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Previous research has highlighted the positive effect that different warm-up protocols have on golf performance (e.g. Sorbie et al., 2016; Tilley & Macfarlane, 2012) with the design of warm-ups and programmes targeting and improving golf performance through the activation and development of specific muscle groups. This study aimed to examine the acute effects of two warm-up protocols on golf drive performance in comparison to a control condition. Using a randomised counterbalanced design over three testing sessions, twenty-three highly skilled golfers completed the control, dynamic and resistance-band warm-up conditions. Following each condition, a GC2 launch monitor was used to record ball velocity and other launch parameters of ten shots hit with the participants’ own driver. A repeated-measures ANOVA found significant increases in ball velocity (ηp2 = .217) between the control and both the dynamic and resistance-band warm-up conditions but no difference between these latter two, and a reduction in launch angle between control and dynamic conditions. The use of either a dynamic stretching or resistance-band warm-up can have acute benefits on ball velocity but golfers should liaise with a PGA Professional golf coach to effectively integrate this into their golf driving performance.  相似文献   

Whilst previous research has highlighted significant relationships between golfers’ clubhead velocity (CHV) and their vertical jump height and maximum strength, these field-based protocols were unable to measure the actual vertical ground reaction force (vGRF) variables that may correlate to performance. The aim of this study was to investigate relationships between isometric mid-thigh pull (IMTP), countermovement jump (CMJ), squat jump (SJ) and drop jump (DJ) vGRF variables and CHV in highly skilled golfers. Twenty-seven male category 1 golfers performed IMTP, CMJ, SJ and DJ on a dual force platform. The vertical jumps were used to measure positive impulse during different stretch-shortening cycle velocities, with the IMTP assessing peak force (PF) and rate of force development (RFD). Clubhead velocity was measured using a TrackMan launch monitor at a golf driving range. Pearsons correlation coefficient analyses revealed significant relationships between peak CHV and CMJ positive impulse (r = 0.788, < 0.001), SJ positive impulse (r = 0.692; < 0.001), DJ positive impulse (r = 0.561, < 0.01), PF (r = 0.482, < 0.01), RFD from 0–150 ms (r = 0.343, < 0.05) and RFD from 0–200 ms (r = 0.398, < 0.05). The findings from this investigation indicate strong relationships between vertical ground reaction force variables and clubhead velocity.  相似文献   

Stephen Mumford argues that aesthetic and moral values in sport are interdependent, focusing on cases where immorality taints beautiful performance. This interdependence thesis is insightful but, I argue, in need of refinement, as its normative implications are unclear and perhaps implausible (e.g. the Nazi aesthetics problem). I also challenge Mumford’s perspective on the infamous Dynamo Kiev death match. Whereas Mumford claims that the match’s morally oppressive circumstances detract from it so that ‘it was not something knowingly we should have admired aesthetically’, I argue that, on the contrary, and in light of what Mumford says about other cases, such circumstances actually enhance the game’s aesthetics such that it would be wrong not to appreciate it aesthetically.  相似文献   


