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The study applies situated learning and communities of practice concepts to an ethnographic study of volunteer farm work. In contrast to a traditional conceptualization of education for leisure, participation in farm work activities is understood as a form of education taking place in a leisure context. Analysis reveals that participation in volunteer farm labor may also be understood as participation in a craft-based community of practice. The Farm’s community of practice exhibits the use of embodied knowledge, intimate communication, a dialectic of innovation and preservation, and a hierarchical social structure. Differences between employment and leisure-based communities of practices are explored. Situated learning and communities of practice conceptualizations promise to expand both the analysis and practice of leisure education, thereby expanding its relevance in contemporary society.  相似文献   

This study explored the extent to which English for Academic Purposes (EAP) teachers were assessment literate, their beliefs about assessment, their actual classroom assessment practices, and the reasons behind the possible mismatches. Data were collected through Assessment Literacy Survey (Mertler, 2003), semi-structured interviews, classroom observation checklists, and the field notes obtained from a sample of 27 language and 23 content teachers of e.g., engineering, basic sciences, medical sciences, etc., out of whom 28 participated in the process of interviews and observations. Data were analyzed both quantitatively and qualitatively in this sequential explanatory mixed-methods study. The findings indicated that only a few EAP teachers were assessment literate and that field of study, university degree, and assessment training courses were statistically significant predictors of EAP teachers’ assessment literacy. Inconsistencies between assessment beliefs and assessment practices were found across both groups of teachers for which numerous reasons were noted by the participants. Implications for EAP teachers themselves and EAP teacher education programs are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of a study of interviews (N = 17) conducted with members of a community of practice (CP) comprised of school principals, vice principals, and department heads responsible for teacher supervision in their respective schools. This CP met once a month over the course of 2 years to work on adapting the New Brunswick Department of Education’s Francophone Teacher Evaluation Program. Using Wenger’s (Communities of practice: Learning, meaning and identity. Cambridge University Press, New York, 1998) CP theoretical framework centered on four main concepts, namely meaning, practice, community, and identity, our study reveals that participants acquired knowledge by sharing their teacher supervision experiences. The participants learned new knowledge from others, enriched their supervision practices, and also gained indispensable practical skills with regard to the supervisory process. Furthermore, their fruitful discussions resulted in the creation of friendships and a sense of collegiality as they became agents for change.  相似文献   

Previous studies have documented robust relationships between emergent literacy and later reading performance. A growing body of research has also reported associations between motivational factors and reading in early phases of reading development. However, there is less research about cross-lagged relationships between motivational factors and reading skills in beginning readers. To examine relationships between early reading skills, literacy interest and reader self-concept, we tested 1141 children twice during their first year of formal reading instruction in school. Cross-lagged analysis showed strong stability in reading skills and medium stability in literacy interest and reader self-concept over the first school year. We also found bidirectional relationships between reading skills and self-concept and between the motivational components of literacy interest and reader self-concept. In the final part of the article, we address the potential theoretical progress attainable through the use of cross-lagged designs in this field.  相似文献   

The article draws on the elements of poststructural theory to explore the mismatches and alignments in language and literacy teaching discourses in urban Fijian primary schools. More specifically, it compares the liberal progressivism of whole language and literacy pedagogies with the culturalism that informs a key reading resource in the teaching of literacy and language. The constitution of urban Fijian childhoods emerging from these two major discourses is then compared with several cohorts of urban Fijian children’s own accounts of their lives. Major discursive mismatches and alignments between these discourses and the children’s own expressed life ways are noted. Where alignments exist between sets of discourses, children’s language and literacy development are more likely facilitated. However, where mismatches occur, there are implications not only for children’s effective language and literacy learning but also for more equitable access to language and literacy pedagogies for all Fijian children.  相似文献   

In this paper, I explore the perspectives of three adolescent Mexican English language Learners regarding their high school English as a Second Language (ESL) classroom experiences within an urban city in the southwestern part of the U.S. An additional purpose is to demonstrate how the three student participants did or did not invest their identities into the imagined communities of the mainstream program. The paper focuses on two major themes: (1) The ESL classroom provided a socially comfortable learning environment with little cognitively challenging material, and (2) The ESL class/program did not meet students’ expectations for their future careers. Due to the students’ disillusionment with the ESL program, despite its many strengths, they projected their hopes onto an imagined community of the mainstream program. This research can be of use to both teachers and researchers interested in understanding adolescent immigrants’ perspectives on their ESL schooling experiences.  相似文献   


