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在项目管理中,风险管理属于一种高层次的综合性管理工作,它是分析和处理由不确定性产生的各种问题的一整套方法,包括风险的辩识、风险的估计及风险的控制.风险管理是近20年发展起来的综合性边缘学科,风险分析的大部分内容是关于技术风险、设备质量风险和可靠性工程问题,而关于风险评价的量度及定量分析的技术方法几乎是空白.因此,风险管理仍是一门不完善和不成熟的学科.  相似文献   

文章介绍了软启动器的启动方式和停车方式,与传统启动设备相比的优势.软启动器在消防水系统中的应用实例,展望其未来发展前景.  相似文献   

文章通过引入项目管理理论,结合该领域专家的知识和经验,并在此基础上建立了科学而全面的评价指标群,提出了一种通信工程设计项目组织结构的评价方法,并用工程实例验证了其可行性.  相似文献   

近年来,随着钻采院科研生产整体业务规模的不断壮大,生产配套项目(包括搬运、氮气辅助、保洁等)越来越多,此类项目是钻采院法律风险较为集中的业务领域,为保障企业持续稳定发展,必须在全面正确评估法律风险的基础上,建立法律风险防范机制。  相似文献   

随着我国消费贷款规模的不断扩大,该项业务中存在的问题和风险也逐步暴露出来,商业银行应加强对消费信贷风险的分析与识别,以便及时采取措施,防范消费信贷风险.  相似文献   

建设工程项目在所有项目中是数量最多、最具普遍性及典型性,而建设工程项目管理的实践是项目管理理论的重要来源之一.为了使建设工程项目管理及管理日益系统化、科学化,文章对工程管理存在的问题和现状进行了分析,并对各个方面的管理方法进行了论述.  相似文献   

郑瑞 《职业圈》2007,(6X):179-181
复杂性理论展示了新世纪科学研究的广阔全景。并为教育研究提供了新的视角和突破理论自身局限的可能性。教育技术具有系统科学方法的重要特征——最优化,这是教育技术所追求的目标。同时,教育技术具有系统科学理论中耗散结构理论的重要特征——开放,使得教育系统处于从无序向有序的动态平衡运动状态。最后,论述了阐释学、模糊逻辑、混沌理论对教学设计研究具有一定的启示和应用价值。  相似文献   

文章主要以ERP系统实施为背景,结合项目管理知识体系的理论知识,按照项目实施的三个主要阶段详细分析并讨论了项目管理技术在外贸企业ERP实施中所起的作用和各自所扮演的角色.  相似文献   

管理本身就是一门科学,施工项目管理是管理科学中的一部分.针对工程项目的这些情况,需要以最优化的条件实施工程项目的目标,并且按照工程项目建设的规律,对工程项目全过程进行有效的计划、组织、协调和控制.做到全方位的综合管理.  相似文献   

文章对企业物流外包的风险及对策进行了系统的分析和综述,指出了企业物流外包的风险意义及防范的关键问题.旨在建立一个有效的物流外包风险防范体系,为企业物流外包提供借鉴与指导.  相似文献   

规划实施评估作为城乡规划编制的重要一环,作用日渐凸显,尤其对于历史文化名镇保护规划的实施评估更为重要.其不仅能全面了解保护规划实施效果的真实情况,也利于摸清"家底",找准保护工作中的短板,进而在新一轮保护规划中,以此为要义,有针对性地提出保护措施和发展路径.以周庄古镇为例,将"人"的感受和作用纳入评估对象,坚持真实性、...  相似文献   

多元化安置模式和居民满意度是因地制宜推动城市更新的关键因素.通过对中华人民共和国成立以来上海市城市更新中安置模式的历史梳理,说明就近安置模式是多元安置的有效补充.以上海市河间路保障房项目为例,分析就近安置模式的操作过程和规划设计策略,并以居民满意度的调查方法获取居民对就近安置模式的接受度、评价与优化意见.指出大城市的城...  相似文献   

气候变化适应型城市发展战略研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
世界上大部分经济活动和温室气体排放集中在城市,城市应该承担减缓气候变化的责任。城市人口与财产聚集使得气候变化及自然灾害的影响具有放大效应,城市必须在与之共存中做到趋利避害。为减缓和适应气候变化,建设气候变化适应型城市就成为可持续发展的客观要求。气候变化适应型城市以减缓与适应战略应对气候变化,即通过低碳发展战略减缓气候变化和适应战略来应对气候变化带来的极端事件以及气象灾害频度和强度日益提高的趋势,尽可能减轻气候变化所造成的各种不利影响。气候变化最不利的影响是气象及其衍生灾害,气候适应型城市通过灾害风险管理更好地减缓和适应气候变化及各种灾害风险。  相似文献   

