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通过随机取样的问卷调查法,对大学生考试焦虑和成就动机进行相关性研究,得出大学生考试焦虑在性别、生源地、专业和年级上均无显著差异;考试焦虑与成就动机有非常显著的负相关.  相似文献   

该研究以问卷调查和机考测试的形式,分析研究了机助英语口语考试环境下策略使用对口语机考焦虑的影响。研究结果表明,学习策略和考试策略与考试焦虑和机考态度之间呈显著负相关关系。考生使用最多的学习策略是记忆策略和补偿策略,而使用最少的策略是元认知策略和情感策略;考生使用最多的考试策略是交际策略,而最少的是认知策略。研究成果可以进一步深化机考研究,并为教育教学提供新的启示。  相似文献   

Research shows that mindfulness interventions for test anxiety in a college student population are beneficial (Lothes, Matney, & Naseer, 2022). This study assessed the effects of online mindfulness practices over a 5-week period on anxiety and test anxiety in college students. Participants included 20 students that were randomly assigned to either a sitting meditation or a wait list control (WLC). A weekly schedule of mindfulness practices was given to participants to complete on their own for 5 weeks. The WLC did not do any mindfulness for the first 5 weeks. Participants in the both conditions showed significant within-group reductions in test anxiety, overall anxiety, and DASS scores during their mindfulness interventions. Both groups also showed significant increases in FFMQ scores. Mindfulness may play a role in the reduction of anxiety and test anxiety. Further research is needed to assess how mindfulness may affect anxiety and test anxiety in college students.  相似文献   


This article examines the etiology of social phobia, and proposes that the sensitivity to self-scrutiny common to social phobics can be exacerbated by the effects of longstanding racial bias. The impact of racism on identity and the importance of context are explored as salient factors in the onset of a case of social phobia for an African-American woman at a prestigious university. The importance of attending to both overt and subtle forms of racism is illustrated within the typical cognitive-behavioral framework for the treatment of social phobia.  相似文献   


Identification of factors that influence post-secondary student achievement and motivation in the classroom continues to be an important educational objective. The author investigated the interactive effects of learner characteristic, test anxiety, and the classroom variable, threat of evaluation, on the achievement and motivation of 61 postsecondary students assigned randomly to high- or low-evaluative threat conditions. Statistically significant interactions revealed that all the students, particularly the test-anxious students, performed poorly and were less motivated when exposed to highly evaluative classrooms. The findings expand previous research and should be considered by professors when they design and implement higher education courses.  相似文献   

Student performance has become an increasingly important topic in higher education as it relates to retention and graduation rates and as university administrators place emphasis on performance as the basis for budgeting. The purpose of this research was to determine to what extent students' ability, achievement striving, and situational optimism influence performance outcomes and to investigate the interactive effects of ability and achievement striving as well as ability and situational optimism on student performance outcomes. Study results and implications for institute of higher education and classroom instructions are also discussed.  相似文献   

为了解初中生考试焦虑和自尊、成就动机的现状及关系,为初中生的心理健康干预提供依据,通过问卷调查法对300位初中生的自尊、成就动机和考试焦虑状况进行测查。结果发现:初中生追求成功的动机明显高于避免失败的动机;追求成功的动机越高的人,考试焦虑程度越高,而避免失败程度越高的人,考试焦虑也相应较高;自尊水平越低的人,考试焦虑程度越高;自尊、追求成功的动机能在一定程度上预测考试焦虑。  相似文献   

考试焦虑测量表及艾森克人格问卷(EPQ)进行调查,了解工科大学生考试焦虑在性别、专业及人格维度间的分布特点及规律,探讨大学生考试焦虑与考试成绩的关系.结果表明,考试焦虑在不同性别、不同专业的工科大学生之间无显著差异,而与人格密切相关;考试焦虑对一些专业课的考试成绩有显著影响(P<0.05);轻度焦虑所占人数最多,同时轻度焦虑的学生平均成绩也最高,显著高于非焦虑、中度焦虑的学生.  相似文献   

Reciprocal peer tutoring (RPT) is a cooperative learning strategy which capitalizes on the benefit students receive from preparing to tutor one another. In these experiments we investigated the effects of RPT on the academic achievement, academic self-efficacy, and test anxiety of undergraduate students. Undergraduate education majors enrolled in either human growth and development or educational psychology participated in the study. Students developed a series of test questions, used these questions to quiz each other prior to unit examinations, and provided corrective feedback to the questions. Statistically significant findings were inconsistent across the experiments. In short, RPT appears to have, at best, inconsistent effects on achievement, test anxiety, and academic self-efficacy.  相似文献   

