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视力残疾的学前儿童能否很好地适应一年级的学习和生活,关键在于幼小衔接工作是否到位。本文阐述了盲校幼儿园与小学的衔接现状,同时通过定向行走能力、生活自理能力、社会交往能力、感知觉能力、盲文技能等方面问卷调查,分析了视力残疾儿童幼小衔接工作的现状,并提出相应的解决对策。  相似文献   

The expert-performance approach guided the collection of survey data on the developmental history of elite professional ballet dancers from three different countries/cultures (USA, Mexico, and Russia). The level of ballet expertise attained by age 18 was found to be uniquely predicted by only two factors, namely the total number of accumulated hours of dance practice through age 17 and the age of first having the “idea of becoming a professional dancer.” Older starting ages were associated with a more rapid increase of weekly training, so starting ages were not correlated with amount of practice accumulated at age 17 or attained ballet performance by age 18. Different detailed developmental paths leading to elite ballet performance are described and their theoretical implications discussed.  相似文献   

There is a danger that transition becomes a concept that aids the official reality of a school or education system to mask the unofficial system difficulties. This article distinguishes four very different understandings of transitions that underpin research in education on this issue. Going beyond a typical systems framework for understanding transitions, frequently, it is not the change features associated with transition that are the key issue. Rather it is the stability issues, the residual background environmental conditions that require change. Fundamental problems become glossed over through attributing problematic features to transition rather than background environmental stasis. Four different meanings of transition include: System mismatch where at least one system needs reform—the transition bridge is not the problem; Transition represented as system mismatch between two purportedly well-functioning areas displaces the problem as being one of contrast rather than system quality; Transition as a system blockage and fragmentation in communication between transition environments; A transition strategic focus on individual change to the foregrounded child through supports in moving from background environment A to B. Spatial metaphors of bridge and yo-yo are used to aid temporal understanding of transitions. Nevertheless, this masks the need for a further spatial interrogation into background conditions sustaining systemic processes and practices.  相似文献   

Background: Transition to school is a highly demanding phase at an intellectual, social and emotional level and is, therefore, an opportunity for growth and development. Despite the greater emphasis given to school transition in Portugal over recent years, namely by means of new educational policies, studies on the adaptation processes involved in the transition to primary school are still scarce.

Purpose: The present qualitative study sets out to contribute to the knowledge on the adaptation process of children to school transition (around age 6) in Portugal, by comparing preschool teachers’, primary school teachers’, and parents’ perceptions about success indicators and relevant factors in the transition to school.

Design and method: In order to collect data, 14 focus group interviews with different participants were conducted, three with preschool teachers (N = 18), three with primary school teachers (N = 13), four with parents conducted before the child’s transition to primary school (N = 14) and four with parents conducted after the child’s transition to primary school (N = 20).

Results: While the preschool and primary school teachers stressed factors of a family nature, such as parental involvement and parental support of children, the parents referred more frequently to the overall running of the school and the characteristics and methodology of the teacher as being relevant to the adaptation process in the first year of primary education.

Conclusions: The findings suggest different factors associated with adaptation to school and also offer clues for designing strategies to facilitate such adaptation. New strategies are needed to facilitate the construction of a robust educational family–school partnership.  相似文献   

The question of how academics in higher education institutions demonstrate they have the ability to teach and provide a high quality learning experience challenges the sector. Within this context, the use of professional dialogue for recognising teaching expertise is growing. This qualitative research explored how 16 academics valued their engagement in professional dialogue, and its impact as a developmental opportunity. The findings underline the importance of the relational and social aspects and value of this type of professional learning.  相似文献   

