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本文通过对两个民办高等教育政策案例的分析,探讨了教育政策过程中的规则和自由裁量权的相互关系.在教育政策过程中,主导政策制定的上级教育行政部门为下级教育行政部门的政策执行设定了原则性的价值前提和事实前提.下级教育行政部门拥有较为宽泛的自由裁量权,有助于政策的创新和扩散.通过行使自由裁量权,下级教育行政部门可以介入具体政策的制定过程,由此模糊政策制定与政策执行的界限,使教育政策过程体现为教育行政机构上下互动和相互回应的特征.如何界定下级或执行机构的行政行为和政策后果,与如何界定执行机构的地位和身份以及整个组织环境的信任程度有关.通过制定更严密的规则和程序来控制自由裁量权的传统方式是失效的.  相似文献   


This article examines the relationship between primary teachers' professional autonomy and the increasing managerial control over teachers' work. It considers how the education policies of successive Conservative and New Labour administrations in Britain have tightened central control over education undermining teacher discretion and directly impacting upon the labour process of the professionals concerned. The research was undertaken in an English primary school and data gathered in a variety of contexts including observations of the teachers in classrooms and the staff room, a governors/parents meeting, informal conversations and a series of semi-structured interviews with staff. The study explores how teachers make sense of the managerial culture in education, and how this is reconciled with their ideas about teaching and learning, and their professional interests and individual career aspirations. Structuration theory (Giddens, 1976, 1979, 1984) is used as a theoretical framework to explore whether there is conflict between teachers' professionalism and the new managerialism and examine how primary teachers make sense of this inextricable relationship.  相似文献   

When discussing contributions from psychology in/to educational practices like school-based mental health promotion, it is peculiar that psychologists (of an educational or clinical kind) or education-oriented sociologists, both not often based in schools or classrooms, dominate the topic. It has been acknowledged that school staff have been over looked and underutilised in contributing to the discussion, particularly as this pertains to sharing perspectives on how they experience their role in relationship to education policy and practice. The study presented here looked to address this situation by seeking the perspectives of school staff on a range of concerns situated at the nexus between education and psychology. Contrary to the type of displaced assessment intimated above, this group of school staff generally accepts they perform a crucial task in supporting students, their main concern being to incisively question how they might negotiate existing role-related pressures to better current school-based practice.  相似文献   

Current debates about educational theory are concerned with the relationship between knowledge and power and thereby issues such as who possesses a “truth” and how have they arrived at it, what questions are important to ask, and how should they best be answered. As such, these debates revolve around questions of preferred, appropriate, and useful theoretical perspectives. This paper overviews the key theoretical perspectives that are currently used in physical education pedagogy research and considers how these inform the questions we ask and shapes the conduct of research. It also addresses what is contested with respect to these perspectives. The paper concludes with some “cautions” about allegiances to and use of theories in line with concerns for the applicability of educational research to pressing social issues.  相似文献   

This paper explores the issue of how a country for which the prioritization of public spending towards poverty reduction is a key policy concern can monitor the distributional effects of public spending. Employing standard benefit-incidence analysis, this paper empirically examines how public education spending is currently distributed in Yemen. It also considers the extent to which the distributional benefit to the poor should and can be improved, focusing on possible changes in cost sharing for higher education and on associated changes in budget allocations. The findings support the government’s decision to increase cost sharing while maintaining a high overall level of public education spending and provide a benchmark from which to monitor the impact of this and other education spending decisions on the poor.  相似文献   

中国教育正处在新世纪的重要战略机遇期,面对历史的关键时刻,运用科学发展观,立足教育在现代化建设中基础性地位和先导性、全局性作用的角度,思考中国教育如何运用科学发展观促进教育和人的全面发展,促进教育事业的协调发展,促进教育和人的可持续发展,加快从教育大国向教育强国迈进。  相似文献   

This paper reports a comparative analysis of international perspectives about curriculum design relevant to disability in education. It was part of a larger study of the perspectives of 132 education practitioners and administrators in the UK, USA and the Netherlands on several dilemmas of difference. It also compares current perspectives to previous ones for similar groups of educators from the 1990s. Participants were interviewed about their perspectives to a presented curriculum dilemma about the consequences of having either a common or a differentiated curriculum for children with disabilities/special educational needs. Findings show that a majority in each country recognised the dilemma about curriculum commonality–differentiation, that this has continued over a decade and that there were similarities across the countries in how the dilemma was recognised and resolved. The findings are discussed in terms of national differences, common cross‐country perspectives and a general framework of curriculum differentiation informed by an assumption of dilemmas of difference.  相似文献   

