator of covariance structure models, which is currently implemented in widely circulated structural modeling programs (e.g., LISREL, EQS, AMOS, RAMONA), is shown to possess asymptotically potentially large bias, variance, and mean squared error (MSE). A formal expression for its large-sample bias is presented, and its large-sample variance and MSE are quantified. Based on these results, it is suggested that future research needs to develop means of possibly unbiased estimation of the noncentrality parameter, with smaller variance and MSE.  相似文献   

当今,大学跨学科组织在名称、隶属关系、结构规模、组织功能和体制机制等方面呈现出多样性和含混性的特点。文章根据大学跨学科组织的内部结构等要素,尝试将其划分为三种主要运行模式,并对三种运行模式进行了比较分析。  相似文献   

国外已有的相关研究表明,蒙台梭利教育与传统教育对儿童学业成绩的影响差异不大;在感知运动技能方面,蒙台梭利教育更有利于儿童的发展;在人格特征和社会性发展方面,蒙台梭利教育的优势也得到了更多研究的支持.我们应该加强对两种教育模式效果的本土化比较研究,同时科学对待已有的研究成果,深入探讨导致两种教育模式效果不同的原因,推动蒙台梭利教育在我国的开展.  相似文献   

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