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采用逻辑分析法与文献资料法对"草根足球"进行分析探讨。"草根足球"是足球运动中不可或缺的重要因素,对在世界范围内推动足球运动的发展有着重要的意义,其本身发展的好与坏深受国家体育政策与足球运动水平的影响。  相似文献   

以2009年中国足坛扫赌反黑风暴事件为视角,并结合我国足坛历年来的假赌黑事件,对我国足球假赌黑发展过程及成因进行了深入研究。结果表明:中国足球假赌黑的形成受多方面因素的影响,其不单单是足球管理体制的问题,更是社会主义市场经济发展过程中各方面因素综合作用的结果。  相似文献   

运用SWOT分析我国群众足球运动现状,认为:足球运动具有开展条件灵活,规则简易,能提供实现社会规范教育功能,利于社交的优势。存在运动艰辛程度高,运动内涵与中国体育文化思想存在冲突,主管部门指导与支持不足的劣势。同时,一个信息、交通发达并要求人能团结协作的社会环境,给群众足球运动发展带来新的机遇;诚然,也面临着场地设施不足、媒体不断弱化足球魅力,削弱群众参与激情和群众健身需求日益多样化的威胁。  相似文献   

足球比赛中裁判员的角色至关重要,是足球运动不可或缺的组成部分,对足球运动的普及和发展起着不可或缺的作用。贵州省足球运动起步较晚,足球裁判队伍的建设严重不足、存在执法裁判人数较少、素质较低、水平较差等诸多问题,已成为当前阻碍我省足球运动发展的重要因素。文章对贵州省足球裁判队伍的管理现状进行分析,并提出了相应对策。  相似文献   

中国足球"西来说"质疑   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
把中国古代的足球运动和英国现代的足球分割开来,认为世界足球最早起源于中国,世界现代足球起源于英国;中国的蹴鞠在清代灭亡了,现代足球是由英国传入中国的。足球西来说是不正确的。足球最早产生于中国,曾经兴盛于中国;英国的现代足球是在中国古代的足球运功动传入英国以后逐步形成的,然后伴随着清代末期英国对于中国的入侵又返回到了中国。中国古代的足球运动在清代末期进入了一个发展低谷。  相似文献   

李光浩 《精武》2014,(36):46-47
随着"全民健身"口号的提出,足球运动及相关竞赛、训练体系越来越受到人们关注,并融入大众的日常生活。虽然我国的足球运动已发展多年,但问题依旧突出(包括竞赛体系、训练体系两方面的问题)。建立完整且相对稳定的竞赛和训练体系,是我国足球发展现阶段亟待解决的问题。根据世界优秀足球运动员的成长规律和足球训练规律,结合我国国情和足球运动发展现状,提出了中国足球竞赛和训练体系方案以及职业队的训练过程结构和青少年足球训练大纲。本文旨在通过相关调查找出日前我国足球竞赛体系和训练体系中存在的问题,并针对这些问题给出相应的解决对策。  相似文献   

Over the last two decades there has been a growth in research directly related to football. Although most of this research is focused on soccer (association football), there has been a steady increase in publications related to the other football codes. There is evidence of more systematic training and selection influencing the anthropometric profiles of players who compete at the highest level. Fitness is being optimized to cope with match demands while accommodating the need for specific requirements of positional roles. There is evidence of work rate being higher in contemporary football games than in previous decades, with consequences for training and dietary practices. Notation analysis of actions during matches is now used regularly to provide detailed objective feedback on performance to players and coaches. Training regimens are designed for game-specific purposes where possible. Sports psychologists working in a football context have a more eclectic body of knowledge to draw from. In the professional soccer clubs, the rewards associated with a successful investment in youth academies have helped to focus attention on talent identification and development models. It is a challenge to those specializing in science and football to contribute to the success of such schemes.  相似文献   

儿童和青少年时期系统的足球训练,可以促进年轻足球运动员专项技能和专项体能的发展。旨在结合最新的研究成果、科学知识和应用实践,区分5岁到成年足球运动员的训练目标和方法,审视足球长期教育过程是否符合现代足球训练、运动表现和比赛的要求。强调各个年龄组足球运动员应有特定的足球教育理念、训练目标和方法,这对青春期(U15和U17)及青春期后(U19和U21)的足球运动员尤其重要,因为他们必须准备并确保顺利过渡到精英足球运动员水平。  相似文献   

Previous research into sports officiating at the elite level has primarily focused on factors that impact negatively on sports officials, including experiences of abuse, time pressures and fear of failure. However, factors that have positively influenced the development of elite officials have largely been neglected. This is problematic, as a better knowledge about how elite officials progress to top-tier competitions may improve officiating performance and role satisfaction. This study therefore, aims to identify factors that work positively for individuals who seek to reach elite levels of sport officiating. This is important because it can assist our understanding of how to create a positive environment for the development of young officials, thereby helping with role satisfaction, improved chances of retention and, where appropriate, pathways into career development at the elite level of sport. The context for this study is Australia, with a focus on national competitions in basketball, football (soccer) and Australian Rules football as representative samples for referees and umpires.  相似文献   

采用文献资料法、逻辑分析法讨论职业足球、社会足球和校园足球的关系。认为:校园足球不仅可以为职业足球培养后备人才,还能丰富社会足球的人员组成结构;职业足球可以为社会足球和校园足球提供相应的指导;社会足球可以营造"足球热"气氛,使更多的人参与进来,扩大足球人口;促进足球产业发展,繁荣足球市场,为职业足球更好的发展提供了基础,并扩展校园足球的发展空间。  相似文献   

