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Individuals with schizophrenia have a greater risk for cardiometabolic risk factors (e.g. central obesity, insulin resistance, hypertension and dyslipidaemia), cardiovascular diseases and mortality. This risky profile may be explained by the adverse effects of antipsychotic medications and an unhealthy lifestyle (e.g. smoking, poor nutrition and low physical activity). In the general population, physical activity has been shown to be the optimal strategy to improve both cardiometabolic parameters and cardiorespiratory fitness levels. Accordingly, an emerging literature of non-pharmacological interventions (e.g. cognitive behavioural therapy, diet and physical activity) has been studied in individuals with schizophrenia. Therefore, the purpose of this review was 1) to conduct a critical literature review of non-pharmacological interventions that included some kind of physical activity (including supervised and unsupervised exercise training) and target cardiometabolic risk factors in individuals with schizophrenia. 2) To describe the contribution of physical activity alone by reviewing trials of supervised exercise training programmes only. A literature review via systematic keyword search for publications in Medline, PubMed, Embase and PsycINFO was performed. Many non-pharmacological interventions are efficient in reducing cardiovascular disease risk factors when combined with physical activity. Supervised physical activity has been successful in decreasing cardiovascular disease risk, and aerobic interval training appears to provide more benefits by specifically targeting cardiorespiratory fitness levels. In conclusion, physical activity is an effective strategy for addressing cardiovascular disease risk in individuals with schizophrenia. Long-term studies are needed to evaluate the feasibility and impact of exercise training programmes in individuals with schizophrenia.  相似文献   

Physical inactivity is a major risk factor for cardiovascular disease, stroke, hypertension, diabetes, obesity, osteoporosis, and some cancers. Approximately 950,000 Americans die annually from cardiovascular diseases. The purpose of this study was to determine whether American adults know which traditional and lifestyle physical activities affect health and how they should be physically active to achieve a health benefit. Secondary purposes were to determine whether this knowledge is a function of gender, ethnicity, education, or age and if those who are sufficiently active for a health benefit possess different knowledge levels than those not sufficiently active for a health benefit. Items based on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention/American College of Sports Medicine principles included knowledge of exercise guidelines and traditional and lifestyle physical activities. This information was obtained from 20 questions that were part of a national random telephone survey of 2,002 American households in the 48 contiguous states and the District of Columbia. Respondents were most aware of traditional physical activities (M = 94%) that provide a health benefit and less aware of specific exercise guidelines (M = 68%) and lifestyle physical activities (M = 71%) that can result in a health benefit. Knowledge was not related to physical activity behavior sufficient for a health benefit and only slightly related to ethnicity, education, and age. These data suggest that physical activity knowledge alone is not sufficient to elicit a behavior; however, it provides educators with an understanding of the public's physical activity knowledge that could be helpful in developing health promotion and physical activity interventions.  相似文献   

With the rising incidence of cardiovascular diseases, the concomitant mortality and morbidity impose huge burdens on quality of life and societal costs. It is generally accepted that physical inactivity is one of the major risk factors for cardiac disease and that exercise benefits the heart in both physiological and pathologic conditions. However, the molecular mechanisms governing the cardioprotective effects exerted by exercise remain incompletely understood. Most recently, an increasing number of studies indicate the involvement of epigenetic modifications in the promotion of cardiac health and prevention of cardiac disease. Exercise and other lifestyle factors extensively induce epigenetic modifications, including DNA/RNA methylation, histone post-translational modifications, and non-coding RNAs in multiple tissues, which may contribute to their positive effects in human health and diseases. In addition, several studies have shown that maternal or paternal exercise prevents age-associated or high-fat diet-induced metabolic dysfunction in the offspring, reinforcing the importance of epigenetics in mediating the beneficial effects of exercise. It has been shown that exercise can directly modify cardiac epigenetics to promote cardiac health and protect the heart against various pathological processes, or it can modify epigenetics in other tissues, which reduces the risk of cardiac disease and affords cardioprotection through exerkines. An in-depth understanding of the epigenetic landscape of cardioprotective response to exercise will provide new therapeutic targets for cardiac diseases. This review, therefore, aimed to acquaint the cardiac community with the rapidly advancing and evolving field of exercise and epigenetics.  相似文献   


