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The study examines selected roles of the information sector in the national economy. Among the findings are the following: (1) the information sector conducts relatively little international trade, in comparison to its domestic activity. Roughly 12% of U.S. exports are attributable to the information sector; over 97% of the sector's output is sold within the U.S.; and the sector's exports account for only a small fraction of 1% of GNP. (2) The historical pattern of employment shows that the portion of information workers has risen from 8% of the U.S. work force in 1870 to 41% in 1970. Relatively little of this growth is the result of new technological innovations such as telephones, radio, television and, more recently, computers. Rather, the growth of public and private bureaucracies, which now total 26% of our total work force, largely explains the growth of the sector. (3) Unemployment within the information sector has consistently been lower than in either the manufacturing or agricultural sectors of the national economy. (4) Since 1967, the high technology elements of the information sector, such as electronic components, computers and telecommunications equipment have experienced appreciably less price rise than has the economy as a whole. However, over the same time period, the service elements of the sector, including finance and insurance, education and medical care, have experienced greater rates of inflation than has the economy as a whole.  相似文献   

This study examined the relative strengths of faculty expertise in the field of data processing within schools of library and information science in North America. The relative strengths of Canadian versus U.S. schools, measured by reported faculty expertise, was the particular focus of the study. Data were gathered from the directory issues of the Journal of Education for Librarianship for the years 1972–1981. Data were aggregated into two groups: (1) total faculty strength dichomotized by U.S. and Canadian schools; (2) faculty reporting expertise in data processing or automation broken down by U.S. versus Canadian. Planned comparisons using a Dunn procedure were made on each of the ten years in the study. The results of testing indicated there is a significant difference in the number of faculty reporting expertise in data processing in the two countries in four of the ten years. The differences were opposite in two of these four, however. Results of testing of overall faculty strength indicated there was no significant difference in the numbers of faculty members during the ten year period. The major conclusion of the study was that Canadian schools of library and information science have made a concerted and successful effort to increase their overall level of expertise in data processing, but without significantly adding to their faculty levels.  相似文献   

以美国商务部经济分析局发布的相关数据为基础对美国对外直接投资进行了分析。研究表明,美国跨国公司主要选择在经济规模大、发展水平高的经济体,地理位置靠近的经济体和"避税天堂"投资;投资主要集中在非银行控股公司业、金融保险业和制造业;收益以中东、非洲和亚太地区最好;投资有利于促进其对东道国的技术转移。  相似文献   

IT革命推动了90年代美国经济经历了以“新经济”为特征的稳健增长,本文剖析了IT革命对美国经济增长的直接贡献和潜在影响,研究表明IT革命正在改变着美国社会的生产方式并且提升了美国经济的劳动生产率和全要素生产率,在此基础上,本文还对美国经济的增长前景作了简要预测。  相似文献   

Latina immigrants to the U.S. Midwest are a vibrant, complex, and resilient population of women with intersectional identities stemming from their participation in at least three distinct but interrelated communities: (1) women [in a family-centric culture defined by strong gender roles], (2) immigrants [potentially with linguistic and socioeconomic status disadvantages] and (3) residents of the U.S. Midwest [a low-population/rural area with lesser access to resources and an increasingly xenophobic host community]. Given the potential for marginalization, Latina immigrants to the Midwest represent a population vulnerable to digital exclusion. The current research is the first to investigate systematically ICT use by immigrant Latinas to the U.S. Midwest. Specifically, as consumers and users of technology-mediated information, Latina immigrants to the U.S. Midwest navigate a complex and understudied social environment. To develop a strategy to begin to break down technology barriers for these women, first the complex and interconnected nature of their social environment and information practices needs to be understood; the current article presents that foundational research.  相似文献   

周建中  徐芳 《科学学研究》2013,31(11):1642-1648
 同行评议一直是科研机构评价中的主导方法,对科研机构的战略发展与绩效管理起着至关重要的作用。本文基于中国科学院(CAS)、德国马普学会(M&P)、美国能源部(DOE)实验室、美国标准与技术研究院(NIST)等世界上主要科研机构评价中同行评议的实践与方法,剖析科研机构评价中运用同行评议方法的关键要素,包括评议的对象与内容,专家来源与类型,专家遴选标准与机制,同行评议的组织方式以及评议结果的使用等,分析其差异与特点,提炼出不同的模式,并在此基础上针对科研机构未来的同行评议方法提出建议。  相似文献   

