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Three related studies replicated and extended previous work (J.A. Danielson et al. (2003), Educational Technology Research and Development, 51(3), 63–81) involving the Diagnostic Pathfinder (dP) (previously Problem List Generator [PLG]), a cognitive tool for learning diagnostic problem solving. In studies 1 and 2, groups of 126 and 113 veterinary students, respectively, used the dP to complete case-based homework; groups of 120 and 199, respectively, used an alternative method. Students in the dP groups scored significantly higher (p = .000 and .003, respectively) on final exams than those in control groups. In the third study, 552 veterinary students responding to a questionnaire indicated that the dP’s gating and data synthesis activities aided learning. The dP’s feedback and requirement of completeness appear to aid learning most.  相似文献   

In this paper, the results of an investigation into the training needs and expectations of participants of professional development training 1 for specialist teachers and assessors of learners with literacy difficulties and dyslexia are discussed and analysed. The methodology includes both qualitative and quantitative data which were collected over a period of 2 years from participants (N = 75) at the beginning of their courses of study. Current literature is reviewed, and an in‐depth analysis of the findings illuminates the rationale and content of the available training. The author discusses these findings and demonstrates the importance of the training. The conclusions offer research‐based reflections that are important to all those involved in the design and funding of this and future professional development.  相似文献   

The aim of the study is to investigate the effects of the Madrasa Resource Center (MRC), a child-centered intervention program, on East-African (Kenya, Zanzibar, and Uganda) preschool children's cognitive development. Altogether 321 children (153 non-intervention and 168 intervention) participated in a cross-sequential study over three time-points during preschool (mean ages 4.3, 6.0, and 7.1 years). A multilevel model (MLM; time-points nested within children nested within schools), in which time was coded flexibly (i.e., child's age operationalized as months from start of the intervention), showed a beneficial curvilinear effect of the intervention program on children's cognitive gains. A moderation analysis suggested that the effect of observed preschool quality (ECERS) was stronger in the intervention program. The findings are discussed within the context of East-African preschool policy.  相似文献   

Sternberg’s theory of successful intelligence was used to create augmented exams in Advanced Placement Psychology and Statistics. Participants included 1895 high school students from 19 states and 56 schools throughout the U.S. The psychometric results support the validity of creating examinations that assess memory, analytical, creative, and practical skills in the context of content-specific knowledge. In addition, Q-factor analyses revealed a set of empirically distinguishable profiles of achievement, supporting the assertion that individuals exhibit different patterns of strengths and weaknesses in cognitive processing skills. Finally, an examination of ethnic group differences in achievement shows that measuring a broad range of cognitive skills tends to reduce ethnic differences in achievement. Future studies aimed at replicating these findings are warranted.  相似文献   

Cognitive load theory (CLT) was used to redesign a Database Systems course for Information Technology students. The redesign was intended to address poor student performance and low satisfaction, and to provide a more relevant foundation in database design and use for subsequent studies and industry. The original course followed the conventional structure for a database course, covering database design first, then database development. Analysis showed the conventional course content was appropriate but the instructional materials used were too complex, especially for novice students. The redesign of instructional materials applied CLT to remove split attention and redundancy effects, to provide suitable worked examples and sub-goals, and included an extensive re-sequencing of content. The approach was primarily directed towards mid- to lower performing students and results showed a significant improvement for this cohort with the exam failure rate reducing by 34% after the redesign on identical final exams. Student satisfaction also increased and feedback from subsequent study was very positive. The application of CLT to the design of instructional materials is discussed for delivery of technical courses.  相似文献   

This article aimed to examine the relationship between mirror neuron and theory of mind functions and to explore their possible roles in the emergence of an achievement goal contagion in educational settings such as classrooms. Based on the evidence from different lines of research such as neurobiology, neuropsychology, social psychology, and educational psychology, a multilevel model of achievement goal contagion was suggested in order to clarify the role of the goal contagion effect in achievement-related settings such as classrooms. In the model, it was assumed that the well-known effects of perceived classroom goal structures on students’ achievement goals were mediated by students’ theory of mind and mirroring abilities while the interaction between them was examined. Finally, it was concluded that the hypothesized model of achievement goal contagion may provide a solid neurobiological and psychological basis for the effects of perceived classroom goal structures on students’ achievement goals. Educational implications and directions for future research were also discussed.  相似文献   

