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This article presents a ‘knowledge ecosystem’ model of how early career academics experience using information to learn while building their social networks for developmental purposes. Developed using grounded theory methodology, the model offers a way of conceptualising how to empower early career academics through (1) agency (individual and relational) and (2) facilitation of personalised informal learning (design of physical and virtual systems and environments) in spaces where developmental relationships are formed, including programmes, courses, events, community, home and social media. It is suggested that the knowledge ecosystem model is suitable for use in designing informal learning experiences for early career academics.  相似文献   

This paper draws on Lewis Carroll’s character of Alice as a metaphor for interrogating identity construction and agency amongst early career academics, a process which can seem like Alice’s pursuit of the White Rabbit in a strange land. Keeping in mind the effects of neoliberalism on the tertiary sector, we recognise the centrality of personal lives in decision-making about academic careers and the shaping of professional identities. We also foreground how communities of practice not only build agency amongst ECAs but can also be supported by academic developers.  相似文献   

加强学业职业规划教育是地方性高校提高研究生教育质量和就业水平的必要环节。激发研究生能动性和提高职业规划地位是职业规划教育实施的前提,阶段划分、主客体确认、支撑资源建设和预期效果评估是职业规划教育体系的基本构成,实施则需要从理论与实践相互结合、校内与校外相互衔接、本科教育与研究生教育相互借鉴以及教育功能与地方经济社会发展相互促进四个维度确定模式与途径。  相似文献   

The relative lack of research about postgraduate education, and especially from a widening participation (WP) perspective, is noteworthy in a context of an increasingly expanding and important postgraduate sector internationally. This paper draws on the findings of a study about the ‘impact’ of WP initiatives at an Irish university, exploring the undergraduate, postgraduate, and employment experiences of two groups of former access students. A mixed-methods research design (employing a self-completion questionnaire sent to all relevant individuals (N=195), and 26 in-depth semi-structured interviews) was employed. This paper examines these individuals’ postgraduate progression in relation to a number of factors, with a particular focus on their views about progression, the programmes pursued, and their related motivational orientations. Many of the research participants were altruistically motivated in their selection of postgraduate programmes and related careers, and this motivational orientation is explored in terms of its genesis and implications in a WP context.  相似文献   

职业观三元理论即职业观的情景亚理论、职业观的经验亚理论和职业观的成分亚理论。探析职业观三元理论的目的是试图详细说明人类职业应该如何定位,并说明在这些不同的世界中是如何运作并产生职业选择行为的。  相似文献   

In this paper we argue that institutions need to support early career teachers to learn to teach in much the same way that students who are new to higher education are supported: through integrated and intentionally designed transition strategies. We take a published student transition typology and adapt it to identify ways of supporting early career teachers. We argue that strategies within each conception of our adapted typology are necessary to support a diverse cohort of higher education teachers, not only those who begin teaching each year, but those who are in their mid and later careers.  相似文献   

本文针对目前我国非英语专业硕士研究生英语课程设置方面的现状与问题,对英语选修课的设置进行探析,提出应拓宽研究生英语选修课的种类,并改进研究生英语选修课的教与学的方式。从而对非英语专业研究生英语选修课的建设提供一些思考。  相似文献   

Since the late 1980s there has been an increase of ‘second career teachers’ (SCTs), professionals that switch careers to become teachers. Little is known about SCTs and their sense of professional identity. Building from Pierre Bourdieu’s concepts of power and cultural capital, the professional identities of teachers were examined through the following questions: What are the professional identities of SCTs? How can SCTs inform the field of teaching about professional identities? This mixed methods study gathered perspectives on professional identities through an online survey of 236 educators within 1 school district which were analysed and compared to interviews of 16 SCTs and their supervisors from the same district. The study findings invite us to consider alternative definitions of professionalism in teaching, especially for teacher leadership.  相似文献   

职业生涯发展阶段与开发策略的本土化研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
职业生涯的有关理论在西方得到了很好的发展,但是当之应用于中国的实践时会产生很大的差异。本文力求结合中国的具体情况分析中国现存的职业生涯发展阶段,研究现今中国处于每个发展阶段上的群体特征、个人所面临的最主要的问题,并根据职业生涯不同的发展阶段制定相应的开发策略。  相似文献   

高校图书馆员职业生涯管理的瓶颈及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当今高校图书馆员职业生涯中存在着诸如"围城现象"、"职业高原现象"、"职业倦怠现象"等诸多问题,而职业生涯管理是组织和个人解决职业生涯问题的最有效途径。通过对高校图书馆员职业生涯管理发展的瓶颈进行客观系统的分析,可以找出解决这些问题的对策,从而实现高校图书馆和馆员的和谐发展,有助于高校图书馆组织目标和馆员个人职业生涯目标的实现。  相似文献   

