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For many first-generation students, college is a transforming experience—one that requires students to play out powerful intellectual, psychological, family, and cultural dramas. Drawing on a multiyear research project he conducted with a group of colleagues, the author describes these dramas, their effects on students, and what colleges can do to help as students play them out.  相似文献   

In this study, the researcher aimed to understand how students learned the targeted knowledge with an interactive response system (IRS) tool, and whether learners in two different learning modes: individual and group use of IRS, differed in their learning performance and knowledge retention after the IRS activity. These two kinds of IRS interaction were integrated into the course which included multiple choice questions for testing memorable knowledge and open-ended questions for enhancing organization and critical thinking ability via a methodology that involved 120 college students and included the analysis of tests, survey questionnaires and a course learning diary. Overall, the results were consistent with the consensus that students perceive the IRS as a positive addition to their classes, as its use increased course participation, fostered interaction, and promoted the general enjoyment of the class. The results revealed that the immediate learning performance of the learners who participated in the activity through group use of the IRS was better than that of the learners with individual IRS accounts; however, the individual IRS users seemed to have better learning retention of the learning contents, and showed significant improvement on the delayed tests. Furthermore, the study also confirmed that the IRS with collaborative work could promote the students’ academic and social-emotional performance because the collaborative learning allowed them to learn from peers’ opinions and to make judgments and co-examine the learning concepts again while finding the correct answer. This paper contributes data and analysis that highlight the pedagogical benefits of the implementation of an IRS, and supports the value of using the IRS for college education.  相似文献   

Problems which could be solved using proportional reasoning were administered nationwide by college faculty to their own science classes during a three year period. The reasoning of more than 8000 students covering three sections of the country was classified as concrete, transitional, or formal using Piagetian categories. Data from the West closely replicated that from the Midwest on similar metric conversion tasks. Student performance changed noticeably with a different problem format. The percentages of students using a ratio formula, ratio attempt, or intuitive methods of solution held approximately constant over time, task, and section of the country. The data shows the use of additive and conversion methods of solution depends upon the problem presentation.  相似文献   

爱国主义是中国人民的优良传统美德.爱国主义在不同的历史时期具有不同的具体内容,新时期的爱国主义教育与热爱共产党、拥护社会主义是一致的.加强大学生爱国主义教育是时代的要求,思想政治工作必须在实践中改进和加强对大学生的爱国主义教育.  相似文献   

在人的社会生活中,情感可以左右人的理智,调节人的行为。大学时期是人生发展的一个关键阶段,培养大学生健康的情感,使其具有深刻的理性内涵和优秀的情感品质,对大学生的成长、发展十分重要。  相似文献   

当前,高等教育已经普及化,大学毕业生人数众多,加之社会人才供需不平衡,就业难已成为一个不争的事实。大学生如何更好地就业?大学生应该从观念和行动上同时着手,正确认识就业、树立择业意识、合理择业期望、做好职业生涯设计、培养提高职业适应能力、大胆尝试就业等,而这一切都应尽早开始。大学生若有所预,必将有所立,闪离、裸辞、好高骛远、眼高手低者必将减少,大学生将站稳职场。  相似文献   

处于青年期的大学生,心理上正经历变化波动较大的时期,反应在情绪和情感方面,表现为情绪的不稳定性与冲动性,情感体验开放、丰富,却容易陷入情绪困扰,导致其心理健康、学习生活和未来事业受到不同程度的影响。作为初步具有独立性的大学生如何认知情绪,并学会应对不良情绪,成为自己情绪的主人呢?作为过来人的辅导员可以引导其认知情绪,并学会对情绪进行自我管理、调适,从而驾驭情绪,做情绪的主人。  相似文献   

浅析如何提高民办高校学生的自主学习能力   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文概述了民办高校大学生的学习自觉性现状,分析民办高校学生缺乏学习自觉性的原因。通过完善学校管理体制,着手学风建设来帮助民办高校学生增强学习的主动性;设置完善的学习计划,用科学的手段,来提高民办高校学生的自主学习能力。  相似文献   

