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教师的"他者"意识,主要表现为作为教学实践主体的教师对学生的相异性、外在性的尊重和理解,并以此促进学生自由个性化的发展。唤醒和提升教师的"他者"意识使教师道德主体的建构、学生自由个性化发展以及关切型师生关系的构建成为可能。教师"他者"意识的生成和提升至少应考虑如下方面:省思自我强权意识的危机、审视学生"他者"性的价值、体认"相遇"伦理学的意蕴、强调与"他者"交往的实践。  相似文献   

In this article we describe our engagement in self-study as part of an examination of design-based research for education. We focus on graduate-level online teacher education as an example of how self-study provided a means of examining deeply our teaching and our roles as teacher and designer in the learning environment. We posit that online learning environments are particularly well suited for self-study to enhance design perspectives because the interactions between teacher and students are informed by personal context and mediated by technological tools. The graduate students in our courses were teacher leaders in literacy or mathematics who were learning how to support professional development for other teachers. Throughout our self-study research we found ourselves drawing upon our previous design research experiences, which aided our ability to engage in self-study: We were part of the classroom system, focusing on our roles within the teaching and learning process as designers of the online learning environment. Three key design principles resulted from our self-study process: focusing on systems of learning and teaching, designing pedagogical tools and products, and using iterative processes. Engaging in self-study enhanced our understanding and implementation of synchronous online instruction, particularly regarding our use of technological tools to enhance student learning and support learning communities.  相似文献   

John Willinsky 《Interchange》1998,29(4):385-402
This paper attempts to strike a new educational path through the politics of identity and multiculturalism by arguing that we need to equip the young with an understanding of how such powerful categories as culture, race, and nation have been constructed. It uses the philosophical position of Simone Weil on the need for roots to establish the importance of learning to judge how the ethical qualities of the categories of identify. It then turns this position against the shortcomings of Charles Taylor's politics of recognition, in its attempt to reconcile liberal individualism with the collective rights. Proceeding into the arena of public policy, the paper applies these philosophical perspectives to the multicultural and anti-racist initiatives of two Canadian provincial Ministries of Education. Finally, it reviews the impassioned critiques of multiculturalism by Neil Bissoondath and Arthur Schlesinger exposing the currents of ethic nationalism which underwrite their position and which again obscure what should be the educational priority of uncovering the political processes, including schooling itself, which give these points of identity their public weight and personal significance.  相似文献   

长期以来,借鉴或采用西方教师教育研究的理念、经验和做法,已成为我国教师教育研究的基本范式,“文化殖民”现象普遍存在。由此,不仅造成基本国情、民族传统文化、本土教育资源等的“集体遗忘”,还造成研究者在价值选择上思维方式的单一、认识的片面、多元思想的消解。从后殖民主义、本土知识等的研究来看,我国教师教育研究必须要有“主体重建”,克服“民族化”或“西方化”二元对立的思维观念,强调“文化自觉”,摆脱文化帝国主义的束缚,走出一条中国的教师教育研究之路。  相似文献   

高剑华 《教育科学》2007,23(5):29-32
随着世界经济一体化的日益加深和汉语热的不断升温,对外汉语教学被推到了文化交际和文化传播的前台,其教学不单纯是语言能力的训练,还肩负着揭示汉语言的文化意义及跨文化传播的重大使命。这种跨文化意识是实现对外汉语教学价值"应然"与"实然"统一的途径。  相似文献   

游学军 《海外英语》2012,(7):220-221
Human nature is one of the most thoroughly studied topics in human history.Even today the argument continues in all different social contexts,and by studying Conrad’s two stories:Heart of Darkness and The Secret Sharer,the author tries to analyze the two sides of the nature,both good and evil,which are inherent in us humans.In the essay the author explores the two heroes in the stories and tries to prove that only when we realize and admit our capability for the evil,can we make the good and kind side of nature to flourish.  相似文献   

教师素质发展的文化自觉,具有人学、文化学和教育学的学科属性。中国教师素质发展的文化自觉的依据有:教师素质发展受文化的深刻影响;它具有文化性质;它具有文化使命。其基本方向有:引领素质文化建设;走进崇高。其主要内容有:探究教师素质发展的文化特点;分析教师素质发展的文化困境;提出教师素质发展的文化方略。其基本途径有:权力途径;情境途径;自主途径。  相似文献   

教师作为课程实施者,是影响课程实施的核心因素,他应当具有研究意识、生成意识、主体意识、课程资源意识和反思意识,唯有具备这些角色意识,才能更好地促进课程实施。  相似文献   

用生命哲学解读教师文化,对增强教育的生命意识,促进教师专业发展,提高教师文化品位均有现实意义。教师文化要在追求卓越中探索生命意义、启迪生命智慧、提升生命价值;要在教育实践中感悟生命的存在、生命的深不可测、生命的创造;要在教育活动中体现生命存在的价值认同、生命存在的主体间性、生命存在的生态观照。  相似文献   

