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Evren Erzen 《教育心理学》2016,36(10):1728-1741
The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of attachment styles and self-efficacy of adolescents preparing for university entrance exams in Turkey on predicting test anxieties. The study group consisted of 884 final-year high school students (423 female and 461 male) attending different types of high school, preparing for university entrance exams and aged between 16 and 19. Participants were administered the Relationship Scales Questionnaire, the Self-Efficacy Scale and the Test Anxiety Inventory in groups in a classroom environment for data collection. Results showed that test anxiety is significantly correlated with self-efficacy and attachment styles. Dismissing, fearful and secure attachment styles and self-efficacy have the potential to predict test anxiety. In addition, the variable of gender was determined as influencing factors in test anxiety.  相似文献   

Grit has been defined as passionate perseverance toward long-term challenging goals and it is associated with various positive outcomes for youth, including academic achievement. However, less is known about these associations for the two facets of grit (i.e., perseverance of effort, consistency of interest) and few studies have examined the link between grit and perceived social support. The present study examined the group-level demographic differences (i.e., gender, grade, socioeconomic status, and special education status) of grit in a high school sample (N = 1,077). In addition, direct associations between grit and perceived social support from multiple sources (i.e., teacher, classmate, parent) were examined, as well as a potential enhancing effect of social support as a moderator of the relation between grit and academic achievement. Results indicated positive associations among grit and its facets with social support from parents and classmates. Furthermore, the positive relation between grit and achievement was stronger for students reporting high social support from teachers, but not other sources (i.e., classmates, parents). Practical and theoretical implications for promoting student success are discussed.  相似文献   

The practice of cyberbullying in its various forms carried out by pupils has increased substantially. Many pupils, on a daily basis, are now using electronic devices such as mobile phones, smart phones and tablets, to transmit distressing messages and images to their peers. These often include the use of publically accessible social networking sites, such as Facebook, Instagram and YouTube. Given this increase, cyberbullying in schools has been widely investigated by researchers in many countries. A common feature of cyberbullying is the moral disengagement of those who practise it, based on the desensitization of prosocial values and emotional empathy towards another person. A consensus has emerged regarding the importance of establishing anti-cyberbullying policies and practices, and the need to address cyberbullying within the school’s pastoral care system and its personal and social education programme. However, few researchers have justified anti-cyberbullying practices within the framework of a particular educational theory. This paper examines how the theoretical and methodological assumptions underpinning a social pedagogy of pastoral care in schools can enable the education community to better understand and avert the moral disengagement which commonly underpins cyberbullying.  相似文献   

大学生人格特征、社会支持对应对策略的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通过对316名大学生人格特征、社会支持和应对策略的分析,探讨大学生人格特征和社会支持对应对策略的影响,结果表明:(1)高社会支持水平会增加积极应对策略的使用;(2)人格特征对个体应对策略使用的影响力大于社会支持;(3)最容易受人格特征因素影响的应对策略是解决问题;(4)高行事风格人格特征会增加消极应对策略的使用,减少解决问题这种积极应对策略的使用;(5)高情绪性人格特征会增加消极应对策略的使用,同时也会增加求助应对策略的使用;(6)高外向性人格特征会增加积极应对策略的使用,减少消极应对策略的使用,这种人格特征相对于其他人格特征来说对个体应对策略的影响最大。  相似文献   

The postpartum period is a vulnerable period for women with a history of childhood maltreatment. This study investigated the association between childhood maltreatment and postnatal distress three months postpartum and examined the role of social support provided by different sources (intimate partner, parents, parents-in-law, and friends). Analyses are based on N = 66 women, who were screened for maltreatment experiences shortly after parturition with the Childhood Trauma Questionnaire. Their levels of postnatal distress (symptoms of depression, anxiety, and stress; assessed with the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale and the 4-Item version of the Perceived Stress Scale) and postpartum social support (measured with the Postpartum Social Support Questionnaire) were assessed three months postpartum. Adjusting for educational level and the experience of a recent stressful event, childhood maltreatment was directly associated with higher levels of postnatal distress. Social support provided by friends moderated this association in a heteroscedastic regression analysis. No moderating effect was observed for support provided by the own parents, the intimate partner, or parents-in-law. The association between childhood maltreatment and postnatal distress was not mediated by social support. Additional analyses revealed no main, moderating, or mediating effects of satisfaction with support. Results suggest that support provided by friends may promote resilience during the postpartum period in women with a history of childhood maltreatment. Efforts to better understand the role of postpartum support and mechanisms that may enhance a mother’s ability to develop and maintain supportive friendships may be promising for guiding preventive interventions.  相似文献   

从社会保障银行的本质入手,通过指出国家社会保障银行应该得到相关政策、法律的支持的根据,并分析支持什么,如何支持等有关问题,得出社会保障银行的政策、法律支持的必要性。  相似文献   