Women’s football (soccer in the US) does not reach the same overall popularity levels as men’s football measured on a variety of factors, i.e. league attendances, participants, media attention, fan engagement or strength of business models as it translates into brand equity and revenue generation. This article investigates how a new sports product, i.e. a new football (soccer ball) labelled ‘Sensational 1’, and its interaction with positive participation numbers concerning women’s football in Denmark can enhance the brand equity of women’s football in Denmark and exploit the associated commercial opportunities. In doing so, the article discusses how this development relates to factors like winning and success, passion and the business of sports, accountability and role models, brand articulation and marketability in the context of women’s football in Denmark.  相似文献   

张斌  付涛 《湖北体育科技》2012,31(6):697-699
在世界足球迅速发展的今天,普及提高群众足球运动和高校足球水平,提高全民身体素质仍然是我国要急需解决的问题。高校正是开展群众足球运动和培养足球人才的一片沃土,五人制足球运动在高校体育中的发展,不仅能提高学生的技战术能力和欣赏比赛能力,还能提升学生积极参与的体育意识。目前多数高校体育活动场所严重不足,大学生足球爱好者活动空间越来越少。在此背景下,高校大力发展推广五人制足球运动十分必要。  相似文献   

球迷攻击行为的成因及对策研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
运用献资料法对足球比赛中球迷攻击行为产生的原因及影响因素进行研究,并提出预防和控制球速攻击行为的对策,以推动足球比赛的健康发展。  相似文献   

The growing popularity and developments in football/soccer have affected the football/soccer industry dramatically. The popularity and developments have increased the interest of companies in the last two or three decades. Companies have started to invest and become a sponsor of football/soccer clubs. Jersey sponsorship has emerged as a result of the increasing interest and investments. Nowadays, the jersey sponsorship is popular and has become an important type of revenue source for football/soccer clubs. As a result of popularity of jersey sponsorship, jersey sponsors must be investigated and analysed. This paper deals with the industry classification of the main jersey sponsors which have names and logos on the front of the football/soccer clubs home jerseys. A total of 1147 football/soccer clubs in 79 countries top leagues, as of 31 December 2012, have been investigated. The Industry Classification Benchmark is used to classify the industries of the main jersey sponsors of football/soccer clubs.  相似文献   

为了解南非世界杯国籍问题球员的流动特征,运用文献法、调查法和统计法对108名有国籍问题的球员进行分析。结果表明:南非世界杯国籍问题球员绝大多数有移民背景,选用国籍问题球员在当今的国际足坛已经是一种普遍现象;国籍问题球员在流动趋向方面体现了输入与回流双向交替的特征;输入与回流球员不仅要考虑技术需要,更要考虑国家或民族认同问题;欧洲足球体系发达国家输入球员是有目的、有计划的,足球发展中国家回流球员最大化地利用了国际足联的国籍新规定。怎样合理地应对国际足联的国籍新规定从而促进我国足球事业的不断发展是本研究的出发点。  相似文献   

李谦 《精武》2013,(35):190-191
本论文首先针对吉木乃县小学足球运动开展现状进行了初步调查。采用文献资料法,问卷调查法等方法收集所需要的第一材料并进行分析得出吉未乃县小学生中对足球运动的兴趣、参与程度、课外活动,足球队的建立及足球训练参赛情况,校领导,家长对子女参与足球运动的支持程度,掌握了本县对足球运动课外活动,足球训练的水平及场地器材等一些情况。论文根据实事求是的态度和所掌握的材料进行科学统计的方法分析、研究后对本县小学足球运动的发展情况有了正确的认识,同时通过现状调查对足球运动将来的发展提出几条建议,希望足球教师和教练员在足球训练及足球教学实战工作中参考。  相似文献   

2007年的阿尔加夫杯的失利使套在中国女足身上的光环彻底褪去,中国队的排名也掉至历史最低的第11名,中国女子足球曾经是世界女子足球的劲旅,是我国竞技体育的一个优势项目,本文通过文献资料法,逻辑推理法,以及数理统计法,研究中国女足现状,分析中国女足现阶段落后的原因,揭示存在问题,为中国女足可持续发展提出建议。  相似文献   

球员租借在欧洲兴起并得到很大发展,在2003年冬天欧洲的球员转会市场上,交换和租借性质的转会几乎统领了所有交易。由于现代足球在我国发展比较晚,各项体制和制度不尽完善,以租借形式的球员流动在中国转会市场上几乎凤毛麟角。分析球员租借的利弊,结合我国国情,初步探讨了在我国球员转会市场上实施球员租借的可行性。  相似文献   

Arab politics have been written into the DNA of the Asian Football Confederation (AFC) starting with the expulsion of Israel in 1974. The expulsion like that of Taiwan the same year underscored the incestuous relationship between politics and sport that is among the most prevalent in the Middle East and North Africa despite self-serving denials by the high and mighty of regional and international sports. A failure by world soccer body FIFA in the cases of both Israel and Taiwan to follow through on threats to sanction the AFC for violating the charters of the world and Asian soccer body with the expulsions has shaped global soccer's attitude towards autocratic regimes. In the Middle East and North Africa, FIFA's and the AFC's refusal to insist on adherence by national associations to their principles, rules, and regulations amounted to effective support for autocratic rule in a soccer crazy region where rulers see the game as a key tool to retain power by exercising absolute control of public space and an institution that evokes deep-seated passions.  相似文献   

江苏省青少年足球教练员入力资源开发研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
在对江苏省青少年足球教练员人力资源状况进行调查的基础上,分析了江苏省青少年教练员人力资源的基本结构特征和制约其发展的因素,提出江苏省青少年足球教练员人力资源开发的指导思想和基本原则;提出围绕江苏省体育发展的战略需求,使青少年足球教练员的总量及增量与青少年足球人口和谐发展的目标任务以及进一步加大体教结合力度等一系列对策。  相似文献   

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