This article highlights ways to generate the habit of life‐long reading. It describes exploration and discovery, satisfaction, and a caring community—with an emphasis on a caring community—as essential ingredients for cultivating life‐long reading in the early years. The narrative explains how selected strategies can be used in teacher education to show that the reading process is much more than phonetic decoding. At its best, reading is falling in love with print in the context of a caring, active, reflective community that uses words to make a difference in the real world.  相似文献   

This project focuses on the design and implementation of an online professional development platform tailored to teachers’ needs to improve and promote their intercultural knowledge. Drawing upon the framework of virtual communities of practice, the project escapes from traditional professional development programmes. Although a total of 103 teachers participated in the project, in the implementation phase we carried out observations and interviews with a sub-sample of 40 teachers. Research findings indicate the generation of new knowledge regarding new pedagogical practices with respect to intercultural education as well as an increased collaboration among all involved stakeholders. Through the active involvement in the INTERACT platform, teachers became reflective practitioners by having opportunities to raise their voice and share views on their intercultural practices.  相似文献   

Matching phonemes (speech sounds) to graphemes (letters and letter combinations) is an important aspect of decoding (translating print to speech) and encoding (translating speech to print). Yet, many teacher candidates do not receive explicit training in phoneme-grapheme correspondence. Difficulty with accurate phoneme production and/or lack of understanding of sound-symbol correspondence can make it challenging for teachers to (a) identify student errors on common assessments and (b) serve as a model for students when teaching beginning reading or providing remedial reading instruction. For students with dyslexia, lack of teacher proficiency in this area is particularly problematic. This study examined differences between two learning conditions (massed and distributed practice) on teacher candidates’ development of phoneme-grapheme correspondence knowledge and skills. An experimental, pretest-posttest-delayed test design was employed with teacher candidates (n?=?52) to compare a massed practice condition (one, 60-min session) to a distributed practice condition (four, 15-min sessions distributed over 4 weeks) for learning phonemes associated with letters and letter combinations. Participants in the distributed practice condition significantly outperformed participants in the massed practice condition on their ability to correctly produce phonemes associated with different letters and letter combinations. Implications for teacher preparation are discussed.  相似文献   

This research study was conducted to address pre-service physics teachers’ assessment literacy and its implementation into practice. The research was both quantitative and qualitative in nature. For the quantitative aspect of the study, the researchers determined the participants’ assessment literacy after their enrolment with the assessment course. Intentions of the qualitative part were to validate the results drawn from the quantitative research and to examine the participants’ assessment literacy in the practical realm. Data were collected by using a valid and reliable instrument developed by the first author, a questionnaire and the participants’ project assignment including implementation of assessment. According to the quantitative results, the pre-service physics teachers’ assessment literacy was quite high. Findings obtained from the qualitative analyses were compatible with the quantitative results. However, the study revealed gaps between assessment literacy in theory and practice. This study suggests that teacher education programmes should highlight theories of assessment as well as types of evaluation, stress validity and reliability of assessment enabling students to engage in both traditional and performance-based assessment methods, and provide opportunities for students to reflect, practice, and revise these methods.  相似文献   

This paper examines the role of religious literacy practices such as hymns, prayers and Bible stories in the context of literacy teaching in primary schools in England. Drawing on data collected through a classroom ethnography of a year 1 class (five and six-year-olds) conducted in a Catholic primary school in 2013 and 2014, I suggest that religious literacy practices contribute to children’s literacy learning in various ways. They focus children’s attention on a text’s meaning, not on decoding, as other literacy lessons do. They do not privilege rational thinking but afford more emotional and bodily experiences of meaning-making. These practices also offer opportunities for collaborative engagements with literacy, supporting learning through participation. My findings suggest that educators, researchers and policy-makers should pay greater attention to the range of literacy practices children engage with and how they contribute to their literacy learning.  相似文献   

Ramaprasad (1983 Ramaprasad, A. (1983). On the definition of feedback. Behavioural Sciences, 28: 413. [Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) defined feedback as information about the gap between actual performance level and the reference level, which is subsequently used to alter that gap. Feedback, therefore, needs to be meaningful, understood and correctly acted upon. Tutors not only have to give feedback; they should really evaluate how effective their feedback has been. This study reports the findings of semi‐structured interviews with third year biology students on their utilization of tutor feedback. We show that students use feedback in six ways. Four specific uses were (a) to enhance motivation; (b) to enhance learning; (c) to encourage reflection; and (d) to clarify understanding. Two further forms of usage were, firstly, to enrich their learning environment and, secondly, to engage in mechanistic enquiries into their study. The findings are discussed in the context of current literature and specific recommendations are given as to how the impact of tutors’ feedback could be enhanced.  相似文献   

