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Responses from almost 1,250 academic authors around the world were analysed to obtain their views on electronic publishing of learned journals. Currently, having a print version of journals is still more important to them than an electronic version. The issue of greatest importance to authors and readers is the continuing availability of back volumes, and there are strong concerns about pricing of electronic journals. The potential gains in publication speed through publishing electronically appear not to be a priority. Electronic preprint and reprint archives are used very little at present, with the exception of the physics and mathematics communities. Of all publisher‐mediated tasks, the peer‐review process is the most valued, followed by provision of citation‐linking. Respondents' views of future developments in electronic publishing are also explored.  相似文献   

社会治理是国家治理体系的重要组成部分,标志着社会运行下的参与主体、管理手段、体制机制、治理模式等多方面的转变,理念与实践的重大变化必将对档案公共服务的模式、结构等带来深刻影响,从而催生档案公共服务方式的创新。文章首先分析当前档案公共服务的现状,从技术、公众、机构改革三方面探讨催生档案公共服务变革的动因,最后提出档案公共服务创新实践的路径,包括多方参与扩充资源基础、多元协同拓展服务空间、以人为本提供精细化服务三个层面。  相似文献   

文章以档案信息网络服务为视角,在重新汇总《数字档案馆系统测试办法》中关于网站的评分指标的基础上,采用随机多次访问的方式,调查了29个全国示范数字档案馆门户网站的建设和运行情况。经分析,发现全国示范数字档案馆门户网站在网站链接可使用性、网站的定位、网站内容运行和维护等方面存在问题,提出明确网站定位、深挖数字档案内容、改善网站可使用性、提升用户使用体验等优化建议,以期为我国数字档案馆从建设阶段进入应用阶段的可持续发展助力。  相似文献   

This paper provides an overview of the Peabody Collection of radio and television programs housed at the University of Georgia. The collection is one of the largest broadcast archives in the county, with holdings of more than 30,000 programs. Instructions are provided for scholars wishing to utilize this goldmine of early programming dating back to 1940 (for radio) and 1948 (for television). The archive's tie to the Peabody Awards process is detailed, because the connection impacts access procedures and speaks to the potential biases and strengths of the holdings. The unique advantages of the archive include the large cache of companion print materials and the wealth of public service and local programming. The limitations are discussed, primarily the time-consuming protocols necessary for locating programs of interest Scholarly work utilizing both radio and television materials from the archives is briefly noted.  相似文献   

国家治理增效视角的档案服务建设是指将档案视为国家治理要素,通过档案服务建设,为国家各项治理工作提供档案支撑,以提升国家治理效率。该问题研究有利于明确档案工作服务国家治理大局目标,推进档案事业的发展。提出国家治理增效档案服务建设问题,阐释国家治理内涵,并以抗战档案为案例进行实证研究,探讨档案工作服务国家治理问题。研究结果显示,从国家治理增效视角开展档案服务建设,对树立档案工作服务理念,明确服务目标,创新服务方式,提升档案工作服务国家治理大局能力有重要意义。  相似文献   

This article analyses the role of national archives for the construction of national master narratives. It starts off by discussing the different origins of national archives, the merits of talking about proto-national archives and the importance of the French revolution for establishing the modern national archive system. It goes on to highlight the difficulties of historians with obtaining access to the archives in the nineteenth century. The importance of archives in authenticating and legitimating the authority of historical work meant that archives became increasingly important for the professionalization of history writing. As history writing saw one of its prime tasks in legitimating the nation-state, archives soon occupied an important position for nation-building projects. They got involved in editing sources regarded as being of national importance, and they played a role in projects of national pedagogy. The article also charts efforts to centralize archives at the national level which resulted in failure almost everywhere. Nevertheless, whilst archives were clearly important for imperial and also subnational projects, it was the national archives that captured the imagination of nation-states in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Despite the importance of national archives, the articles goes on to argue that it is striking that most national master narratives in the modern period were not based on archival work.  相似文献   

In 2004, Canada’s national library and national archives merged to form Library and Archives Canada (LAC). LAC has become more than the sum of its parts, creating synergies between library and archives collections and services, realizing efficiencies and satisfying user demands for seamless access to all holdings. LAC has already created and launched Fed Search, an online search tool that provides clients with single-search access to library, archives and online collections. LAC is in the process of building a Trusted Digital Repository that will combine ingest, preservation, management and dissemination services for archives and library collections.  相似文献   

This article is a revised version of a talk given at the ALPSP seminar of the same name in February 2005. The current state of play with electronic‐only (‘e‐only’) journals is reviewed, along with some data on the different ways print and electronic editions are used. The drivers for and against a move to e‐only journals are discussed, including economic and commercial issues, long‐term access and preservation, and the growing divergence between the capabilities of print and electronic journals.  相似文献   

随着声像档案数字化工作的不断推进以及相关信息技术的成熟发展,在线利用声像档案已经成为可能。新加坡国家档案馆在声像档案在线利用方面开展了有益探索,因而作为研究对象,运用在线调查法,从平台、资源、服务三个方面分析、调研其声像档案在线利用情况,发现新加坡国家档案馆声像档案在线利用具有平台专业、资源丰富、服务以用户为中心等特点,以期对我国开展声像档案在线利用有所启示。  相似文献   

面向应急决策的卫生防疫档案信息服务是完善我国重大疫情防控体制机制,健全国家公共卫生应急管理体系的迫切要求。本文在审视当前研究动态和实践症结的基础上,立足于卫生防疫档案信息服务能力与应急决策的内在逻辑,提出建构卫生防疫档案信息服务能力这一命题,分析其能力内涵,并从卫生防疫档案信息的储备能力、整合能力、集成能力、转化能力四个层次阐释其能力结构和内在机理。最后,从不同视角和维度提出卫生防疫档案信息服务能力建设的路径。  相似文献   