This study explores the theory that individual reasoning ability, as measured using standard reasoning tests, has part of its origin in dialogue with others. In the study, 64 eight- and nine-year-old children were taught the use of ‘exploratory talk’, a type of talk in which joint reasoning is made explicit. The relationship between the talk of the children and the solving of Raven's test problems was studied using discourse analysis of groups working together. The findings of the study support four claims: that use of exploratory talk can improve group reasoning, that exploratory talk can be taught, that the teaching of exploratory talk can successfully transfer between educational contexts and that individual results on a standard non-verbal reasoning test significantly improved as a result of the intervention teaching exploratory talk. Our results offer support for the hypothesis that experience of social reasoning can improve scores on measures of individual reasoning. The stronger hypothesis that general cognitive development is a product of induction into social reasoning remains in doubt.  相似文献   

Student interest and motivation in STEM subjects has dropped significantly throughout secondary education, for which teacher–student interactions are named as a central reason. This study investigated whether a video-based teacher professional development (TPD) intervention on productive classroom discourse improved students' learning motivation and interest development over the course of a school year. The teachers' intervention group (IG; n = 6) was compared with a control group (CG; n = 4) who participated in a traditional TPD programme on classroom discourse. The teachers showed a significant increase in constructive feedback and decrease in simple feedback as a function of the treatment. Pre- and post-tests revealed that students in the IG (n = 136) significantly increased their perceived autonomy, competence and intrinsic learning motivation as compared with those in the CG (n = 90). They also showed significantly greater interest changes in the subjects compared with their peers in the CG.  相似文献   

马克思晚年的东方社会发展理论提出了经济文化落后的东方国家跨越资本主义“卡夫丁峡谷”吸收资本主义一切肯定成果的设想。邓小平真正领会和把握了马克思东方社会理论的精神实质 ,他从中国的特殊国情和时代新特点出发 ,创造性地把马克思东方社会发展理论发展为当代中国如何建设社会主义、发展社会主义的科学理论体系。  相似文献   

抓住机遇全面推进实验室的跨越式发展   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
潘蕾 《实验室研究与探索》2006,25(9):1138-1140,1174
主要回顾了“十五”期间该校在实验室建设与管理工作的基础上,提出了在“十一五”期间实验室建设的指导思想和总体目标,实现实验室的再一次跨越式发展。  相似文献   

合理的发展模式决定着学校各项功能的充分发挥。武汉职业技术学院的发展经历了两种模式的转变:一是依靠自身力量整合优质资源的规模发展模式,二是基于品牌建设的内涵发展模式。这种模式的选择和转变代表了我国高职发展的主流,具有典型的范式意义。  相似文献   

This study investigated transfer of reading-related cognitive skills between learning to read Chinese (L1) and English (L2) among Chinese children in Hong Kong. Fifty-three Grade 2 students were tested on word reading, phonological, orthographic and rapid naming skills in Chinese (L1) and English (L2). The major findings were: (a) significant correlations between Chinese and English measures in phonological awareness and rapid naming, but not in orthographic skills; (b) significant unique contribution of Chinese and English rapid naming skills and English rhyme awareness for predicting Chinese word reading after controlling for all the Chinese and English cognitive measures; (c) significant unique contribution of English phonological skills and Chinese orthographic skills (a negative one) for predicting English word reading after controlling for all the English and Chinese cognitive measures; and (d) significant unique contribution of Chinese rhyme awareness for predicting English phonemic awareness. These findings provide initial evidence that developing reading-related cognitive skills in English may have facilitative effects on Chinese word reading development. They also suggest that Chinese orthographic skills or tactics may not be helpful for learning to read English words among ESL learners; and that Chinese rhyme awareness facilitates the development of English phonemic awareness which is an essential skill predicting ESL learning.  相似文献   

坚持走全面、协调和可持续发展道路,是基于东北地区自身发展条件的战略选择,而持续发展能力建设是实现东北老工业基地振兴的必然选择。只有通过加快老工业基地的经济体制改革,转变传统经济增长方式,加强社会支持系统和发展支持系统能力建设;加大东北地区资源开发与环境保护力度,增强可持续发展的生存支持系统和环境支持系统能力建设;控制东北地区人口数量,提高人口素质,构建人才开发新机制,加强可持续发展的智力支持系统能力建设,才能推动东北老工业基地的振兴,进而实现东北地区社会经济的快速、协调和可持续发展。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to explore teachers’ growth in understanding of algebra using concept maps. The study was set in the context of a five-year National Science Foundation funded teacher retention and renewal professional development project. In this project both beginning and experienced teachers are supported as they increase their understanding about mathematics, their ability to implement effective mathematics practices in their classrooms, and their knowledge of working with English Learners. Results indicate that teachers’ algebraic knowledge structures became more complex and connected as a result of their professional development. In addition, they were able to adapt their knowledge networks to incorporate important aspects of algebra into them. Concept maps are recommended to other leaders of mathematics professional development as a means of assessing change.  相似文献   