The rate of inflation in R&D is very difficult to measure. The official government statistics in the United States use the GNP deflator to deflate R&D expenditures. Little is known about the extent to which price indexes for R and D inputs, if they were constructed in various industries, would differ from the GNP deflator. This paper reports the findings of a study that attempts to fill this important gap. Laspeyres price indexes are presented both for R and D inputs and for inputs used in other stages of the innovation process. Also, price indexes for R and D inputs are constructed, assuming that the relevant production function is Cobb-Douglas. On the basis of the results, we estimate the extent and direction of the errors in the official R&D statistics due to the use of the GNP deflator.Our findings, based on detailed data obtained from firms accounting for about one-ninth of all company-financed R&D in the U.S., indicate that the GNP deflator underestimated the rate of price increase for R&D inputs during 1969–1979 in practically every industry we studied. The bulk of the apparent increase in real R&D in these industries (which was relatively modest in any event) seems to have been due to the inadequacies of the GNP deflator. One important moral seems to be that more attention and resources should be devoted to the construction of better price indexes for R&D.  相似文献   

The Administration on Aging (AoA) sponsored a national information system known as the SCAN system. The SCAN bibliographic database went on-line in March 1982. Congress, however, had repealed the authority for the clearinghouse, so the Government let all of the services of SCAN expire by September 1982. The Government then tried to keep the SCAN information accessible by offering it to the private sector. The Government solicited applicants through both the Federal Register and the Commerce Business Daily. As a result, the American Association of Retired Persons (AARP) and AoA signed an agreement calling for AARP to make such of the SCAN information accessible on-line and to update it.  相似文献   

克林顿时期是美国由美苏争霸转变为发展经济的时期,也是美国依靠在IT技术等高科技领域取得的突破性成果及其产业化,推动经济彻底摆脱"滞胀",并进而成为世界经济唯一霸主的时期.研究克林顿时期美国科技自主创新的历程,对探索全球金融危机背景下中国科技经济战略及路径具有一定的现实意义.本文分析了克林顿政府时期美国科技自主创新的历史、特点以及对人们的启示.  相似文献   

Present U.S. local exchange employment is less than half of what it was in 1981. This study tests several alternative explanations from labor economics, industrial organization, and political economy for employment reductions by U.S. local telephone companies. It evaluates the relative strength of the relationship between each explanatory factor and employment change. The contributions of six potential explanatory factors (wages, sales, technological change, competition, productivity, and profit rate) were investigated. Regression equation models were formulated and tested using crosssectional time-series data on 50 local carriers who provided 90% of the service between 1988 and 1995. We found that digitalization and productivity increases were the most important factors in explaining employment reductions by firms. Wage increases and computerization were significant sources for employment reduction only in the short term.  相似文献   

This study empirically investigates the impact of foreign country factors like market size, technological strength of industries, and science and engineering (S&E) capability on the conduct of U.S. overseas R&D during the 1991-2002 period. We find that overseas markets primarily predict the entry of U.S. R&D, while the S&E capability of nations is strongly correlated with the post-entry intensity of U.S. foreign subsidiaries’ innovative activity. We also find important inter-industry differences: U.S. electrical, electronics, computer, and telecommunication industries are strongly drawn towards overseas S&E capacity; industries including Machinery, Automobiles, and Transport equipment are primarily attracted by the technological strength of foreign industry; U.S. R&D in Chemicals mostly follows overseas markets. We discuss the implications of our results to the global organization of innovative activity and innovation policy.  相似文献   

产业空心化和美国金融危机的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
武文超  汪洋  范志清 《未来与发展》2010,33(11):110-113
当今世界经济虚拟化的趋势主要表现在两个方面:产业空心化和虚拟经济的高杠杆化。这两方面的过度发展和局部失衡是导致美国金融危机的重要原因。本文从产业空心化的理论、现状和影响等几个方面入手,讨论美国金融危机当中的一些经验和教训。当中对于我国经济发展所面临的具体问题也可以获得一些启示。  相似文献   

This article uses a carefully screened patent database in automobile emission control technologies and a detailed regulatory action analysis to examine firms’ innovation in response to U.S. technology-forcing auto emissions standards enacted between 1970 and 1998. The study finds that under the performance-based technology-forcing (PBTF) auto emissions regulations, both automakers and component suppliers innovated and introduced more advanced emission control technologies for automobile applications. The study also shows that stringent PBTF regulation temporarily induced domestic U.S. firms to become more innovative than foreign firms that operated in the local U.S. market during the early phase of the regulatory regime. Findings of this research strongly imply that government intervention in the form of technology-forcing regulation can drive firms to invest in technological innovation.  相似文献   

