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教学过程Step1.Warming up1.Play the game:Touch your nose.Touch your right ear.Touch your left leg…2.Sing"."(CAI)3.Free talk.T:I fly a kite in spring.What do you do in summer?S1:I fly a kite,too.(Asks S2)What do you do in summer?S2:I ride a bike in summer.(Asks S3)What do you do in summer?…Step2.  相似文献   

教学过程Step1.W arm up1.G reetings.(简单的问候,使学生自然地进入学习的状态。)2.Let's chantTouch your head.Touch your nose.Touch your eyes.Touch your ears.Touch your m outh.Touch your face.(利用chant来复习与本课教学内容相关的单词,既调节情绪,又为新课的教学作  相似文献   

Step1.Warming up1.问候。2.听一听,动一动,热热身。教师给出指令让学生迅速做出反应。(1)If your English teacheris Miss Huang,please stand up.(2)If your father is a police-man,please act like this.(3)If your mother is asinger,please sin  相似文献   

1.The sooner the better.(越快越好。)2.Take your time.(慢慢来/别着急。)3.I'm crazy about rock music.(我对摇滚乐很着迷。)4.How do I address you?(我怎么称呼你?)5.What was your name again?(请再说一次名字好吗?)  相似文献   

先看三道有关had better用法的中考题: ①Bruce,look at your dirty shoes.You’dbetter__them right now.(北京海淀区) A.washed B.washing c.wash D.wash②You’d better__a policeman at this moment.(青海省)  相似文献   

1.When it comes to schooland grades,you would summa-rize (v.总结)your achievementsas: a.Fair——you received av-erage grades in return for youraverage efforts.(2) b.Miserable(a.很糟糕)——youwere never lucky with grades.(0) C.Top——you studied a lotand it usually paid off in goodgrades.(4)  相似文献   

Dialogue 1:at the garden(在花园里)Sarah:what’s your favorite color,Peter?(你最喜欢什么颜色?)Peter:I guess.What’s yours?(我想想。你呢?)Sarah:I love orange.(我喜欢橙色。)Peter:so do I.(我也是。)  相似文献   

Not Too Bad     
Woman:Did you sell(卖) any of your paintings(画) at the art show(展览)? Man:No,but I am en- couraged.(鼓舞) Woman:Why? Man:Somebody stole(偷) one.  相似文献   

1.Directions:Revise the following sentences aocording to the requirement.Writeyour version in the corresponding space on your answer sheet.15%1.John Milton is one of his favorite poets.(periodic sentence)2.Steve approached the dean's office.He walked at a slow pace.(simple sentencewith-ing phrase)3.After she was introduced by her assistant,the mayor began with an openingstatement.(simple sentence with-ed phrase)  相似文献   

请大家带着幽默的心态阅读下文,切勿对号入座!①You look like you are 18.②You like to eat chicken feet.③You suck on fish heads andfish fins.④You have a Chineseknick-knack hanging on yourrear view mirror.⑤You sing karaoke.⑥Your stove is covered with a(22)You keep a Thermos of hotwater available at all times.(23)You eat all meals in thekitchen.(24)You save grocery bags, tinfoil, and tin containers.(25)You have a piano in your livingroom.(26)You pick your teeth at the  相似文献   

【原句】What’s your name-(上U1)【真题】—did the teacher talk to youthis afternoon5—Something about our sports meeting.(2005山东省济宁市)A.Why B.WhatC.Where D.How【解析】本题答语是一个省略句,完整的句子是:The teacher talked to ussomething about our sports meeting.由此可推断出空白处应当是疑问代词,而A、C、D三项均为疑问副词。答案为B。【原句】A:Is this your pencil-B:Yes,it is.It’s my pencil.(上U2)【真题】—What did you do at the weekend5—I did homework.(2005南京市)A.me B.myself C.my D…  相似文献   

Teaching steps Step 1.1.Warm-up:Greeting to all students.(略)2.Leading in:Sing an English song anddo actions.Song":If you are happy"Action:Clap your hands,stamp your feet,and shout"hur-ray".Step2.Presentation 1.T:We are very happy today.But I have 2 friends,they are not happy.They are arguing.Do you want to know"Who are they?  相似文献   

1.adjust vt./vi.调整,调节Watch out for sharp bends and adjust your speed accordingly.当心急转弯并相应调整车速。常用结构:adjust sth.(to sth.)调节……以适应……adjust to sth./to doing sth.适应,习惯……adjust oneself to sth.(使)自己适应,习惯……  相似文献   

【教学过程】1.Warming up and Revi-sionT:Good morning,boys andgirls.Are you happy today?Ss:Yes,I am.(we are.)T:Show me your happyfaces,please.T:Boys and girls,what areyour favourite hobbies?S1:I like playing the piano.S2:I like playing the foot-ball.(教师重复两遍playingfootball,为了纠正学生的错误而打断学生发言。)T:I like playing football,too.(拿出软玩具足球。  相似文献   

Key 听力材料及答案I.1.——Is it going to rain? ——I don’t think so.(B)2.I like meat very much.(D)3.There is a boat in the river.(B)4 Uncle Tom is eighty years old.(C)5.This is her coat.Mine is over there.(A)Ⅱ.1.W:Jim,could you help me,please? M:Certainly.Lucy.What’s wrong? W:My bike is borken.(B) 2.w:Mike!Is your kite broken? M:Yes,it is. W:Let me have a look. M:Here you are. W:Oh.Don’t worry.I can mend it.(C) 3.W:Are Mr Green's trousers black or blue? M:They're brown.(B) 4.M:What team are you in,Li Ling?Are you in Team l? W:No.I’m in Team 2.  相似文献   

中考试题是这样的:①—students are there in your class?—Forty-one.(北京)A.How many B.How much C.How long D.How heavy②—does a car cost in China?—It can cost as little as50,000yuan and as much as300,000yuan.(甘肃)A.How many B.How price C.How money D.How  相似文献   

一、选择填空1.—Do you know? I’m going to see him. —Sorry. I don’t know.(北京市海淀区) A.where does Mr. Li live B.where did Mr. Li live C.where Mr. Li lives D.where Mr. Li lived2.Could you tell me? I’m his old friend (吉林省) A.where does Jim live B.when will Jim come back C.where Jim has gone D.how is Jim.3.You must remember.(河南省) A.what your teacher said B.what did your teacher say C.your teacher said what D.what has you teacher said4.The students…  相似文献   

1.Don't look wise.(别自作聪明。) 2.I'm afraid all my efforts were in vain.(我担心我的努力全白费了。) 3.What happened to your memory?(你的记性是怎么搞的?) 4.You're going too far!(你太过分了!)  相似文献   

Teacher:Tom,you haven’t shown your parents the examination pa-pers,have you?Tom:Yes,I have,sir.Teacher:But I can’t find your father’s John Hancock on the papers.Tom:Here,sir.(Showing his whipped arm to the teacher.)Father’s John Hancock!山东@石继忠  相似文献   

The superstitions and folklore you need to make life magnificent... or miserable.(WARNING:The unusual folklore in this file is presented solely for your information and education. Reader assumes all responsibility for safety and use not in accordance with the above stated purposes. )  相似文献   

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