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Bock, Muraki, and Pfeiffenberger (1988) proposed a dichotomous item response theory (IRT) model for the detection of differential item functioning (DIF), and they estimated the IRT parameters and the means and standard deviations of the multiple latent trait distributions. This IRT DIF detection method is extended to the partial credit model (Masters, 1982; Muraki, 1993) and presented as one of the multiple-group IRT models. Uniform and non-uniform DIF items and heterogeneous latent trait distributions were used to generate polytomous responses of multiple groups. The DIF method was applied to this simulated data using a stepwise procedure. The standardized DIF measures for slope and item location parameters successfully detected the non-uniform and uniform DIF items as well as recovered the means and standard deviations of the latent trait distributions.This stepwise DIF analysis based on the multiple-group partial credit model was then applied to the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) writing trend data.  相似文献   

In structural equation modeling software, either limited-information (bivariate proportions) or full-information item parameter estimation routines could be used for the 2-parameter item response theory (IRT) model. Limited-information methods assume the continuous variable underlying an item response is normally distributed. For skewed and platykurtic latent variable distributions, 3 methods were compared in Mplus: limited information, full information integrating over a normal distribution, and full information integrating over the known underlying distribution. Interfactor correlation estimates were similar for all 3 estimation methods. For the platykurtic distribution, estimation method made little difference for the item parameter estimates. When the latent variable was negatively skewed, for the most discriminating easy or difficult items, limited-information estimates of both parameters were considerably biased. Full-information estimates obtained by marginalizing over a normal distribution were somewhat biased. Full-information estimates obtained by integrating over the true latent distribution were essentially unbiased. For the a parameters, standard errors were larger for the limited-information estimates when the bias was positive but smaller when the bias was negative. For the d parameters, standard errors were larger for the limited-information estimates of the easiest, most discriminating items. Otherwise, they were generally similar for the limited- and full-information estimates. Sample size did not substantially impact the differences between the estimation methods; limited information did not gain an advantage for smaller samples.  相似文献   

Missing data are a common problem in a variety of measurement settings, including responses to items on both cognitive and affective assessments. Researchers have shown that such missing data may create problems in the estimation of item difficulty parameters in the Item Response Theory (IRT) context, particularly if they are ignored. At the same time, a number of data imputation methods have been developed outside of the IRT framework and been shown to be effective tools for dealing with missing data. The current study takes several of these methods that have been found to be useful in other contexts and investigates their performance with IRT data that contain missing values. Through a simulation study, it is shown that these methods exhibit varying degrees of effectiveness in terms of imputing data that in turn produce accurate sample estimates of item difficulty and discrimination parameters.  相似文献   

There is a paucity of research in item response theory (IRT) examining the consequences of violating the implicit assumption of nonspeededness. In this study, test data were simulated systematically under various speeded conditions. The three factors considered in relation to speededness were proportion of test not reached (5%, 10%, and 15%), response to not reached (blank vs. random response), and item ordering (random vs. easy to hard). The effects of these factors on parameter estimation were then examined by comparing the item and ability parameter estimates with the known true parameters. Results indicated that the ability estimation was least affected by speededness in terms of the correlation between true and estimated ability parameters. On the other hand, substantial effects of speededness were observed among item parameter estimates. Recommendations for minimizing the effects of speededness are discussed  相似文献   

Two simulation studies investigated Type I error performance of two statistical procedures for detecting differential item functioning (DIF): SIBTEST and Mantel-Haenszel (MH). Because MH and SIBTEST are based on asymptotic distributions requiring "large" numbers of examinees, the first study examined Type 1 error for small sample sizes. No significant Type I error inflation occurred for either procedure. Because MH has the potential for Type I error inflation for non-Rasch models, the second study used a markedly non-Rasch test and systematically varied the shape and location of the studied item. When differences in distribution across examinee group of the measured ability were present, both procedures displayed inflated Type 1 error for certain items; MH displayed the greater inflation. Also, both procedures displayed statistically biased estimation of the zero DIF for certain items, though SIBTEST displayed much less than MH. When no latent distributional differences were present, both procedures performed satisfactorily under all conditions.  相似文献   

An item-preequating design and a random groups design were used to equate forms of the American College Testing (ACT) Assessment Mathematics Test. Equipercentile and 3-parameter logistic model item-response theory (IRT) procedures were used for both designs. Both pretest methods produced inadequate equating results, and the IRT item preequating method resulted in more equating error than had no equating been conducted. Although neither of the item preequating methods performed well, the results from the equipercentile preequating method were more consistent with those from the random groups method than were the results from the IRT item pretest method. Item context and position effects were likely responsible, at least in part, for the inadequate results for item preequating. Such effects need to be either controlled or modeled, and the design further researched before the item preequating design can be recommended for operational use.  相似文献   

马洪超 《考试研究》2012,(1):61-66,85
参数估计是项目反应理论应用、发展的前提。本研究针对六种不同的HSK考生样本,分别使用三种软件,采用不同的参数估计方法对考生能力值进行估计,结果表明能力值估计结果与考生潜在能力分布有关系。当潜在能力分布趋向正态分布时,能力值的估计的误差较小。此外,不同软件的参数估计方法的能力值估计结果均有差异。  相似文献   

