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Upon completing the Teacher Report Form (TRF; Achenbach, 1991) on a randomly selected child in their current classroom, teachers were surveyed about the approaches or strategies they used to formulate their ratings. In Phase 1, teachers identified eight rating strategies. In Phase 2, a new group of teachers indicated the extent to which they relied on the eight strategies. Rather than the two approaches hypothesized to be foremost, (“I compared the child to other children in the same classroom,” “I compared the child to other children of the same age”), teachers relied primarily on their “experience with the child in many different settings.” © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Twenty high school physics teachers were interviewed to determine their awareness of student alternate conceptions in the areas of force and gravity. The teachers were also asked to indicate preferred teaching strategies dealing with alternate conceptions. Teacher predictions of student responses were compared to alternate conceptions held by 315 grade-nine students and published findings from other research studies. Edmonton students were found to possess nearly every alternate conception identified in previous research, in similar proportions. A few previously undocumented alternate conceptions were also identified. At times, students were observed to arrive at the currently acceptable conclusion by using alternate conceptions. The high school physics teachers, as a group, identified nearly all the alternate conceptions used by the students. However, individual teachers were generally aware of only a few alternate conceptions, with fully one third of them possessing alternate conceptions themselves in one or more of the tasks. The teachers were also unable to predict with any accuracy the different types of student responses or the proportion of students choosing each alternative. The teaching strategies outlined by the teachers would be considered only partially effective according to current research findings.  相似文献   

为了能够使高校良好的运转与发展,就需要对学生进行有效的管理,这就涉及到学生工作的开展,而学生工作离不开辅导员与学生的谈话,这是一个有效的管理手段,但是谈话不能盲目的进行,不仅需要做好相关的准备工作,而且还需要掌握一定的沟通方式与技巧,这样才能与学生进行良好的交流,使学生在谈话的过程中受到启迪,陶冶情操,树立正确的价值观,因此本文主要是具体分析了谈话前具体需要做的准备工作,并且具体分析了与学生谈话时应当掌握的方式和技巧。  相似文献   


Many researchers report that teachers' pedagogies often reflect non-constructivist referents, however less research reports on means of assisting teachers to become more constructivistly oriented. This paper reports on a teacher's changing perceptions during collaborative, two-year interpretive research involving two researchers, herself, and her students. The researchers collaborated with the teacher to promote students' theory-evidence coordination and use of word explanations, with an emphasis on developing and critiquing chemical equilibrium theory using experimental data. As the collaboration proceeded the teacher's beliefs and practice became increasingly focussed on students' reasoning and their discussion of ideas related to experimental data. The teacher reported benefits for herself and for her students as a consequence of this change. Key factors in relation to this change included researchers' modelling of target practices, and changes in the teacher's (a) perception of her students' abilities, (b) beliefs in relation to constructivism, and (c) understanding of chemistry concepts.  相似文献   

In a paper published elsewhere (Jiménez Gómez et al. 1997), we compared research carried out on students' conceptions of force in the decade 1975-85 with later research in the period 1985-95. Only a slight progression was found in the results offered by different authors. In this contribution we analyse the research objectives of selected investigations into students' conceptions of force, their methodological characteristics and their most widely used theoretical foundations, in an attempt to explain the lack of progress made in this research line. Some suggestions are made which may help the science teaching profession to understand students' conceptions better.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effectiveness of conceptual change texts in remediating high school students’ alternative conceptions concerning chemical equilibrium. A quasi-experimental design was used in this study. The subjects for this study consisted of a total 78 tenth-grade students, 38 of them in the experimental group and 40 of them in the control group. A questionnaire, the Alternative Conceptions about Chemical Equilibrium Test (ACCET), was developed and administered to students as a pretest and posttest. While the experimental group received a conceptual change text instruction, the control group received a traditional style instruction. The results of the study indicated that the students in the experimental group showed significantly greater levels of achievement than the students in the control group. Moreover, in both groups the percentages of students’ alternative conceptions decreased in the however the experimental group did better than the control group.  相似文献   

