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Open access publishing is now an accepted method of scholarly communication. However, the greatest traction for open access publishing thus far has been in the sciences. Penetration of open access publishing has been much slower among the social sciences. This study surveys 309 authors from recent issues of open access journals in education to determine why they choose to publish in open access journals and to gain insight into the ways publishing practices within the discipline itself impact the willingness of authors to engage in open access publishing.  相似文献   

论开放存取出版对科学信息交流和利用的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
黄如花  冯晴 《出版科学》2008,16(3):75-78
开放存取出版已经成为国际学术界、出版界、图书馆学界共同关注的重要话题。本文探讨开放存取出版带来的新的科学信息交流和利用模式,阐述它对科学信息交流和利用活动参与者的影响。  相似文献   

鄂丽君 《图书情报工作》2013,57(12):101-105
美国国会及基金资助机构、一些大学都制定政策支持开放存取出版。麻省理工学院图书馆开展的开放存取出版服务主要有:建立机构知识库、管理开放存取文章出版补助基金、支持多渠道开放存取出版、指导开放存取出版等;其服务人员配置合理,并将Libguides应用到开放存取出版服务。借鉴于此,我国高校图书馆应提高对开放存取出版服务的重视程度,为开放存取出版创造条件,积极倡导开放存取出版学术成果,开展学术研究相关的版权服务以完善服务体系。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]数据的价值和科学数据开放存取出版的重要性已成为共识,欧美科学数据开放存取出版平台的建设经验具有借鉴意义。[方法/过程]选取欧美地区14个典型的科学数据开放存取出版平台为样本,根据科学数据出版"采集-分发-重用"的生命周期,从科学数据出版政策或愿景,科学数据整合、标识与交互,科学数据出版与分发,科学数据引用,数据生命周期管理与出版质量控制5个方面展开调研,归纳其服务建设特点与经验。[结果/结论]提炼得出对我国科学数据开放存取出版平台服务建设的有益启示:制定覆盖科学数据出版全生命周期的政策,重视科学数据出版服务建设的数据整合、数据标识、数据引用、数据评审等关键性问题。  相似文献   

开放获取出版模式研究   总被引:24,自引:1,他引:24  
开放获取是一种新的学术出版与交流模式,与传统期刊出版在办刊理念、运作模式、编审过程、经费来源、版权问题以及期刊评价等方面均有很大的不同。文章论述了开放获取出版模式的意义和特点,对中国出版界推动和实施开放获取出版提出了政策建议。  相似文献   

Publish and Read agreements between publishers and consortia are leading the way to an open access publishing future. Although these types of agreements are just beginning to be made in North America, it is expected that many universities and consortia will move in this direction in the next few years. Some characteristics of these types of agreements are included along with some of the policies, structural issues and data needs to be successful. The open access publishing program of Cambridge University Press highlights the goal of one press to change their publishing to an open access future.  相似文献   

以“互联网+”思维为基础,研究国际上几个代表性OA出版平台如DOAJ、BMC、PLoS的运营模式,分析国内外政府机构对OA出版的资金和政策支持,提出一套系统性的改革方案.认为基于互联网的数字出版模式渐成趋势,我国学术期刊应运用互联网思维改革办刊模式,开发自主云出版平台,创办一批国际领先水平的高质量OA英文期刊,在推动国内现有英文期刊精品化、国际化的同时,促进中文期刊可持续发展,从而整体提升我国学术期刊的综合影响力.  相似文献   

哥廷根大学开放获取运动的具体举措,涉及开放获取出版、开放获取知识库建设、开放获取项目组织和宣传等各个方面,通过相应的开放获取出版与存储协议、激励政策等机制建设,主持或参与德国、欧洲和全球的开放获取项目及组织来推进开发获取发展,为建设开放获取基础设施和推动欧洲及全球的开放获取进程做出了积极贡献。  相似文献   

开放出版是开放获取文献的一种重要出版形式,文章简要介绍了7个国外学术会议文献出版平台,并从出版主体、出版模式、质量控制、经费、版权、长期保存和引用等7个方面分析了学术会议文献实行开放出版的优势及问题所在,并提出了中国会议文献开放出版的策略.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]基于学术图书OA出版的实践经验以及利益博弈情况,对学术图书OA出版模式进行研究,并通过实现学术图书OA出版模式的利益均衡来促进其可持续健康发展。[方法/过程]采用文献调查、网络调查和模型设计,通过利益相关者的利益分析以及利益均衡实现条件的研究,探讨学术图书OA出版模式利益均衡的实现和运作机制。[结果/结论]学术图书OA出版模式利益均衡的实现需要满足个体与整体两个层面的条件,其利益均衡的最佳要素组合包括作者、非盈利性出版者、文献组织或机构、公共资助者,他们通过合理分工与密切合作,共同实现学术图书OA出版的可持续健康发展。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]图书馆开展出版服务已成为时代发展的必然要求。研究美国高校图书馆基于特色馆藏的出版研究,有助于促进我国高校图书馆更好地开展特色馆藏出版服务。[方法/过程]以加州大学图书馆、密歇根大学图书馆、犹他大学图书馆、堪萨斯州立大学图书馆、普渡大学图书馆以及亚利桑那大学图书馆为例,介绍其特色馆藏的出版情况,分析其出版特点:促进学术交流、与其他部门合作、支持开放存取。[结果/结论]对我国高校图书馆开展特色馆藏出版服务的启示是明确出版重点、选择合适的出版形式、加强多方合作、建立机构知识库、增强开放存取意识。  相似文献   