Regular exercise and lifestyle physical activity are often used interchangeably or combined in physical activity messaging based on evidence for their relatively equivalent health outcomes. However, differences between their motivational correlates are relatively unexplored. The purpose of this study was to compare the motives towards lifestyle physical activity and exercise and their relationship with behaviour using the Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB). The participants were a sample of undergraduate students (n=150) who completed measures of the TPB framed in terms of exercise and lifestyle physical activity and self-reported physical activity measures with similar framing. Results identified marked differences between the instrumental attitudes towards the two activities showing instrumental attitudes towards exercise to be higher (P<0.01; d=0.68). Most importantly, exercise had larger TPB–behaviour correlations (P<0.01; q=0.15–0.20) compared with lifestyle physical activity, but follow-up analyses by intensity (strenuous, moderate, mild) showed that these differences were only present at strenuous intensity. Our results suggest that the correlates for the two types of physical activity may differ. Although more research is necessary, this may affect the efficacy of promotion campaigns that do not tailor content exclusively for either exercise or lifestyle physical activity.  相似文献   

Studies conducted in Denmark reveal that many young women drop out of sport and exercise in their teenage years even though they possess good knowledge about health recommendations and the benefits of physical activity. This raises the question as to how they interpret and make use of the current messages about a healthy and active lifestyle. Based on five focus-group interviews and a survey among 784 female students aged 16-20, we explored their attitudes and practices with regard to physical activity and health. The analysis of the material is theoretically informed by the work of Foucauldian scholars who have used the concepts of governmentality and disciplinary power to explore current public health policies and young people’s health-related attitudes and practices. We found that for the participants in our study ‘health’ was inextricably intertwined with slimness and fitness, to which they ascribed great importance. The internalization of current ideals of the slim and fit body fueled aspirations but did not necessarily lead to the adoption and maintenance of an active lifestyle. We conclude that health messages and body ideals often cause anxieties and guilt among young women, which may even prevent engagement in sport and exercise.  相似文献   

社会进步、环境和生活方式的转变带来各种挑战,威胁着现代人的健康。身体素质下降、肥胖、运动损伤、焦虑、抑郁和认知功能障碍等都是值得关注的问题。对当今人们面对的这几大身心健康问题,以及动态脑适能在促进人们身心健康方面的作用进行综述。动态脑适能 (动适能,学适能)训练是通过具体的、专门的肢体训练,改变脑功能,使人们能更好地适应环境变化、保持身心健康的行为和大脑训练方法。动态脑适能训练具有简单易学、运动强度小、操作安全、效果明显的特点,适用于各个年龄段的人群,是现代人保持身心健康的重要方法。脑适能的提高可以体现在动适能(动作能力)和学适能(学习能力)两个主要方面。从发展学的角度出发,脑适能,动适能和学适能训练,对儿童动商发展,全面提升青少年的体育运动水平,也有促进作用。  相似文献   

Physical Education (PE) in school aims to help pupils experience the joy of movement through various forms of physical activity and to acquire a positive attitude to physical activity and exercise. The teacher's task is to mediate the joy of movement and instil a positive attitude to exercise in the pupils. Drawing on the methodology of van Manen [(2002). Writing in the dark: Phenomenological studies in interpretic inquiry. London: The Althouse Press], this article takes a closer look at mediating the joy of movement and conveying attitudes through legitimate, expert and referent power [French, J. R. P., & Raven, B. (1959). The bases of social power. In D. Cartwright (Ed.), Studies in social power (pp. 150–167). Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan] as narrated by an experienced Norwegian PE teacher. The teacher's narrative is interpreted within a framework where these typologies of power refer to the teacher's formal position in PE classes and the teacher's athletic skills and teaching qualities. The teacher's narrative indicates that legitimate, expert and referent power influence pupils’ views on PE, attitudes and effort in class. Referent power provides the potential to instil attitudes in the pupils, even to the point of getting them to enjoy taking exercise to the limit. It even embraces teachers’ potential to influence pupils by displaying their own active lifestyle, which goes beyond teaching itself. However, some problematic and unresolved issues are pointed out within this approach. A didactic approach, where the teachers use their own lifestyle as a pedagogical tool, may prompt a negative rather than a positive reaction from pupils, because they may be (mis)construed as being too eager and physically active to the extreme. Referent power depends on establishing credibility with the pupils, and conveying attitudes through referent power implies a didactic instability. On the other hand, the approach may be a good strategy for achieving what teachers should be trying to achieve, which is to convey and instil the joy of movement and a positive attitude to physical exercise in the pupils.  相似文献   

