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同伴侵害是青少年攻击行为的重要风险预测因素,但其中的具体机制尚不清楚。采用问卷法对1347名初中生进行研究,考察心理需求满足在同伴侵害与青少年攻击行为间的中介作用,以及意向性自我调节的调节作用。结果发现:(1)在控制了性别、年龄、家庭人均月收入、亲子关系、感觉寻求等之后,心理需求满足可显著中介同伴侵害与青少年身体、关系攻击的关系;(2)意向性自我调节可显著调节中介过程同伴侵害→心理需求满足→青少年言语、身体和关系攻击;具体而言,同伴侵害可削弱高意向性自我调节青少年的心理需求满足,进而增加其言语、身体和关系攻击,然而,这些中介效应在低意向性自我调节青少年中均不显著。  相似文献   

Tertiary education has seen a shift toward pedagogies that make use of social interaction. As part of the shift, teachers have considered re-framing their role in the teaching process, and giving more attention to ways in which knowledge construction amongst students can be supported. While many online technologies are well positioned to support interactivity between students, the use of these tools does not necessarily ensure that the social interaction is of a type that guarantees learning will take place. This paper employs an “ecology of resources” perspective (Luckin 10.1016/j.compedu.2007.09.018, 2008) to explore the experiences of teachers and selected students from three tertiary-level contexts as they engaged with interactive learning tasks mediated by asynchronous online technologies. The data presented in the study were generated primarily from accounts and semi-structured interviews, and presented teachers’ beliefs about how the learners could operate as knowledge resources for each other, while they themselves were somewhat ‘epistemically distant’. In contrast, the data suggest that the experiences of students and tutors were vastly different. The students represented themselves and others as inadequate resources, perceiving that the expertise to construct knowledge was not present in the student group. These observations highlight the importance of building resource-rich learning environments, enabling access to expert performances through blended settings, and nurturing a perception of capability between students.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to address the teaching and learning processes in schools from a Vygotskian perspective based on the notion of identity artefacts (IAs) which, for our purposes, consist of documents created by the learners about themselves, in which they try to capture all the things that make sense and are meaningful to them and which, subsequently, can be used by teachers to work on curricular and pedagogical content. We conceptualise the notion of the identity artefact from the broader notions of mediation and cultural artefacts. We also provide a critical analysis of some examples of IAs.  相似文献   

The study evaluated the relationship among teaching, leadership, teacher certification, student and teacher number related factors, and index of economic, social and cultural status (ESCS), and science literacy from an international comparative perspective. 2015 dataset of the Programme for International Student Assessment for Turkey, Singapore, the United States, Korea, Italy, and Brazil was used. Two-level hierarchical linear models were established for analysis. Results revealed that school ESCS was the best predictor of science literacy across six countries and additionally teacher-related factors came to the forefront of science literacy performance. The study underlined policymakers should focus primarily on policies that increase equity in education. Furthermore, the effectiveness of investments made in factors related to leadership, teacher certification, the number of students and teachers, which contribute very little to science literacy performance, need to be more questioned. Inferences about the findings were discussed in detail, and recommendations for further research were made.  相似文献   

This philosophical excursion into the foundations of educational technology begins by considering the nature of knowing and learning from the media, as well as stating the assumptions of the paper. The foundations of educational technology — the systems approach, systems theory, and behaviorism - are explicated. Then, I state and discuss four philosophical propositions for considering the mediation of experience and educational technology: a) Learning is a constructive activity so technologies should liberate, not constrain learners; b) media produce an event ontology separate from personal experience; c) mediation is a phenomenological process; and d) media provide existential access to the world’s knowledge and to internal aspects of the self. I am especially indebted to Professor Robert Heinich (Indiana University) for his repeated and insightful analysis of this paper. Significant contributions were also made by the late Professor James Macdonald, to whom the paper is dedicated, and Professor Arnold Levin (University of North Carolina at Greensboro). This paper was completed while I was a Visiting Research Fellow in the Department of Psychology at the University of Keele, Staffordshire, U.K. I should like to gratefully acknowledge the support of the department and its head, James Hartley, and especially the assistance of Mrs. M. Woodward.  相似文献   