The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of using poles on foot–ground interaction during trail running with slopes of varying incline. Ten runners ran on a loop track representative of a trail running field situation with uphill (+9°), level and downhill (?6°) sections at fixed speed (3.2 m.s?1). Experimental conditions included running with (WP) and without (NP) the use of poles for each of the three slopes. Several quantitative and temporal foot–ground interaction parameters were calculated from plantar pressure data measured with a portable device. Using poles induced a decrease in plantar pressure intensity even when the running velocity stayed constant. However, the localisation and the magnitude of this decrease depended on the slope situations. During WP level running, regional analysis of the foot highlighted a decrease of the force time integral (FTI) for absolute (FTIabs; ?12.6%; P<0.05) and relative values (FTIrel; ?14.3%; P<0.05) in the medial forefoot region. FTIabs (?14.2%; P<0.05) and duration of force application (Δt; ?13.5%; P<0.05) also decreased in the medial heel region when WP downhill running. These results support a facilitating effect of pole use for propulsion during level running and for the absorption phase during downhill running.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to examine the effects of viscoelastic properties of human tendon structures during stretch?–?shortening cycle exercise. The elongation of tendon and aponeurosis of the medial gastrocnemius muscle of 26 participants was measured by ultrasonography while they performed ramp isometric plantar flexion up to the voluntary maximum, followed by a ramp relaxation. The relationship between estimated muscle force and tendon elongation during the ascending phase was fitted to a linear regression, the slope of which was defined as stiffness. The percentage of the area within the muscle force?–?tendon elongation loop relative to the area beneath the curve during the ascending phase was defined as hysteresis. In addition, maximal voluntary concentric contractions at 2.09 and 3.14 rad?·?s?1 with and without prior eccentric contractions were performed. The difference in the concentric torque at equivalent joint angles with and without prior eccentric contractions (i.e. pre-stretch augmentation) was negatively correlated with stiffness (P <?0.05) and hysteresis (P <?0.05). Furthermore, there was a higher correlation between the pre-stretch augmentation and the viscoelastic properties index – that is, the sum of normalized score values of stiffness and hysteresis (P <?0.01) – than with either stiffness or hysteresis alone. The results of this study suggest that performance during stretch?–?shortening cycle exercise is significantly affected by the viscoelastic properties of the tendon structures.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to determine whether estimates of the speed–duration relationship are affected using different time-trial (TT) field-based testing protocols, where exhaustive times were located within the generally recommended durations of 2–15?min. Ten triathletes (mean?±?SD age: 31.0?±?5.7?years; height: 1.81?±?0.05?m; body mass: 76.5?±?6.8?kg) performed two randomly assigned field tests to determine critical speed (CS) and the total distance covered above CS (D?). CS and D? were obtained using two different protocols comprising three TT that were interspersed by 60?min passive rest. The TTs were 12, 7, and 3?min in Protocol I and 10, 5, and 2?min in Protocol II. A linear relationship of speed vs. the inverse of time (s?=?D??×?1/t?+?CS) was used to determine parameter estimates. Significant differences were found for CS (p?=?0.026), but not for D? (p?=?0.123). The effect size for CS (d?=?0.305) was considered small, while that for D? was considered moderate (d?=?0.742). CS was significantly correlated between protocols (r?=?0.934; p?D? (r?=?0.053; p?=?0.884). The 95% limits of agreement were ±0.28m?s?1 and ±73.9?m for CS and D?, respectively. These findings demonstrate that the choice of exhaustive times within commonly accepted durations results in different estimates of CS and D?, and thus protocols cannot be used interchangeably. The use of a consistent protocol is therefore recommended, when investigating or monitoring the speed–duration relationship estimates in well-trained athletes.  相似文献   


Our aim was to present a mathematical model of rowing and sculling that allowed for a comparison of oar blade designs. The relative movement between the oar blades and water during the drive phase of the stroke was modelled, and the lift and drag forces generated by this complex interaction were determined. The model was driven by the oar shaft angular velocity about the oarlock in the horizontal plane, and was shown to be valid against measured on-water mean steady-state shell velocity for both a heavyweight men's eight and a lightweight men's single scull. Measured lift and drag force coefficients previously presented by the authors were used as inputs to the model, whichs allowed for the influence of oar blade design on rowing performance to be determined. The commonly used Big Blade, which is curved, and it's flat equivalent were compared, and blade curvature was shown to generate a 1.14% improvement in mean boat velocity, or a 17.1-m lead over 1500 m. With races being won and lost by much smaller margins than this, blade curvature would appear to play a significant role in propulsion.  相似文献   

Skiing manufacturers depend on the development of new skis on trial and error cycles and extensive product testing. Simulation tools, such as the finite element method, might be able to reduce the number of required testing cycles. However, computer programs simulating a ski in the situation of a turn so far lack realistic ski–snow interaction models. The aim of this study was to (a) implement a finite element simulation of a ski in a carved turn with an experimentally validated ski–snow interaction model, and (b) comparison of the simulation results with instantaneous turn radii determined for an actual carved turn. A quasi-static approach was chosen in which the ski–snow interaction was implemented as a boundary condition on the running surface of the ski. A stepwise linear function was used to characterise the snow pressure resisting the penetration of the ski. In a carved turn the rear section of the ski interacts with the groove that forms in the snow. Two effects were incorporated in the simulation to model this situation: (a) the plasticity of the snow deformation, (b) the influence of the ski’s side-cut on the formation and shape of this groove. The simulation results agreed well with experiments characterising snow penetration. Implementation of the groove in the ski–snow interaction model allowed calculation of the instantaneous turn radii measured in actual turns, but also caused significant numerical instability. The simulation contributes to the understanding of the mechanical aspects of the ski–snow interaction in carved turns and can be used to evaluate new ski designs.  相似文献   


