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大运会集训多集中在炎热的暑期进行,运动员必然面临因大量出汗而导致体液大量流失的问题.本文探讨运动时脱水的机理、症状和危害,以及在暑期集训中教练员如何科学地对运动员进行补液,使运动员的运动能力尽快得到恢复和提高,以提高运动员的竞技能力和运动成绩。  相似文献   

李怀强 《教书育人》2004,(10):44-44
办公室内发生了一起盗窃案。现场门窗紧闭,锁安然无恙,其他老师的办公桌内被翻了个底儿朝天,共损失30多元、两枝钢笔……我的桌内有近百元的现金,却纹丝未动。仔细观察后,大家一致认为是学生所为。好在并无多大的损失,报到校保卫科后,也就此了结。  相似文献   

“把你的财产看成是一筐子鸡蛋,把它们放在不同的地方:万一你不小心碎掉其中一篮,你至少不会全部都损失。”对于这个理念,估计大家都耳熟能详,那到底是否如此呢?  相似文献   

白狗和乌龟破案之后,采购科立即对葡萄失水问题采取了有效对策,这二举措使心连心超市的损失降到了最低点。白狗和乌龟竞破天荒地得到了奖励,大家都对麦斯经理的宽宏大量表  相似文献   

我7岁那年,乡里向村民发放化肥,可村民心存疑虑,发下来也不用,有的甚至想扔掉。那时人们普遍不认识化肥,管化肥叫“地料”。而我爷爷却愿意接受新事物,他劝大家不用也别扔掉,并且表示他可以先试用一下“地料”,看看效果怎么样,好的话大家再用。爷爷认为给乡亲们探探路,即使付出点失败和损失的代价也还是值得的。  相似文献   

卡迪 《成长》2007,(3):50-51
20世纪初,美国史古脱纸业公司买下一大批纸,因为运送过程中的疏忽,纸面产生皱纹而无法使用。 面对一仓库将要报废的纸,大家都不知道如何是好。在主管会议上,有人建议将纸退还给供应商以减少损失,这个建议几乎获得所有人的赞同。  相似文献   

明遥 《学习之友》2006,(1):51-51
在现实生活中,有些人往往在事业获得成功的时候,却失去了健康,甚至英年早逝,给家庭和社会带来很大的损失。正如大家都知道的日本职员的“过劳死”、我国中年人经常发生的早亡现象,都是“按揭”生命结出的苦果。  相似文献   

实验室制备乙烯时,常会遇到以下几个问题,必须正确处理,才会产生令人信服的实验效果。a.将浓硫酸与酒精混合时,发现溶液变黑褐色。这主要是混合速度太快引起的。因浓硫酸被稀释时会释放出大量的热,若得不到及时散发,会使溶液温度过高,引起:①酒精挥发过多,降低产生的量和速度;②引起酒精的过量炭化结焦,反应物大量损失,降低产气的量和速度;③引起反应的提前发生并损失大量的反应物,无法提供足量的气体供后续实验使用。b.反应装置产生的气体太少。这可以从以下几方面找到原因。①分析是否由于混合不当引起的。若是,则应重新…  相似文献   

这次年会在大家支持和积极参与下,顺利地按计划完成了预定议程。会议内容受到大家欢迎,会议取得了成功,与会各位代表也对会议给予了充分肯定。这次会议与会代表超过1500人.天津市政府、教委和有关部门为会议的顺利举行做了大量周到、细致的工作。我代表大家再次向天津市政府、教委和所有为会议服务的各方面同志,表示衷心感谢。  相似文献   

大运会集训多集中在炎热的暑期进行,运动员必然面临因大量出汗而导致体液大量流失的问题.本文探讨运动时脱水的机理、症状和危害,以及在暑期集训中教练员如何科学地对运动员进行补液,使运动员的运动能力尽快得到恢复和提高,以提高运动员的竞技能力和运动成绩.  相似文献   

Circadian rhythms of tonic immobility were found in male albino rats raised on a 12-h diurnal light cycle and tested at 6-h intervals. Durations of immobility were twice as long at 2000 h as at 1400 h. These differences persisted when rats were exposed to constant darkness for 10 days, but disappeared when rats were maintained in constant light for the same period. Since endogenous circadian rhythms of certain monoamine levels persist in constant darkness yet disappear under constant light, it is suggested that cycles of tonic immobility in rats are also endogenous. When the diurnal pattern of tonic immobility duration is compared to that of various neurohumors, immobility duration appears to parallel melatonin production and to be opposite in phase to the cycle of serotonin levels. Duration of immobility increased over trials, although the number of inductions required to produce immobility decreased. This suggests that instrumental conditioning may modify the immobility response to some extent.  相似文献   