This study explored methodological challenges related to eliciting and assessing teachers’ beliefs about teaching cancer education. We aimed to develop reliable belief scales, a methodological innovation in the context of the theory of planned behaviour (TPB), as single belief items are typically used as predictors for direct measures. The expectancy-value product proved useful for identifying categories of teachers’ beliefs about cancer education. Six reliable belief scales emerged, for example, control beliefs about external emotional and non-emotional inhibitors and internal facilitators. We also discuss methodological issues related to eliciting beliefs and forming reliable belief scales.  相似文献   

Analysis of the impact of professional learning and development (PLD) programmes for educators is complex. This article presents an analysis of a PLD initiative in which classroom teachers learned to use narrative assessment for students with ‘high’ and ‘very high’ learning needs. Using Cultural Historical Activity Theory (CHAT), the analysis showed how various tensions arose across the activity system of participants during the initiative. Tensions were associated with the roles of those involved, the narrative assessment approach, and the rules of the initiative. While the new narrative assessment approach resulted in benefits for the students and their parents, role conflict emerged in relation to established assessment approaches already used by the educators. It is argued that CHAT enables a more nuanced understanding of the complex ways in which teachers actually engage with official curriculum, pedagogy or assessment PLD initiatives, than do theories that position teachers as simply resistant to change.  相似文献   

云南开放大学面临着“机遇与挑战”并存的局面:一方面,云南省委、省政府对云南开放大学高度重视,省教育厅全力支持,全校干部职工团结一心,开放大学试点成果显著;另一方面,云南开放大学的办学基础、办学能力、内涵建设与建设一流开放大学还有一定差距,还有很多内在的矛盾和问题。不夯实基础,不解决这些矛盾和问题,云南开放大学就不能真正实现成功转型,更难以成为开放大学建设的标杆。  相似文献   

Teachers are key professionals in responding to children and adolescents with possible mental health difficulties and who exhibit social, emotional or behavioural difficulties in the classroom. Health and education policy increasingly positions teachers as vital agents in connecting mental health services with affected young people. A growing corpus of research, however, questions practitioners’ capacity to undertake this important role, particularly given the limited space afforded to content around mental health in pre-service teacher education. This paper reports on a qualitative case study, conducted in an Australian context, investigating pre-service teacher responses to five vignettes of young people presenting behaviours indicative of possible mental health difficulties. In light of educator expectations to identify and appropriately respond to mental health difficulties, this study discloses the need for explicit, structured mental health guidance which form a discrete, core ‘knowledge base’ of teacher education. Patterns in data, analysed in light of policy literature, also suggest the value inherent in advocating open-minded, non-judgemental and collegial professional responses. Further research opportunities highlighted include a systematic review of current provision around mental health in pre-service teacher education programmes.  相似文献   

培养新型农民是建设社会主义新农村的根本任务之一。农民科学文化素质的全面提高是建设新农村的关键。结合新农村建设的部署和要求,民族地区应把培养新型农民作为农村教育发展的首要目标。  相似文献   

This study aimed to identify what impact a novel approach to teaching physical education (PE) had on children's physical activity (PA), coordination and cognition compared to current provision. One hundred and fifty children were recruited from six primary schools in Scotland. Outcome measures were the Cognitive Assessment System, the Physical Activity Habits Questionnaire for Children and fundamental locomotor skills (crawling, creeping, marching and skipping). Pre-, post- and 6-month follow-up testing was conducted and data analysed comparing a control and an intervention group. Each group received 2 hours of PE each week during the 16-week intervention. Current provision in PE was delivered in the control group and a Better Movers and Thinkers approach to PE delivered in the intervention group. Significant effects of intervention relative to the control group were identified in cognition ( 0.001, = 0.76) and coordination (p ≤ 0.001, = 0.97). No significant effects of intervention were identified for PA (p ≤ 0.200, = 0.24). The improvement in the outcome measures remained at the 6-month follow-up testing. The present study has identified cognitive and coordination improvements as a result of a novel PE intervention with benefits maintained 6 months later. This supports the need for modification in current PE provision to optimise the potential for learning across the curriculum.  相似文献   

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