陈泽宇 《科学学研究》2019,37(3):406-413
美国在对中国的301调查报告指出,中国关于技术转移方面的法律、政策或实践是不合理的或歧视性的,加重或限制了美国的商业。我国主要通过两种途径引入国外技术,一是通过技术转让合同,二是通过对外投资。虽然我国法律、政策或实践对于这两种途径或有所限制、或加以鼓励,但我国政府的行为并未违反相关的国际条约与义务。美国的指控并没有证据的支持,属于无稽之谈。我国应大力发展科学技术,掌握关键核心技术。同时,可以对某些法律加以完善,促进我国法治国家的建设。, 美国在对中国的301调查报告指出,中国关于技术转移方面的法律、政策或实践是不合理的或歧视性的,加重或限制了美国的商业。我国主要通过两种途径引入国外技术,一是通过技术转让合同,二是通过对外投资。虽然我国法律、政策或实践对于这两种途径或有所限制、或加以鼓励,但我国政府的行为并未违反相关的国际条约与义务。美国的指控并没有证据的支持,属于无稽之谈。我国应大力发展科学技术,掌握关键核心技术。同时,可以对某些法律加以完善,促进我国法治国家的建设。  相似文献   

19世纪中期,为发展经济、壮大国防,新生的美国政府制定了一系列政策法令鼓励向西部移民,兴修水利,发展农业,修建铁路,开发森林、矿产及土地资源,大大促进了西部地区的发展.至20世纪初,美国一跃成为世界工业经济与军事强国.然而,对西部资源掠夺式的开发行为对生态环境造成了巨大危害,不平等的民族政策严重地损害了土著文化传统,土地投机和完全的市场导向引起了严重的两极分化.本文简要回顾了美国西部开发的过程,比较了中美两国西部开发的异同点,借鉴美国西部开发的经验与教训,提出了对中国西部大开发的几点启示:①重视环境教育,调整思想认识;②加强资源保护,改善生态环境;③制订优惠政策,规范开发行为;④发挥市场导向,重视政府调控;⑤增加资金投入,搞好基础设施;⑥发展教育事业,推进科技创新;⑦坚持民族平等,实现共同富裕.  相似文献   

The structure of the U.S. economy is analyzed to determine whether a shift has occurred from a service to an information economy. National Income Accounting concepts are reviewed to facilitate a critical comparison of the works of Machlup and Porat. Evidence about the future of an information economy is reviewed. It is concluded that the growth of the information economy will not continue at the same rate it has in the past and further that the growth will be in information products, not information services. It is also concluded that it is unwarranted to restructure the National Income Accounts to reflect a change to an information economy.  相似文献   

2016年中国将建立全国性碳市场,这意味着中国的低碳经济之路正在从宏观治理向微观减排逐步过渡。企业作为减排主体,在运营过程中将面临碳排放量的限制,而国内外企业碳管理相关研究尚未形成系统性成果。本研究在已有研究的基础上,构建了一个由企业碳管理部门主导的,包括企业碳盘查、碳决策、碳信息披露三个板块的企业碳管理流程体系,以期帮助企业完成履约责任,实现减排成本最小化,在低碳革命中完成企业转型。  相似文献   


The U.S. Department of Agriculture has been mandated to “acquire and diffuse among the people of the United States useful information on subjects connected with agriculture in the most general and comprehensive sense of that word. …” With this authority the department has taken advantage of continuing advances of communications and computer technologies by initiating several programs related to the electronic dissemination of agricultural information. For example, the Foreign Agricultural Service has begun testing the release of agricultural trade leads through the University of Nebraska's AGNET computer‐based network. The Agricultural Marketing Service disseminates updated market data on more than 150 farm commodities over its leased wire market news network; the system has 140 terminals linked by some 14,500 miles of leased wires. Additional projects described in the article include a pilot project to deliver market news information to farmers via public television, programs testing the electronic marketing of livestock, and the electronic mail network operated by the department's Office of Governmental and Public Affairs.  相似文献   

周弘  庄旭升 《未来与发展》2011,34(2):110-113,109
和中国经济发展一样,美国经济在向前发展的过程中同样经历了收入差距的不断扩大。随着美国经济进入到虚拟资本为主导的金融经济时代,虚拟经济条件下新的财富积累方式——价值化积累大大提高了美国社会的财富水平,同时也积累了大量的金融风险.价值化积累的这种双向性成为拉大美国社会收入差距的深层次原因。  相似文献   

The causes of the transfer of technology between countries is now seen as an important dimension of the diffusion of new products and processes. Despite its obvious importance, there has been little empirical research investigating the international transfer of technology, although the work of Schiffel and Kitti (Research Policy 7 (1978)) provides a useful foundation on which to build. The research reported below tests the hypothesis that the transfer of technology between countries, as measured by the movement of patented invention, is influenced by both supply side and demand side factors. The principal variables are: patenting activity in the country of origin; the size of the recepient economy; international trade in goods and services; and the operations of multinational producing enterprises. These vaiables explain most of the variation across countries in the transfer of U.S. technology abroad. The worldwide distribution of U.S. based multinational enterprises appear to play an important part in explaining U.S. technology tranfer. On the other hand, the remaining international differences in patent law do not seem to significantly affect patent flows between countries.  相似文献   

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