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林雅琴 《海外英语》2012,(3):202-203
The three worlds after the human world in The Journey to the West, in spite of their religious elements, their implicit moralizing, and their involved allegory, hold up a mirror to the social vices of the author’s day, showing on the one hand the corruption, injustice, ava rice, lust, faction, perfidiousness and cruelty among the ruling classes, and on the other hand the miseries of the oppressed.  相似文献   

灰姑娘是一个古老的神话传说,作者夏洛蒂·勃朗特以她作为模板赋予新的内容,写出了《简·爱》。她们之间有许多相似点,也有不同点,但主题一样:通过个人努力,最终过上幸福生活。  相似文献   


参加圣诞狂欢夜的PARTY,不打扮的光鲜亮丽怎么行?化妆品是每一位“美丽达人”必不可缺的秘密武器。可是……你知道这些能帮助你把脸蛋收拾得精致可人的小东东的英文名叫什么吗?让我们趁化妆的当儿来学习几个实用的英文单词吧!  相似文献   

在成长小说中,青年人不论是从天真走向世故,还是从世故走向成熟,都需要面对人生的种种不确定因素,这种人生的不确定性在罗伯特·潘·沃伦的成长小说《黑莓之冬》中,无论是从内容上还是从形式上均得到充分体现。文章通过对《黑莓之冬》中的天气变化、人物命运和开放性结尾进行分析,得出人生中唯一可以确定的事就是其不确定性的结论。  相似文献   

王希杰先生将语言世界、物理世界、文化世界、心理世界统称为"四个世界"。它以语言世界为轴心,结合物理世界、心理世界、文化世界及"四个世界"之间的层次关系,探讨并完成"四个世界"理论对汉语修辞的思想观念上的革新、研究方式方法上的突破,并以此为切入点,着重研究解释汉语修辞的发生原理、运作机制,从而反映修辞的本质和规律。用"四个世界"理论阐述汉语修辞现象,理解起来简单明了,把握实质轻松自如,具有科学性和人文性的精神内涵。利用"四个世界"理论,可以使我们从更为广泛更为宏观的方面理解修辞,更为简便更为明了地掌握修辞,更为恰当地发挥修辞的语用功能,从而超越以语言为本位的狭义的微观的传统修辞观念。  相似文献   


This overview describes the relatively brief, but nevertheless rich and provocative history of human rights education in Latin America. It links this history with relevant political histories, cultural phenomena and social movements. The basic perspective is derived from Chilean experiences, but then branches out into a variety of related endeavours in other countries. The occurrence of human rights violations is seen as the basic initial stimulus for human rights education.  相似文献   

《简·萨默斯的日记》中萨默斯和马奥迪这对人物关系体现了不同世界融合的一个普遍原理,有利于我们理解人类社会的各种关系,为创建未来和谐社会打下理论基础。  相似文献   

采用题材批评法,运用成长小说理论分析美国著名黑人女作家艾丽斯.沃克的代表作《紫色》中所具有的成长小说特征,探索这部小说的成长主题,以期证明《紫色》是一部典型的成长小说,从而为读者欣赏这部小说提供一个新的角度,同时为国内外学者对成长小说的研究特别是黑人女性成长小说的研究起到抛砖引玉的作用。  相似文献   

This article considers the findings of a literacy survey with Year 7 students who had experienced difficulties with reading. It highlights the range of texts and events that these students were choosing to engage with outside school and the mismatch between home and school literacy. The findings signal a need to go beyond the traditional reading test to uncover the texture of literacy experience and achievement in students' lives.  相似文献   


The Coexistence Workshop is a course in the teacher education program at an Israeli university. Its purpose is to promote the ability of prospective teachers to educate their pupils for a democratic society in which diversity is honored and coexistence becomes a reality. Teaching the Coexistence Workshop allows me to explore the usefulness of personal storytelling in learning about diversity and enabling students to become border crossers. The concept of border pedagogy (Freire, Giroux) speaks to issues of social justice and equality among groups divided in very concrete ways by the powerful but often invisible borders of race, social and economic class, gender and, in this case, ethnic-national identity. I examine the experience of border-crossing afforded by the Coexistence Workshop through an account of selected events, interrogating and interpreting this account by way of a discussion of the requirements of border pedagogy in the work of Giroux. My purpose is to elucidate some of the concrete meanings that the metaphor of border-crossing points to in the Israeli context, to gain insights for a pedagogy of difference in teacher education, and to illustrate some of the possibilities of mapping out terrains of commonality, connection and shared concern.  相似文献   

