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成人高等教育,是现代教育体系的一个重要组成部分,也是“终生教育的前沿阵地和实践领域”,伴随着我国高等教育事业的发展而不断发展。在成人高等教育教学过程中引入ISO9001:2000质量管理体系,构建以顾客为关注焦点的成人高校质量管理模式,树立“以学生为关注焦点”的教育观念,加强教育教学改革,向社会、家长、学生提供优质的教育服务,让学生满意,是提高办学质量的重要举措。  相似文献   

成人高等教育质量是成人教育工作永恒的主题,它是指受成人高等教育的学生和社会对成人高校人才培养过程及其最终结果的某种期望。目前,成人高校要想实现自身的科学发展,必须顺应新形势、应对新挑战,在办学过程中需要贯彻高效、优质的教育服务理念,科学合理地设置相应的措施和方案,注重细节,加强管理,把创新的教育服务落到实处,进一步提高成人高等教育的管理服务水平和层次,把学生满意度评价放在学校各项工作的核心地位,为学生提供系统优质的教育服务,努力创办社会满意的成人高等教育。  相似文献   

随着信息技术在高等教育中的应用,创新了高等教育的教学模式,为在线学习者提供了个性化、多元化的服务.成人学习者由于受到学习时间、地域等条件的限制,在学习的过程中需要为他们提供各种学习支持服务,OBE的教育模式对教学内容的精心设计,改变了传统的成人教育模式,能够为成人学习者提供支持服务,能够激发成人学习者的学习兴趣,提高他们对学习的投入度,为成人教学的发展提供新的思路.  相似文献   

随着"互联网+"时代的到来,在职人员面临知识更新,成人高等教育除了举办学历教育,还应开展岗位职业教育。近年来,成人高等教育及其管理出现新变化,成人高等教育需要结合成人学生的特点,探索适合成人高等教育需要的自主型管理模式。为了提高成人高等教育的教学管理效率,利用信息化的教育技术提供灵活的教学管理服务,能够有效地缓解学生的工学矛盾,为国家培养更多的应用型人才。  相似文献   

论成人高等教育的综合服务功能   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
成人高等教育综合服务功能的强弱体现成人高等教育的办学能力,同时对办学质量又有着举足轻重的影响,强化成人高等教育综合服务功能问题的研究,是摆在成人高等教育面前的一个重要课题。一、成人高等教育综合服务功能的特征成人高等教育综合服务功能是指成人高等教育为社会、自身以及特定对象提供全方位、全过程、优质高效服务的能力和水平。完善的成人高等教育综合服务功能应具备下列特征。(一)服务范围广泛成人高等教育综合服务,要保证“四个面向”。首先是面向生产力的发展,传播人类文明、提高民族创新能力因此而成为综合服务的首要任务。…  相似文献   

目前成人高等教育生源质量堪忧,普通高校又将成人高等院校当成其经济来源,成人高等院校的学生特征及社会不良因素导致成人高等院校的班主任管理服务工作遇到困难。本文通过对成人高等院校的班主任管理服务工作上的困难进行剖析,提出相应的策略,旨在提高成人高等院校班主任以学生为本智慧管理服务工作效能;营造学校团结友爱的学习氛围;促进成人高等教育事业发展。  相似文献   

成人高等教育是我国高等教育领域内的一种教育形式,由于社会的发展和教育事业的改革,目前该种教育形式的发展正面临着严峻的考验。南京广播电视大学成人教育学院在逆境中求生存、求发展,通过专业的合理设置、教学模式的推陈出新、校企挂钩的实现、学生在校期间各类"资格证书"的取得以及尽力为学生提供各种特色服务等手段,逐步形成了成人高等教育的一些办学特色,取得了成人高校的一些成功办学经验。  相似文献   

高校教师课堂教学质量直接影响着教学质量与人才培养质量,但是在现行高等教育管理体制下的教学评估体系,存在着一个比较明显的缺憾,那就是对学生这一教学质量主体关注不足.为此,要构建高校课堂教学学生满意度测评体系,并通过提高课堂学生的感知质量,增加学生的感知价值,实施服务补救等措施,来提高高校大学生的满意度.  相似文献   

在高等教育大众化发展过程中,成人高等教育必须按照科学发展观和成人高等教育的自身规律进行战略选择。要理顺教学体制,突出为成人学习服务;促进办学体制多元化,拓展成人高等教育发展领域;建立质量监控体系,提高成人高等教育质量。  相似文献   

成人高等教育作为我国高等教育体系中的重要组成部分,为社会上输送了大批既具专业能力又不乏理论素养的合格人才.成人高校办学规模的扩大,办学能力的增强,为成人教育事业的科学发展奠定了坚实的基础.目前,成人高校学生管理工作面临着挑战与机遇并存的现状,如何迎接挑战,抓住机遇,对提高成人高校办学效益、提高成人学生培养质量有着积极的借鉴意义.本文从成人学生的学习特点及学习现状的分析出发,指出成人高等教育加强学生管理的重要性.同时提出一些加强成人高等教育学生管理的对策.  相似文献   