This study examined ways in which expert and novice teachers mentally represent classroom problems in matters of instruction, assessment, and curriculum planning. A triad judgement task was administered to expert teachers (n=20) and novice teachers (n=98) to determine whether deep, structural features (i.e. the theoretical underpinnings associated with the problem) and/or surface features (narrative characteristics of the problem including grade level and subject) were used to interpret and represent a problem situation presented in a classroom context. Findings were consistent with results from previous studies examining problem representation among experts and novices in other domains. That is, the experts in this study primarily relied on the deep features to form a mental representation of a problem situation whereas the novices tended to rely on surface structures to do so. However, findings also revealed that novice teachers relied on the deep, structural features of the problem under certain conditions.  相似文献   


In this paper, we interrogate the current views on medical expertise, and expertise more in general, by building upon the study of an innovative medical procedure called transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI). We find that phenomena like TAVI require that we modify our traditional views of expertise to acknowledge its social, material and distributed nature. We also find that in the case of TAVI expertise feeds upon the broad circuits of knowledge created by the combination of professional relationships, social ties and, increasingly, economic interests. Becoming and remaining an expert implies not only being socialised in a local regime of activity but increasingly also participating in, learning to navigate, and exploiting alternative and potentially competing circuits of knowledge, which may be controlled by private companies. The case of TAVI helps us to appreciate expertise as a translocal and connected phenomenon and foreground some of the implications of the emergence of proprietary circuits of knowledge.  相似文献   

构建中小学生品格结构并研发中小学生品格测评工具,可以进一步提高中小学生品格教育的科学性、针对性和实效性。在中国学生发展核心素养的重要理论基础上,结合国内外文献分析和中国的实际需求,并基于对一线教师的半开放式问卷调查,明确提出了在中国文化背景下中小学生品格的结构包括品(品德)和格(人格)两部分,每部分包括8个品格特质,总共有16个关键的品格特质。然后编制了中小学生品格测评问卷,并进行结构验证以及信度和效度的检验。问卷施测的结果表明,品格是一阶16因子和二阶2因子的多维结构,同时品格测评问卷的信度和效度符合测量学的要求。这不仅为中小学生品格的规范性评估提供了有效的测评工具, 也为落实立德树人和发展学生核心素养奠定了良好的理论基础。  相似文献   

Few studies have investigated how preschool and primary school interact to influence children's cognitive development. The present investigation explores German children's numeracy skills between age 3 (1st year of preschool) and age 7 (1st year of primary school). We first identified the influence of preschool experience on development while controlling for child factors, family background, and the quality of the home learning environment (HLE). We then considered how the instructional quality of primary schools influences numeracy. We finally analysed how preschool and primary school interact. We sampled 547 children who attended 97 German preschools. Latent growth curve analyses identified child and family factors related to age 3 numeracy and development to age 7: gender, migration background, socioeconomic status (SES), mother education, HLE. The effects of preschool on numeracy development persist until age 7 with notable effects from process quality. Strengthened efforts are needed to ensure high quality preschool education in Germany.  相似文献   

By implementing a system of common formative assessments, the teachers at an American urban elementary school improved student achievement and facilitated their own professional development. By aligning content standards with assessments and purposeful instruction, the teachers at this school developed a depth of knowledge about their content standards, improved their ability to design assessments, learned to better link assessments with instruction, and planned for intervention for students who continued to struggle with reading and writing.  相似文献   

从小学过渡到初中,要帮助学生适应新的学习环境,树立新的学习目标和自信心,培养他们良好习惯的养成.  相似文献   

本文以萨马拉州为例,分别从俄罗斯联邦中央、萨马拉州和萨马拉市中学三个层次,阐述俄罗斯中小学公民教育体系的构建。中央联邦颁布宏观政策引领公民教育发展,地区公民教育中心制定本州公民教育基本模式,学校根据自身情况通过课程、课外活动等方式具体实施公民教育。三级体系相互依托共同完成公民教育任务。  相似文献   

Modern universities are increasingly fragmented due to increased professionalization and specialisation, which add to the complexity of academic development work. This situation warrants initiatives and actions that can facilitate a more collective, collaborative orientation among staff and students. Consequently, this article reflects on the factors driving the fragmentation of universities, the increasing tensions associated with this tendency, and the potential role academic developers may play to negotiate different interests that arise as a result. Cultural work is identified as a potential concept for academic developers to explore; attention to it can help them to maintain relevance within the university and adapt to future changes.  相似文献   