随着我国高校规模的扩大,高校青年教师队伍越来越庞大,并且青年教师必将成为我国未来高等教育发展的支撑者,同时也是我国向人力资源强国迈进的智力支持者,所以培养合格和优秀的高校青年教师的任务越来越紧迫。本文围绕怎样构建高校青年教师的素质能力要求体系,从党的教育方针、高校教师的思想政治道德要求、应具备的学科业务知识、教师职业修养、职业规划、高校师生关系几个方面进行了系统性的论述。  相似文献   

我国的高校教材建设,如今已经进入了一个崭新的时期。这个新时期的基本特征就是研究、改革、发展、创新。高校教材怎样建立起适应我国社会主义现代化建设和高等教育事业发展与需要的?构建反映当代国内外科学、文化、技术的先进水平,适应21世纪的具有中国特色的高等教育教材体系,是摆在广大高校教材工作者面前的一个重要任务。这个任务实践得好,就会大力促进和推动高校教学改革的发展,进而通过教学改革,培养出更多的适应新世纪改革和发展的新型人才。而教学改革的不断发展和创新,又反过来促进教材建设体系日臻完善,继而形成良性循环。那么教材建设与教学改革的关系如何?试从需要、改革、发展等角度,阐述高校教材建设和教学改革二者之间相互依赖、相互影响、相互促进、相辅相成、密不可分的关系。  相似文献   

This study investigated the statistical relationships between four motivational variables (i.e., intrinsic and extrinsic goal orientations, self-efficacy and perceived task value) and three types of learning practices (test drilling, rote learning and normal learning activities) based on the self-reported data of 258 undergraduate English majors preparing for a high-stakes English language test in China. Consistent with previous findings conducted in both washback and non-washback contexts, extrinsic goals geared towards the test significantly positively contributed to students’ test drilling and rote learning activities, while intrinsic goals positively affected their normal learning activities overall. Unexpectedly, intrinsic goals were also found to have a statistically positive, though indirect, effect on test drilling; meanwhile, both intrinsic and extrinsic goal orientations exerted positive influence, through the mediation of perceived task value, on rote learning activities. These findings would help us pinpoint how motivational factors interact with test impact in shaping washback on learning, and thus constitute evidence to underpin possible claims about washback from the target test (Messick, 1996). Implications of these findings for how to address negative washback are also discussed at the end of paper.  相似文献   

构建服务全民终身学习的教育体系是党和国家新时代教育改革发展的战略任务,而坚持和完善中国特色社会主义制度体系,推进教育现代化,则是谋划全民终身学习体系建设的两重视域和语境。构建全民终身学习体系必须置于中国特色社会主义制度框架内和教育现代化大局中进行设计谋划,坚持以科学理论为指导,形成推进全民终身学习共识;瞄准教育现代化目标,落实路线图和实施方案;把握全民终身学习体系要点,明确构建思路和举措。  相似文献   


The paper aims to analyse how pupils’ equal educational opportunities are warranted. We focus on how regulations of adapted education and the right to special needs education provide school leaders’ and teachers’ room for discretionary decision-making, how it is interpreted and how discretionary power is justified. The paper draws on findings from an interdisciplinary study (education and law) on the transformation of legal standards into professional actions in schools. This paper employs interview data from three compulsory schools (grades 1–10), legal documents, and public reports, and the analysis is guided by a conceptual distinction between structural and epistemic aspects of discretion. Based on our findings, we question whether the discretionary space regarding special needs education gives too many opportunities for action and, hence, weakens pupils’ legal rights. Under the guise of a common school, there is a risk that pupils’ special needs are made invisible.  相似文献   

Organizing higher education in a knowledge society   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The integration of higher education systems in the Western world has led both to development of overall strategies for the organization of higher education institutions by public authorities, as well as to strategies by higher education institutions aiming to position themselves within emerging higher education systems. This article first asks whether these developments represent converging or path dependent trends before it sketches a conceptual point of departure for the analysis of the relationship between institutions in higher education systems based on the effects of integration on academic hierarchies and functional specialization. Then I discuss how recent attempts at integrating higher education systems in Europe and the US may affect the relationship between institutions in the light of conceptions of education as a process by which students learn to learn or by which they learn specific occupational skills. Thirdly, the development is situated in a wider context where the relationship between different types of institutions are considered in relation to the spread of an extended and more utility oriented concept of knowledge. Finally, I consider briefly some possible future developments based on how modern capitalist and public managerialist knowledge regimes constitute conditions for higher education integration.  相似文献   