如何在高校学生管理工作中应用飞信   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着高等教育的大众化,大学生的数量在不断增长,这就给高校的学生管理工作带来了困难和挑战。现在的80后、90后大学生是伴随着电子产品长大的,他们手机应用几乎百分百,而且手机已经成为了他们生活中很重要的一部分。高校的学生管理工作如何能与时俱进,既能够体现时代特征,又能够被学生所接受是摆在高校学生管理工作中的难题。飞信是很多大学生都使用的一种联系工具,本文就如何在高校学生管理工作中应用飞信进行交流探讨。  相似文献   

金融危机、次贷危机等不断爆发的全球经济问题,影响了大学生的就业。面对世界经济问题,作为高校教育者,如何培养教育学生;作为班主任,如何鼓励和开发学生内在潜能。本文分别从市场,企业,高校和毕业生几个方面分析,如何应对就业难问题。  相似文献   

当前,"以人为本"、"和谐社会"的理念深入人心。大学生作为建设社会主义和谐社会的主力军,维护国家繁荣富强的重要力量,他们的思想政治教育个体价值的实现关乎国家的未来。随着我国社会主义事业的不断推进,关注大学生内心世界成长和良好道德行为养成的重要性日益凸显,有效发挥思想政治教育的育人功能,促进个体价值的实现,对理论与实践都具有一定的深远意义。本文从大学生思想政治教育个体价值的基本内涵入手分析,以大学生思想政治教育个体价值的主要表现为论述基础,重点提出大学生思想政治教育个体价值的实现方式与途径。  相似文献   

通过长期的探索、尝试和实践,浅谈高校辅导员如何有效地管理学生,提高管理教育学生的有效性。  相似文献   

本文从个人主体价值在两种不同经济体制下的存在状况出发,说明了对个人主体价值的追求是社会主义市场经济条件下出现的最主要的价值取向之一,并对当代大学生个人主体价值追求的现状进行了剖析,针对其中的错误倾向和做法提出了引导和解决的方法。  相似文献   

本文结合大学生实际,深入剖析了新形势下大学生在道德教育方面存在的问题及产生这些问题的社会历史原因和现实原因,同时,对加强大学生道德教育,提出了不少对策性的建议和措施。  相似文献   

大学生心理健康问题亟待解决   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前,大学生心理健康状况不容乐观,而心理素质好是高素质人才的根本,高校作为培养高素质人才的基地,必须切实做好大学生的心理健康教育。  相似文献   

如何提高成教学生的社会竞争力   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
成人教育以“成人”为教育主体,这一主体有其复杂性和特殊性。本文从四个方面阐述了针对成教学生的特点所采取的相应措施,努力提高成教学生的社会竞争力。  相似文献   

军训中的思想政治教育工作对大学生的大学生活及整个人生都起到重要的作用。本文从军训期间思想教育工作展开的途径、方法、时机等几个方面着重进行了探讨。从而使思想政治教育工作切实有效的在军训期间开展。  相似文献   

新时期对艺术类大学生实施思想道德素质教育是势在必行的。如何根据我国教育改革的要求来加强和改进艺术类大学生的思想道德教育,将成为我国艺术类大学思想政治工作者所面临的重大课题。本文围绕艺术类大学生思想道德教育工作的实际情况,如何顺应时代的要求加强和改进艺术类大学生思想道德教育的几点建议。  相似文献   

A composite theory of college science student note‐taking strategies was derived from a periodic series of five interviews with 23 students and with other variables, including original and final versions of notes analyzed during a semester‐long genetics course. This evolving composite theory was later compared with Van Meter, Yokoi, and Pressley's (Journal of Educational Psychology, 86, 323–338, 1994) corresponding composite “college students' theory of note‐taking.” Students' notes in this long‐term study were also compared with a standard of “adequate” note‐taking established by experts. Analyses detected many similarities between the two composite theories. Analyses also provided evidence of inadequate note‐taking strategies, inconsistencies between what students claimed and evidently did with their notes, and weak self‐regulating learning strategies. Recommendations included prompting students during class on how to take notes. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 43: 786–818, 2006  相似文献   

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