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中国高校专利战略探讨   总被引:25,自引:2,他引:25  
文章运用专利战略的一个重要指标-专利数量(申请量与授权量)来分析中国高校专利数量的发展变化情况,并通过发明专利所占比重大小来分析中国高校专利权质量的情况,最后给出中国高校专利战略建议。  相似文献   

应重视专利指标在科技政策制定中的作用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
专利制度的基本宗旨是保护发明创造,激励研究与创新.现代专利制度在发达国家已有200余年历史.近几十年来,大部分发展中国家也相继建立了专利制度.  相似文献   

 从专利具有信号传递作用的角度出发,建立专利信号博弈模型来研究专利竞赛,在信息不完全的环境下,假设企业以研发成本为基础,通过获取更多数量的专利来向外部相关者发送信号,达到将不同类型企业分离开来的分离均衡。  相似文献   

基于专利信息的企业专利竞赛战略研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
借鉴Martin Moehrle的专利信息分析方法,结合Holger Ernst的专利组合分析,运用专利竞赛理论,选取日立、海尔、格力三家有代表性的企业,根据他们在空调技术方面的专利信息绘制分布图.通过图形勾勒出样本企业的技术分布,描绘企业之间的技术竞争轨迹,研究分析其专利竞赛行为和专利战略.通过技术类别和时间序列分析,判断竞争企业之间的相对位置和相对技术优势,指导R&D投资和专利战略选择.  相似文献   

垄断结构下的企业通常比其他结构下的企业有实力创新,而是否有创新的动力则成为垄断与创新关系研究的焦点.综述垄断结构对创新的激励水平,通过不确定性创新模型证明垄断地位对创新存在激励,但激励水平不一定高于挑战者.在专利竞赛模型中引入学习竞赛概念,最终证明,垄断者不提高自己的学习速度,将有可能在创新竞赛中失败;单向溢出效应的存在使垄断者在学习途径上不如挑战者.以IBM在计算机产业中的兴衰为例,分析学习速度对创新以至于企业成败的影响.  相似文献   

市场结构对专利竞赛的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
戴荣  高山行 《预测》2003,22(2):15-18
本文就市场结构对专利竞赛的影响展开分析,总结出促进和阻碍专利竞赛的两类市场结构,分析了不同市场结构对专利竞赛促进作用的区别,并结合国外专利竞赛模型的研究成果,指出在经济全球化和高新技术迅猛发展的环境下,寡头垄断的市场结构最有利于促进企业的专利竞赛。最后还结合中国的现状和国外的实例,对我国政府干预的方向提出建议。  相似文献   

从专利竞赛的特点、企业专利战略动机与战略选择、企业专利战略性运用与管理等方面,总结国内外理论动态并划分研究维度,提出企业专利战略性运用管理框架。研究表明,未来应关注企业专利战略性运用管理的系统性研究,设计基于专利竞赛的企业专利分析与决策方法,同时既要注重专利研发、申请、维持和实施等常规活动管理,更要加强专利许可、专利联营、专利侵权诉讼与诉讼应对等战略导向的专利活动管理,注重专利资源集成和专利活动协同管理。  相似文献   

专利竞赛中的策略性技术溢出问题研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
将技术溢出作为一个策略性变量,研究它在专利竞赛中的应用和影响,讨论了企业主动技术溢出的策略选择,提出了企业在专利竞赛中的地位,由专利技术本身的搭便车和商业失窃效应所决定的竞争与合作偏好,是影响企业策略性技术溢出选择的主要因素.企业进行策略性技术溢出的战略目的,在于保护核心专利、破坏对手的专利地位、诱导相关企业的投资或误导竞争对手的投资.  相似文献   

本文论述了在技术创新体系中的专利保护问题,针对实践中的问题,提出了相应的对策意见。  相似文献   

The valuation of patents is an important, albeit challenging task. Extant research to identify patent value indicators has so far relied on expert estimates of patent value, exploited patent renewal data, or depended on more indirect measures of patent value. Recently, specialized market places for patent transactions have emerged that allow us for the first time to directly observe patent's private value. One of the most prominent market places for patents is Ocean Tomo, a platform that offers periodical patent auctions. We make use of this auction data to empirically test predictions on patent value identifiers on real-world auction prices. We find empirical support for forward citations and the patent's family size; however, both indicators explain only a small variance in patent value. In contrast, our full model explains a large share of variance, making us optimistic that with increased directly observed patent value, such models can be useful tools in patent valuation.  相似文献   

论专利制度对创新的激励   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
郑友德  高华 《科研管理》1999,20(3):69-74
技术创新是从发明创造到科技成果实现商业化的过程。西方专利制度发展史显示了专利制度对技术创新和经济发展的巨大推动作用。专利制度能够实现对技术创新激励作用的关键在于它是关于产权界定的制度。专利权是私人财产权,也是人们对其发明创造享有的独占权。对这种产权进行界定将大大激发人们的创新活力。因此,专利制度是一种最有效的创新机制。作者认为,在依法保护专利同时,应对这种独占权给予必要的限制,以维护社会公共利益,保持社会恒久的创新能力。  相似文献   

