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In this paper, I use critical discourse analysis to analyze a student's narrative about the arrest, incarceration, and deportation of her mother to Mexico. The student, Gisela, was a fifth grader in my classroom during the 2008/2009 school year, and I encouraged the students to collect family stories from their relatives. Gisela created this story, and she wrote and illustrated this with the help of her father, student peers, and me. I draw on Gloria Anzaldúa's constructs of nepantla and nepantlera, narrative analysis, and systemic functional linguistics to show how Gisela's construed this story to create a powerful and creative narrative that disrupted autonomous forms of literacy along with the excluding and damaging discourses circulating about immigrants in our community.  相似文献   

胡勇  邱晴 《宜春学院学报》2011,33(7):108-110
批评话语分析主要目的是通过表面的语言形式,揭露语篇、意识形态和权势之间的关系。在国内某知名公司致广大用户的一封信中,及物性、人称代词和语篇的选择与运用,发挥着为其公司意识形态服务并且试图统治读者思想的作用。从批评话语分析角度对这封信的解读,能够促使读者对大众语篇进行批评性阅读,提高读者的批评语言意识与反控制意识。  相似文献   

新闻语篇历来是批评性话语关注的焦点之一,但鲜有关注自然灾害的。2008年初中国遭受了五十年未遇的雪灾。分析选自美国媒体《纽约时报》、国内英文报纸《中国日报》对中国雪灾的两篇相关报道,发现美国媒体对雪灾破坏程度的描述远比中国媒体所描述的严重,呈现出一个脆弱的中国形象。对语篇的批评性分析研究对英语学习者、教师和研究者在新闻阅读与教学上有一定的启示。  相似文献   

批评话语分析(critical discourse analysis)作为语言学中新兴发展的学派,其主要目的是通过分析人们设计的符号来揭示语篇中含而不露的意识形态。隐喻(metaphor)作为认知语言学中的一个重要理论,近年来受到国内外学者的广泛关注。隐喻与社会性之间的关系在某种程度上把认知理论与批评话语分析结合起来,使构建认知批评话语分析框架成为可能。本文以分析CDA中的隐喻现象为基点,旨在探讨构建认知批评话语分析框架的可行性与优势;发掘大众语篇背后隐藏的意识形态并呼吁读者以批评的眼光阅读此类语篇。  相似文献   

Political discourse on immigration policy often provides a window into a society’s boundaries of inclusion and exclusion. Here, we seek to understand how those in liminal positions respond to political debates that raise issues of boundary maintenance. Drawing from Bakhtinian concepts of authoritative and internally persuasive discourses as well as Gramsci’s concept of common sense, we analyzed how a superdiverse sample of 26 immigrant-origin adolescents (from Asia, Latin America, Africa, and Europe) responded to video segments of presidential debates from the 2012 U.S. election. Youth’s responses to presidential video clips about undocumented immigration policies fell along a spectrum from inclusionary to exclusionary, with many voicing mixed responses to immigration policies. Half of the youth referenced their own family’s migration experience when discussing immigration policy, most frequently in empathetic ways; however, this did not preclude them from aligning with discourses of exclusion. The theme of fairness was prevalent in their responses, yet it emerged in distinct ways. This work highlights the need to interrogate common-sense discourses of exclusion.  相似文献   

Critical Metaphor Analysis is a new method of critical discourse analysis. It aims at revealing attitudes, believes, emo?tions and ideologies of a specific group by comprehensively adopting the knowled...  相似文献   

This article examines three novels which use stories of elves—especially the ballad “Tam Lin”—as pre-texts, and contemplates how they explore the issue of Otherness. The three novels are The Sterkarm Handshake by Susan Price, Cold Tom by Sally Prue, and Fire and Hemlock by Diana Wynne Jones. Although the novels seem to be about elves as Other, they can be read as observations on human nature and human relationships. The article speculates on how encounters with the Other illuminate what humans are like and how these contacts affect the human characters by making them see themselves in a different light.
Akiko YamazakiEmail: Email:

多模态语篇分析是把所有交际模态都看成是意义生成资源来进行研究的一种语篇分析视角。在这种宏大背景下,语篇分析和理解过程中必然包含“作品人”与“读者”间的双向互动作用,即主体间性,对于外语教学有着深刻的指导意义。  相似文献   

批判性思维是以逻辑学为基础,对做出的判断和论证不断地进行提问、推理、分析、解释和综合性评价的认知能力。本文以一篇网文为研究对象,论述了如何运用批判性思维对提出的问题进行合理地评估。  相似文献   

本文对海外跨文化交际学研究中的批评转向和国内跨文化交际学研究者使用批评性话语分析的最新发展作简要述评,旨在为我国学者对本世纪跨文化交际学的研究方向和方法作战略调整提供参考。  相似文献   

以批评性语篇分析为理论基础,从词汇、语法、语篇三方面分析网络上很受欢迎的《搜狐北京播报》张朝阳对孙俪的采访,探讨权势现象,便于观众更好地欣赏此类谈话节目。  相似文献   

王梅 《中国轻工教育》2013,(1):32-35,42
本文从批评话语分析的视角探究在道歉语境中,人们如何选择道歉语来建构不同的权势与亲密关系,以达到自己的交际目的。文章主要涉及了对被动语态、人称代词、名词化与情态等语言形式的分析。对大众语篇的批评话语分析可以通过分析语言的表面形式来揭示隐含的语言与意识形态的关系.提高我们对语篇的敏感度,培养批评语言意识。  相似文献   