This paper draws upon data from an ongoing series of life history interviews with a young lesbian PE teacher, called Jessica (a pseudonym), who has recently started her career in a secondary school. Various moments from her life as told and written are provided in order to present a view of schooling from a particular standpoint that, for the most part, has been repressed. Therefore, how Jessica experiences homophobia and heterosexism in educational institutions, how she relates these experiences to other moments in her life, and the identity management strategies she adopts to cope with specific situations, provide important insights into a reality that is oppositional to the taken‐for‐granted reality of the dominant and privileged sexual class in schools, that is, heterosexuals. These insights illustrate how Jessica is systematically denied an essential freedom that is systematically granted to heterosexual teachers in a way that legitimises a distinction between her private and public lives that is partial, distorting and perverse. It is concluded that taking action against homophobia and heterosexism is the responsibility of all educators regardless of their sexual identity.  相似文献   

培养学生的科技意识,历史教学责无旁贷,而且大有可为。历史教学可以帮助学生树立正确的科技观,确立和巩固科技是第一生产力的观念,确立和巩固爱科学、学科学、用科学的观念,确立和巩固振兴科技的民族自信心、历史责任感和时代紧迫感。  相似文献   

多元化进程中的文化认同与文化选择   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文化认同与文化选择问题在当代中国鲜明凸显,它既是长期社会变革的历史结果,也是经济全球化进程中文化碰撞的必然表现,彰显了社会文化在当代中国的必要性和紧迫性。改革开放以来中国社会的价值多元化给社会以进步与活力,也为核心价值和主流价值建设提出了挑战,造成文化认同的困惑,增加了文化选择的困难。应当加强对于文化建设中诸多前提性问题的哲学追问,提升文化自觉,加强文化认同,促进文化选择。  相似文献   

课程改革需要教师文化的深层次支撑,在实施新课程过程中,必定会发生自在的教师文化与自觉的教师文化的互动,即教师文化身份的冲突。当教师“感觉”到这种冲突存在时,教师文化身份转型会采取内在创造性转化的途径,也就是文化自觉模式。当两种“文化”缺少必要的和恰当的张力和冲突,即缺乏内在的驱动力而无法通过内在因素的创造性转化而完成转型时,教师文化身份转型就要以一种新的自觉文化因素从外部切人,才能同原有的自在文化层面构成张力和冲突,从而推动教师文化身份的转型。  相似文献   

This article describes an action research investigation into overcoming a tension I have felt in my approach to teaching literature. I want to make studying literature a meaningful experience for my students. At the same time, I want to help them get good results in exams. At times these two desires seem to pull in opposite directions. I have tried to use the idea of the forum, as described by Bruner, as a way of holding these two thrusts together. This article aims to evaluate the effectiveness of this approach.  相似文献   

白雪 《海外英语》2011,(6):231-232,236
Heart of Darkness, a chilling tale of horror set in the Congo during the period of rapid colonial expansion in the 19th century written by the renowned British novelist Joseph Conrad, is a world famous novella. Since its publication, it remains an indisputably classic text and arguably Conrad’s finest work. And it has been regarded as a significant text in British literature because of its modernistic features, innovative narration and artistic style. Heart of Darkness deals with the highly disturbing effects of economic, social and political exploitation of European and African societies. It has inspired filmmakers and such authors as F. Scott Fitzgerald, Gabriel Garica Marquez, D. H. Lawrence and Virginia,Woolf. This article is aimed to analyse it from the perspective of primitiveness and civilization. Through the analysis, readers can sense Conrad’s attitude towards the two aspects.  相似文献   

Although most innovative professional development encourages reflective dialogue among teachers, we still know very little about how such dialogue enables teacher learning. This study describes how teachers make sense of the conflicts among their intended goals and actual practices by responding to their peers' teaching. Four teachers in a large urban high school each taught, evaluated, and shared four lessons they designed to enact self-identified goals absent from their practices. Patterns across the critiques, questions, compliments, and self-critiques that the teachers used to respond to others' lessons indicate the different ways they used the peer context to diversify, personalize, or slow down their thinking about their own teaching, and cross-case patterns reveal how they all learned in ways that would have been less likely in non-peer contexts. The findings suggest why diverse reflective peer groups are crucial starting points for larger professional networks designed to support systemic changes in teacher practices.  相似文献   


Using grounded theory, we examined the ways in which undergraduate teacher candidates with disabilities developed a sense of purpose and constructed professional identities. Our findings suggest K-12 experiences with advocacy as well as exclusionary school experiences influenced their emerging professional identities. Resistance to a deficit view of disability was central to teachers’ professional identities and influenced their desire to become “change agents” in their future professions. We describe collegiate experiences that affirmed or presented roadblocks to their career path.  相似文献   

就主题而论,《黑暗的心脏》具有不同的解读。首先,它是对欧洲殖民主义本质的困惑审视。进而,它揭示文明与野蛮的对立。最后,小说在更深的层面上探询了人性的善恶冲突。通过象征主义手法的运用,这些主题得以完美而深刻的展现。  相似文献   

康拉德的叙述特点十分引人注目。他打破了以往的叙述传统,在许多小说中运用了复杂的叙述角度和叙述技巧,在西方的叙事历史上,康拉德占有重要的一席之位。《黑暗的心脏》就是一部在叙述学上具有开创性和转折性意义的叙事作品。  相似文献   

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