A proposed new educational service, the degree upgrade, is targeted toward a new market segment for higher education, graduates who are not seeking advanced degrees. The degree upgrade is accompanied by a new marketing strategy that attempts to build a continuing relationship with the new segment of graduates. Several advantages are achieved by the combined targeting strategy and the upgrade concept, (1) In combination, degree upgrades and the new targeting strategy aim at a sizable market segment that has not been effectively targeted in the past. (2) Economic benefits are strong because the service and strategy builds a continuous and increasing demand for educational services from a market segment that steadily increases in size. (3) The service and strategy redefines traditional concepts of “Lifelong Learning” and “Continuing Education” and suggests the upgrade concept creates more urgency among target market members. The purpose of this discussion is to initiate dialogue about the new service and strategy. Many questions are raised; some are unanswered.  相似文献   

根据《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要》提出的"将继续教育纳入区域、行业总体发展规划。行业主管部门或协会负责制定行业继续教育规划和组织实施办法"的要求,从煤炭行业继续教育顶层设计规划入手,高校和煤炭企业共同搭建煤炭行业继续教育运行、服务平台,采取"会员制"管理模式,为"会员"企业提供全员、开放和学习者个人免费学习的教育服务。通过对煤炭行业紧缺人才的培养,打破制约煤炭工业发展的"瓶颈",从而推动煤炭工业的可持续发展。  相似文献   

实用性:全球化中高等教育的价值取向   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
经济全球化背景下高等教育国际化已成为不可抗拒的趋势。作为穷国和知识追随国的中国 ,国家及其高等学校必须有效提高国家间知识传播系数以促进经济发展。高等教育国际化在教育思想、管理体制和教育方法等方面将对我国产生全面而深刻的影响 ,高等学校必须主动调整培养目标 ,通过具体教育过程实现新教育理念 ,使毕业生适应社会并在社会中发挥积极作用。高等教育服务市场已逐渐从区域性个别市场演变成全球化市场。作为发展中国家和教育服务贸易逆差国 ,中国必须转变观念 ,尽快修改完善相关管理规则 ,特别是留学生学费定价政策以促进高等学校提高教育质量、努力开辟国际教育市场、参与全球性合作竞争并从教育服务贸易中获利  相似文献   

我国区域高校社会服务职能的发展经历了二个阶段:计划经济时代区域高校社会服务的单一化阶段和商品经济时代区域高校社会服务的多样化阶段。综观我国区域高等教育社会服务发展的历史,区域高校社会服务工作的迅速开展,主要受区域经济的迅速发展、经济体制改革与高等教育管理体制重心下移、高等教育布局结构与高等教育区域化以及西方发达国家区域高校社会服务的迅速发展等因素的影响。  相似文献   

A variety of approaches are available for meeting the educational needs of professionals currently providing services to older adults. This article focuses on the development of the Professional Development Program in Gerontology offered through Continuing Education at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte and examines the effectiveness of this program in educating regional service providers. The discussion is based on participants’ self‐reported before‐and‐after data on their knowledge and attitudes about aging and the aged. The importance of changing employers’ attitudes about the importance of gerontology education as a qualification for service providers is also discussed.  相似文献   

在我国教育现代化进程中,如何把全社会变成学生学习的大课堂,更好地满足人民群众的多样化教育需求,是一个亟待解决的重大现实问题。随着"互联网+教育"的发展,教育服务供给呈现出社会化趋势,为解决这一难题提供了新的可能。教育服务供给社会化是教育高质量发展和教育治理现代化的必然要求,将推动供给来源从"大包大揽"转向"多元协同",服务方式从"标准生产"转向"个性定制",教育监管从"野蛮生长"转向"有序发展"。依循这一思路,未来教育发展将从标准化走向精细化,业务分工更加细化,非核心、标准化和特需型教育业务将逐步实现服务外包。为了有效推进教育服务供给社会化的实践,一方面要积极探索学校购买教育服务的有效模式,支持学校购买教育服务,加强绩效评估和风险预防,培育教育服务新业态;另一方面,要完善新型教育服务监管机制,加强顶层设计,强化事中监管,注重行业自律,从而形成政府宏观调控、学校开放办学、社会广泛参与的治理格局。  相似文献   

