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由于法律制度、组织体制和能力建设等方面的缺乏,我国专利行政管理职能制度长期滞后于知识产权事业的发展,难以适应现阶段实施创新驱动发展战略的实际需求。在加快推动知识产权强国建设的新形势和新要求下,各级知识产权管理部门在专利行政方面存在的管理职能定位虚化、执法职能手段单一和公共服务职能支撑缺乏三大问题已经成为严重制约我国知识产权强国建设的瓶颈。文章提出以新形势下政府行政职能改革的基本路径为依归,以继续强化专利行政保护职能、尽快健全市场监督管理职能作为专利行政职能制度改革的主要方向,按照固本强基、提能扩权的基本思路,理顺专利行政部门与创新市场的关系,实现以加快知识产权强国建设为牵引的专利行政职责制度全面改革。  相似文献   

宋河发  穆荣平  曲婉 《科学学研究》2013,31(12):1826-1834
 本文分析了知识产权能力的内涵外延,建立了知识产权的当量关系,提出了知识产权能力的测度指标体系与测度方法,并以我国某国立科研机构为例进行了实证研究,结果表明,该国立科研机构知识产权能力增长较快,但知识产权运用能力增长较慢。为提升科研机构知识产权能力,需要完善知识产权创造、运用、保护和管理的政策。科技投入要面向知识产权产权运用,要提高知识产权创造质量,要引导知识产权战略布局。为促进知识产权运用,要支持科研机构设立内部技术转移办公室并管理知识产权,发展技术标准下的专利池和专利组合技术转移模式,强化科研机构发明披露,企业委托研究项目要掌握知识产权所有权,要允许职务发明人占有一定比例的知识产权权益。还要大力支持科研机构提升知识产权保护和管理能力。  相似文献   

The size of patent applications has doubled over the past two decades, resulting in a dramatic surge in the workload of patent offices all over the world and serious concerns over patent quality standards. The current paper investigates the sources of this inflation in claims and pages for EPO applications. Four hypotheses are quantitatively examined: the diffusion of national drafting practices, the complexity of research activities, the emergence of new sectors, and filing strategies. The results validate the four hypotheses. They reveal major differences across countries in patent drafting styles, especially between Civil and Common Law countries, the latter being characterized by much larger patents. Second, the success of the PCT route is leading to the harmonizing of drafting styles worldwide on the US model. This paper therefore challenges the commonly accepted idea that more claims reflect a broader scope of protection by showing that the size of patents is partly due to institutional changes in the system.  相似文献   

《Research Policy》2019,48(7):1841-1854
We study the impact of the European Union Trademark (EUTM), the first pan-European intellectual property right (IPR) title established in 1996. The EUTM drastically reduced the cost of trademark protection, particularly for firms active in many EU member states. As a consequence, the number of marks and the resources spent on protection increased substantially, indicating that there was a large latent demand for IPR protection. Our results suggest that the fragmentation of the EU IPR system, due to the resulting high cost of IPR protection, is an impediment to market entry and innovation, especially for companies operating in smaller EU member states. Our findings are informative for the governance of IPR protection in the EU as well as for plans to harmonize the IPR environment in other trade blocs.  相似文献   

《Research Policy》2019,48(9):103810
We analyze the impact of accession to the regional patent system established by the European Patent Convention (EPC) on 14 countries that acceded between 2000 and 2008. We look at changes in patenting behavior by domestic and foreign applicants at the national patent offices and the European Patent Office (EPO). We find a strong change in patent filing behavior among foreigners seeking patent protection in the accession states, substituting EPO patents for domestic patents immediately. However, there is no discernible reaction among domestic entities in terms of domestic filings, although we do find some evidence that applicants in accession states increased their propensity to file patents with the EPO post-accession. Inventors in accession countries also increase their patent filings slightly post-accession, both at the EPO and at the national offices.  相似文献   

中国的专利行政诉讼案件可以分为两大类型,其一定法院对国家知识产权局作出的有关专利申请的审查决定和专利复审委员会作出的有关复审和无效审查决定的司法审查案件;其二是法院对各地方知识产权局关于专利/专利申请权属纠纷和专利侵权纠纷调处决定的司法审查案件。本文旨在对前者有关专利性司法审查的专利行政诉讼作一疏理:通过回顾典型案例,  相似文献   

本文运用创新和创新生态体系理论研究了财政资金科技成果的知识产权私权属性、知识产权资产特性、权利合理配置下放、知识产权准确评估等热点问题。国有资产管理不是阻碍科技成果转化和知识产权运用的主要问题,高校科研机构内部技术转移和知识产权运营机构能够有效解决科技成果转化过程中的供需不对接问题和信息与风险不对称问题,以及专利权利碎片化问题,应建立技术转移、知识产权管理和投资功能三类部门和人才团队,建立“相互支持、相互约束”的机制,建立种子投资基金。对于单位在一定时间内没有转化实施,不涉及公益性,或者知识产权较少的科技成果,可以将科技成果所有权或长期使用权下放给职务科技成果完成人。  相似文献   

