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谭晓  李辉 《现代情报》2019,39(8):29-36
[目的/意义]面对科技创新演变的加剧和交叉融合加速的大环境,利用情报研究方法及其他学科方法准确识别科技前沿成为获取科技战略情报的重要任务。研究前沿不仅提供了对当前重点和未来趋势的预见,而且为政府决策提供了关键指标。[方法/过程]通过内容分析对当前研究前沿的识别框架、方法以及多元关系、深入内容层面分析方法的应用等现状进行总结,发现目前在研究前沿识别模型和方法中仍存在不足。[结果/结论]针对不足,结合多源数据进行知识融合初步设计了综合宏观和微观的前沿识别模型,将多实体和多关系融合应用到主题关联,利用图模型的社团结构识别和Clique所含信息进行主题表示;划分研究前沿类型并构建前瞻性指标体系,完成科技前沿的识别,以期更准确、高效、全面地识别科技前沿。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]分析科技创新路径识别研究中用到的主要研究方法与开源工具,提出利用引文内容挖掘实现科技创新路径识别方法及开源工具。[方法/过程]首先,基于引文分析、结构洞分析、凝聚子群分析、文本内容挖掘、引文内容挖掘等不同角度分析了科技创新路径识别的主要方法;其次,从数据源、文本格式、挖掘内容、处理能力等方面阐述了用于实现引文内容挖掘的科技创新路径识别的3个开源工具:Mallet、Knime、NLTK;最后,分析了实现科技创新路径可视化的5个开源工具:Pajek、Ucinet、Gephi、D3.js、VOSViewer。[结果/结论]通过研究发现,利用开源工具深入挖掘引文内容中蕴含的丰富语义信息,识别不同引用动机,进而进行可视化展示可以有效的实现科技创新路径表达。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]科研大数据开放共享是科技创新发展的关键,唤醒休眠科研大数据充分挖掘其价值潜能,对于促进数据资源及科研大数据生态的良性发展具有重要的理论与实践意义。[方法/过程]以生物休眠理论为基础,提出“科研大数据休眠”的概念,并对其发展特性进行分析,进而对其类型划分以及对应的消解机制和演化路径进行论述。[结果/结论]科研大数据休眠是以自发性、潜伏性、再生性、触发性、多线性为特征,以数据被动或主动休眠为类型,以数据激活、数据复苏、数据价值重塑的三阶模型(A-R-R机制)为消解机制,以减少数据被动休眠、促进数据复苏及价值重塑为目标的多路径、多层次、循环式动态演化过程。  相似文献   

分析新型举国体制的内涵及时代特征,按照科研规律、结合科技创新工作实际并以重大科技项目过程管理为核心,构建重点推进科技创新项目战略决策体系、组织实施体系和综合评价体系建设的新型举国体制科研模式的组织运行机制。研究总结广东通过改革创新科技计划项目管理体系探索构建的,多主体、多要素、全链条的关键核心技术攻关新型举国体制科研模式,及其实施科研项目揭榜制、成立项目管理专业机构、面向全国开放项目申请、推进省实验室重大平台建设等典型做法与经验,并进一步对标科技创新强省和粤港澳大湾区国际科技创新中心建设,从如何处理好政府与市场、投入与产出、研发与应用、固化与动态之间的关系等方面,为广东应对新型举国体制科研模式面临的问题与挑战提出对策建议。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]在科学研究逐步信息化、数据密集化(e-Science)的大背景下,合理规划科研过程、科学管理研究数据对科研项目实施、数据利用与增值具有十分重要的意义。[方法/过程]文章采用实证研究方法,调研多个学科领域的科研项目,梳理和细化科研活动、科学数据管理的主要阶段,创建科研—数据双生命周期理论模型。[结果/结论]从具体活动内容和研究规范两方面,详细阐述双生命周期模型中科研项目和数据操作是如何协同进行的,该模型对以研究团队为责任主体的科研活动和数据信息服务具有一定的指导意义。[局限]提出的双生命周期模型适用于大部分的科研活动,而某些科研活动则根据实际的项目情况可以适当增加或者删减模型中的部分环节。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]协同治理是科研大数据实现健康发展的必然要求,厘清科研大数据协同治理的维度与脉络,能更好地实现科研大数据协同发展,从而为科研创新活动奠定坚实的数据“基石”。[方法/过程]对科研大数据协同治理进行概念界定与特性分析,以此为基础构建科研大数据协同治理框架体系(CGFS-SRBD),从规制、技术、网络、文化4个维度分析科研大数据协同治理的活动机理,依据“初生—再生—共生—反馈—分解”五阶段,进一步提出科研大数据协同治理的实施路径。[结果/结论]研究表明,科研大数据协同治理是以层级相济性、迭代循环性、数据云化性、生态趋向性为特性,以规制协同为重要原则,以技术协同为能力基础,以网络协同为核心组成,以文化协同为内化实质,以“层链式”遗传响应路径、“阶梯式”携作迭升路径、“矩阵式”分化管控路径、“螺旋式”纵贯耦合路径为实施路径,以实现科研大数据从混乱到整齐、从无序到有序、总体向好发展为目标的动态、多维过程。科研大数据协同治理体系的构建及实施路径的提出有助于在推动国家大数据战略目标的同时实现科研数据价值最大化。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]当前全球科技竞争愈加剧烈,准确把握未来科技前沿是科技竞争取得胜利的关键,科技前沿探测是科技情报研究的热点问题之一。[方法/过程]文章提出一种基于知识树的科技前沿探测方法,通过科技前沿知识树反映领域科技前沿的发展信息,探索解决科技前沿探测过程中存在的信息冗余、探测结果不准确等问题的方法和途径,并以深度学习领域为例进行了实证研究。[结果/结论]研究结果表明,基于知识树的科技前沿探测方法可以在一定程度上提高科技前沿探测过程的效率,改善科技前沿探测结果的质量,可以为面向特定领域的科技前沿研究提供参考。  相似文献   