Cartesian dualism has left a heavy legacy in terms of how we think about ourselves, so that we treat humans as minds within bodies rather than mind/body unities. This has far‐reaching effects on our conceptualisation of the sex/gender distinction and on the relationship between bodies and identities. Related to this is a dualism that is embedded in how we think of children in schools; we focus on the soundness of the mind, with the sound body treated as an afterthought. This paper considers the effects of this dualism on the position of sex education both in the formal curriculum and in the physical and metaphorical fabric of schooling, considering how the body and its sexuality are both ubiquitous and marginalised within schools. I examine how schools discipline both children's bodies in general and their sexuality and sexual expression in particular, and contrast this with the sidelining of education through and about bodies, and the positioning of these aspects of education as potentially polluting.  相似文献   

Ontological perspectives in higher education and particularly in professional education and development have focused attention on the question of the learner’s being and becoming rather than on the epistemological concern of what and how they know. This study considers the formation of the professional self in the light of the requirements for professional practice. It raises the question of agency in relation to this formational process and considers the implications of the autonomy paradox which arises from the simultaneous influence of the sovereign self and the external authority of the profession on the formation of the professional self. This study considers a structural perspective on both of these matters and concludes with implications for professional education and development derived from constructive developmental theory and the notion of subject–object transformation.  相似文献   

国际人权教育的历史和理念   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
进入20世纪70年代,人权教育倍受国际注目。21世纪乃“人权的世纪”,这正成为世人的共识,在国际人权教育迅速发展的今天,如何全面把握人权教育的历史和理念,推进人权教育的顺利发展,无疑是我国教育工作教育面临的重要而紧迫的课题,为此,本文从历史和国际的视角,就欧洲评议会、联合国教科文组织、世界人权会议、联合国儿童基金会、联合国人权中心关于人权教育的理念进行简要述评。  相似文献   

Inclusive education policy, now the norm in many parts of the world including Iceland, is highly dependent on teachers for its successful implementation. Research on inclusion often attempts to identify teachers’ attitudes of inclusion (against/for). This article takes a different approach. It focuses on teachers’ perspectives of their professional practices; that is, how teachers understand what it means to be and practise as a teacher. We interviewed 10 Icelandic compulsory school teachers and also examined teaching logs and associated documents. The findings suggest that the teachers participating in this study have conflicting expectations towards their professional practice. They have unclear ideas about the inclusive ideology, and external factors influence teachers’ perception of their professional practice more than reflective practices. We suggest that these findings may well be applicable beyond the Icelandic context, and that they have implications for the overall in-service and pre-service education offered to teachers.  相似文献   

Current developments in higher education strongly indicate that the way ahead in many disciplines is much closer co-operation between academia and industry. There is growing demand that recognition should be given to learning, irrespective of the environment in which it occurs.This article reflects on what are deemed to be essential components of a degree, and considers how they might be transformed into forms suitable for demonstration in the work environment. The discussion is supported by findings of a survey carried out in conjunction with a development - Structured Industrial Practice Studies - which integrates academic learning and learning in the work environment for full-time students. The findings, however, are of relevance beyond the particular model of learning and mode of attendance. There appears to be potential for achieving in the workplace aspects of courses which, in recent times, have been the prerogative of higher education establishments. However, such potential is variable between working environments and is dependent on higher education providers adapting to different structures in delivery.  相似文献   

Higher education with Chinese characteristics is inherently embedded in both Chinese traditional culture and Chinese modern political culture. This article examines the ontological conception of higher education with Chinese characteristics from both conceptual and political perspectives. First, by illustrating the Government agenda and politics for the construction of higher education with Chinese characteristics, this article explains the particular roles played by individual universities and colleges. The article then moves on to describe the ontological conceptual framework used in identifying higher education with Chinese characteristics for the purpose of showing how higher education with Chinese characteristics differs from Western dominated higher education concepts and models. Both the distinction between the Eastern and Western contexts and the integration of the globalization and localization are involved in construction of the concept of higher education with Chinese characteristic. The final section considers the policy implications for the developing higher education with Chinese characteristics.  相似文献   

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