Drag is one of the major factors that influences kayaking performance. To focus on the drag of the kayak’s hull shape and the paddlers’ weight per se, the passive drag (Dp) was measured on a flat-water sprint course for one paddler with added weights. Dp was measured by an electromechanical towing device using a load cell, at incremental and constant velocities from 2.78 to 5.56 m/s. Three kayaks of different sizes and shapes (Nelo® K1 Quattro-M, ML, and L) were used and the paddlers’ body weight was adjusted with weights so the total paddler weight in the kayak was 65, 75, and 85 kg. The mean Dp increased by the power function of D = kvn (mean R2 = .990; SD .006). The Dp went from 21.37?±?1.29 N at 2.78 m/s to 89.32?±?6.43 N at 5.56 m/s. For the two lighter weighted kayaks (65 and 75 kg), the lowest Dp was observed with different kayak sizes (M, ML, or L) depending on the target velocity. The manufacturers suggest that paddlers should select a kayak size according to their body weight to minimise drag; however, the results of this study suggest that target velocities, and thus competition distance should also be factored into kayak selection.  相似文献   

The game of hurling is ranked as one of the fastest and most skilful field games in the world. It is played by a stick, hurley, made of ash wood and a ball, sliotar, made of a cork core or similar viscoelastic materials. Better standardisation of the game equipment requires analysing impacts to quantify precisely the effect of variations in equipment design on the resultant impact force at low and high striking speeds. Therefore, the purpose of the present study was to use a high-speed camera to (1) characterise the impact dynamics in term of impact force magnitude and duration, and (2) investigate whether a relationship exists between the game equipment and the magnitude of the impact force. An air cannon unit (ACU) test rig was set up to cause the sliotar to strike the hurley at predetermined speeds. A high-speed camera operating at 12,500 frames per second (fps) was used to capture 32 experimental impacts covering a range of sliotar and hurley brands, impact locations and impact speeds. The factor ??sliotar brand?? was identified as the most significant factor for the impact force among other main factors and two-factor interactions at a constant speed and it had a significant effect with up to 27?% difference between sliotar brands. It was demonstrated that, at higher impact speeds, the force?Cdeformation curves of the sliotar brands varied significantly, even though similar force?Cdeformation curves have been reported at quasi-static compression and similar COR values at low impact speeds using the standard free-drop test. This is the first known study to characterise the unique, highly non-linear and anisotropic sliotar?Churley impact using high-speed camera technology. It highlights the need for a tighter standard for sliotar materials and manufacturing to increase uniformity between different brands and strongly suggests that the standard free-drop test is not sufficient to characterise and compare game equipment.  相似文献   

The main purpose of this study was to examine the effect of chalk on the friction coefficient between climber's fingers and two different rock types (sandstone and limestone). The secondary purpose was to investigate the effects of humidity and temperature on the friction coefficient and on the influence of chalk. Eleven experienced climbers took part in this study and 42 test sessions were performed. Participants hung from holds which were fixed on a specially designed hang board. The inclination of the hang board was progressively increased until the climber's hand slipped from the holds. The angle of the hang board was simultaneously recorded by using a gyroscopic sensor and the friction coefficient was calculated at the moment of slip. The results showed that there was a significant positive effect of chalk on the coefficient of friction (+18.7% on limestone and +21.6% on sandstone). Moreover sandstone had a higher coefficient of friction than limestone (+15.6% without chalk, +18.4% with chalk). These results confirmed climbers' belief that chalk enhances friction. However, no correlation with humidity/temperature and friction coefficient was noted which suggested that additional parameters should be considered in order to understand the effects of climate on finger friction in rock climbing.  相似文献   