专利联盟的竞争分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
介绍专利联盟的相关概念,详细分析专利联盟的竞争效应,简要回顾美国专利联盟反垄断的历史,总结建立专利联盟竞争机制的基本要求,并指出对我国的现实意义。  相似文献   

《Research Policy》2023,52(4):104742
Despite their growing importance for firm innovation strategy and frequent appearance in U.S. patent policy debates, how continuing patent applications are used remains unclear. Turn-of-the-century reforms strongly limited opportunities to extend patent term and surprise competitors, but continuing applications have steadily risen since. We argue that they retain a subtle use, as applicants can file continuations to keep prosecution open and change patent scope after locking in gains with the initial patent. We document a sharp drop in parent abandonment and rise in continuations per original patent after the reforms. Continuing applications are more privately valuable than original patents, are filed in more uncertain contexts, for higher value technologies, by more strategic applicants, and react strongly to the notice of allowance. The evidence supports a current strategic use of continuing applications to craft claims over time.  相似文献   

Propensity to patent, competition and China's foreign patenting surge   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Foreign applications for Chinese patents have been growing by over 30% a year. This paper explores two hypotheses in explaining the foreign patenting surge in China: market covering and competitive threat. With foreign companies more deeply engaged with the Chinese economy, returns from protecting their intellectual property in China have increased. As domestic Chinese firms’ ability to imitate foreign technology gains strength and competition between foreign firms intensifies in the Chinese market, such competitive threat creates an urgency for protecting intellectual property. Using a database that comprises China's State Intellectual Property Office patents and the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office patents, I find strong support for the competitive threat hypothesis. The estimates imply that competition between foreign firms in China can account for 36% of the annual growth of foreign patenting in China.  相似文献   

Determining requirements when searching for and retrieving relevant information suited to a user’s needs has become increasingly important and difficult, partly due to the explosive growth of electronic documents. The vector space model (VSM) is a popular method in retrieval procedures. However, the weakness in traditional VSM is that the indexing vocabulary changes whenever changes occur in the document set, or the indexing vocabulary selection algorithms, or parameters of the algorithms, or if wording evolution occurs. The major objective of this research is to design a method to solve the afore-mentioned problems for patent retrieval. The proposed method utilizes the special characteristics of the patent documents, the International Patent Classification (IPC) codes, to generate the indexing vocabulary for presenting all the patent documents. The advantage of the generated indexing vocabulary is that it remains unchanged, even if the document sets, selection algorithms, and parameters are changed, or if wording evolution occurs. Comparison of the proposed method with two traditional methods (entropy and chi-square) in manual and automatic evaluations is presented to verify the feasibility and validity. The results also indicate that the IPC-based indexing vocabulary selection method achieves a higher accuracy and is more satisfactory.  相似文献   

This paper compares corporate and academic patents and tests whether they have similar value distributions and share common determinants of value. The empirical results based on an in-depth analysis of 400 biotech patents applied for by Belgian universities and firms lead to the following observations: (i) academic and corporate patent value distributions have similar levels of ‘skewness’; (ii) the identification of the institutional origin of knowledge allows for an improved understanding of the value determinants and (iii) there is a need to stimulate star scientists to codify their tacit knowledge into valuable patents.  相似文献   

基于中国进口扩张的现实背景,以1998-2013年中国制造业企业为研究样本,采用CEPII-BACI数据库、中国工业企业专利数据库和中国工业企业数据库的多重匹配数据,系统检验进口竞争对中国制造业企业研发创新的影响效应和作用机制.结果 表明:进口竞争显著降低企业产品创新程度,突破式创新和渐进式创新同时被削弱,且对高竞争行业、高政企关联企业和低技术行业创新的负面作用更为显著;熊彼特效应是中国制造业企业应对进口竞争的主导模式.提出适当放缓国家亟需且有待突破技术瓶颈领域的进口促进步伐,提高政府研发补贴力度和完善优惠政策,实现企业产品创新和服务转型双轮驱动,以及进口政策制定应根据产业技术水平配置差异化的进口竞争程度进行最优决策,以达到推动企业研发创新目的 等相关政策建议.  相似文献   

高技术领域急需专利保驾护航   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
高技术的迅速发展,以现代科技为核心的新生产力体系的出现,标志着世界经济正从工业经济向知识经济转变。知识经济是以知识为主要特征和基础的经济,而以专利为核心的知识产权制度在知识经济中的重要角色无法替代。目前我国高技术产业专利保护不利,外国跑马圈地,我国高技术领域发展急需专利保驾护航。  相似文献   

The paper contributes to research on innovation systems in general and, in particular, to the current debate on rationales for innovation policy by providing a framework to identify systemic problems in a given system of innovation and test the framework empirically. The data were drawn from the Thai Community Innovation Survey in the period after which a major change in the country's innovation system policy had been initiated. By hierarchical factor analysis, systemic problems are identified and grouped into four components: institution, network, Science and Technology infrastructure and other support services. The analysis allows researchers to investigate the mismatch between policies and problems and identify policy gaps.  相似文献   

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