黄斌  毛梅娜 《海外英语》2014,(20):246-247
With the advent of Internet age,the audience can enjoy more“autonomy”from the internet than from other media.In consequence,it is said that people can keep“clear-minded”before Netnews,and ideology has been weakened and will even disappear in Netnews. However,from a textual perspective,ideology has been strengthened rather than weakened in Netnews.  相似文献   

Government policy stresses partnership as a critical organizational form of the future to support the development of schooling. This article uses intergroup conflict and gaming theory to analyse data from one partnership. The views of young people and staff are explored to establish the nature and extent of conflict and its impact on the partnership. Gaming theory is used to investigate the engagement and expectations of organizations in the partnership. The article challenges Government rhetoric that suggests that as experience and trust grow, partnership will overcome the barriers which exist as a legacy from previous more competitive and isolationist cultures, to the benefit of service users. It further suggests that the availability of adequate resources alone, if ever achieved, would not in itself create the conditions for successful partnership. Far more attention is required to be given to the complex range of conditions which might support partnership and increase the possibility that the interests of learners would not be subordinated to those of organizations.  相似文献   

In an attempt to understand how a narrowed version of accountability in the form of high-stakes assessment deepens inequity rather than improves educational equity, we examine three education documents in Jamaica using critical discourse analysis. Our two research questions were: How did each government document position the Grade Four Literacy Test? What did that positioning signify in terms of accountability and equity? Our analyses reveal that the discourse of equity becomes silenced or overpowered in the presence of powerful discourses of accountability. It is to this extent, we contend, that a narrower version of accountability in the form of high-stakes testing serves to compound and complicate inequities in education. We offer the view that a more comprehensive framework for accountability in which teachers are supported and literacy projects are comprehensive and sustained moves closer to achieving, over the long run, the equity that is needed in literacy at the primary level in Jamaica.  相似文献   

批评话语分析在语言学理论和实践上吸收了M.A.K Halliday的系统功能语法的思想,认为语言是一种社会实践,语言与社会结构是密不可分的.意识形态作为社会上层建筑,是社会结构中的一个重要方面.在政治演说中,演说者的目的不在于向听众提供信息,而在于劝诱,在于对意识形态的控制,而意识形态一般隐含在不同的语言手段中.林肯的《葛底斯堡演说》中,意识形态体现在不同的语言层面.演说者通过语言结构的选择来反映其意识形态.  相似文献   

预设是传统语用学研究的内容,然而批评语言学家对预设有着不同的看法,他们认为预设是话语生产者表达观点、态度,将意识形态自然化,操纵读者的一种有效手段.从批评话语分析的视角,通过实现交际目的或达到交际意图等方面来考察和解读预设,能够揭示预设被传统语用学所忽略的社会性和意识形态功能,提高我们对语言本质的认识.  相似文献   

This research examines some modes of Japanization through education in Okinawa where Japanese influences on education have permeated after Japan’s annexation. I investigate how a book excerpt entitled Mizu no Tōzai, included in high school textbooks in Okinawa, constructs Japanese identity. Mizu no Tōzai functions as nihonjinron discourse, which is characterized by ‘Japanese culture,’ ‘Japanese uniqueness,’ and ‘Japaneseness.’ The ‘East-West’ dichotomy, depicted in this nihonjinron discourse, induces students to choose ‘Japan’/‘Japanese culture’ and become ‘Japanese.’ Practice sections of Mizu no Tōzai in textbooks as well as a textbook guide operate to be complicit in this Japanese identity construction. Through a critical analysis of discourse, I reveal that the nihonjinron discourse operating as official knowledge, in collusion with the other discursive texts, produces a position subjected to the discourse of Japanization within which Okinawans become ‘Japanese.’ I problematize these discursive texts as a systematic form of Japanizing Okinawans’ minds through education.  相似文献   

批评语篇分析主要研究语言、权力和意识形态三者之间的关系,本文以系统功能语法的概念功能、人际功能和语篇功能为分析架构,对两则新闻报导进行比较分析,揭示意识形态决定着语篇生成的主导权,而语篇是意识形态的工具,起着维护该意识形态所从属的阶级、阶层或集团的利益、权力和统治的作用.  相似文献   

国际移民是国际人口流动的主要方式,它对目的国经济增长和劳动力市场产生重要作用。文章运用经济合作与发展组织(OECD)国家相关数据考察了国际移民对OECD国家经济及劳动市场的影响,得到以下结论:第一,移民流量对经济增长的影响不显著,但移民存量能够显著促进经济增长,即移民对经济增长的影响存在长期效应。第二,移民流量对目的国本地居民失业率影响显著,移民流量增加1%,失业率下降0.18%;移民存量同样能够显著降低本地居民失业率,移民存量增加1%,本地居民失业率下降0.48%。移民对失业率影响的长期效应大于短期效应。第三,移民流量及移民存量对目的国本地不同性别人口失业率影响均显著为负。第四,移民流量对本地居民工资水平的影响不显著,但是移民存量能够显著提升本地居民的工资水平。第五,移民存量能够同时降低高工资人员比例与低工资人员比例,进而在一定程度上缩小收入差距。第六,移民流量对目的国性别工资差异影响不显著,但是移民存量能够显著降低目的国性别工资差异。由此可见,国际移民显著影响目的国经济增长与劳动力市场,但是异质型国际移民对目的国经济增长及不同类型劳动市场的就业和工资水平的影响存在差异。  相似文献   

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