对福建省6所高校831名学生的调查研究显示:当前大学生的考试焦虑正呈现出上升趋势,其中,男生大于女生,理工科大于文科,高年级大于低年级,城市高于农村,独生子女高于非独生子女。缓解大学生考试焦虑应从学校、家庭和学生方面着手解决。  相似文献   

通过对高职院校学生成就动机的发展特点进行了分析,并与普通高校大学生进行比较,发现高职院校学生与普通高校学生成就动机水平未见显著差异;高职院校学生成就动机在性别、年级、专业上都有显著差异,在城乡上无显著差异。一  相似文献   

大学生的焦虑情绪是一个不可忽视的问题,主要采用问卷调查法,采用了心理健康自评量表SCL-90,对某大学的240名大学生进行了随机抽样调查。对调查数据从年级、性别和学科三个方面做了统计分析,统计结果表明:各个年级的学生出现了不同程度的焦虑。针对学生的焦虑问题提出了建设性的措施。  相似文献   

采用整群抽样调查法,以两所完全中学的508名学生为被试,探索考试焦虑罹患者的四分成就目标特征。通过调查我们发现:中学生考试焦虑不适者的检出率为67.7%,重度焦虑者占到了抽样总体的三分之一强;女生的考试应激问题要明显重于男生;中学生的焦虑不适度与2种回避型目标显著正相关;焦虑不适者的四分成就目标具有校际(重点与普通)、学段(初中与高中)与性别等人口学特征差异。提示,考试焦虑中学生具有回避型成就目标特征,女生的高掌握回避取向可能是其高焦虑的内在原因。  相似文献   

This article examines the relationship between marijuana use and anxiety symptoms among college students, with a secondary focus on marijuana use and grade point average (GPA). A secondary analysis was conducted on data obtained from the American College Health Association–National College Health Assessment. Results indicated that marijuana use was negatively associated with GPA among students with current anxiety and no formal treatment. The relationships between these variables may be more complex than previously thought.  相似文献   


The effects of cluster registration upon various aspects of student experience at the University of Utah were studied. From among first quarter freshmen, undecided as to academic major, seven groups of students were identified who had registered for the same general education courses and who could be kept together for the duration of the quarter in their respective groups (clusters) by assigning them to appropriate course sections. A control group was used. Findings led to the conclusion that cluster registration (used in this investigation) did not improve the quality of the university experience of these entering college freshmen.  相似文献   

Four groups (N = 116) were maintained in a 4-factor analysis of covariance design to determine if more frequent, graded unit examinations followed by test feedback facilitate achievement and allow students with high-measured test anxiety to perform better on final course examinations. The testing procedures studied consisted of the administration of 168 examination items as either three or six unit exams, grading or not grading the unit exams, and providing or not providing class feedback and discussion following the examinations. Analysis of performance on two posttest measures indicated that the subjects achieved more from frequent, graded unit tests followed by feedback; however, variations of these conditions did not appear to influence the performance of the students with high-measured test anxiety.  相似文献   

大学英语测试中存在测试形式单一,题型欠缺,测试效度低等弊端。这些问题的存在对大学英语教学工作造成了不利的影响。本文就这些问题提出了一些改进建议。  相似文献   

A new measure that focused explicitly on the cognitive dimension of test anxiety was introduced and examined for psychometric quality as compared to existing measures of test anxiety. The new scale was found to be a reliable and valid measure of cognitive test anxiety. The impact of cognitive test anxiety as well as emotionality and test procrastination were subsequently evaluated on three course exams and students' self-reported performance on the Scholastic Aptitude Test for 168 undergraduate students. Higher levels of cognitive test anxiety were associated with significantly lower test scores on each of the three course examinations. High levels of cognitive test anxiety also were associated with significantly lower Scholastic Aptitude Test scores. Procrastination, in contrast, was related to performance only on the course final examination. Gender differences in cognitive test anxiety were documented, but those differences were not related to performance on the course exams. Examination of the relation between the emotionality component of test anxiety and performance revealed that moderate levels of physiological arousal generally were associated with higher exam performance. The results were consistent with cognitive appraisal and information processing models of test anxiety and support the conclusion that cognitive test anxiety exerts a significant stable and negative impact on academic performance measures.  相似文献   

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