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Providing appropriate test accommodations to most English language learners (ELLs) is important to facilitate meaningful inferences about learning. This study compared teacher large-scale test accommodation recommendations to those from a literature- and practitioner-grounded accommodation selection taxonomy. The taxonomy links student-specific needs, strengths, and schooling experiences to large-scale test accommodation recommendations that differentially minimize barriers of access for students with different profiles. A blind panel of experts rated four sets of recommendations for each of 114 ELLs. Results found the taxonomy was a significantly better fit for distinguishing accommodations by student need than teacher recommendations. Further, the fit of teacher recommendations showed no difference when the teacher used a structured data collection procedure to gather profile information about each of their ELLs and when they did not, and teachers’ recommendations were not found to differ significantly from a random set of accommodations. Findings are consistent with previous literature that suggests the task of matching specific accommodations to individual needs, rather than the task of identifying individual needs, is where teachers struggle in recommending appropriate test accommodations.  相似文献   

This study investigated whether scores obtained from the online and paper-and-pencil administrations of the statewide end-of-course English test were equivalent for students with and without disabilities. Score comparability was evaluated by examining equivalence of factor structure (measurement invariance) and differential item and bundle functioning analyses for the online and paper groups. Results supported measurement invariance between the online and paper groups, suggesting that it is meaningful to compare scores across administration modes. When the data were analyzed at both the item and item bundle (content area) levels, similar performance appeared between the online and paper groups.  相似文献   

《Educational Assessment》2013,18(2):85-104
This study examined the relationship between oral reading fluency and performance on a statewide reading test across Grades 3, 4, and 5. A curriculum-based measure of oral reading fluency was administered to 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders who participated in the reading test from the Colorado Student Assessment Program (CSAP). A cross-sectional design with individuals nested within classrooms and classrooms nested within grade levels was used. Hierarchical linear modeling was employed to analyze the relationships. Significant correlations were found between oral reading fluency and the CSAP for all 3 grades. The measure of oral reading fluency added unique information to predicting CSAP performance over and above the predictability of previous year CSAP testing. There was significant variation at the individual classroom level in the relationship between oral reading fluency and CSAP performance. Diagnostic efficiency statistics were used with cut scores to predict whether students would pass or fail the CSAP.  相似文献   

基于计算机的测验已逐渐普及,但不同的计算机测验形式在测量相同任务时可能会产生测验结果的偏差,从而导致教育测量与评价结果的不公平性。文章基于项目反应理论,探讨了计算机化线性测验与计算机自适应测验在测验效率、测验结果的统计学特征及其对考生个体心理特质的影响是否等效等问题,并以师范生"现代教育技术"课程为例开展了实证研究,结果显示:两种测验中考生的分数具有可比性,计算机自适应测验具有更高的测验效率与测验信度,但有无即时反馈对考生测验焦虑的影响较大;而计算机化线性测验具有更合理的内容效度,有无即时反馈对考生测验焦虑的影响较小。文章的研究不仅对教学评价中测验形式的选择是否公平合理进行了科学分析,而且为施测者根据测验场景有针对性地选择测验形式提供了理论参考。  相似文献   

How does a testing component function in an integrated learning system? How can you customize computerized tests to meet local specifications? How are computerized tests implemented and evaluated? Is the pay-off of computerized testing justified?  相似文献   

The active involvement of secondary school students with high-incidence disabilities (HI) in instructional accommodations is essential to both enacting the accommodations and to the accommodations effectiveness. Very little is known about students with HI’s knowledge about instructional accommodations, experiences with them, or opinions on effective practices. A focus group study was conducted with 10 high school students with HI. A content analysis (Fraenkel & Wallen, 2009) revealed they are unaware of how their accommodations are identified, and that they typically are not directly taught to use them. The students explained how accommodations are usually provided in the classroom, including the ways they signal need, and offered their suggestions for more effective practices, which included responding to fairness and potential embarrassment. Their comments also revealed their beliefs and practices for self-advocating for accommodations.  相似文献   

等价类划分是黑盒测试的典型方法之一,通过把被测试程序所有可能的输入数据域划分成若干部分。从每一部分中选取少数有代表性的数据作为测试用例,可有效减少测试次数,极大提高软件测试效率,缩短软件开发周期.  相似文献   

A meta-analysis using Hierarchical Linear Modeling (HLM) was conducted to examine the effects of test accommodations on the test performance of English language learners (ELLs). The results indicated that test accommodations improve ELLs' test performance by about 0.157 standard deviations—a relatively small but statistically significant increase. Once the potential predictors that may have contributed to the variance of the effect sizes across studies had been accounted for, only English proficiency was found to be significant. Further, the results indicated that ELLs with a low level of English proficiency benefited much more from test accommodations than did those with a high level of English proficiency. Little difference was observed in regard to other factors such as students' ethnicity, students' grade level, or the subject for which they were being examined. Although previous studies have suggested that linguistic simplification may be more effective than other methods, results from this meta-analysis offered no support for that suggestion.  相似文献   

Research in Science Education - Developing the future scientists of tomorrow requires that the science teachers of today be well versed in the languages and practices of science. This may require...  相似文献   

