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Mainstream theory, which has informed the belief systems regarding the operation as well as the predicted social and economic effects of IPR systems, cannot explain why the IPR system generates different performance results and varying potential for growth across the firms, sectors and nations participating in the IPR system. This paper sketches a theory of the ‘productive potential of intellectual property rights’ which is able to do just that. Focusing on the ‘rules of the game’ embedded in the institutional IPR environment and the ‘play of the game’ within the alternative institutions of IPR governance, the paper emphasizes the importance of the nature or quality of the relationships among IPR stakeholders and the contribution of such relationships to the processes of financial and non-financial value creation and distribution from IPRs. The central role of cooperation, asymmetric relationships, and the effective resolution of conflicting interests amongst stakeholders is addressed. It is suggested that the proposed framework provides a better starting point for the design of IPR policy and management.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the relative importance of property rights and transactions cost factors in driving the decision of firms to outsource innovation. Using data for over 8000 firms from the UK Community Innovation Survey, we find that property right factors dominate over transaction cost factors. Transaction cost variables are more important for process innovation, while property rights variables are more significant for firms involved in product innovation. In addition, we find that firms involved in process innovation have a higher probability of outsourcing innovation than firms involved in product innovation.  相似文献   

吴昌南 《科研管理》2014,35(1):66-72
在服务业中,多数产品或服务创新无专利保护,且几乎不存在模仿成本,当某一企业率先创新后,其他企业会纷纷模仿,因此创新激励不足。本文运用博弈论的方法,从创新成果被模仿企业即时模仿和滞后模仿两个层次研究了企业创新行为,得出在无产权保护条件下,如果创新成果的销售速度快于模仿者的模仿速度,有利于创新;模仿者进入模仿时间长,也有利于创新。  相似文献   

随着传统型大学向创业型大学的转变,高校兼具知识创造和知识应用的双重特性。科研人员在R&D活动中追求学术价值和商业价值双重目标。本文基于一个简单模型来研究学术和商业激励两种方式对R&D活动时间配置以及项目选择的影响,基于此,进一步分析了组织最优激励契约设计。研究结果表明:高的商业激励会减少科研人员研究活动,但却激励科研人员选择高风险的基础研究,从而会带来突破性创新。组织层面高校应加大商业激励鼓励研究偏好人员,对偏好研究活动的人员,激励其进行开发活动;对于不偏好研究活动的人员,激励其增加努力程度。  相似文献   

王为一 《科研管理》2004,25(4):56-59
现代人力资本投资主体是多元化的。在现代人力资本产权结构中,个人、企业、国家之间共同综合地分享人力资本产权,其占有人力资本产权的大小取决于各自在该项人力资本形成过程中的投资额以及契约与法规,产权份额的多少分别决定了他们在人力资本运营过程的地位和作用。明晰人力资本产权的重点不是产权权能的划分,而是个人、企业、国家分别占有人力资本产权的侧重点以及其行使人力资本产权的方式。现代人力资本产权不是互相独立、互不交叉的结构,而是一种既有相互独立,又有相互交叉的结构。  相似文献   

[目的]探讨学术期刊承载的人文功能,体现学术期刊的人文精神.[方法]文献研究法,个案研究法.[结果]学术期刊体现人文精神的手段有:设置人文栏目、在编排过程中的细节处理及与作者的个性化沟通等.[结论]学术期刊承担着传播学术知识,交流学术观点的职能,同时,学术期刊的人文价值也应得到挖掘.  相似文献   

We argue that efficiency assessments of academic research should focus on micro-units of research production rather than on conventionally employed (aggregated) macro-units, and show that such a detailed analysis of research performance provides interesting insights. In addition, we propose a non-parametric methodology that is specially tailored for analyzing the productive efficiency of research: it starts from a specification of the managerial objectives of research activities while imposing minimal structure on the (typically unknown) production technology. We illustrate our points by assessing the productive efficiency of research in Economics and Business Management Faculties of Dutch universities. Next to measuring productive efficiency, we look for specific patterns in efficiency distributions over universities, years and areas of specialization. In addition, we investigate the impact of external funding and the size of research programs on academic research efficiency. We argue that our analysis has some interesting policy implications. Most notably, our results show that a micro-analysis of research efficiency may yield a more effective allocation of the limited financial resources that are available.  相似文献   