张米尔  李海鹏  国伟 《科研管理》2019,40(8):189-197
在经济全球化背景下,专利国际化快速发展,正深刻改变着全球专利体系的格局,相关研究近年来开始受到关注;现有研究主要是围绕专利国际化的正面效应、负面影响、企业行为和专利政策展开,针对专利国际化质量的研究还很薄弱,无法对专利国际化的质量进行定量评价。为此,研究构建专利国际化质量指数,运用该质量指数,定量评价中国专利国际化进程;为定量评价专利国际化的质量,首先回顾专利国际化的演进过程,分析专利国际化的运作流程,选择主流的PCT体系,构建专利国际化质量指数;然后,选取PCT专利申请进入国家的数量,作为构建该质量指数的基础数据;由于各国或地区的专利申请量存在巨大差异,为反映专利国际化质量,还需要以申请总量进行修正;最后,根据国际专利申请的进展状况,提取该项申请进入的国家数,逐项累加获得进入国家的累计数,计算进入国家的累计数与年度申请总量的比值,构建专利国际化质量指数(PIQI)。运用构建的专利国际化质量指数,评价我国1994年以来的专利国际化进程;基于专利国际化质量指数的时间序列,采用层次聚类分析,分析不同阶段特点与差异,从而揭示我国专利国际化质量的阶段特征。研究结果表明,专利国际化的整体质量偏低,大幅低于同期的美国、日本和德国的质量指数;我国专利国际化的过程可划分为两个阶段,1994年至2009年,我国专利国际化质量指数呈现波动趋势;2009年以来,在专利国际化资助政策不断推出,国际专利申请快速增长之际,我国专利国际化质量指数却呈现下降趋势。近年来,专利国际化质量指数下降的原因,是大部分的国际专利申请未进入国家阶段,但在现行申请资助政策下,申请者却仍然可以套取资助,催生了大量未进入国家阶段的无效专利申请,背离了专利国际化的政策目标。因此,针对申请资助的专利政策必须调整,将专利政策的着力点后移到进入国家阶段,以鼓励国际专利申请进入国家阶段。  相似文献   

毛昊 《科学学研究》2016,33(8):1169-1176
立足于国际比较和制度实践,本文从专利研发周期与成本、专利实施与运用现状、创新主体专利保护强度诉求、专利诉讼机制运转等方面对我国专利制度实践进行了综述。同时在专利动机改变与制度异化,专利价值多元属性与质量评价,强弱专利诉讼机制等问题中进行了国际比较。进而提出借助专利调查平台拓展专利研究的思路,阐释了从专利制度、市场规律、政策绩效层面发掘中国专利调查学术价值的方法。本研究的政策指向在于呼吁政府开放基础调查资源,加强问卷设计科学性,优化组织管理流程,提升中国专利调查在学术研究中的基础性作用。  相似文献   

自改革开放以来,我国的知识产权司法保护取得了巨大成就,发挥了保护知识产权的主渠道作用。然而,在新形势下我国知识产权司法保护体系中的某些方面仍显薄弱,在知识产权审判组织的建设、知识产权法官专业素质的培养及审判方式的传承与创新等方面尚有较大的改进空间。笔者将结合我国知识产权司法保护的新形势,对此问题略陈管见。  相似文献   

基于世界知识产权组织WIPO Lex数据库的知识产权法律文本和欧盟知识产权局数据库的知识产权诉讼案例数据,针对中欧班列沿线英国、德国、荷兰、波兰、意大利5个国家的规则类知识产权政策,从政策保护力度定量化分级、政策执行重点及其演变历程、知识产权诉讼案例特征及热点等方面开展政策趋势和诉讼风险研究.结果 表明:(1)英国政策的数量和力度都居五国之首,荷兰的政策数量最低但其政策保护力度相对较高;(2)在政策颁布主体上,各国均涉及多家机构,且大量适用了欧盟理事会和欧洲议会的相关知识产权政策;(3)各国在版权与相关权利、知识产权相关法律的执行、知识产权监管机构等领域均具有较强的政策力度;(4)欧盟商标是五国知识产权诉讼重要领域,其中诉讼案件赔偿金额最大值最高的为英国、最低的为荷兰,最大值和最小值差额居五国之首的为德国,而"侵权""混淆可能性"等是各国诉讼案件普遍涉及的主题.根据研究结果,建议中国有关企业注意根据目标国家的司法体系差异,充分了解其知识产权法律法规和司法实践及其沿用的欧盟法律法规,制定综合性及体系性的知识产权布局策略,做好法律风险评估和采取规避措施,并注意了解在目标市场开展知识产权诉讼的基本策略和技巧,构建全方位的知识产权保护体系.  相似文献   