由于高校扩招,我国研究生规模逐渐增大,然而研究生的培养质量却遭到社会和企业的质疑,因此如何提高研究生培养质量是一个重要的研究课题。文章从招生方式、培养模式、导师制度、课程与考核等几个方面对比分析了国内外在研究生培养中的异同,针对国内研究生培养过程中存在的问题,提出了有益的改进和借鉴方法。  相似文献   


This paper offers an autoethnographic account of my first academic year as a Human Geography lecturer at a ‘new’ public university in the North West of England. This research is timely and much needed, since teaching at universities in England has recently come under increasing scrutiny. The Teaching Excellence Framework is a new scheme, which aims to recognise and reward excellence in teaching, learning, and outcomes, and helps to inform student choice. This paper is theoretically framed by drawing on notions of theatrical performance, and performativity. This paper offers insight into the coping strategies, in respect of teaching, that I deployed as a new university lecturer. Findings are discussed around the themes of: performing teaching identities, and inauthenticity. With regard to performing teaching identities, this paper discusses the need for identity to be multiple and shifting, and how, as a young female, I undertook identity work, in order to perform competence. I also bring to the fore feelings of inauthenticity; that is, how I did not feel as if I was a genuine academic, and how I fabricated / falsified aspects of my academic identity in order to ‘fit in’ with the expectations of both students and staff. As the voice of a new lecturer in her first year of teaching, this paper makes a useful contribution to the scholarship on early career academics and teaching development. This paper concludes with recommendations for change in practice-based settings, in order to assist new lecturers to settle into the job role, and enhance and enrich teaching practice.  相似文献   

在高校教育管理中,应运用系统论、控制论方法,在本科生教学与研究生教学之间建立起互馈关系,包括两者之间的前馈关系与后馈关系。对本科生教学与研究生教学之间建立互馈关系具有制约的因素,首先是教育管理的体制因素,其次是由于学科建设中专业建设与学位建设的重点不同,此外是教育管理上缺乏系统管理的科学理念。要建立本科生教学与研究生教学之间互馈的良性机制,就要在深化教育体制改革中加强管理部门之间的协调与交流。在学科建设中加强与完善专业建设与学位建设的结合,在改进教育管理中培养系统管理的科学理念。  相似文献   

在就业形势日益严峻的今天,加强和完善高校职业指导工作对全面推进人才培养模式改革具有重要意义。本文通过对当前高职院校职业指导工作现状进行深入地分析,提出关于教育职能、队伍专业化建设、基础服务、实践教育等方面的思考和建议。  相似文献   

This article addresses the question of how great are higher education students’ incentives to change study programs or institutions to improve one’s personal employability in the course of the higher education-to-work transition process. The posed question is addressed at a system level. Students’ mobility between programs and institutions is referred to as ‘student mobility’ and graduates’ mobility between jobs is referred to as ‘early career mobility.’ The relationship between these two separate components of mobility is discussed in three different institutional frames: German/Finnish, Italian, and British. When depicting the relationship between the two components of mobility, the article also considers parallel phenomena such as prolongation of the degree-earning process and participation in work-life with student status. Indicator level analysis concerning graduates of the year 2000 reveals important differences between the three institutional frames: in Germany and Finland, there is a high level of student mobility at the basic degree level combined with a low level of career mobility after graduation; in the UK the opposite transition logic than that of Germany and Finland occurs, and in Italy students demonstrate prolonged transitions with little student mobility and early career mobility.
Matti E. LindbergEmail:

重庆市大学生职业心理成熟度研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
重庆市大学生的总体职业成熟度和职业成熟度各因子的表现水平均一般。其中以职业世界知识最低;大学生职业成熟度在性别上存在显著差异,男生比女生职业成熟度高;大学生职业成熟度在年级上存在显著差异,大四最高,整个发展趋势呈“V”型;大学生职业成熟度在是否兼职上存在显著差异,兼职过的学生比未兼职过的学生职业成熟度高:大学生职业成熟度在家庭收入上存在显著差异.家庭收入高的学生职业成熟度高。  相似文献   

大学生职业生涯设计初探   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
职业生涯设计是一种对学生以职业要求为目标的目标管理。通过帮助学生树立正确的职业理想,确立明确的职业目标,进行正确的自我分析和职业分析,培养学生职业需要的实践能力,从而达到开发学生潜能,提高学生综合素质的目的。  相似文献   

高师学生职业意识影响着高师学生在校期间的学习和生活,以及工作后的态度和质量。加强高师学生职业意识教育,培养他们的自我教育能力,是高师教育的主题。文章在调查的基础上概括了高师学生职业意识形成的七个特点,并从社会、高师教育、学生自身等方面提出了培养的建议和对策。  相似文献   

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