For the last two decades science education researchers have had a major interest in identifying students’ intuitive understanding of a wide range of scientific topics and in reducing the difficulties involved when an attempt is made to replace these views by scientific understanding. Different approaches to this latter problem have been adopted by researchers, with strategies ranging from the pragmatic and atheoretical to those with a stronger theoretical foundation, usually based on some form of constructivism. In this paper we report on a novel theoretical perspective which takes as its foundation the psychological research of about three decades ago which investigated “forgetting,” and the important effects of previous knowledge in this process. In particular this new perspective demonstrates that, under normal teaching conditions, and through the process of proactive inhibition, the student’s prior knowledge can accelerate the forgetting of the newly taught scientific ideas. The paper first develops the theoretical position and then shows that a change in teaching approach can take advantage of the differences between the students’ prior understanding and the scientific view to ensure more efficient replacement. Following this an overview of the new methodology, as it is currently being used on a trial basis by science teachers in South Australia, is briefly introduced.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine how expectancy of success, attainment value, and their interaction predicted behavioural engagement, and how behavioural engagement, in turn, predicted achievement. Data were collected from 586 English students aged 10–11 years in their final year of primary school. Expectancy of success was positively related to subsequent achievement directly and indirectly, mediated by behavioural engagement, over and above the variance accounted for by prior achievement and behavioural engagement. Indirect relations from expectancy of success to achievement were moderated by attainment value. Higher attainment value protected performance from low expectancy of success by increasing behavioural engagement. The compensatory role of high attainment value diminished at higher levels of expectancy of success.  相似文献   

教育哲学是对教育问题的哲学思考,用哲学的方法和语言来研究教育问题,对教育起着指导性的作用,不同的哲学取向影响课程的目标、内容、方法和材料的选择。对课程背后的意识形态和哲学构想的讨论直接影响课程的目标定位、课程设置和发展方向。本文作者从现在的大学英语四级考试听力、口语改革谈起,从教育哲学的角度讨论改革时期大学英语视听说课程开设的理据、定位和教学内容等问题。本文作者认为,改革时期大学英语视听说课程应从人本主义哲学思想出发,以培养"全人"为目标,"人文性"与"工具性"相互交融。  相似文献   

This study aims to clarify the effect of emotional intelligence (EI) on negative feelings (stress, anxiety, burnout and depression) in a gender specific model. Four hundred and twenty-five primary school teachers (326 males, 99 females) completed the measures of EI, stress, anxiety, burnout and depression. The multi-group analysis was performed using a structural equation approach. The moderated mediation results show that there are gender related differences in the relationships of age, emotional intelligence, stress, anxiety, burnout and depression. The results imply that school managers should take into consideration the teachers’ personal variables such as gender and age in order to assess the use of emotional intelligence in coping with negative feelings at the place of work effectively.  相似文献   

随着现代体育研究的不断深入,学校体育肩负着培育新世纪人才的重任。本围绕全民健身计划,终身体育思想,探讨学校体育教学改革。  相似文献   

Our study examines the environmental knowledge (EK) and behavioural outcomes of students studying ecotourism in Sydney, Australia. Three competing models were tested to examine the relationships between EK, participation intention (PI) in ecotourism programs, landscape likeability (LL) and social interactions (SI); and the study also tested the moderated mediation influence of gender differences and relationship length on mediators. Partial least squares-based structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM) was used to analyse the data collected from 173 residential tourism students. Key findings suggest whilst LL and PI are significant outcomes of EK, LL has a stronger mediating effect on PI compared to SI; and all mediation effects are further moderated by gender differences. However, only Model 3 confirms the moderating effect of the length of relationship. Noting the key role that EK plays in influencing their PI and LL, our study also suggests ways of developing the tourism students’ EK, through various experiential and pedagogical interventions.  相似文献   

This article discusses English language teaching in Thailand through a biographical case study of a teacher working in a government school in the rural north-east. It explores a particular context of teaching and learning, showing how an individual comes to be a teacher and deals with the day-to-day demands of teaching, as well as reflecting on the place of English in a society where it is a foreign language. The article contends that case studies of this type have the power to illuminate the context of teaching, to enable us to come to a fuller understanding of the demands of being a teacher of English in societies where it is a foreign language, and thus to provide essential data on the realities of teaching in various contexts. This data may then be used to inform centralized programmes to reform English language teaching which at present rarely consult the principal change agents – teachers – prior to their implementation. Curriculum reform programmes in Thailand have been criticized for their lack of impact at the classroom level and the article maintains that, if these programmes are to be effective, they should be based on an understanding of the local contexts of teachers' work.  相似文献   

在教育技术专业实践类课程教学的过程中产生了大量的教学资源,然而目前对于这些资源的管理普遍存在问题,使得这些资源没有得到充分的利用.针对这一问题,设计开发了教育技术资源管理系统,实现对教育技术专业实践教学资源的信息化管理,为教学提供了一个丰富的教育技术资源库,以期提升优质教学资源的开发和利用,促进了教育技术专业实践教学的改革,提升了学生的动手实践能力.  相似文献   

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