补充肉碱和糖对定量负荷运动能量代谢的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:旨在观察补充左旋肉碱和葡萄糖混合补剂对定量负荷运动血乳酸、血糖及血清尿素氮的影响。对象:选取忻州师范学院体育系健康的男性30名,随机分为即时补充组和短时补充组,短时补充组再随机分为安慰组和实验组。方法:所有受试者均进行两次运动。即时补充组:在运动前、中即时补充安慰剂或补剂。短时补充组:连续补充一周安慰剂或补剂。受试者在POWERMAX-VII型功率自行车上以85%自身中等负荷的强度进行39m in的运动。结论:无论即时还是短时补充肉碱和糖,均能有效防止定量负荷运动后即刻血乳酸浓度的过度升高,减少血乳酸对机体产生的不良影响;并保持定量负荷运动后即刻较高的血糖水平;而且还可降低运动后即刻血清尿素氮水平,节省蛋白质的动用,从总体上提高人体的运动能力和抗疲劳能力。  相似文献   

毕节清水话广泛采用重叠方式来构造名词.重叠式名词具有以下特点:前一音节变调、构成成分多式多样、意义功能非常丰富,而且与"-子"缀名词之间呈现出错综复杂的关系.  相似文献   

Based on a model which holds that open-field behavior is due in large part to an interaction between social separation and the threat of predation, seven experiments were conducted to examine the relationship between tonic immobility and open-field activity in chickens. The results showed that placement in an open field prior to testing for tonic immobility reliably enhanced the duration of immobility. Similarly, procedures that have been shown to modify the length of the immobility episode had a comparable effect on the timing of activity onset in an open field. Since tonic immobility has been independently implicated as a putative predator defense, the correspondence between open-field behavior and tonic immobility was taken as indirect support for the hypothesis that open-field testing contains overtones of predation.  相似文献   

研究生物活性肽胶囊对赛艇运动员力量、耐力素质的影响.将运动员随机分组为对照组和补肽组,实验过程中两组保持相近的训练量和训练强度.实验前和实验后5周对受试对象的力量素质及耐力素质进行测试.结果表明:与对照组相比,补肽组的力量素质及耐力素质都有较大幅度的提高.  相似文献   

目的以衰老的自由基学说为依据,研究蚁皇浆口服液的抗衰老作用.方法52周龄小白鼠30只随机分为老龄实验组和老龄对照组,4周龄15只作为成年对照组,灌胃四周后分别取血测定SOD、CAT、Tch、TG和MDA等各项生化指标.结果老龄实验组SOD、CAT活性均明显升高(P<0.01),MDA、Tch和TG含量明显降低(P<0.01或P<0.05).结论蚁皇浆口服液具有较强的抗氧化和抗衰老作用,是一种很有经济价值药食两用的保健品.  相似文献   

高师视唱练耳教学应采用首调唱名法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
视唱练耳课历来多采用以固定唱名法为主,兼顾首调唱名法的教学法,造成学生两种唱名法都掌握不好。采用符合人们欣赏和听觉习惯的首调唱名法,将有助于改善该课程的教学。  相似文献   

昆山方言的连读变调.情况复杂却存在某种规律。经过整理、简化。作了较为明析的表述。将昆山、上海、苏州三地方占的连读变调进行比较,发现在语音发展中,连读变调的调型也有新老之分:老的调型昆山保留最多;其次是老派上海方言;再次是苏州方言;发展最快的是新派上海方言。  相似文献   

Chicks whose primary source of visual stimulation during rearing was in the form of human caretakers showed significantly shorter durations of tonic immobility. Birds with only human visual exposure were also more likely to behave in affiliative ways toward the experimenter than were birds from the other rearing groups. Birds reared in a similar manner but tested for tonic immobility in the absence of the experimenter failed to show an effect. The results are discussed in terms of the phylogenetic generality of ontogenetic-dependent reactivity to humans, and the possibility that the ecological validity of experimental studies in which animals are reared in isolation from conspecifics, or otherwise become socialized to humans, may be compromised.  相似文献   

Data were obtained on tonic immobility from 10th-generation matings of replicated lines of Japanese quail. These lines had been selected for high and low mating ability and included the random-bred control population from which the selected lines originated. At 6, and again at 12 days of age, each bird was subjected to uniform procedures of immobilization and was given two scores, one indicating the number of trials required to induce immobility, another the duration of induced immobility. Although there were no differences between sexes, lines were significantly different for duration and percentage incidence to the immobility response at both ages. Individuals that responded faster also exhibited longer durations of immobility, suggesting a high degree of susceptibility. Heritability estimates indicate that the additive genetic variation effecting tonic immobility is low to moderate in magnitude. These results, when taken in an evolutionary context, suggest prior natural selection for tonic immobility and indicate that this trait is associated with fitness.  相似文献   

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