王希杰先生将语言世界、物理世界、文化世界、心理世界统称为"四个世界"。它以语言世界为轴心,结合物理世界、心理世界、文化世界及"四个世界"之间的层次关系,探讨并完成"四个世界"理论对汉语修辞的思想观念上的革新、研究方式方法上的突破,并以此为切入点,着重研究解释汉语修辞的发生原理、运作机制,从而反映修辞的本质和规律。用"四个世界"理论阐述汉语修辞现象,理解起来简单明了,把握实质轻松自如,具有科学性和人文性的精神内涵。利用"四个世界"理论,可以使我们从更为广泛更为宏观的方面理解修辞,更为简便更为明了地掌握修辞,更为恰当地发挥修辞的语用功能,从而超越以语言为本位的狭义的微观的传统修辞观念。  相似文献   

李梦辰 《海外英语》2013,(3X):272-274
Canada is a multicultural country which was mainly established by immigrants.Just because of that,Canadian government has carried out the policy of multiculturalism since1970s.However,it has encountered many problems such as policy conflicts,national identity,democracy-inquiry and racial discrimination,etc.Hence the Canadian multiculturalism has been in a dilemma.  相似文献   

Peter Roberts 《Interchange》2008,39(3):375-386
This paper addresses key themes in a new book of posthumously published writings by Paulo Freire, Daring to Dream: Toward a Pedagogy of the Unfinished (Paradigm Publishers, 2007). The paper comments on the structure and content of the book and places it in the context of Freire’s wider corpus of published works. Particular attention is paid to the relationship between critical dreams and educational realities, and consideration is given to the ongoing relevance of Freirean ideas in the contemporary world. Critical Notice of Daring to Dream: Toward a Pedagogy of the Unfinished, by P. Freire. (2007). Boulder, CO: Paradigm Publishers.  相似文献   

波普尔的“三个世界”理论一经提出就引起巨大反响,我国学者对之也有激烈争论。在新的技术和理论背景下,为“三个世界”理论的合理性提供新的证据,旨在论证三个世界的合理性及三个世界的相互关系理论,并在一定程度上发展了世界3理论。  相似文献   

When critics consider young people’s practices within cyberspace, the focus is often on negative aspects, namely cyber-bullying, obsessive behaviour, and the lack of a balanced life. Such analyses, however, may miss the agency and empowerment young people experience not only to make decisions but to have some degree of control over their lives through their engagement with and use of technology, which often includes sharing it with others in cyberspace. This was a finding of research conducted by Nicola Johnson, which also informs the two novels considered in this article, Cory Doctorow’s Little Brother and Brian Falkner’s Brainjack. The article draws on Pierre Bourdieu’s theory of acts of resistance (Acts of Resistance: Against the New Myths of our Time, 1998) to demonstrate how these fictional representations of hacker heroes make a direct address to their readers to use their technological expertise to achieve social justice. Rather than hacking primarily to “see if they can do it,” the protagonists of these novels acknowledge the moral ambiguity of hacking and encourage its responsible use.  相似文献   

This article describes an evaluation of fourteen peer-support schemes in seven primary schools and seven secondary schools where NSPCC advisers worked closely with the schools. Each school received a questionnaire at the start of their involvement and, after about 12 months, the researcher visited each of the schools to conduct in-depth interviews with the person who had completed the original questionnaire. The evaluation explored why the schools had undertaken this work and what the potential benefits to the schools and the students were. The details of the schemes and the findings specific to primary and secondary sectors are also discussed. In particular, training, unrealistic expectations about behaviour and the uses of staff times are debated. The author concludes that peer-support schemes can be mistakenly seen as a panacea.  相似文献   

不可能世界在认知逻辑系统中理解为在逻辑上是不可能的而认知上是可能的,能够为认知逻辑系统中认知主体的矛盾信念提供语义支持,同时在一定程度上可缓解认知逻辑系统中的逻辑全能问题。对不可能世界本体论的归谬法证明遭遇丐题的困境问题,文章表明该证明无法真正否定证不可能世界,因为不可能世界就是一个初始概念。而对否定算子在不可能世界中的定义变化问题,仅是一个众多语义解释的选择问题,并不是由于不可能世界的引入而引发该问题。  相似文献   

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