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The purpose of this article is to illustrate a seven-step process for determining whether inferential reading items were more susceptible to cultural bias than literal reading items. The seven-step process was demonstrated using multiple-choice data from the reading portion of a reading/language arts test for fifth and seventh grade Hispanic, Black, and White examinees. The process began at the broadest level of analyzing bundles of items for differential bundle functioning and finished at the narrowest level of analyzing individual items for differential distractor functioning. Some evidence was found to indicate that inferential items are more susceptible to cultural bias than literal items. Implications of the results are discussed, and suggestions for item writers and test developers are given.  相似文献   

You Are Too Late     
Onthebusamanfoundapickpocketshandthrustintohispocket.“Sorry,”hesaidtothepickpocket,“youaretoolate.Mywifediditbe-foreyou.”You Are Too Late  相似文献   

You Are Too Late     


The formal evaluation of Integrated Learning Systems (ILSs) in United Kingdom schools has raised questions about the professional development of teachers as they worked with pupils using the system. In this paper we will present evidence to show that by encouraging the use of information technology for more effective management of learning, and through the use of diagnostic material provided by the system about students, the use of ILSs can encourage the professional development of individual teachers.  相似文献   

This study examines changes experienced by teachers of youth at socioeconomic risk during and after conducting self-regulation programs with their students. Participants' self-reports were classified into 3 change models. Teachers in the 1st model reported changes in their interaction with the school, their role with the students, and their own self-regulation. Those in the 2nd model experienced a partial process centered mainly on their handling of the classroom and on changes in themselves. In the 3rd model teachers reported virtually no change as a result of implementing the program. The implications for teachers of at-risk youth are examined.  相似文献   

In the Netherlands special needs pupils are often referred to separate schools for the Educable Mentally Retarded (EMR) or the Learning Disabled (LD). There is an ongoing debate on how to reduce the growing numbers of special education placements. One of the main issues in this debate concerns the size of the difference in cognitive abilities between pupils in regular education and those eligible for LD or EMR education.In this study meta-analysis techniques were used to synthesize the findings from 31 studies on differences between pupils in regular primary education and those in special education in the Netherlands. Studies were grouped into three categories according to the type of measurements used: achievement, general intelligence and neuropsychological tests. It was found that pupils in regular education and those in special education differ in achievement and general intelligence. Pupils in schools for the educable mentally retarded in particular perform at a much lower level than is common in regular Dutch primary education.  相似文献   

School district personnel and college of education faculty need to consider the potential impact of younger teacher candidates produced by an increasing number of accelerated programs.  相似文献   

Leo and Sam exited and locked the car in a hurry,forgetting to remove the key which was in theignition.Realizing the mistake,Leo asked,“Why don't we get a coat hanger to open it.”“No,that won't work,”answered Sam.“People will think we're trying to break in.”So Leosuggested,“What if we use a pocket knife to cut around the rubber,then stick a finger in and pull up  相似文献   

The multiple-choice test is a common examination form that is widely used as a standard international testing method in various academic fields, especially in language testing. However, after many years of application, investigation and research, many teachers and educators have admitted that to judge students““ real and practical abilities, such testing method has many limitations and drawbacks.  相似文献   

The author expresses concern about the math standards of the Common Core Curriculum in relation to young children. The editorial cites others who share concerns about how the global community uses standards. She suggests caution in implementation because the overemphasis on the standards may overlook the investment needed in effective curriculum development and professional development for teachers. The editorial concludes with the revisions will be neccesary to the current version of the Common Core Standards given the concern.  相似文献   

美国人不愿听到别人说自己胖,尤其是fat这个词,最好少用,除非你有意丑化别人,因为这个单词更像我们汉语中的“肥”。如果你实在想说别人胖,最好用婉转一点的说法。例如:Y ou can lose a few pounds.其实,胖胖的小孩看上去更可爱一些,很多孩子小时候很胖,这在美式英语里叫做baby fat,英国人和澳大利亚人则把这叫puppy fat,这种胖随着孩子长大就消失了,所以大家说到baby fat时并没有恶意。如果你听到人说I’m really fat now.这里的fat用的是其引申的意思“有钱,有油水”。有一个短语:live off the fat of theland(过着极其富裕的生活),其中…  相似文献   

The class teacher thought that hobbies were very important forevery child. She encouraged all her pupils to have one, andsometimes arranged for their parents to come and see the work theyhad done as a result.  相似文献   

An indirect communicative approach, one in which learning takes place indirectly and the focus is on communication, has been regarded for years as an effective way of getting students to develop fluency in English. Indeed, a communicative approach has become the mission of many ESL programs, and many material writers, teacher trainers, and  相似文献   

Too Clever     
Afarmerwholivedinasmallvillagesufferedfromabadpaininthechest(胸).Thisneverseemedtogetanybetter.Thefarmerfinallydecidedthathewouldseeadoctorinthenearesttown.Butashewasamiserly(吝啬的)person,hethoughthewouldfindoutwhathewouldhavetopaythisdoctor.Hewastoldthatapatienthadtopaythreepoundsforthefirstvisitandonepoundforthesecondvisit.Thefarmerthoughtaboutthisforalongtime,andthenhedecidedtogoandseethedoctorinthetown.Ashecameintotheclinic,hesaidcausally(随便地),“Goodmorn鄄ing,doctor.HereIamagain.”T…  相似文献   

Fat or Fit     
Doctors in Britain are warning of an obesity time bomb(肥胖定时炸弹), when the children who are already overweight grow up. So, what should we do? Exercise more? Eat less? Or both? The government feels it has to take responsibility for this expanding problem.The cheerful M r Pickw ick, the hero of the novel by C harles D ick- ens,is seen in illustrations as som eone who is plum p——and happy.In the 18th century paintings beauty is equated w ith rounded bodies and soft curves. B ut nowaday…  相似文献   

Three Fat Pigs     
三只小猪真可爱,它们勤劳又善良。这是什么样的小猪?看一看下面的文章你就知道了。  相似文献   

Fat and Lovely     
经过一个暑期的补习,郝鹏学习英语的激情又重新被点燃了。无论在何时何地,他总会尽可能地多跟讲英语的人交谈黔﹁蜜藕一龟Fat and Lovely@彦哲 @陈烨霓$我们的工作室~~  相似文献   

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