应对方式、社会支持对高交往焦虑华侨学生的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以93名从小在国外生活目前在内地高校就读的华侨大学生为对象,了解高交往焦虑华侨学生受应对方式和社会支持的影响状况.结果显示,高交往焦虑华侨学生比低社交焦虑侨生有更为明显的交往焦虑体验,他们的社交焦虑特点与其所采用的不成熟的应对方式相一致,而社会支持对高交往焦虑的影响较小.  相似文献   

This study examined whether attributional style for negative events plays a mediating or moderating role in the association between victimisation by bullying and psychological distress in young adults. A total of 127 undergraduate students completed the Attributional Style Questionnaire, a newly developed Victimisation and Bullying Inventory and the Psychological Distress subscale from the Mental Health Inventory. As expected, the tendency to attribute negative events to internal, stable and global causes predicted higher psychological distress. There was also a positive association between extent of victimisation and psychological distress. Although attributional style did not mediate in this relationship, there was evidence of moderation. Individuals with more negative attributional styles showed a clear association between victimisation and psychological distress, while those with less negative styles showed no association. These results suggest that a tendency towards a negative attributional style may increase the risk of psychological distress in victims of bullying.  相似文献   

Bullying and victimisation may result from ineffective coping with interpersonal stressors. However, little is known about the preadolescents who are most susceptible to dysfunctional coping styles. Self-efficacy beliefs may be one source of individual differences in coping among those involved in bullying and victimisation. The purpose of the present research was to examine whether links between bullying/victimisation and coping were moderated by self-efficacy beliefs. Participants were 262 Greek preadolescents who completed self-report assessments of bullying/victimisation, coping, and self-efficacy. Results indicated that self-efficacy moderated the association between bullying/victimisation and coping, in that greater use of ineffective coping (i.e., resignation, passive avoidance) predicted bullying and victimisation among preadolescents with moderate and low levels of social and emotional self-efficacy, whereas greater use of adaptive coping (i.e., positive self-instructions, social support) was reported by those with higher self-efficacy beliefs. Practical implications of the findings are discussed.  相似文献   

To facilitate students’ transition into secondary school, a coping-oriented group program was designed. Pre- and posttest data from three intervention groups conducted over the course of 5 weeks were combined for a total of 56 sixth-grade students waiting to undergo school transition. There was also a test–retest control group (n = 26). Results indicate that completion of the intervention led to a significant decrease on scales measuring self-reported social anxiety symptoms. There was also a significant increase in intervention participants’ self-reported self-esteem, likeability, adherence to social rules, and frequency of active coping strategies, compared with the control group. Furthermore, a regression analysis showed that change in the self-reported use of active coping strategies predicted change in social anxiety symptoms for the intervention group. However, no significant change in self-reported use of passive-avoidant coping was observed. We conclude that facilitating effective coping with stress may provide a highly beneficial perspective toward designing transition groups, that may also lead to a significant reduction in social anxiety symptoms in adolescents waiting to undergo secondary school transition.  相似文献   

高中教师心理健康、应付方式及其关系研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了解高中教师的心理健康现状、应付方式特点及二者的关系,提高高中教师的心理健康水平,笔者使用症状自评量表SCL-90和应付方式问卷,对洛阳市、南阳市五所高中的200名教师进行了调查。结果显示,高中教师的整体心理健康状况较好,他们使用最多的是解决问题的方式;高中女教师更多地使用求助和幻想的方式,老教师更多地使用合理化的方式;相关结果和回归分析显示,心理健康与应付方式存在着高度相关,彼此都有一定的预测作用。  相似文献   

采用问卷调查法,考察高中阶段聋生的社会支持与应对方式状况,并对二者之间的关系进行了探讨.结果表明:聋生在客观支持和主观支持两个维度上的得分显著低于健听学生,但在支持利用度上不存在显著差异;聋生与健听学生在积极应对方式上的得分无显著差异,而聋生在消极应对方式上的得分显著高于健听学生;在聋生组和健听学生组,社会支持对应对方式都有显著的预测作用.  相似文献   

Although teaching has been described as a profoundly emotional activity, little is known about the emotional demands faced by teachers or how this impacts on their well-being. This study examined relationships between ‘emotional labour’, burnout (emotional exhaustion, depersonalisation and personal accomplishment) and job satisfaction in a sample of UK teachers. Also examined was whether workplace social support moderated any relationships found between emotional labour and strain. The relationship between job experience and emotional labour was also investigated. Six hundred and twenty-eight teachers working in secondary schools in the UK completed questionnaires. Significant associations were observed between emotional labour and all outcomes, with a positive relationship found between emotional labour and personal accomplishment. Some evidence was found that social support mitigates the negative impact of emotional demands on emotional exhaustion, feelings of personal accomplishment and job satisfaction. More experienced teachers reported higher levels of emotional labour. Findings highlight the need for teacher-training programmes to raise awareness of the emotional demands of teaching and consider ways to enhance emotion regulation skills in experienced as well as recently qualified staff.  相似文献   