王肖波 《档案学研究》2021,35(1):104-109
推进电子文件和电子档案单套归档与管理试点,抓好数字档案馆(室)建设,尤其是通过推进全国档案查询利用服务平台建设,建立联通各级综合档案馆的档案查询利用服务机制,实现档案查询一网通办是今后一个时期档案信息化建设的重要内容。本文试从浙江省档案馆创建全国示范数字档案馆为例,谈谈对电子文件归档、数字档案馆系统建设的认识。  相似文献   

为公共卫生应急管理提供档案知识服务是推进国家治理体系和治理能力现代化背景下档案工作的重要职责.本文基于公共卫生应急管理特点,结合其档案知识服务需求,分析了当前档案馆为公共卫生应急管理提供档案知识服务的优势与不足.在此基础上,笔者提出了面向公共卫生应急管理的档案知识服务发展对策,包括提高档案知识服务的主动意识、提升档案知...  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 从用户感知角度构建公共档案馆用户感知服务质量评价指标体系,为提高公共档案馆服务质量提供评判标准与数据支撑。[方法/过程] 通过问卷调查法对公共档案馆用户感知服务质量评价框架与指标体系进行预设计,借助SPSS软件,利用探索性因子分析法检验预设评价指标体系,根据结果修正预设评价指标体系。[结果/结论] 构建的公共档案馆用户感知服务质量评价指标体系,可以从用户感知视角全面、综合衡量公共档案馆服务效果。  相似文献   

A formal model of the scientific communication process is presented using the IDEF0 notation. The model provides a roadmap for policy discussions and further research. In comparison to earlier models it is more detailed and hierarchical, and includes more modelling constructs. It includes the whole communication value chain, from initial research to the assimilation of research results to everyday practice. Although the model treats both informal and formal communication, as well as the publishing of data, its focus is on modelling the publishing and indexing of traditional peer‐reviewed journal articles, and finding and retrieving them. New developments enabled by the Internet, such as open access journals and e‐print repositories, are also included.  相似文献   

The 1998 Public Library Outlet Internet Connectivity study (Bertot & McClure, 1998) sponsored by the American Library Association (ALA) and the National Commission on Libraries and Information Science (NCLIS) collected public library outlet Internet connectivity data by outlet metropolitan status, poverty, and region strata. Based on a national survey, the results show that there are disparities in public library outlet Internet connectivity, public access provision, and speed of public access Internet services. Such disparities have implications for future connectivity policy development such as the e-rate, state library-based connectivity programs, and library-initiated connectivity initiatives that this article identifies and explores. Community Access Points (CAPS), in addition to public libraries, may be necessary to reach national goals related to universal service and equality of access to the Internet.  相似文献   

Background:Over a decade ago, the Hill report argued that a shift in vision was required to change the perception of National Health Service (NHS) Library and Knowledge Services (LKS) in England from “book repositories” to essential services that underpin clinical decision-making by patients, carers, and health care professionals. Health Education England''s Knowledge for Healthcare: A Development Framework for Library and Knowledge Services in England 2015–2020 advocates embedding librarians within clinical and management teams in order to provide access to high-quality evidence at the point of need.Case Presentation:In April 2019, Royal Papworth Hospital relocated twelve miles from its historic village location in Papworth Everard to its new state-of-the-art hospital on the Cambridge Biomedical Campus. The design for this new hospital did not accommodate a traditional library space and therefore necessitated a transformation of the LKS. The organization opted to embed the LKS staff into the clinical setting and relegate 80% of the print collection to off-site storage. This project and its associated steps are presented as an example of health care library transformation.Conclusion:Embedding the LKS team in the clinical setting, engaging in proactive outreach activity, and improving our marketing led to a 44% increase in literature searches requested compared to the same eleven-month period in the previous year. A 40% decrease in our print book loans indicates additional barriers to using a click-and-collect service and the need for greater investment in our e-book provision. However, early outcomes for our best-fit service transformation are positive. Having an open, dual mindset has enabled the service to embrace change and maximize emerging opportunities to collaborate with clinical staff on new projects.  相似文献   

共建共享理念是新形势下指导我国档案事业发展的重要理念,志愿服务是广大社会公众参与档案事业建设的重要途径。对我国公众参与档案馆志愿服务活动情况进行问卷调查,结果发现当前公众参与档案志愿服务活动的人数很少、参与比例很低,参与者主要是女性,年龄集中在21~40岁之间,参与人群主要是事业单位人员、学生和行政机关工作人员等;参与者整体文化程度较高,中东部地区人数较多,但总体参与次数较少,且主要集中在重大节假日期间,大多数志愿服务活动在档案馆或广场公园等公共场合进行,公众获取档案志愿服务活动信息的途径较为单一,主要通过文件通知、网络广播电视等渠道了解。最后以共建共享理念为指导提出:努力扩充志愿活动环节,不断丰富服务内容与项目;多平台、多渠道协同共建并加强联动宣传推介;构建面向公众需求的志愿服务机制,共享服务成果与效益等。  相似文献   

文章旨在在国家倡导档案机构数字转型的战略背景下,探寻我国档案机构系统应用社交媒体的顶层设计及实现路径的启示。文章用案例分析法,全面深入调查NARA的社交媒体应用制度体系和应用实践,解析其经验,并立足档案学与传播学理论及方法,提出社交媒体在国家数字资源整合与服务中的优化策略:多层次构建完备制度;匹配需求强化平台应用效率;基于主体协同机制深化资源建设;强化社交媒体运行机制过程建设;基于社交媒体创新国家数字档案资源整合与服务理念。  相似文献   

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