Numerous assessments contain a mixture of multiple choice (MC) and constructed response (CR) item types and many have been found to measure more than one trait. Thus, there is a need for multidimensional dichotomous and polytomous item response theory (IRT) modeling solutions, including multidimensional linking software. For example, multidimensional item response theory (MIRT) may have a promising future in subscale score proficiency estimation, leading toward a more diagnostic orientation, which requires the linking of these subscale scores across different forms and populations. Several multidimensional linking studies can be found in the literature; however, none have used a combination of MC and CR item types. Thus, this research explores multidimensional linking accuracy for tests composed of both MC and CR items using a matching test characteristic/response function approach. The two-dimensional simulation study presented here used real data-derived parameters from a large-scale statewide assessment with two subscale scores for diagnostic profiling purposes, under varying conditions of anchor set lengths (6, 8, 16, 32, 60), across 10 population distributions, with a mixture of simple versus complex structured items, using a sample size of 3,000. It was found that for a well chosen anchor set, the parameters recovered well after equating across all populations, even for anchor sets composed of as few as six items.  相似文献   

This study explores classification consistency and accuracy for mixed-format tests using real and simulated data. In particular, the current study compares six methods of estimating classification consistency and accuracy for seven mixed-format tests. The relative performance of the estimation methods is evaluated using simulated data. Study results from real data analysis showed that the procedures exhibited similar patterns across various exams, but some tended to produce lower estimates of classification consistency and accuracy than others. As data became more multidimensional, unidimensional and multidimensional item response theory (IRT) methods tended to produce different results, with the unidimensional approach yielding lower estimates than the multidimensional approach. Results from simulated data analysis demonstrated smaller estimation error for the multidimensional IRT methods than for the unidimensional IRT method. The unidimensional approach yielded larger error as tests became more multidimensional, whereas a reverse relationship was observed for the multidimensional IRT approach. Among the non-IRT approaches, the normal approximation and Livingston-Lewis methods performed well, whereas the compound multinomial method tended to produce relatively larger error.  相似文献   

We present a logistic function of a monotonic polynomial with a lower asymptote, allowing additional flexibility beyond the three‐parameter logistic model. We develop a maximum marginal likelihood‐based approach to estimate the item parameters. The new item response model is demonstrated on math assessment data from a state, and a computationally efficient strategy for choosing the order of the polynomial is demonstrated. Finally, our approach is tested through simulations and compared to response function estimation using smoothed isotonic regression. Results indicate that our approach can result in small gains in item response function recovery and latent trait estimation.  相似文献   

Two new methods have been proposed to determine unexpected sum scores on sub-tests (testlets) both for paper-and-pencil tests and computer adaptive tests. A method based on a conservative bound using the hypergeometric distribution, denoted p, was compared with a method where the probability for each score combination was calculated using a highest density region (HDR). Furthermore, these methods were compared with the standardized log-likelihood statistic with and without a correction for the estimated latent trait value (denoted as l*z and lz, respectively). Data were simulated on the basis of the one-parameter logistic model, and both parametric and non-parametric logistic regression was used to obtain estimates of the latent trait. Results showed that it is important to take the trait level into account when comparing subtest scores. In a nonparametric item response theory (IRT) context, on adapted version of the HDR method was a powerful alterative to p. In a parametric IRT context, results showed that l*z had the highest power when the data were simulated conditionally on the estimated latent trait level.  相似文献   

Six procedures for combining sets of IRT item parameter estimates obtained from different samples were evaluated using real and simulated response data. In the simulated data analyses, true item and person parameters were used to generate response data for three different-sized samples. Each sample was calibrated separately to obtain three sets of item parameter estimates for each item. The six procedures for combining multiple estimates were each applied, and the results were evaluated by comparing the true and estimated item characteristic curves. For the real data, the two best methods from the simulation data analyses were applied to three different-sized samples and the resulting estimated item characteristic curves were compared to the curves obtained when the three samples were combined and calibrated simultaneously. The results support the use of covariance matrix-weighted averaging and a procedure that involves sample-size-weighted averaging of estimated item characteristic curves at the center of the ability distribution  相似文献   

In test development, item response theory (IRT) is a method to determine the amount of information that each item (i.e., item information function) and combination of items (i.e., test information function) provide in the estimation of an examinee's ability. Studies investigating the effects of item parameter estimation errors over a range of ability have demonstrated an overestimation of information when the most discriminating items are selected (i.e., item selection based on maximum information). In the present study, the authors examined the influence of item parameter estimation errors across 3 item selection methods—maximum no target, maximum target, and theta maximum—using the 2- and 3-parameter logistic IRT models. Tests created with the maximum no target and maximum target item selection procedures consistently overestimated the test information function. Conversely, tests created using the theta maximum item selection procedure yielded more consistent estimates of the test information function and, at times, underestimated the test information function. Implications for test development are discussed.  相似文献   