Although innovation is essential to build a competitive advantage and survive in the long run, some firms choose to exit, through mergers and acquisitions (M&As), or radically change their business portfolio and identity. This paper examines how innovative capabilities influence the decision of a firm to exit, among business closure, M&A, and radical restructuring. Using an analysis of a large and rich panel of Dutch manufacturing firms, we find that product and process innovation are equally important to lower the probability to close down activities, and this effect is stronger when product and process innovations are pursed in combination. We also find that process innovation reduces the probability of exit by radical restructuring, while product innovation, when not supported by process innovation, especially increases the probability of exit by M&As. Our findings suggest that exit strategies are intimately bound to the nature and synergies of innovative efforts.  相似文献   

时明明 《科教文汇》2014,(15):76-77
本系统硬件部分采用单片机AT89C52为控制核心,实现报警系统的控制功能。当放置系统的空间内有瓦斯气体泄露(达到一定浓度)时,使气敏传感器受激发,气敏传感器内部发生相应的化学变化而输出电信号,通过A/D转换的数据送入单片机,同时单片机控制蜂鸣器发出声音,发光二极管开始发光,达到声光报警的效果。软件部分应用单片机C语言实现了本设计的全部控制功能。  相似文献   

Scientific knowledge dynamics and relatedness in biotech cities   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
This paper investigates the impact of scientific relatedness on knowledge dynamics in biotech at the city level during the period 1989–2008. We assess the extent to which the emergence of new research topics and the disappearance of existing topics in cities are dependent on their degree of scientific relatedness with existing topics in those cities. We make use of the rise and fall of title words in scientific publications in biotech to identify major cognitive developments within the field. We determined the degree of relatedness between 1028 scientific topics in biotech by means of co-occurrence of pairs of topics in journal articles. We combined this relatedness indicator between topics in biotech with the scientific portfolio of cities (i.e. the topics on which they published previously) to determine how cognitively close a potentially new topic (or an existing topic) is to the scientific portfolio of a city. We analyzed knowledge dynamics at the city level by looking at the entry and exit of topics in the scientific portfolio of 276 cities in the world. We found strong and robust evidence that new scientific topics in biotech tend to emerge systematically in cities where scientifically related topics already exist, while existing scientific topics had a higher probability to disappear from a city when these were weakly related to the scientific portfolio of the city.  相似文献   

Based on a survey adapted from the Fourth European Community Innovation Survey (CIS-4), this study finds that, in the changing manufacturing environment of Guangdong Province in China, Hong Kong-owned businesses that generate a higher share in new product sales as a percentage of total sales or engage in R&D or collaborative innovation activities in China are more likely to survive and remain in Guangdong. The study fills a gap in the literature by investigating the effects of innovation on the survival and relocation of Hong Kong-owned manufacturing firms in Guangdong. The results support policy initiatives that strengthen collaborative ties among key innovation system actors.  相似文献   

This paper uses the concept of policy entrepreneurship to explain the social processes underlying sustainable technical change in the pulp and paper industry in the 1990s. It presents a detailed case study on the differences in the transition to and diffusion of totally chlorine free (TCF) pulp bleaching methods in Sweden and the USA. This change was sustained in the former, while it was almost absent in the latter. The paper studies the causes for this difference. It looks at the complex coevolution of technology, institutions, and consumer preferences that has taken place in both countries and draws conclusions on how transitions to sustainable paths in production and consumption may be supported by economic and social policy.  相似文献   

This paper explores the relationship between innovation and the survival probability of manufacturing firms in the Netherlands, conditional on firm age and size. The empirical analysis combines firm level data on innovation, derived from the second Community Innovation Survey, and on the date of exit, from the Business Register of all firms active in the Netherlands. To estimate the survival probability of a firm we use a non-parametric approach, based on the calculation of Transition Probability Matrices over different time periods. The results show that innovation has a positive and significant effect on the probability of firms’ survival. This effect increases over time and is conditional on firm age and size; we observe that small and young firms are the most exposed to the risk of exit, as found in earlier studies, but also those that most benefit of innovation to survive in the market, especially in the longer term.  相似文献   