The paper conducts a statistical analysis of the dynamics of the sale of new music (product differentiation innovation) in the record industry. In pursuing this goal the paper generates new data and analyses a previously unutilized data set. The paper finds that there is a strong correlation between new music innovation in the audio singles and albums market. This is found to be mainly concurrent in the same quarter and to have a reasonably short product life. The paper discovers that these features also characterise the dynamics of record company performance. The research indicates that record companies are willing to sell singles at a loss due to advertising rather than learning externalities. At the industry level, the paper finds that new music innovation does not effect market size significantly and mainly causes business stealing effects between record companies, with exceptional cases of multiplier effects.  相似文献   

In recent years, microfinance – the suite of financial products offered to the poor – has been widely adopted in international development policy. Organizations around the world have replicated this model successfully. This essay takes the comparative case more explicitly to read against the tendency to understand microfinance as the globally institutionalized and realized norm, and local unruly credit economies as the exception. We go beyond comparing credit in India and Paraguay in order to illustrate how comparison is actually central to the banking practices of microfinance. Moreover, it is the collaborative anthropological project that helps to show this, allowing not only for empirical grounds of comparison, but also raising theoretical and methodological questions of comparison itself. In juxtaposing microfinance in our two fieldsites, we find that as credit proliferates globally, so do the comparative projects both of borrowers and lenders in the disparate worlds of Kolkata and Ciudad del Este. At the same time, these were constrained by the global financial comparisons between countries made by investors. Ethnographic methods are vital for understanding how microfinance becomes part of a wider repertoire of financial strategies used by women while simultaneously offering the grounds for women to undertake their own acts of comparison.  相似文献   

当下国内风景园林和城市规划领域高光聚焦公园城市,一些地方已经开始启动了公园城市建设。城市是一个构成复杂的巨系统。引入系统论的方法,对当前公园城市的建设几个关键性问题进行再思考,为公园城市的建设实践提供参考。提出当前的公园城市建设不仅是对工业文明城市的升级与发展,也是系统的、复杂的、缜密的城市建设策略体系;这是一个长期持续、没有完型的动态过程;决定山水城市建设成败的关键要素不仅在于生态环境,更在于人;不同城市之间存在相同的建设目标,却没有、也不需要统一的模式。  相似文献   

Safeguarding and exploiting Cultural Heritage induce the production of numerous and heterogeneous data. The management of these data is an essential task for the use and the diffusion of the information gathered on the field. Previously, the data handling was a hand-made task done thanks to efficient and experienced methods. Until the growth of computer science, other methods have been carried out for the digital preservation and treatment of Cultural Heritage information. The development of computerized data management systems to store and make use of archaeological datasets is then a significant task nowadays. Especially for sites that have been excavated and worked without computerized means, it is now necessary to put all the data produced onto computer. This allows preservation of the information digitally (in addition with the paper documents) and offers new exploitation possibilities, like the immediate connection of different kinds of data for analyses, or the digital documentation of the site for its improvement. Geographical Information Systems have proved their potentialities in this scope, but they are not always adapted to the management of features at the scale of a particular archaeological site. Therefore this paper aims to present the development of a Virtual Research Environment dedicated to the exploitation of intra-site Cultural Heritage data. The Information System produced is based on open-source software modules dedicated to the Internet, so users can avoid being software driven and can register and consult data from different computers. The system gives the opportunity to do exploratory analyses of the data, especially at spatial and temporal levels. The system is compliant to every kind of Cultural Heritage site and allows management of diverse types of data. Some experimentation has been done on sites managed by the Service of the National Sites and Monuments of Luxembourg.  相似文献   

城市文化是由人类通过长期的聚集性活动创造出来的,包含物质层面和精神层面两方面的形态总和,深刻影响城市人群生产生活状态和城市物质空间生产方式.城市文化空间体系的构建是实现国家文化安全的重要支撑,许多城市片面地将城市文化理解为非物质层面的成果,忽略了城市文化空间这一文化物质载体的深刻作用.绿地空间是城市文化空间重要组成部分...  相似文献   

从评价目的、评价主体与客体、评价体系的构建三方面系统回顾梳理国内历史文化名镇名村的价值评价体系研究.针对评价主客体单一、评价因子不全面、评价指标体系不完善等问题,最后从多方参与、差异化指标、多样化评价体系、动态监测机制、评价技术创新5个方面提出价值评价的趋势与展望,期待对完善价值评价体系有所启示.  相似文献   

This paper examines the film production performance of Warner Bros. during the 1930s, placing particular emphasis on the manner in which Warners invested in stars. Warners are shown to have acted rationally in the sense of having consistently invested in previously successful actors. An assessment is then made of how successful such a strategy proved to be. Drawing a distinction between high and medium/low budget production, the deployment of established stars in high budget productions did not appear to have constituted a successful strategy. The production of medium/low budget films, by contrast, provided a more stable environment, in which there were clear returns to the deployment of previously successful actors.  相似文献   

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