知识是一种标准的经济产品,其所有权可以进行明确的分配。但是,知识实际上是一种公共产品,这意味着它具有非竞争性和非排他性。在TRIPS协定中,要求所有全球经济体制中的国家都遵守始终如一的知识产权制度。从理论上讲。在国家层次和国际层次上,都不能运用始终如一的专利权保护的最低标准。  相似文献   

国家技术创新工程中专利信息资源的开发与利用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章深入探讨了专利信息资源的现状,总结了国家技术创新工程中不同创新主体的专利信息资源需求,凝练了不同的专利资源服务形态,并在基础上指出未来开展专利信息资源服务的发展趋势。  相似文献   

专利审查高速路的运行情况可以印证专利审查高速路的制度成效。专利审查周期的缩短和专利审查工作效率的提高等优势促进了合作模式的多元化和成员的全球化。通过数据分析可知,专利审查高速路参与率得到提升,有利于专利审查高速路的长远发展。面对日益激增的全球专利申请量,专利审查高速路表现了其强大的适应性和生命力。作为IP5 PPH的主要成员,我国应着眼于前瞻性的科技发展战略,积极参与专利审查国际协作制度的构建,适时加入Global PPH,为我国企业的专利布局、占领国际市场提供先机。  相似文献   

How do intellectual propriety rights (IPRs) help firms profit from their innovation? Innovation literature frequently turns to patents to measure innovative IPR, but more recent work shifts focus to the other side of IPR, namely, trademarks. This article therefore discusses the effects of trademark strategies when companies decide to introduce their product portfolios in a new foreign market. Entrants might opt for a common trademark across different country markets (integration) or use several country-specific trademarks (responsiveness). This empirical study exploits the quasi-natural experiment created by the tariff shock that affected Spain when it joined the European Union in the 1990s. Data from the automotive industry reveal how non-European companies that already operated in other European countries sought to enter Spain rapidly, using various trademark strategies. The product portfolio characteristics are fixed at entry, so this study can specify how and when trademark responsiveness versus integration affects firm performance. The results reveal that trademark responsiveness increases firm performance if the firms suffer high liabilities of foreignness or newness.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on Italian universities’ patenting activities between 1965 and 2002 and on the way they were affected by internal IPR regulations, set as part of broader responses to the increased level of autonomy granted to universities during the 1990s. Our analyses are based on a unique dataset including detailed information on all patents filed by Italian universities and university-level characteristics. Results show that: (1) in the last 10 years, the number of Italian university patents rose substantially; (2) patenting activities almost tripled in universities with an internal IPR regulation, after controlling for several universities’ characteristics, previous patenting activity and time trends; (3) each time a university creates its own patent regulation, there is a 9% increase in the likelihood that universities without any internal patent regulation will adopt one. Implications for university technology transfer policies are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper provides an empirical investigation of the national determinants of outbound international patenting, particularly focusing on the roles of trade-related influences and the destination countries’ strength of intellectual property protection. Based on cross-patenting from 30 member countries in the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) between 1995 and 1998, empirical results suggest that the behavior of outbound international patenting is strongly and positively associated with trade-related influences, like exports and outward foreign direct investments. Moreover, controlling for other variables, a country with stronger protection of intellectual property rights (IPR) tends to force more foreign inventors to file for patent applications, lending a supportive view of cross-country evidence for the strong-IPR hypothesis.  相似文献   

针对世界知识产权组织在日内瓦发布的《2020世界知识产权指标》报告中的专利数据展开分析.《2020世界知识产权指标》报告显示,我国专利申请总数和授权总数均位列世界第一.但数据显示,我国居民海外专利申请量还远远低于美国、日本等国家,我国海外专利布局区域不平衡,我国申请人有效专利流失严重,平均使用年限偏低.为此,我国应加快...  相似文献   

以2012—2020年中国企业在美国涉及的双方复审程序案件为研究对象,基于专利生命周期视角探讨技术研发投入、专利撰写属性、专利授权属性、专利运营状况、双方复审程序当事人类型等因素对双方复审程序审查决定的影响。进而针对双方复审程序审查决定的影响因素提出应对海外专利侵权风险的对策建议。  相似文献   

合作研发中的知识产权风险及其阶段表现   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
结合当前合作研发以及知识产权的已有研究成果,对合作研发中知识产权风险的概念进行界定,提出了知识产权风险分类的三个维度,并对合作研发不同阶段中的知识产权风险种类及其表现进行了阐述.本文的结论可以作为对合作研发知识产权风险进行系统研究的基础.  相似文献   

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