Sydney eScholarship is a framework and suite of services that enables integration of digital collections, open access repositories, and research data services with scholarly publishing. The primary platform for scholarly publishing at the University of Sydney – Sydney University Press – currently operates as part of the University Library's Sydney eScholarship program. Three sets of publishing initiatives demonstrate the integration of the digital library with scholarly publishing to deliver different forms to different audiences: (i) new publishing and the literary canons – rediscovery, customisation and critical interpretations; (ii) book and web – open access publishing; (iii) publishing in the mix – data and experimental scholarly publishing.  相似文献   

This article provides a quantitative assessment of the extent to which UK learned societies rely on publishing revenues. Drawing on work completed as part of a Universities UK project to monitor the transition to open access in the United Kingdom, it considers the risks that increased market consolidation and a shift to open access publishing present for societies' financial sustainability in the coming years. The project identified 279 UK societies that publish peer‐reviewed publications. It is estimated that publishing accounts for just over £300 million, or 26%, of these societies' overall revenues of £1.2 billion, but an in‐depth analysis of 30 societies found that the proportion is as high as 80% in some cases. Publishing is typically a profitable activity for societies, and thereby supports their charitable activities and makes an important contribution to their overall financial sustainability. Although most societies are presently in good financial health, the combined pressures of market consolidation and open access, coupled with early indications of an increase in the costs of publishing, suggests that their reliance on publishing could prove an uncertain foundation in the years to come.  相似文献   

不同学术出版模式的特征及其影响研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着学术交流方式的演变,传统学术出版模式已经不能有效服务于学术信息的交流和传播,导致不同学术出版模式的产生。学者们的深入研究发现当前情况下出版模式还不可能完全转变,实现理想中的免费且无限制的模式,因此,订阅出版、开放存取和自存档三种学术出版模式并存的同时,还产生了一些混合模式和可选择模式。文章在系统分析订阅出版,开放存取和自存档三种学术出版模式的特征之后,从宏观角度探讨了不同学术出版模式对科研和社会经济产生的影响,并从访问和许可两个角度分析了不同学术出版模式的影响因素和影响机制。该文为2009年第六期“医学OA期刊”专题文章之一。  相似文献   

Library‐led publishing is one of the new approaches to journal publishing and open access that has grown tremendously in the last few years. A 2010 IMLS‐funded survey found that 55% of respondents – from US academic libraries of all different types and sizes – were already implementing or developing a publishing program. Library‐led publishing has garnered such momentum because, by offering low‐ or no‐cost publishing to university scholars, it addresses needs that traditional publishing has not been able to meet. This article presents a series of small case studies to illustrate different journals that have benefited from the library‐publishing model: (i) a journal that struggled to find an affordable publisher in its emerging field; (ii) a small society journal that could no longer afford to support itself in print; (iii) society publications that go beyond the traditional journal format; and (iv) a student journal with a revolving editorial board.  相似文献   

数字出版与开放获取(Open Access,OA)运动促使大学图书馆开始探索出版服务。继学术期刊OA出版之后,学术图书OA出版也成为出版领域的重要趋向。文章分析学术出版危机与期刊OA模式的成功对学术图书OA出版的影响,学术图书OA出版的现实意义与面临的挑战,介绍美国大学图书馆的学术图书OA出版服务,最后提出我国大学图书馆开展此项服务的建议。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]针对传统模式下学术会议文献发布与出版现状,提出引入开放出版模式以解决其出版周期长、资源过于分散和获取与利用不便等现实问题。[方法/过程]调研国外已有的若干会议文献开放出版平台,将其分为自主出版、委托出版和开放期刊出版3种不同类型,分别对其运作模式和特点进行介绍,并总结得出其具有的先进经验。[结果/结论]指出中国科学院学术会议文献收集及管理现状,分析建立中国科学院会议文献开放出版平台的必要性,并提出初步建议。  相似文献   

Academic libraries should be considered research tools, co‐evolving with technology. The Internet has changed the way science is communicated and hence also the role of libraries. It has made it possible for researchers to provide open access (OA) (i.e. toll‐free, full‐text, online access, web‐wide) to their peer‐reviewed journal articles in two different ways: (i) by publishing in them in OA journals, and (ii) by publishing them in non‐OA journals but also self‐archiving them in their institutional OA archives. Librarians are researchers' best allies in both of these strategies. Examples of these strategies are described. We conclude that an official mandate for OA provision is necessary to accelerate its growth and thereby the growth of research usage and impact worldwide.  相似文献   

This study examines aspects of scholarly journal publishing in the Nordic countries. On average half of Nordic journals publish online. In most Nordic countries, commercial publishers predominate; however, in Finland the majority are society publishers. The number of open access journals is low, in line with international figures. There is concern to maintain local languages in journal publishing. A majority of the journals publishing in local languages are within social science, humanities, and arts; the STM sector publishes in English. English‐language publications are favoured in research assessments, international recognition, and impact, while the visibility of local‐language scholarly journals in international databases is low. The Nordbib program supports Nordic scholarly journals and fosters co‐operation with publishing companies and learned societies over migration to e‐publishing; it also supports open access. The article discusses future challenges for journal publishing, pointing out the problems of small journal publishers and the need for co‐operation between stakeholders.  相似文献   

数字技术扰乱了图书出版的各个方面。40多年前这种影响就已开始,但最近几年随着电子阅读器的出现和廉价互联网的普及,它对大众出版的影响愈趋强烈。技术已经导致图书出版商的部分传统功能被其他领域的个人和组织取代。这种现象引起了出版商对价值链有何独特贡献的激烈讨论。出版商的传统角色和职责正在发生改变,未来这种变化将更加剧烈。  相似文献   

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