Student engagement with science is a long-standing, central interest within science education research. In this article, we examine student engagement with science using a Bourdiusian lens, placing a particular emphasis on the notion of field. Over the course of one academic year, we collected data in an inner London secondary science classroom through lesson observations, interviews and discussion groups with students, and interviews with the teacher. We argue that applying Bourdieusian theory can help better understand differential patterns of student engagement by directing attention to the alignment between students’ habitus and capital, and the field. Student behaviours that did not meet the requirements of the wider field were not recognised and valued as constituting engagement. Even when the ‘rules of the game’ of the science classroom were understood by the students, the tensions they experienced within the field made engaging with science impossible and undesirable. We discuss how a greater focus on the field can be useful for planning future interventions aimed at making science education more equitable.  相似文献   

Among the several forms of accommodations used in the assessment of English language learners (ELLs), language-based accommodations are the most effective in making assessments linguistically accessible to these students. However, there are significant challenges associated with the implementation of many of these accommodations. This article reviews studies that explain the impact of language factors on the assessment of ELLs, presents major forms of language-based accommodations, and discusses how computers can assist in the proper administration of these accommodations.  相似文献   

Research indicates that the performance-gap between English Language Learners (ELLs) and their non-ELL peers is partly due to ELLs' difficulty in understanding assessment language. Accommodations have been shown to narrow this performance-gap, but many accommodations studies have not used a randomized design and are based on relatively small sample sizes. Addressing such issues, we administered a standard-based mathematics assessment to approximately 3,000 Grade 9 ELL and non-ELL students under five different language-based accommodations. Results indicate that many of these accommodations did not produce significant gains for the recipients. Some even had a negative impact. We believe several factors may explain these findings. First, newer assessments, including those developed for this study, may have been linguistically modified to the point that further modification has only a limited effect. Second, the language of instruction may have not adequately prepared students for the assessment. If the language of instruction (textbook, etc.) contains unnecessary linguistic complexity, then students may not have had the opportunity to learn the assessed content. A third factor is students’ unfamiliarity with these accommodations because they are seldom used in classroom instruction and teacher assessments. We discuss our findings and implications for policymakers, assessment developers, practitioners, and researchers.  相似文献   

基于项目反应理论,文章介绍了测验等值问题的意义和模型,然后分析了测验等值的原理,并采用最小二乘估计法对其中涉及到的转换系数进行了参数估计,真正实现了项目反应理论中的项目参数等值和真分数等值.  相似文献   

This study, carried out in England, examined the variation of attitudes towards science over the first three years of secondary schooling and with gender. The study in question was part of an evaluation of the “Lab in a Lorry” project, and involved 932 pupils completing a pre‐measure questionnaire containing items looking at six separate attitude constructs. From these data, two main patterns emerged; pupils’ attitudes towards science declined as they progressed through secondary school, and this decline was more pronounced for female pupils. These conclusions are largely in agreement with previous studies in this field. However, in examining separate attitude constructs, we were also able to identify that the sharpest decline occurred specifically for pupils’ attitude towards learning science in school. Furthermore, using linear regression, we identified that, as pupils progress through school, this construct becomes a greater influence on attitudes towards future participation in science. Therefore, we also concluded that learning science in school is a particular area that needs to be concentrated upon, if we are to improve children’s attitudes towards science. In the final part of the paper, we drew on interview data obtained from 44 pupils involved in the Lab in a Lorry study. Pupils’ comments in these interviews provided further insight into why pupils are “switched off” by school science. We drew out the most prevalent themes that emerged in the interviews, in order to provide further insight into why pupils do not enjoy science in school.  相似文献   

Innovative Higher Education - Learning gains associated with multiple-choice testing formats that provide immediate feedback (e.g., IFAT®) are often greater than those for typical...  相似文献   

A procedure for checking the score equivalence of nearly identical editions of a test is described. This procedure is used early in the score equating process to help determine whether it is necessary to conduct separate equating analyses (using a variety of equating methods) for the two nearly identical versions of the test. The procedure employs the standard error of equating and utilizes graphical representation of score conversion deviation from the identity function in standard error units. Two illustrations of the procedure involving Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) data are presented. Advice about what to do if statistical equivalence does not obtain is given in the discussion section. Alternative strategies for assessing score equivalence are also discussed.  相似文献   

朱熹理学的形成有其广泛而深刻的学脉渊承.朱熹理学是继承和发展先秦以来各家各派之长,特别是继承和发展了儒、佛、道三家的唯心主义思想,从而形成了朱熹特色的理学思想,成为中国哲学史上客观唯心主义哲学的集大成者.  相似文献   

Wei  Bing  Chen  Xiaomin 《Science & Education》2021,30(3):639-657
Science & Education - In this study, we examined the teaching emphasis of the history of science (HOS) in science lesson plans. The examination was based on a five-dimensional framework, which...  相似文献   

How do state educational authorities use statewide test data to rank schools? Can refinements in the procedures change the rankings of schools? Will interpretations based on such rankings be fair, accurate, and valid? Does ranking school districts reveal anything meaningful about the schools? Can ranking schools be counterproductive?  相似文献   

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