In this paper we consider the negotiating positions adopted by the US and Japan for the liberalisation of trade in educational services under the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS). We argue that the US adopts a position of hegemon and freerider in the development of a liberalisation regime in education. The aggressive character of the US position is profoundly influenced by: (1) a strong federal government level faith in service liberalisation; (2) high levels of domestic privatisation in the fields of higher education, training, testing and evaluation; (3) active lobbying by educational services providers. Nonetheless, the US is cautious about allowing foreign competition into domestic education markets. This stems in part from active resistance of the public education sector; and in part because of the delicate jurisdictional questions it would raise given the constitutional right of states to control educational policy. Ironically, US reticence also seems to be related to the relatively high levels of private educational expenditures in the US. In contrast, the Japanese government's approach is motivated primarily by bet‐hedging and legitimation concerns. Japan is not a net‐exporter of educational services and cannot be said to have comparative advantage in this field. However, three things seem to be influencing what might be seen as Japan's surprising decision to join the group of only four (World Trade Organization)WTO member nations who have submitted negotiating proposals for trade in educational services. First, the Japanese are strongly interested in the expansion of trade in other service areas, and may be willing to negotiate in education in order to further negotiations in these other areas. Secondly, Japan's decade‐long economic crisis has contributed to an important policy shift in the government's plans for higher education. Questions about the relevance and competitiveness of Japanese higher education have recently led the Japanese government to commit itself to this sector's ‘internationalisation’. To this end the government is also considering legislation that allows for the accreditation of 282 K. Mundy & M. Iga foreign higher education within Japan. Nonetheless, the Japanese government's negotiating proposal on trade in educational services is much more tentative than that presented by the European Union (EU) and New Zealand, for example. Japan places unique emphasis on the importance of regulatory control mechanisms for foreign service providers. As in the US, at least some part of the Japanese reticence seems to be driven by relatively high levels of private educational expenditure in the country. This paper is organised as follows. In Sections I‐V we briefly trace the history of the WTO, the GATS, and the inclusion of educational services in the GATS. Here we emphasise the strong role played by the US in the inclusion of services in international trade negotiations, and its part in the collapse of ‘embedded liberalism’ as a foundation for a multilateral trade regime. We also look briefly at the contentious aspects of the current round of negotiations in the education sector and describe their current state of play. In Sections VI and VII, we look more closely at the political economy of the negotiating positions adopted by the US and by Japan. We situate the negotiating approaches of these two countries within a comparative analysis of their relative share of current trade in educational services. In our concluding section, we begin to answer two questions. First, what theoretical framework best explains the content and direction of the American and Japanese negotiating frameworks? Second, what can the negotiating positions of these two important WTO members tell us about the overall direction and likely outcomes of the Doho round of negotiations on educational services?  相似文献   

在社会主义市场经济体制下,教育的根本属性是社会公益事业,同时,教育作为生产非物质产品的服务业,又兼具产业属性,主要表现为教育的服务性、市场性、企业性、特殊性。当前,加快我国教育产业的发展,是多渠道筹措教育资金的有效途径,是提升教育服务质量和国际竞争力的重要举措,是促进国民经济发展的有力手段。发展教育产业的政策取向,关键在于强化政府主导作用,培育教育产业市场;借鉴产业运作模式,增强学校办学活力,积极拓展多元办学渠道;防止弱化政府教育责任和教育产业“企业化”倾向。  相似文献   


Higher education is a service that contributes to national development, integration and regional cohesion. Agricultural education in particular has been viewed in many developing countries as a significant contributor to sustainable development and poverty alleviation. In view of its public mandate, higher education in most countries is regulated by competent bodies. However, higher education is also a service recognized under the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) of the World Trade Organization (WTO). It is therefore subject to WTO's essential principles of promoting trade liberalization, market access and equitable treatment to all participants. But very little is known about the consequences of free trade in educational services. Also it is difficult to define which educational services are strictly commercial and which are public services. As a result, application of GATS can lead to disputes, unless the definitions are clear and international standards are in place, as in the case of other WTO agreements such as TRIPS, SPS and TBT. The present paper assesses the implications of application of the provisions of GATS to higher education in general and agricultural education in particular, with respect to Indian regulatory mechanisms for agricultural education. International scenarios of application of GATS in higher education and relevant policy issues for India as perceived by the faculty members of agricultural universities are discussed. The purpose is to initiate a fruitful debate at various national forums that can inform national policy and take advantage of the opportunities provided under GATS, while ensuring that national interests are kept in perspective.  相似文献   

我国加入世界贸易组织以来,教育服务业逐步受到人们的重视.然而,长期以来由于我们对教育偏重公益性的理解.使得有关教育和教育产业等一些相关问题的讨论不够深入透彻.与快速发展的其它领域经济相比,教育服务业的"短腿"现象十分明显.文章从教育入手,揭示教育公益性之外的产业属性,并从思想观念、体制和开放三个方面寻找突破口,以求把握机遇,积极推动我国的教育服务业进入一个新的发展阶段.  相似文献   

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