借助CiteSpace可视化工具和文献计量方法,对CNKI收录的核心期刊和CSSCI来源期刊中1936篇科研管理主题文献进行分析,识别该领域发展的整体发展态势、研究主体、研究热点及演进路径。研究发现,关键词"科研管理""科研经费""科研项目""科研成果"具有较强的中心性,研究热点可划分为科研项目、科研经费、科研成果、科研管理制度、科研评估与评价、科技创新等,并以时间轴变化探讨了研究热点的演进历程。最后,从四个方面归纳该研究对我国科研管理工作的启示。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]测度美国科技评价体系的发展进程,有利于从全局视角把握美国科技评价的发展方向,对我国建设新时期科技评价体系具有重要的参考价值。[方法/过程]基于政策文献计量分析,以1945年7月—2022年1月美国联邦政府、国会等部门发布的国家科技评价政策为研究对象,探究科技评价体系的发展阶段和不同阶段下政策焦点主题的演变。[结果/结论]美国科技评价体系的发展进程可分为初建探索期、规范修正期、创新发展期和改革完善期4个阶段,当前正处于科技评价体系的改革完善阶段;美国历年来科技评价的焦点是项目评审、科研机构管理和科研资助,政策重心已逐渐从围绕科技人才、项目资助的事后评价,转变为对科研机构、科技计划或项目的事前、事中评价。  相似文献   

纵向科研项目对于高校进行基础研究具有重要意义。以某典型煤炭行业高校近10年的2 648个纵向项目为样本,研究行业高校纵向科研项目结构构成、项目负责人年龄结构、入职时长以及实际到款关系。研究表明:国家科技计划改革对高校纵向科研影响很大,急需协同创新;科研发展结构性矛盾突出,帕累托法则效应明显,加大青年教师培养力度;国家自然科学基金已成为校纵向科研的重要经费来源,更加注重为基础研究创造条件;急需建立与提升科技创新能力相适应的人才制度;行业工科高校在社科领域的研究薄弱,急需政策引导激励。  相似文献   

CAS should stick to the principle of rendering service to, and giving impetus for, the development of China's science enterprise by making S&T innovations, said CAS President LU Yongxiang. The CAS president made the remarks in a recent talk to communicate the gist of the winter session of the Party's Leading-member Group at CAS, which was held from 7 to 11 January in Beijing.  相似文献   

With great care, Dr. ZHOU Zhonghe takes out a package wrapped by cotton tissue from a drawer and says: "This is the gem of our collections: the fossil of a bird that lived 125 million years ago!" Then, pointing at a tiny mound, he explains: "Look, this is the claw and that is the head. It was in the egg shell and ready to hatch ... The species fell into a family of waterside inhabitants."  相似文献   

This study examined how students who had no prior experience with videoconferencing would react to the use of videoconferencing as an instructional medium. Students enrolled in seven different courses completed a questionnaire at the beginning of the semester and again at the end of the semester. Students at the origination and remote sites did not differ in their reactions toward videoconferencing but there was a significant difference for gender. Women reacted less favorably to videoconferencing. Compared to the beginning of the semester, students reported significantly less positive attitudes toward taking a course through videoconferencing at the end of the semester. There were no significant differences in students' attitudes toward videoconferencing across courses at the beginning of the semester but there were significant differences across the courses at the end of the semester. The results suggest the need for better preparation for both students and instructors.  相似文献   