学生体质状况关系到学生乃至整个国家的未来与发展,然而目前中国学生体质呈下降趋势,必须要高度重视这一社会现象。对学生体质下降的原因进行剖析,认为国家体育职能没能充分发挥,教育体制改革还亟待深入开展;经济社会的发展造就了现代社会的不良生活方式;学校对体育教学重视不够,个别教师责任和事业心缺失;家长对体育锻炼的意义认识不足,独生子女受到畸形“呵护”和学生自身的体育锻炼习惯和健康意识缺乏是造成学生体质下降主要归因。并针对性地提出发挥政府职能,改革现有高考制度;加大舆论宣传,倡导“健康第一”的社会生活方式;加强学校体育工作,发挥其提高学生体质健康的主渠道作用;更新家长的健康意识和观念,重视家庭的教育作用;增强青少年体育意识,疏离远大理想和长远目标等干预措施和对策,为全面提高学生身体素质,提升学生未来竞争能力以及国家的长治久安提供理论支持。  相似文献   

Maintaining leanness and a physically active lifestyle during adulthood reduces systemic inflammation, an underlying factor in multiple chronic diseases. The anti-inflammatory influence of near-daily physical activity in lowering C-reactive protein, total blood leukocytes, interleukin-6, and other inflammatory cytokines may play a key role in lowering risk of cardiovascular disease, certain types of cancer, type 2 diabetes, sarcopenia, and dementia. Moderate exercise training causes favorable perturbations in immunity and a reduction in incidence of upper respiratory tract infection (URTI). During each bout of moderate exercise, an enhanced recirculation of immunoglobulins, neutrophils, and natural killer cells occurs that persists for up to 3-h post-exercise. This exercise-induced surge in immune cells from the innate immune system is transient but improves overall surveillance against pathogens. As moderate exercise continues on a near-daily basis for 12–15 weeks, the number of symptoms days with URTI is decreased 25%–50% compared to randomized sedentary controls. Epidemiologic and animal studies support this inverse relationship between URTI risk and increased physical activity.  相似文献   

The processes that occur with normal sternal healing and potential complications related to median sternotomy are of particular interest to physical therapists. The premise of patients following sternal precautions (SP) or specific activity restrictions is the belief that avoiding certain movements will reduce risk of sternal complications. However, current research has identified that many patients remain functionally impaired long after cardiothoracic surgery. It is possible that some SP may contribute to such functional impairments. Currently, SP have several limitations including that they: (1) have no universally accepted definition, (2) are often based on anecdotal/expert opinion or at best supported by indirect evidence, (3) are mostly applied uniformly for all patients without regard to individual differences, and (4) may be overly restrictive and therefore impede ideal recovery. The purpose of this article is to present an overview of current research and commentary on median sternotomy procedures and activity restrictions. We propose that the optimal degree and duration of SP should be based on an individual patient''s characteristics (eg, risk factors, comorbidities, previous activity level) that would enable physical activity to be targeted to particular limitations rather than restricting specific functional tasks and physical activity. Such patient-specific SP focusing on function may be more likely to facilitate recovery after median sternotomy and less likely to impede it.Key Words: median sternotomy, sternal precautions, physical therapy, exercise protocols  相似文献   

The nature of physical activity that benefits bone is traditionally thought to differ from that benefiting cardiovascular health. Accordingly, exercise recommendations for improving bone health and cardiovascular health are largely incongruent. Our aim was to determine the associations between high-impact physical activity participation and both cardiovascular disease risk factors and bone mass. We recruited 94 men and women (age 34.0?±?13.3 years) to undergo measures of cardiovascular disease risk (BMI, total cholesterol, fasting blood glucose, waist-to-hip ratio, and mean arterial pressure) and dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA XR-800, Norland) measures of bone mass (femoral neck, lumbar spine, and whole body BMD) and body composition (whole body lean mass and fat mass). Physical activity participation was estimated using the bone-specific physical activity questionnaire (BPAQ). Those in the upper tertile for current BPAQ score exhibited lower total cholesterol, waist-to-hip ratio, and mean arterial pressure than those in the lower tertiles (P?r?=??0.49 to 0.29, P?P?=?0.008), with BPAQ score predicting 6% of the variance in BMD (P?=?0.02). We conclude that high-impact physical activity as captured by the BPAQ may be beneficial for both bone health and for attenuating cardiovascular disease risk.  相似文献   