Internationally, educational stakeholders are concerned with the high levels of student disengagement, evidenced by early school leaving, poor student behaviour, and low levels of academic achievement. The solution, student engagement, is a contested concept, theorised in a variety of different ways within academic literature. To further understand this concept, a phenomenographic study was conducted to map secondary school teachers’ conceptions of student engagement. Six qualitatively different ways of understanding student engagement were found. This research indicates that teachers do not hold similar understandings of what student engagement means. If the concept of engagement is to become educationally fruitful, the term must be more explicitly defined in educational research and government policy documents to promote shared understandings amongst stakeholder groups.  相似文献   

Given the increasing diversity of the student body, teachers are called to appropriately address students’ various learning needs by means of differentiated instruction (DI). However, empirical research has yielded mixed evidence on teachers’ reported use of DI. Using nationally representative data from the National Educational Panel Study in Germany, this article aimed to explore German (as native language) and Mathematics teachers’ use of DI practices. In addition, this study took into consideration contextual factors, such as school track, and investigated the impact of teachers’ constructivist beliefs on their DI implementation. Results from a mixed analysis of covariance indicated that teachers occasionally implement DI practices. Furthermore, between‐subject effects reported differences across school tracks. It appears that advanced secondary school teachers implement less often DI practices. The covariate of teachers’ constructivist beliefs was also positively linked to overall teachers’ implementation of DI. Implications of the results, as well as further lines of research are discussed.  相似文献   

Concept inventories, consisting of multiple-choice questions designed around common student misconceptions, are designed to reveal student thinking. However, students often have complex, heterogeneous ideas about scientific concepts. Constructed-response assessments, in which students must create their own answer, may better reveal students' thinking, but are time- and resource-intensive to evaluate. This report describes the initial meeting of a National Science Foundation-funded cross-institutional collaboration of interdisciplinary science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education researchers interested in exploring the use of automated text analysis to evaluate constructed-response assessments. Participants at the meeting shared existing work on lexical analysis and concept inventories, participated in technology demonstrations and workshops, and discussed research goals. We are seeking interested collaborators to join our research community.  相似文献   

Molecular symmetry plays a central role in chemistry education with regard to predicting chemical properties such as bonding and spectroscopic transitions. Better understanding of the symmetry of molecules requires high visual-spatial thinking ability. Conventional teaching methodologies, with limited teaching aides, fall short in providing a detailed understanding of scientific theories and related concepts. Incorrect understanding has been known to perpetrate concepts that are not consistent with the consensus of the research community or alternate conceptions. This work elaborates a methodology designed to discover the alternate conceptions stemming from teaching molecular symmetry in a typical classroom environment and the impact of the virtual laboratory (VL) environment in correcting these misconceptions. Three significant contributions presented in this paper include: (1) the development of a media and information-intense VL experiment platform designed to enhance understanding of symmetry elements and point groups of molecules with diverse structural geometries. (2) the development of an instrument, Molecular symmetry Alternate Conception Test (MACT), designed to capture and estimate the extent of alternate conceptions. (3) the successful identification of typical alternate conceptions amongst students in the context of molecular symmetry. In addition to perceived alternate concepts in symmetry education, the results indicate a significant statistical improvement of 156% in understanding of molecular symmetry concepts (p?<?0.05) after subjecting students to the interactive VL platform. This study also shows identifying bond angles and planarity as concepts crucial for students. It is also implicit that estimations of discrimination skills related to identifying concept-based learning may be relevant for perceiving alternate concepts among learners.  相似文献   

化学平衡是中学化学中的一个重要内容,也是每年高考的重点考查内容,但由于其内容较抽象,出题也往往比较灵活,导致学生在学习中往往陷入迷茫,解题时也顾此失彼,因此成为了学生学习化学中的一个难点。如何来突破这个难点呢?笔者认为关键在于以下两点:(一)掌握外界因素对化学平衡的影响;(二)建立等效平衡观念。其中第一点是教材中的重要内容,相对较容易掌握,笔者不再赘述,下面就第二点谈谈我的见解。  相似文献   

In a large introductory physics course, structured weekly journals (weekly reports) regularly encouraged students to ask questions about the material. The resulting questions were collected for one quarter and coded based on difficulty and topic. Students also took several conceptual tests during the quarter. The reports contained more questions than typically observed in a college classroom, but the number of questions asked was not correlated to any measure of conceptual performance. Relationships among different types of questions and performance on these tests were explored. Deeper‐level questions that focus on concepts, coherence of knowledge, and limitations were related to the variance in student conceptual achievement. © 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 40: 776–791, 2003  相似文献   