Ajoint study by Prof. ZHANG Zhibin from the CAS Institute of Zoology and his co-workers from Norway, US and Swiss have indicated that historical outbreaks of migratory locusts in China were associated with cold spells, suggesting that China's projected climate warming could decrease the pest's numbers. The study was published in Proceedings of theNational Academy of Sciences on 17 September, 2007.  相似文献   

A computer-mediated group is a complex entity whose members exchange many types of information via multiple means of communication in pursuit of goals specific to their environment. Over time, they coordinate technical features of media with locally enacted use to achieve a viable working arrangement. To explore this complex interaction, a case study is presented of the social networks of interactions and media use among members of a class of computer-supported distance learners. Results show how group structures associated with project teams dominated who communicated with whom, about what, and via which media over the term, and how media came to occupy their own communication niches: Webboard for diffuse class-wide communication; Internet Relay Chat more to named others but still for general communication across the class; and e-mail primarily for intrateam communication. Face-to-face interaction, occurring only during a short on-campus session, appears to have had a catalytic effect on social and emotional exchanges. Results suggest the need to structure exchanges to balance class-wide sharing of ideas with subgroup interactions that facilitate project completion, and to provide media that support these two modes of interaction.  相似文献   

Electronic data interchange (EDI) provides means for interorganizational communication, creates network externalities, requires an advanced information technology (IT) infrastructure, and relies on standards. In the diffusion of such innovations, institutional involvement is imperative. Such institutions contain governmental agencies, national and global standardization organizations, local government, and nonprofit private organizations like industry associations. The last type of organizations we call intermediating institutions. They intermediate or coordinate ("inscribe") the activities of a group of would-be adopters. Unfortunately, little is known of how these organizations shape the EDI diffusion trajectory. In this article we examine one specific type of intermediating organizations?industry associations?and how they advanced the EDI diffusion process in the grocery sectors of Hong Kong, Denmark and Finland. We identify six institutional measures, placed into a matrix formed by the mode of involvement (influence vs. regulation) and the type of diffusion force (supply push vs. demand pull), that can be mobilized to further the EDI diffusion. Industry associations were found to be active users of all these measures to varying degrees. Their role was critical especially in knowledge building, knowledge deployment, and standard setting. Furthermore, institutional involvement varied due to policy and cultural contingencies and power dependencies.  相似文献   

The increasing prospects of digital piracy has prompted the perceived need by electronic publishers to adopt technical systems of protection, and governments to reform their copyright laws. This article is a preliminary study of the management of intellectual property by electronic publishers, defined as those involved in the production of online databases, and CD-ROMs. It focuses on three main issues: (1) how electronic publishers view the increasing threat of piracy; (2) the methods of protection employed to protect intellectual property in digital format; and (3) the importance of technological protection of intellectual property in electronic publications. The analysis is based on a sample of 23 UK electronic publishers. The interviews revealed an interesting assortment of protection methods and did not show that technological protection was a preferred way. Instead, the means of protection, in addition to copyright law, comprised niche markets, pricing, trust, bad publicity, and nontechnical and technical means.  相似文献   

Prof. SUN Changpu from the CAS Institute of Theoretical Physics and coworkers from University of Basel in Switzerland have worked out a way --at least in theory --to split a beam of molecules according to their chirality. The technique involves passing the molecules through three different laser beams and is similar to the famous Stern-Gerlach effect, whereby a beam of atoms passing through a magnetic field is split in two according to the atoms' spin states (Phys. Rev. Lett. 99 130403).  相似文献   

Long-standing conflict between domain name registrants and trademark holders prompted the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) to create a global, mandatory arbitration procedure known as the Uniform Dispute Resolution Policy (UDRP). The UDRP has been used in 2166 cases involving 3938 domain names as of 1 November 2000. The policy gives the initiator of a complaint, generally a trademark holder, the right to choose which ICANN-accredited dispute resolution service provider (RSP) will handle the case. During the preparation of the UDRP,some feared that complainant selection would lead to "forum shopping" that might bias the results. This article performs a statistical assessment of the forum-shopping thesis and finds support for it. There are statistically significant differences in the various RSPs' propensity to take away names from defendants; there are also major differences in the number of cases brought to each RSP. RSPs who take away names have the larger share of cases. The study examines other variables that might explain differences in market share, such as price, the plaintiff's nationality, or the time taken to decide a case. It finds that nationality and time also are correlated with market share. The study concludes that shopping for a favorable outcome is an important factor in the UDRP.  相似文献   

Prof. Raymond C.K. Chen, a neuropsychologist with the CAS Institute of Psychology, has made novel progress in his studies of schizophrenia. His work has been reported by a recent issue of Behavioural Neurology.  相似文献   

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