The bulk of interest in the role that interaction plays in learning in sport and physical education (PE) has focused on peer interaction at the expense of teacher–student interaction. This article redresses this imbalance in the literature by reporting on a study that inquired into the nature of teacher–student interaction and its effect on learning in PE swimming lessons in a French secondary school. Informed by an enactivist conceptualisation of learning, it emphasises the subjective dynamics of interaction to suggest that patterns of coordination should not be seen as being predetermined and determining student learning but, instead, as forms of engagement that influence, and are influenced by, the dynamics of interaction. In doing so it suggests the pivotal importance of teacher empathy for student learning through interaction in PE.  相似文献   


We analyse the evolution of the slope (critical speed) and the y-intercept (anaerobic distance capacity) of the linear distance–time relationship over a century of Olympic running performances. The distance–time relationship of each Olympic Games (1920–2004) was plotted using the performances in the 800-, 1500- and 5000-m track events. Values for critical speed and anaerobic distance capacity were determined by linear modelling. Mean performances for the 800, 1500 and 5000 m were 104.9 ± 1.5 s (1.4%), 217.2 ± 2.8 s (1.3%) and 808.9 ± 18.4 s (2.3%), respectively. Critical speed improved during the first three-quarters of the twentieth century to reach a plateau in 1984. This is in accordance with the literature (Peronnet & Thibault, 1989 Peronnet, F. and Thibault, G. 1989. Mathematical analysis of running performance and world running records. Journal of Applied Physiology, 67: 453465. [PubMed], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) and suggests that “human aerobic endurance” has improved within the century (+13.4%) and tends to stabilize. Anaerobic distance capacity was highly variable over the century (coefficient of variation = 9.4%) and did not show a linear improvement over the years as has previously been suggested (Peronnet & Thibault, 1989 Peronnet, F. and Thibault, G. 1989. Mathematical analysis of running performance and world running records. Journal of Applied Physiology, 67: 453465. [PubMed], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]). This could be due to an artefact in the application of the two-parameter model to only three Olympic performances. A limitation to the use of this linear mathematical model to fit physiological data may have been demonstrated.  相似文献   


Children normally lack the strength and physical characteristics required to use the equipment and rules of adult sports. Studies that utilise a test have shown that changes in the ball mass may improve shot performance and other ball handling skills. The objective of this study was to analyse with which ball participants played a higher number of one-on-one situations in basketball. The participants were 54 nine to eleven-year-old boys from six teams. We established three situations in which the participants played four games with each of the following balls: (a) regulation ball (485 g, 69–71 cm), (b) ball of smaller mass (440 g, 69–71 cm), and (c) ball of greater mass (540 g, 69–71 cm). The procedures that were followed were: (a) defining the variable, the dependent variable was the number of one-on-one situations; (b) instructing the observers and obtaining reliability, reliability was above 0.95; (c) monitoring the properties of the ball and filming the games; and (d) recording (four observers) the data from the observation of the game videos. The results reflected statistically significant differences for the number of one-on-one situations χ 2 (2, N=1,858)=44.510, P=0.000, indicating an increase when using the 440 g ball in comparison to the regulation ball, the 540 g ball, and the results of the reviewed studies.  相似文献   

The present study aimed to assess the effects of 12 months of frequent tennis play on executive functions and the relationships of daily moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA), physical competence, and enjoyment of playing tennis to executive functions in children. Thirty-two children (6–11 years old) who had regularly played tennis (once a week; mean?=?3 years, range?=?0–6 years) before the study were enrolled in a 12-month intervention. Participants were allocated into two groups: low-dose (maintain current frequency of tennis play, N?=?19) or high-dose (increased frequency of tennis play to four times per week, N?=?13). Participants’ MVPA, physical competence, enjoyment of playing tennis, and executive functions (i.e. inhibitory control, working memory, and cognitive flexibility) were evaluated before and after this intervention. The high-dose group demonstrated a greater improvement in working memory than the low-dose group, while there was no group difference in MVPA, physical competence, and enjoyment of playing tennis. Changes in MVPA were associated with improvements in cognitive flexibility. Changes in physical competence were associated with improvements in working memory and cognitive flexibility. Changes in the enjoyment of playing tennis were associated with improvements in inhibitory control. The current findings suggest that replacement of MVPA with sports activity, such as tennis enhances executive functions development, and suggest that sports programmes that seek to build competence and enjoyment might help support the development of executive functions in children.  相似文献   

