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This documentary account explores the potential of public art pedagogy to co-construct imaginative spaces in pre-service teacher education. Based upon a collaborative venture between two professors and an arts-based educational organization, the present article describes and analyzes key features and relations that were influential in transforming the response of a resistant professor and students. Using arts-based educational research methodology, this research finds that at least five thematic ingredients were influential in designing an education event with public art that promoted the generation of imaginative inquiry in teacher education: a base of trust; a naturalistic encounter; the choice to “shake-it-up”; a jolt of awareness; and a longer shelf-life. Strategies and insights for furthering the integration of public art into pre-service teacher education are included.  相似文献   

高师公共教育学由于其学科性质和教学目标的特殊性,导致其教师角色定位的特殊性。本文认为高师公共教育学教师的角色定位应当是:学生未来角色意识的激发者;教育理论的学术探究者;公共教育学课程的建构者;学生实践能力的开发者。  相似文献   

Whilst it is accepted that art education is a cognitive endeavour, the value and contribution of cognition to art education is often deliberated. By examining literature concerning conceptions of cognition and contextualising studies with the findings of a 5-year artographic inquiry into cognition in the lived experiences of artist teachers, this article is able to present a case for the reinstatement of cognition and cognitive study across policy, practice and research in art education. The article shares a conceptual frame to assist engagement with cognition as a concept whilst presenting a strategy to support cognitive reinstatement in the changing climate of art education. Questions are posed and answered regarding cognition’s position in art education to bring reinstatement implications forward, such as its complexity and productivity within education. Recommendations, such as increased engagement, voice projection and visibility, are also suggested to infiltrate transformation in future materialisations of cognitive engagement in the policy, practice and research of art education.  相似文献   

This article sets out to identify and discuss the changes that have taken place in Finnish teacher education during the last 40 years (1974–2014). A brief history of teacher education in Finland is presented, followed by the goals and aims of current research-based teacher education in Finland. Finally, the major changes in Finnish teacher education during the last 40 years are identified and discussed along with challenges for the future. These include the fact that with each passing year teacher education in Finland has become increasingly research-based. The ethical role of the Finnish teacher has changed from being a religious and moral example to being a principled professional who needs moral competence in pedagogical encounters. Teachers also need to master the rapid developments in information and communication technology in order to function in the same learning environments as their students.  相似文献   

In this article I examined the professional identity development of five mentor teachers in a year-long, clinically rich teacher residency partnered between a university-based teacher education program and schools in a southern state of the United States. Qualitative data were collected through classroom observation and individual semi-structured interviews with a focus on participants’ mentoring activities and the ways they enacted and described their identities. Participants came to new mentoring beliefs and practices as they navigated the residency and developed a multifaceted identity to mediate their learning to become mentors and teacher educators. Implications for mentor teacher professional support, teacher preparation, and future research were discussed.  相似文献   

教师发展学校是借鉴美国专业发展学校的经验构建的,是大学与中小学合作、以中小学为基地建设的、促进教师专业发展的新型学校。教师发展学校的建立对于创造新型教师教育,培养新型教师,实现教师教育一体化具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

教学计划是学校教育教学过程中的指导性文件,如何制定和实施教学计划直接影响人才培养的质量。针对高师院校教师教育存在的问题,应通过改革师范生的教学计划来解决。  相似文献   

This paper explores three influences on the effectiveness of teacher professional development for improving schools – the individual teacher, the learning activities in which teachers participate and the structures and supports provided by schools for teacher learning. It does so by relying on survey data collected for a national study of teacher professional development in England. The analysis indicates that while the professional development of teachers in England is generally ineffectual and lacks school level systems and supports, the professional development and supports for professional learning by teachers in high performing schools display many of the characteristics associated with effective professional learning. Given the results showing a link between school factors and professional learning and the lack of influence of individual teacher factors, the paper concludes that the previously reported importance of school capacity in influencing learning and improvement is supported by the findings.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of a two-year research project aimed at developing a teacher professional development (TPD) model in Indonesia. New government policies in this nation, its archipelagic nature, vast numbers of teachers and scarcity of support resources present a unique challenge to TPD. A needs assessment was conducted to identify teachers’ professional needs. Based on the results of this assessment, a dual-mode TPD that combines face-to-face sessions and online sessions was developed. Participation in face-to-face sessions was relatively high but the participation rate in online sessions was very low. Incentives, teachers’ autonomy as professional learners, ICT skills and infrastructure are important considerations when designing TPD in Indonesia. This study and an analysis of TPD policy allow us to suggest future directions for TPD in Indonesia.  相似文献   

高职教育更需要课堂教学艺术,高职教学需要把专业设计、课程体系建设和课堂教学(包括理论课堂教学和实践课堂教学)用系统的观点有机地融合起来,从课程体系建设入手进行教育全过程的课堂教学方法设计和改革。  相似文献   

《乡村的夜》一次次把死亡凸现出来,饱含着对下层人的深切同情和对人性的呼唤;而具体描摹的人物命运又给人一种悲剧性的震撼。它所表现出来的叙事技巧则是故事性和戏剧性的融合。  相似文献   