运用文献资料法对1996-2015年有关女性体育锻炼行为的文献进行了回顾,梳理了当前研究成果中所涉及的相关影响因素,以行为的社会生态模型为指导,从个体内在因素、社会环境、物理环境三个维度对相关因素进行了归纳与分析,并从时间冲突、精力冲突、角色形象冲突三方面探讨了影响女性体育锻炼行为的深层原因。研究认为:女性的体育锻炼行为是受到个体内在因素和外部环境因素的共同影响,要提高女性的体育参与,应该同时从这两方面进行干预和改进。  相似文献   


The recent Surgeon General's report (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 1996) promotes regular physical activity to enhance health. A possible mechanism by which physical activity contributes to a healthy life span is via enhanced antioxidant status. The purpose of this paper is to summarize findings from human studies on life span, health, antioxidants, and the effectiveness of physical activity as a natural antioxidant booster. Epidemiological studies concur that some antioxidants are inversely related to mortality. A single bout of exercise elevates some antioxidant enzyme and coenzyme activities. Regular physical activity enhances some antioxidants; however, strenuous exercise may diminish others. Results generally show that antioxidants play a mediating role in the way in which physical activity positively affects a healthy life span.  相似文献   


There is clear evidence of inequalities in the health status of minority ethnic groups in Britain. This includes a number of conditions which may be alleviated or prevented through increased levels of physical exercise. Other research has shown lower levels of activity and raised body mass among Asian groups. There remains some scope for argument about the reasons for these differences. It is, for example, suggested that health education materials are poorly targeted at South Asian communities, or that certain cultures discourage involvement in recreational physical activities. It is known that both motivation and self-image are important to physical activity behaviour, from school age upwards. A lifestyle survey sponsored by the Health Education Authority, and qualitative research, provide an opportunity to examine the degree to which there are distinctive 'ethnic' barriers to exercise or other healthy physical activity amongst communities of South Asian origin living in England. While there are many similarities with the reasons given by members of the white population for 'not exercising', there are some subtle differences between communities, and a number of issues which appear to be specific to the minority populations. Some are particular to a religion, gender or generation. Attention to these, including questions of modesty, gender segregation, and safety, would improve the accessibility of recreational activities to this target group. At the same time, it is clear that individuals from these communities are well informed and well motivated, and do take advantage of local facilities when they can. The question of both institutional and personal racism cannot be excluded from a strategy for promoting healthy physical activity; equally, it is important to pay attention to the characteristics of particular communities to gain their confidence. A 'colour-blind' or homogenous approach may be counterproductive.  相似文献   

在“体医融合”新时代背景下,体育与医学结合,共同促进全民健康成为一种新的体医结合实践模式,为“运动是良医”的推广提供了重要的平台。运动元素在中西方古代医学理论和实践中早就已经存在了,医学先驱们已经认识到了运动对健康的重要作用。文章对一些针对常见疾病的系统性综述和元分析的结果进行了汇总,这些系统性评价和元分析为“运动是良医”提供了科学的循征医学证据。然而,与任何药物或治疗手段一样,当把运动作为治疗或辅助治疗手段治疗疾病时,需要根据患者的病情和身体状态来制定相应的运动处方。尽管大量的研究表明了运动对健康以及不同疾病的益处,但运动促进健康的生物学机制并未完全阐明。同时,在谈到“运动是良医”时,仍有一些重要的问题值得讨论和商榷,比如关于运动“预防”和“治疗”疾病的讨论,关于运动“适用症”和“适用人群”的讨论,关于运动“剂量”和“成分”的讨论等。  相似文献   

This article emerges from a background of UK policy concerns about young people's participation in physical activity. It rehearses the arguments for lifestyle sports as a rich ground for enhancing students' engagement with physical education (PE). A review of the still limited literature suggests that lifestyle sports may have an under-exploited potential to develop skills, confidence and personal identity in learners that transfer to other areas of learning and life. To illustrate the argument, the article takes unicycling as an instructive case of lifestyle sport, and draws on survey data from a study of unicyclists carried out in several countries. A discussion of these data explores the beneficial characteristics of this unusual sport as participants in the study perceive them. A conclusion suggests a need for greater flexibility in PE curricula which might ‘mainstream’ lifestyle sports for both inherent achievement and exponential personal development of students.  相似文献   