Handling errors are often seen in professional rugby games and even more so in amateur rugby. This paper analyses the problem of ball mishandling using high-speed video footage of passes and a bespoke finger friction rig. The high-speed video analysis showed that when the ball is caught, often there is a fluctuating movement of the fingers over the surface of the ball. It also showed that the fingers move over the surface of the ball when the ball is thrown, confirming that the dynamic friction is a good measure of how easily a ball can be handled. Rugby ball surface samples were used, on a finger friction rig, to assess the coefficient of friction between the finger and the balls. The currently manufactured balls displaying the highest coefficients of friction in clean, dry conditions were the design with square, ‘sharp’ pimples and also the design with a mixture of small and large pimples. The most consistent ball across wet and dry conditions was the ball with round, large, densely populated pimples. It was also shown that when water is added to the surface of the ball or finger, there was little variation in performance between the ball varieties.  相似文献   

In 1874, after tennis had been played indoors for centuries, British officer Walter Wingfield introduced an open-air version of the game, which he called sphairistike or lawn tennis. He developed a lawn-tennis box that was easy to carry and that contained all the necessary equipment for playing. Wingfield's concept was innovative, not only technologically in both game and design, but also socially. He made it clear, for instance, that lawn tennis was also intended for ladies and he fabricated lighter rackets for women. Little is known, however, about the introduction of lawn tennis in the Netherlands. Our study reveals that the strong sales and marketing concept of Wingfield – and his competitors – also facilitated a quick diffusion of the game in the Netherlands. The first places where lawn tennis was played were estates owned by nobility, seaside resorts such as Domburg and Noordwijk, attracting well-to-do ‘Brits’ for recreational purposes, and – interestingly – also farms. Soon, the first ‘one box clubs’ arose as precursors of the formally established clubs. For most upper-class players, tennis was a leisure-time activity, yet the organization of the first national tennis tournament in 1887 shows that some already had lucrative business models in mind.  相似文献   

It has previously been shown that measurement of the critical speed is a non-invasive method of estimating the blood lactate response during exercise. However, its validity in children has yet to be demonstrated. The aims of this study were: (1) to verify if the critical speed determined in accordance with the protocol of Wakayoshi et al. is a non-invasive means of estimating the swimming speed equivalent to a blood lactate concentration of 4 mmol·l-1 in children aged 10-12 years; and (2) to establish whether standard of performance has an effect on its determination. Sixteen swimmers were divided into two groups: beginners and trained. They initially completed a protocol for determination of speed equivalent to a blood lactate concentration of 4 mmol·l-1. Later, during training sessions, maximum efforts were swum over distances of 50, 100 and 200 m for the calculation of the critical speed. The speeds equivalent to a blood lactate concentration of 4 mmol·l-1 (beginners = 0.82±0.09 m·s-1 , trained = 1.19±0.11 m·s-1; mean±s) were significantly faster than the critical speeds (beginners = 0.78±0.25·s-1 , trained = 1.08±0.04 m·s-1) in both groups. There was a high correlation between speed at a blood lactate concentration of 4 mmol·l-1 and the critical speed for the beginners (r = 0.96, P ? 0.001), but not for the trained group (r = 0.60, P > 0.05). The blood lactate concentration corresponding to the critical speed was 2.7±1.1 and 3.1±0.4 mmol·l-1 for the beginners and trained group respectively. The percent difference between speed at a blood lactate concentration of 4 mmol·l-1 and the critical speed was not significantly different between the two groups. At all distances studied, swimming performance was significantly faster in the trained group. Our results suggest that the critical speed underestimates swimming intensity corresponding to a blood lactate concentration of 4 mmol·l-1 in children aged 10-12 years and that standard of performance does not affect the determination of the critical speed.  相似文献   

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