课堂教学质量是教育质量的核心,课堂教学质量的改善与提升关系着高质量教育体系的建成。对话国际上具有典型性与代表性的课堂教学评价框架并从中汲取高质量的核心元素,是中国特色课堂教学评价体系展现国际视野的关键举措。美国教育考试服务中心丹尼森(Danielson)教授研发的Framework for Teaching(FFT)课堂教学评价框架关注课堂教学的过程性质量,秉持高阶性思维、建构性学习、目的性活动和专业性指导的高质量课堂教学理念,涉及4大模块、22个评估要点以及相应的质量观测点,从评价对象与评价方式两个维度跨越时空全面搜集资料并对教师教学工作作出价值判断,旨在通过向教师提供反馈和推动专业发展而引导教师为质量而教,实现教学的背景、投入、过程质量和学生学业成就质量的多维提升。深入研究与反思在理念和内容等方面具有明显优势的FFT课堂教学评价框架,启示中国应在自由和规则、过程和结果的动态和谐关系中,以创设学习文化、促进深度学习为核心,构建具有全球视野的新时代中国特色高质量课堂教学体系,并基于此研发相应的课堂教学质量评价体系和监测工具,构建实现高质量课堂教学的教师教育质量指标体系,促进教育高质量发展。  相似文献   


A student’s perception of teacher effective communication influences the learning atmosphere. The measurement of perception indicates how students view the quality of learning. As few studies have explored the development of an appropriate measurement tool of students’ perception of learning to read the Qur’an, this study aims to develop such a tool. Conceptual analysis and a survey using open-ended questions resulted in dimensions and items. Six experts and three instructors evaluated the content validity. The questionnaire was then administered to 421 participants – 201 for Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) and 220 for Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA). The results successfully identified four dimensions that explained 64.6% of the variation. The instrument consisted of 13 items with satisfactory reliability and validity. The dimension with the highest coefficient path was ‘understanding and friendliness’ (UF), while the dimension of ‘learning media’ (LM) was the lowest. There was a significant influence of gender on the dimension of UF, as well as verbal (V) and non-verbal (NV) communication, while there were no differences in the dimension of LM. The questionnaire can be effectively used as a measurement device of dimensions related to students’ perception of teacher effective communication in Qur’an learning.  相似文献   

现在师范美术教育很大程度上偏离了教师培养的轨道,为了能够使师范美术教育得到更好的发展,必须重视师范美术教师的培养及师范美术教育专业学生的引导工作。  相似文献   

艺术的本质是审美,艺术的价值和功能以审美为基础;同时,艺术教育在本质上是审美教育,虽然它能有效地培养德行,但其最主要的功能还是提高学生的审美修养。可人们往往只习惯从德育的角度去规范艺术教育的目的,去评判艺术教育的成败,艺术教育在一定程度上成为了德育的附庸。这种不突出审美特性的艺术教育已经不是真正的艺术教育。  相似文献   

Over the last 40 years, teacher education in England has been the focus of a stream of ‘reforms’ with the ultimate aim of placing provision into schools, the justification for such a radical policy being that higher education is alleged to be failing to provide good quality teachers thereby compromising the social and economic development of the country. The process whereby these reforms have been introduced is described and then used as a way of comparing and contrasting the way in which similar reforms can be identified in the international teacher education communities represented in this special issue of the Journal of Education for Teaching (JET). The paper closes by identifying lessons that can be learned from international comparators.  相似文献   

Despite preliminary findings that preparing teachers for rural positions is of great importance in Turkey’s conditions, little has been reported regarding the measures that need to be addressed in order to effectively prepare teachers for remote areas. In response to this gap, the present study aimed to provide some preliminary views about the expectations of pre-service teachers in relation to rural teaching from a qualitative research paradigm. Data were collected through an open-ended questionnaire from 115 senior pre-service teachers in a large Turkish university. Thematic analysis of the data revealed that participants had polarised views about the issue. While some of them viewed the experience positively, others highlighted the potential challenges. Pre-service teachers’ vague and dichotomous images concerning rural teaching suggested that they had some preconceptions formed through media representations or word of mouth. Implications for teacher education and professional development, along with directions for future research were included.  相似文献   

Teachers are expected to frequently collaborate within teacher communities in schools. This requires teacher education to prepare student teachers by developing the necessary community competence. The present study empirically investigates the extent to which teacher education programmes pay attention to and aim to stimulate the development of community competence in the intended curriculum, the implemented curriculum and the attained curriculum. Various types of data are gathered and analysed in respect of these three curriculum representations. It appears that community competence is weakly conceptualised in the intended curriculum. In the implemented, and especially the attained curriculum, this results in no systematic and explicit practice in terms of the development of community competence.  相似文献   

This paper describes an urban teacher residency program, the Newark Montclair Urban Teacher Residency, a collaborative endeavor between the Newark, New Jersey Public Schools and Montclair State University, built on a decades-long partnership. The authors see the conceptual work of developing this program as creating a “third space” in teacher education. We detail the ways in which we conceptualize epistemology and clinical practice in teacher education, and changes in the roles of the community, and P-12 teachers that occur in a third space. Providing an account of our messy and nonlinear process demonstrates the struggles of creating new spaces for teacher education. We believe the theory that informs our work, the challenges we face, and the strategies for meeting those challenges illustrate the tenuous and ever-evolving nature of doing work in the “third space.”  相似文献   

随着我国经济建设的快速发展,我国的教育事业也得到了极大的促进,并且很多高校都是非常注重艺术在教育均衡发展中的重要作用。为了更好的促进当代大学生的个人素质能力的提升,在教学过程中,艺术教育已经成为一个必不可少的环节。本文重点研究艺术教育在教育均衡发展中的积极作用。  相似文献   

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