BackgroundDelirium is a neurocognitive disorder characterized by an abrupt decline in attention, awareness, and cognition after surgical/illness-induced stressors on the brain. There is now an increasing focus on how cardiovascular health interacts with neurocognitive disorders given their overlapping risk factors and links to subsequent dementia and mortality. One common indicator for cardiovascular health is the heart rate response/recovery (HRR) to exercise, but how this relates to future delirium is unknown.MethodsElectrocardiogram data were examined in 38,740 middle- to older-aged UK Biobank participants (mean age = 58.1 years, range: 40–72 years; 47.3% males) who completed a standardized submaximal exercise stress test (15-s baseline, 6-min exercise, and 1-min recovery) and required hospitalization during follow-up. An HRR index was derived as the product of the heart rate (HR) responses during exercise (peak/resting HRs) and recovery (peak/recovery HRs) and categorized into low/average/high groups as the bottom quartile/middle 2 quartiles/top quartile, respectively. Associations between 3 HRR groups and new-onset delirium were investigated using Cox proportional hazards models and a 2-year landmark analysis to minimize reverse causation. Sociodemographic factors, lifestyle factors/physical activity, cardiovascular risk, comorbidities, cognition, and maximal workload achieved were included as covariates.ResultsDuring a median follow-up period of 11 years, 348 participants (9/1000) newly developed delirium. Compared with the high HRR group (16/1000), the risk for delirium was almost doubled in those with low HRR (hazard ratio = 1.90, 95% confidence interval (95%CI): 1.30–2.79, p = 0.001) and average HRR (hazard ratio = 1.54, 95%CI: 1.07–2.22, p = 0.020)). Low HRR was equivalent to being 6 years older, a current smoker, or ≥3 additional cardiovascular disease risks. Results were robust in sensitivity analysis, but the risk appeared larger in those with better cognition and when only postoperative delirium was considered (n = 147; hazard ratio = 2.66, 95%CI: 1.46–4.85, p = 0.001).ConclusionHRR during submaximal exercise is associated with future risk for delirium. Given that HRR is potentially modifiable, it may prove useful for neurological risk stratification alongside traditional cardiovascular risk factors.  相似文献   


Digital technologies are now considered important in shaping young people's engagement in and with health and physical activity. Recent discussions show that the use of digital technologies to track health and fitness may over-emphasize the linear understanding of the body and health generally underpinned by Western health ideologies such as healthism. Other studies have shown the increased use of digital technologies in teaching Health and Physical Education (HPE) and as a means to enhance health and increase physical activity. Despite the opportunities and risks apparent in these studies, little is known about how HPE students make choices, negotiate, and resist or embrace the digitalisation of physical activity, exercise, and more broadly health. This study examines HPE students’ meaning making of risk and surveillance associated with the self-digitisation of exercise. The study further investigates how the concept of ‘prosumption’; the production, curation and consumption of self-data within the context of digitised health and physical activity, is understood. Based on the findings, we have constructed a typology of prosumers that can be used as a pedagogical device to illustrate the various kinds of subject positions students take up with digital technology in health and physical activity. This study extends the current understanding of prosumers by identifying the ‘ambivalent prosumer’. The results provide insights that have direct pedagogical implications in HPE teacher education specifically in the areas of knowledge production and consumption of knowledge through digital technology in health and physical activity.  相似文献   

Acute and chronic respiratory illnesses cause widespread morbidity and mortality, and this class of illness now includes the novel coronavirus severe acute respiratory syndrome that is causing coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19). The world is experiencing a major demographic shift toward an older, obese, and physically inactive populace. Risk factor assessments based on pandemic data indicate that those at higher risk for severe illness from COVID-19 include older males, and people of all ages with obesity and related comorbidities such as hypertension and type 2 diabetes. Aging in and of itself leads to negative changes in innate and adaptive immunity, a process termed immunosenescence. Obesity causes systemic inflammation and adversely impacts immune function and host defense in a way that patterns immunosenescence. Two primary prevention strategies to reduce the risk for COVID-19 at both the community and individual levels include mitigation activities and the adoption of lifestyle practices consistent with good immune health. Animal and human studies support the idea that, in contrast to high exercise workloads, regular moderate-intensity physical activity improves immunosurveillance against pathogens and reduces morbidity and mortality from viral infection and respiratory illnesses including the common cold, pneumonia, and influenza. The odds are high that infectious disease pandemics spawned by novel pathogens will continue to inflict morbidity and mortality as the world's population becomes older and more obese. COVID-19 is indeed a wake-up call, a tocsin, to the world that primary prevention countermeasures focused on health behaviors and hygiene demand our full attention and support.  相似文献   

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