A mixed‐effects item response theory (IRT) model is presented as a logical extension of the generalized linear mixed‐effects modeling approach to formulating explanatory IRT models. Fixed and random coefficients in the extended model are estimated using a Metropolis‐Hastings Robbins‐Monro (MH‐RM) stochastic imputation algorithm to accommodate for increased dimensionality due to modeling multiple design‐ and trait‐based random effects. As a consequence of using this algorithm, more flexible explanatory IRT models, such as the multidimensional four‐parameter logistic model, are easily organized and efficiently estimated for unidimensional and multidimensional tests. Rasch versions of the linear latent trait and latent regression model, along with their extensions, are presented and discussed, Monte Carlo simulations are conducted to determine the efficiency of parameter recovery of the MH‐RM algorithm, and an empirical example using the extended mixed‐effects IRT model is presented.  相似文献   

Testing the goodness of fit of item response theory (IRT) models is relevant to validating IRT models, and new procedures have been proposed. These alternatives compare observed and expected response frequencies conditional on observed total scores, and use posterior probabilities for responses across θ levels rather than cross-classifying examinees using point estimates of θ and score responses. This research compared these alternatives with regard to their methods, properties (Type 1 error rates and empirical power), available research, and practical issues (computational demands, treatment of missing data, effects of sample size and sparse data, and available computer programs). Different advantages and disadvantages related to these characteristics are discussed. A simulation study provided additional information about empirical power and Type 1 error rates.  相似文献   

In operational testing programs using item response theory (IRT), item parameter invariance is threatened when an item appears in a different location on the live test than it did when it was field tested. This study utilizes data from a large state's assessments to model change in Rasch item difficulty (RID) as a function of item position change, test level, test content, and item format. As a follow-up to the real data analysis, a simulation study was performed to assess the effect of item position change on equating. Results from this study indicate that item position change significantly affects change in RID. In addition, although the test construction procedures used in the investigated state seem to somewhat mitigate the impact of item position change, equating results might be impacted in testing programs where other test construction practices or equating methods are utilized.  相似文献   

When the item response theory (IRT) model uses the marginal maximum likelihood estimation, person parameters are usually treated as random parameters following a certain distribution as a prior distribution to estimate the structural parameters in the model. For example, both PARSCALE (Muraki &; Bock, 1999) and BILOG 3 (Mislevy &; Bock, 1990) use a standard normal distribution as a default person prior. When the fixed-item linking method is used with an IRT program having a fixed-person prior distribution, it biases person ability growth downward or upward depending on the direction of the growth due to the misspecification of the prior. This study demonstrated by simulation how much biasing impact there is on person ability growth from the use of the fixed prior distribution in fixed-item linking for mixed-format test data. In addition, the study demonstrated how to recover growth through an iterative prior update calibration procedure. This shows that fixed-item linking is still a viable linking method for a fixed-person prior IRT calibration.  相似文献   

Empirical studies demonstrated Type-I error (TIE) inflation (especially for highly discriminating easy items) of the Mantel-Haenszel chi-square test for differential item functioning (DIF), when data conformed to item response theory (IRT) models more complex than Rasch, and when IRT proficiency distributions differed only in means. However, no published study manipulated proficiency variance ratio (VR). Data were generated with the three-parameter logistic (3PL) IRT model. Proficiency VRs were 1, 2, 3, and 4. The present study suggests inflation may be greater, and may affect all highly discriminating items (low, moderate, and high difficulty), when IRT proficiency distributions of reference and focal groups differ also in variances. Inflation was greatest on the 21-item test (vs. 41) and 2,000 total sample size (vs. 1,000). Previous studies had not systematically examined sample size ratio. Sample size ratio of 1:1 produced greater TIE inflation than 3:1, but primarily for total sample size of 2,000.  相似文献   

An approach called generalizability in item response modeling (GIRM) is introduced in this article. The GIRM approach essentially incorporates the sampling model of generalizability theory (GT) into the scaling model of item response theory (IRT) by making distributional assumptions about the relevant measurement facets. By specifying a random effects measurement model, and taking advantage of the flexibility of Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) estimation methods, it becomes possible to estimate GT variance components simultaneously with traditional IRT parameters. It is shown how GT and IRT can be linked together, in the context of a single-facet measurement design with binary items. Using both simulated and empirical data with the software WinBUGS, the GIRM approach is shown to produce results comparable to those from a standard GT analysis, while also producing results from a random effects IRT model.  相似文献   

This article summarizes the continuous latent trait IRT approach to skills diagnosis as particularized by a representative variety of continuous latent trait models using item response functions (IRFs). First, several basic IRT-based continuous latent trait approaches are presented in some detail. Then a brief summary of estimation, model checking, and assessment scoring aspects are discussed. Finally, the University of California at Berkeley multidimensional Rasch-model-grounded SEPUP middle school science-focused embedded assessment project is briefly described as one significant illustrative application.  相似文献   

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