Measuring the output of men and women in science and technology has previously been mostly restricted to case studies or small-scale surveys. Based on an analysis of patent and publication databases, this paper applies a methodology to systematically assign the gender to the names of inventors and authors. The method is applied to 14 countries. The results of this investigation reveal substantial differences across countries in terms of women's relative contribution1 to science and technology, with the central European countries of Germany, Austria and Switzerland all ranking comparatively low in this respect. We also examine trends over time, showing that the data on women's share of publications - unlike the results for patents - hardly increase over time for the already better-performing nations.  相似文献   

知识经济时代,高校科技成果在国家和社会发展中的地位愈来愈显重要.但目前我国当前高校科技成果转化中尚存在产权不明晰、途径不畅、知识产权流失严重等诸多法律问题.今后我国相关法律法规应进一步明确高校科技成果的产权归属,提高高校师生的知识产权保护意识,实施专利战略,建立健全科技成果转化中知识产权保护的规章制度,规范各种转化模式,以减少高校科技成果转化中的纠纷,提高科技成果转化效益,推动我国经济增长和社会发展.  相似文献   

曾菊容 《科技通报》2012,28(4):187-189
系统由程控放大器、程控滤波器、A/D转换器和D/A转换器、单片机控制及显示电路组成,以AT89C51和FPGA器件为控制中心,实现滤波器工作模式选择,增益控制、调节截止频率等功能,并通过LCD显示滤波器的截止频率和放大器的放大倍数。整个系统具有良好的人机交互界面,精度高,实用性很强。  相似文献   

We analyze the role of social capital in academic careers. We distinguish between ties with reputed scientists and laboratories (scientific and technical human capital) and ties with influential actors with respect to recruitment/promotion decisions (political capital). We use institution-wise bibliometric indicators to measure separately the two types of capital for a large sample of French and Italian academic physicists between 2000 and 2003/2005. Controlling for scientific productivity, seniority and gender issues, career progress is explained by: the scientist's affiliation to important public research organizations (scientific and technical human capital - France); his/her social ties with senior members of the discipline, who exercise control over careers (political capital - Italy), and the commitment to work with senior colleagues in his/her own university (political capital - Italy). Significant differences exist between the two countries also with respect to the importance of productivity, seniority, and gender.  相似文献   

The innovative broadband Internet industry is characterised by inertia phenomena in terms of technology choice, as well as selection of Internet service providers (ISPs). Within the set of firms providing the Internet, very often in Europe the incumbent operator has the lion's share of end-customers and supplies the dominant technology. Focusing on the French case, this paper shows that although inertia on the supply side (partly due to the regulation process itself), helps to explain the technology mix reached to date, a more complete picture of the inertia can be obtained when we consider the existence of costs faced by customers when switching between ISPs. We calculate these so-called “switching costs”. The closing section of this paper derives several implications in terms of policy.  相似文献   

【目的】 从系统论视角出发,分析学术出版过程中出现的信任危机,提出应对危机的策略,从理论和技术上提高同行评审工作质量,提升同行评审的信任度。【方法】 以文献调查和案例分析为主要方法,综述已有的关于同行评审现状和问题研究以及信任危机的相关理论,结合案例,从社会、经济、文化等不同角度剖析同行评审体系存在信任危机的原因,最后针对同行评审体系的问题和各方面原因,结合目前国内外的创新尝试,提出应对策略。【结果】 社会转型时期,同行评审主体之间缺乏完全信任,传媒影响加剧了同行评审参与主体之间的信任危机,同行评审客观性与审稿人主观性之间矛盾不可调和使同行评审信任危机无法消除。【结论】 通过设立同行评审内部的监督机制、重视传媒影响、完善网络同行评审系统平台,巩固同行评审信任,促进学术出版的长远发展。  相似文献   

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