This article attempts to build a cross-reference between a Doctoral program in Business and Administration (DBA) and the concept of ‘Action Learning’ made known within this programme, while also highlighting the relevance for ‘Action Learning’ in the authors professional daily life. The experiences made during the studies, when the concept of Action Learning was first introduced and applied, are gleaned and thus compared to the professional problems encountered by consultants in the financial industry. The chances and benefits for the professional life are highlighted, and suggestions are made to enrich the student experience while attending a DBA-program.  相似文献   

An intervention study was conducted with preschool teachers to address their beliefs and practice in the area of language and literacy. A total of 27 preschool teachers, each from different early childcare centers, participated in three 1-day professional learning sessions over the course of 9 months. Learning sessions focused on three different language and literacy topics. Study participants completed a pre- and post-session questionnaire and were observed in the classroom before and after each session. Significant differences were observed in both their beliefs and practice after the intervention. Specifically, preschool teachers’ beliefs were related to their practice in two areas: oral language and vocabulary; and book reading. Based on the data, a focus on beliefs and practice in future short-term PL or workshop models may support successful outcomes in teaching practice.  相似文献   

Orthographic knowledge is one of several contributors to developing literacy skills. However, our understanding of how orthographic knowledge contributes to both spelling and reading is incomplete due to a lack of consistency in defining and measuring orthographic knowledge. The goal of the present study was to empirically test whether or not orthographic knowledge could be construed as a multi-dimensional construct that contributes to reading and spelling skill in school-aged children. Using regression analyses, the current study supports the conceptualization of orthographic knowledge as a multi-dimensional construct, consisting of both word specific and general orthographic knowledge. For school-aged children, both types of orthographic knowledge make separate and unique contributions to both reading and spelling, over and above the contributions of phonological skills. Results illustrate the importance of orthographic knowledge to developing literacy skills.  相似文献   

This article examines the controversy that ensued when the Education Department of the province of Ontario, Canada, granted the tender to publish elementary school readers to the T. Eaton Company, a department store, in 1909. This decision eliminated an important source of income for retail booksellers, who could not compete with the consumer appeal of a department store, or with its option of mail‐order service. Over the next decade, the booksellers fought vociferously, using a variety of strategies, in an effort to mitigate the effects of this decision on their profits. The booksellers' struggle was part of a larger campaign on the part of retailers to oppose mail‐order provision of consumer goods in Canada. This historical case study contributes to our understanding of the effects of political influences and commercial pressures on the provision of textbooks, which are central to instruction in a publicly funded school system.  相似文献   

This study explores the usability of community college websites. The value of a college’s website has been well established, as have accepted standards for basic website design. However, current usability standards are less clear and in various stages of acceptance. To consider this question, standards of usability were applied to all community college websites in Alabama. Websites were assessed for usability by use of a modified instrument that includes sample usability task scenarios provided by Cornell University’s Web Accessibility Toolkit and includes items from a similar exploration conducted on a national sample of colleges and universities (Meyer, 2008). The existence of specific website content tailored to prospective part-time students and the use of social media by the Alabama community colleges was also examined. Results show that most colleges meet minimum standards for usability.  相似文献   

Public education in post-industrial societies has been restructured based on a human capital model that prioritizes the economic value of citizens for the benefit of globally competitive national economies. In a policy-as-numbers climate [Lingard, B. (2011). Policy as numbers: Ac/counting for educational research. The Australian Educational Researcher, 38(4), 355–382], school administrators and teachers struggle to ‘produce results’ and ‘close gaps’ within accountability systems built on standardized measures of learning. What possibilities exist for critical literacy as viable classroom pedagogy in such an environment? This article offers a contextual–empirical analysis of efforts to implement critical literacy in mainstream secondary classes in Singapore. Drawing on Freire’s notion of generative themes, it identifies key political-policy constraints, showing how they impacted the pedagogical enactment of critical literacy tenets and pinpointing a focal direction for critical literacy in Singapore’s English education. More generally, the article argues that critical literacy, more than ever, must be a localized practice responding to exigencies emerging at the global–local nexus.  相似文献   

This study investigates the identity formation of pre-service English language teachers in a multilingual setting, through examining their narratives and interviews under the lens of Wenger’s (1998) alignment as a mode of belonging in a community of practice (CoP). It was found that the alignment manifested by the participants lacks negotiability and shared ownership of meaning, which inhibits them from moving towards full participation in the CoP. What eventually results in this form of alignment is a language teacher identity rife with notions and practices anchored on monolingualism, native-speaker norms, and subtractive multilingualism.  相似文献   

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