考查大学生的时间透视与焦虑的关系,并探讨应对方式是否在时间透视和焦虑间起中介作用。采用《时间透视简式量表》、《应对方式问卷》和《焦虑自评量表》对319名大学生进行测试,运用SPSS17.0和Amos4.0对数据进行分析,并建立多变量的结构方程模型。结果表明:(1)现在定向与焦虑和不成熟的应对方式显著正相关,与解决问题显著负相关;(2)未来定向与焦虑和不成熟的应对方式显著负相关,与解决问题显著正相关;(3)应对方式在时间透视和焦虑间起完全中介作用,现在定向和未来定向都无法直接预测焦虑,两者通过应对方式间接地预测焦虑。该研究表明,不同时间透视占优的大学生通过应对方式影响其焦虑状况,为今后进行焦虑的心理治疗和干预提供了新的视角。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: This study investigated the role that social support plays in well-being and in coping after a stressful event in a group of non-clinical adolescents. Furthermore, this study aimed at replicating the finding that adolescents who reported sexual abuse reported more symptoms and less adequate coping strategies than adolescents who reported another type of stressful event or no stressful episode. METHOD: Eight hundred and twenty adolescents between 12 and 18 years of age filled out questionnaires assessing social support (Social Support Questionnaire, Sarason, Shearin, Pierce, & Sarason, 1987), trauma-related symptoms (Trauma Symptom Checklist for Children, Briere, 1996), behavior problems (Youth Self-Report, Achenbach, 1991), and coping (How I Cope Under Pressure Scale, Ayers, Sandler, West, & Roosa, 1996). RESULTS: 42% of the adolescents reported a stressful experience, and 4.4% reported sexual abuse. Sexually abused adolescents reported more stress-related symptoms and used more avoidance and fewer support-seeking coping strategies than the other adolescents. The main-effect hypothesis of social support was sustained, but social support did not moderate the relation between a stressful event and coping. Yet, a trend was found suggesting that high support from the family was associated with less avoidance coping and more support-seeking in adolescents who reported a non-sexually abusive, stressful event. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings show that a highly perceived availability of social support is directly associated with fewer trauma-related symptoms, especially in adolescents who are non-sexually abused. For adolescents who reported a sexual or another type of stressful event, social support did not play a different role in coping.  相似文献   

马克思认为,社会保障具有重要作用,社会保障基金来源于劳动剩余劳动所创造的剩余价值或利润,是社会公共财产应由社会来管理,社会保障长期存在是必然的。社会保障对市场经济的运行发展,具有极其重要的作用。  相似文献   

为初步探讨专业学位硕士研究生生活事件与其心理健康(焦虑、抑郁)的关系以及应对方式在此过程中的中介作用,以309名湖北省某综合性大学在读专业硕士研究生(研一和研二)为对象,采用研究生生活事件量表、简易应对方式问卷、焦虑自评量表(SAS)以及抑郁自评量表(SDS)进行测试。结果表明,专业学位硕士研究生生活事件、应对方式与焦虑、抑郁状况之间相关性显著。其中,生活事件得分与消极应对呈显著正相关,焦虑和抑郁得分与生活事件得分也呈显著正相关。中介效应分析显示,消极应对在专业学位硕士研究生生活事件和心理健康(焦虑、抑郁)之间起到部分中介作用。  相似文献   

This study analyzes the contribution of peer attachment in predicting active coping and self-esteem in a sample of 109 institutionalized adolescents. It also explores the mediating role of social skills in the association between peer attachment, coping, and self-esteem. Structural equation modeling identified a model able to predict a positive and direct contribution of peer relationships on self-esteem. Results confirmed the mediating role of social skills but only between quality of peer attachment and the development of active coping. From an ecological perspective, quality of relationships with significant peer figures can contribute to the development of a secure base, especially in adolescents without family support. Consequently, institutionalized adolescents who perceive quality in their peer relationships seem to be more able to express their feelings and ideas. As a result, they can become able to establish positive and empathic relationships with others, which can lead to the development of active coping skills. The quality of peer relationships can also increase the self-esteem of these adolescents because they feel they have a source of personal support and can share their difficulties.  相似文献   

目的:探讨师范类大学生的自尊水平、社会支持状况对其应付方式的影响。方法:使用自尊量表(SES)、社会支持评定量表(SSRS)和应付方式问卷对428名师范类大学生进行问卷调查。结果:1.师范类大学生在应付方式各维度上的均分由高到低依次为:解决问题、求助、退避、幻想、合理化、自责应付因子。2.自尊与每种应付方式都有显著相关,而社会支持只与解决问题、自责、求助应付方式有显著相关。3.自尊与社会支持对解决问题、求助应付方式有正向预测作用,自尊对自责、退避、幻想和合理化应付方式有负向预测作用。  相似文献   

高师学生社会支持、应对方式与心理健康的相关性研究   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
余欣欣 《高教论坛》2002,(5):120-123
该文主要探讨社会支持、应对方式对心理健康的影响,以及社会支持与应对方式之间的关系。采用社会支持、应对方式及SCI-90三个量表对863名高师学生进行测量。提出社会支持、应对方式是影响心理健康水平的中介因素。  相似文献   

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