Achievement in science depends on a series of factors that characterize the cognitive abilities of the students and the complex interactions between these factors and the environment that intervenes in the formation of students' background. The objective of this study is to: a) investigate reasoning strategies students use in solving stoichiometric problems; b) explore the relation between these strategies and alternative conceptions, prior knowledge and cognitive variables; and c) interpret the results within an epistemological framework. Results obtained show how stoichiometric relations produce conflicting situations for students, leading to conceptual misunderstanding of concepts, such as mass, atoms and moles. The wide variety of strategies used by students attest to the presence of competing and conflicting frameworks (progressive transitions, cf. Lakatos, 1970), leading to greater conceptual understanding. It is concluded that the methodology developed in this study (based on a series of closely related probing questions, generally requiring no calculations, that elicit student conceptual understanding to varying degrees within an intact classroom context) was influential in improving student performance. This improvement in performance, however, does not necessarily affect students' hard core of beliefs.  相似文献   

本文采用问卷调查、面谈、个案分析等手段,对长江大学2006级100名硕士生的交际策略使用现状、其策略使用与性格及成绩的关系等问题进行了一定的探讨。分析了该学习者群体在其英语学习中自发使用交际策略的基本现状、特点以及影响他们有效交际的因素,帮助教师全面了解学生的学习情况,有的放矢地分析、把握和控制学生的学习策略,帮助学生采用适合本阶段、适合个人情况的学习策略。  相似文献   

We stand poised to marry the fruits of qualitative research on children's conceptions with the machinery of psychometrics. This merger allows us to build upon studies of limited groups of subjects to generalize to the larger population of learners. This is accomplished by reformulating multiple choice tests to reflect gains in understanding cognitive development. This study uses psychometric modeling to rank the appeal of a variety of children's astronomical ideas on a single uniform scale. Alternative conceptions are captured in test items with highly attractive multiple choice distractors administered twice to 1250 8th through 12th-grade students at the start and end of their introductory astronomy courses. For such items, an unusual psychometric profile is observed—instruction appears to strengthen support for alternative conceptions before this preference eventually declines. This lends support to the view that such ideas may actually be markers of progress toward scientific understanding and are not impediments to learning. This method of analysis reveals the ages at which certain conceptions are more prevalent than others, aiding developers and practitioners in matching curriculum to student grade levels. This kind of instrument, in which distractors match common student ideas, has a profoundly different psychometric profile from conventional tests and exposes the weakness evident in conventional standardized tests. Distractor-driven multiple choice tests combine the richness of qualitative research with the power of quantitative assessment, measuring conceptual change along a single uniform dimension. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 35: 265–296, 1998.  相似文献   

郑兵 《中学生物学》2007,23(3):24-26
1 思考力的含义 思考力是指个体为完成某种活动或任务时对各种要素进行分析、重组、整合的各种思维能力基本单元的总和,是后天学习引发产生的一种素质。思考力水平是衡量思维能力大小的重要标志,思维能力由思考力水平和先天智力决定,思维能力的提高取决于思考力水平的层次递进,思考力层次提高,思维能力则增强。不同的人,其思考力层次不同。思考力层次的高低受有效训练的多少、自主探索建构和反思频率等因素的影响。[第一段]  相似文献   

The aim of the present study is to shed light on the conceptions that young students have of heat and temperature, concepts that are both important in school science curricula and closely related to daily life. The subjects of the study were students from a rural district in South Korea and they ranged in age from 4 to 11 years. Interviews were conducted with each student on the basis of questions on temperature, thermal insulation, and heat equilibrium. After calculating the frequency and percentage of student responses and analyzing the rationale for their answers, it was found that younger students tended to view temperature as “size” or a “summation of numbers.” This tendency gradually diminished in older students. Most students had alternative conceptions of thermal insulation regardless of age; however, reasoning differed according to age. Younger students displayed a greater tendency to view insulation as a material property, whereas older students showed a greater tendency toward rational heat and temperature conceptions. Most students did not have clear concepts of heat equilibrium regardless of age, but possessed numerous alternative conceptions. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 44: 284–302, 2007  相似文献   

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