This paper proposes an initial model for the care and support of primary school children coping with family situations and family changes. The model is built on existing counselling literature, incorporating the perceptions of teachers, children and parents on their needs for support and a small empirical study by the author on teachers' perceptions of the roles and functions of the personnel involved in supporting children in changing familial situations. In proposing the model for schools the author argues for the need for a multi‐systemic approach which emphasises involving home–school cooperation and acknowledging the unique ‘East meets West’ hybrid context in Hong Kong. The use of the model in relation to teacher education, counselling practice and research is discussed. Implications of this model for other locales having similar hybrid contexts, particularly a mix with a Chinese cultural heritage, are also discussed.  相似文献   


The purpose of this qualitative study was to investigate the contributions of pre-service teachers’ memories of science and science education, combined with their experiences in a STEM-focused teacher preparation programme, to their developing identities as elementary school teachers of science. Data collected over three years include a series of interviews and observations of science teaching during elementary teacher preparation and the first year of teaching. Grounded within a theoretical framework of identity and using a case-study research design, we examined experiences that contributed to the participants’ identity development, focusing on key themes from teacher interviews: memories of science and science instruction, STEM-focused teacher preparation programme, field experiences, first year of teaching, and views of effective science instruction. Findings indicate the importance of exposure to reform strategies during teacher preparation and are summarised in main assertions and discussed along with implications for teacher preparation and research.  相似文献   

建设人力资源强国、实现文化强国基础教育的地位、作用重要,中小学课本质量所生发的效应、效益是不言而喻的。因而,课本的文化品质须重视、保证,对课本瑕疵、错误应零容忍。提高课本文化品质是文化发展的重要方面,课本需更好地为文化繁荣与社会进步加油。课本属大众文化商品,它是文化育民、文化惠民、文化富民与使优秀文化草根化、生活化的重要途径,是文化及发展水平的样本,关注、全面提高课本文化品质是文化繁荣的现实诉求。  相似文献   

从新中国成立至今,我国就幼小衔接教育工作相继出台过一系列教育政策,经历了从幼儿园单向执行主体时期(1949~1988年)到幼儿园和小学双向执行主体时期(1989~2009年)再到多元利益相关者执行主体时期(2010年至今)的演变过程。本研究采用由政策工具和幼小衔接生态系统维度构成的分析框架对这些教育政策进行分析,结果发现其使用的政策工具趋于多元化,但各类政策工具的组合配置仍缺乏系统性;幼小衔接生态系统趋于综合化,但各子系统的具体内容仍不够全面;政策总体趋于科学化,但在幼小衔接关键问题上仍不够科学;中央政府与地方政府颁布的相关政策一致性较高,但在互补性上仍有待提高。政策工具的特性、政府的偏好、幼小衔接生态系统的复杂性及相关研究的滞后是影响我国幼小衔接教育政策的主要因素。未来在完善幼小衔接教育政策时,应注意中央政府与地方政府相关政策的衔接和互补;根据政策问题的性质选择恰当的政策工具,优化政策工具之间的组合配置;合理利用激励性工具和能力建设工具,提升幼小衔接教育政策的可行性;全面剖析幼小衔接生态系统中的各方利益诉求,统筹配置相关政策工具;加强幼小衔接关键问题研究和政策转化,促进幼小衔接教育政策科学发展。  相似文献   

三类残疾人从学校到工作过渡的问题与对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
运用西方“从学校到工作的过渡”的职业教育理论,对三类残疾人从学校到工作的过渡作了界定,分析了近年来三类残疾人从学校到工作的过渡的现状,归纳了他们从学校到工作的过渡的问题,并针对存在的问题提出了解决策略。  相似文献   

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