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一个民族性格特征的形成有其深刻的历史渊源,也是一定的经济、政治、文化环境、哲学思想的产物。东方与西方民族历史各异,社会环境因素不同,因而形成了既定的各具风采的民族性格。同时,世界各民族在发展、演进中又相互渗透、融合,异中有同,使各民族性格又具有共同点,籍此成为各民族互动、共进、互补的基础。悉心考察东西方人的性格特征、行为差异及其不同的文化传统,对于顺利地进行跨文化交往与沟通具有重要意义。跨文化交往需要正确处理四个方面的关系。  相似文献   

将思维模式引入比较文学的影响研究,将使后者更加有效。在动态中或以动态的眼光观察思维模式会丰富比较文学研究方法,并有利于进一步沟通文化研究和对文学性的关注。  相似文献   

历史虚无主义思潮自传入中国以来,由于发展阶段的时代背景不同而呈现出不同的特点,作为与马克思主义的唯物史观相对立的历史虚无主义,有必要从历史的维度,通过比较的方法厘清历史虚无主义的非科学性,有助于人们深刻认识新时期历史唯物主义面临的挑战,加强人们对马克思主义唯物史观的理解、认识和信仰。  相似文献   

闭关锁国是清朝对外政策总体描述。不论是顺康时期的“禁海”,还是乾嘉道时期的一口通商,清朝也没有完全割断与西方国家的交往。总览鸦片战争前的西器东传和西学东渐,呈现出西器东传宽,西学东渐紧;西器东传快,西学东渐缨;西器东传畅,西学东渐塞的特点。天朝自大和文化专制促使朝廷错误地选择西器与西学,报复性的惩罚终于在鸦片战争中发生。  相似文献   

THE BRITISH AND CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT IN WEST AFRICA: A HISTORICAL STUDY – Only recently have African nations begun to make their way towards establishing genuinely autonomous education systems incorporating elements of indigenous culture. The present study examines the historical development of curriculum in British West Africa in its links with the educational activities of the early Christian missionaries and the imposition of British colonial rule. For over 300 years, the curriculum content was essentially European in nature. African interests and cultural practices were largely excluded, as “bookwork” was favored over “handwork”. The colonial curriculum also helped introduce a new social order to West Africa, leading to the rise of new local elites reading, writing, and speaking foreign European languages. This study explores how the idea of a “civilized” person, promoted through the colonial school curriculum, developed new local elites with different sets of values and expectations that often made them strangers in their own societies. It also describes the connection between this curriculum and the repeated failure of education-reform efforts.  相似文献   

THE BRITISH AND CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT IN WEST AFRICA: A HISTORICAL STUDY – Only recently have African nations begun to make their way towards establishing genuinely autonomous education systems incorporating elements of indigenous culture. The present study examines the historical development of curriculum in British West Africa in its links with the educational activities of the early Christian missionaries and the imposition of British colonial rule. For over 300 years, the curriculum content was essentially European in nature. African interests and cultural practices were largely excluded, as “bookwork” was favored over “handwork”. The colonial curriculum also helped introduce a new social order to West Africa, leading to the rise of new local elites reading, writing, and speaking foreign European languages. This study explores how the idea of a “civilized” person, promoted through the colonial school curriculum, developed new local elites with different sets of values and expectations that often made them strangers in their own societies. It also describes the connection between this curriculum and the repeated failure of education-reform efforts.  相似文献   


In the West, educational thinkers often criticize the view that knowledge exists ready-made "outside" the mind. This paper presents a phenomenographic study comparing differences in conceptions of the mode of existence of knowledge between Swedish and Nepalese university students. Students were interviewed by means of a riddle intended to elicit their conceptions of the mode of existence of knowledge. Comparing the notions of students from two different cultures gives a picture of the aspects that influence their conceptions. In Nepal, knowledge was often seen as having a social mode of existence; in Sweden it was seen as mainly personal. This difference agrees with the collectivist character of Eastern societies, and the individualistic features of Western ones. The study also indicated that the reifying view of knowledge is perhaps not as common as its critics seem to assume, in either the East or the West.  相似文献   

东、西魏玉壁之战,在南北朝史及其战争史上具有十分重要的地位,一定程度上决定了南北朝后期的历史走向,为日后中国古代第二次大统一奠定了基础。本文系首次完成玉壁之战古战场野外考察后的研究报告。  相似文献   

The communication between the East and the West has lasted for a very long time,and nowadays the contact has been becoming tenser and teoser,but misunderstanding often occurs.To avoid misunderstanding,it is essential to know nlore about each other.Here are some of the key differences.  相似文献   

元杂剧与古希腊悲剧都包蕴着十分丰厚的文化内涵,在命运主题方面有着惊人的相似点。文章认为,中西艺术家共同赋予命运不可思议的力量,具有伤天害理的邪恶性质。但古希腊悲剧在戏剧题材的传奇性、人物抗争的主动性、结局的毁灭性方面,与元杂剧所具有的题材的创造性、人物抗争的被动性、结局的圆满性方面又有所不同。  相似文献   

童话,作为一种常见的文学形式,通过不同的情景展示,给予孩子知识和经验,并有助于他们形成某一社会的道德观和价值观。童话的一个主要作用是强化信念,道德和观念。童话中的故事情节则反映出整个社会共享的价值观,包括爱和宗教等诸多方面。通过分析这些童话故事,我们可以看到中西方文化于孩子形成的不同价值观。  相似文献   

和谐思想作为审美教育的核心,以不同的表现形式贯穿于中西方审美教育的形态和发展之中。分析中西方审美教育和谐思想特点,比较二者在美育价值追求、功能及审美形态上的差异,对更好的理解和把握中西方美育的异同有着重要的作用。  相似文献   

数字"三"、"四"、"六"、"七"、"八"、"九"和"十三"在中西文化中的习惯用法是相同相通的,是文化"共核"部分。  相似文献   

本文主要提议让中国学者与非中国学者就生态文明这一议题建立长期的合作计划。虽然该计划重点关注中国的生态文明,但也可能同时密切注意美国的生态文明。如果这样的话,该计划将借鉴两国的传统文化遗产,并致力于提供两国所需的视野转型,从而使之实现生态文明。该计划承诺,就在中国(也许还有美国)制定关于生态文明的重要文件进行仔细考量。  相似文献   

西欧中世纪骑士产生的历史条件   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
西欧中世纪骑士的产生存在着较为复杂的历史条件 ,其中主要方面有 :军队的发展变化 ;马镫的传入和军事装备的改善 ;社会经济和政治发展状况 ;统治者依据当时的局势采取的一系列措施等等。在这方面的探讨有利于进一步了解西欧的骑士制度和中世纪社会  相似文献   

我国东西部地区由于经济体制、自然条件等各方面的原因,在人均国内生产总值、经济收入等方面形成了差距.本文通过对东西部差距的比较,探讨西部开发的策略.  相似文献   

浅议我国东西部旅游合作开发   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
东西部旅游合作开发的必要性可从旅游产业的地域关联性和我国东西部旅游发展条件的差异性来考察。东西部旅游合作开发的可行性建立在资源互补、互为市场、交通沟通、适游期互补、社会经济互动等基础上,本提出的东西部旅游合作开发的对策措施具有树立全国旅游统筹意识,实行政府主导战略。以项目为载体,以市场为纽带,以企业为合作实体,建立地域合作系统等项目。  相似文献   

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