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1.Mrs.Jones was still cleaning the house when her husband came back from work.She Was wearing dirty,ofd clothes and no stockings,her hair was not tidy. She had dust on her face,and she looked dirty and tired.  相似文献   

Mrs Jones was still cleaning the house when her husband came backfrom work.She was wearing dirty,old clothes and no stockings,her hairwas not tidy,she had dust on her face,and she looked dirty and tired.Herhusband looked at her and said,‘Is this what I come home to after a hardday's work?’  相似文献   

Mrs Jones was still cleaning the house when her husband came back from work. She was wearing dirty, old clothes and no stockings, her hair was not tidy, she had dust on her face, and she looked dirty and tired. Her husband looked at her and said, "Is this what I come home to see after a hard day's work?"Mrs Jones's neighbour, Mrs Smith, was there. When she heard Mr Jones's  相似文献   

Jane Hutton was eighteen and lived with her parents.She was theyoungest of three children,and her married sister lived in another part ofthe country.Her brother worked for a large international companyand lived abroad.Jane was in her final year at school and had todecide on her future.She was clever enoguh to go to university.Shehad passed all her examinations with high marks.Her best subjectswere English and History,but her favourite one was Art.  相似文献   

A girl went to her mother and told her how hard life was for her.She did not know how she was going to make it and wanted to give up. Her mother took her to the kitchen.She boiled  相似文献   

Paul 《海外英语》2003,(11):34-35
The only Chinese person who worked in my office was Gillian Tang. She had come to London from south China to complete her education and this was her first job. To us westerners she was a most unusual person. She was kind to everyone, and never suspected that anyone might abuse her kindness. She was the sort of person who, if she heard any of us talking about a book or a video or something else which we wanted to borrow or buy, she  相似文献   

One day a girl named Hanna was walking in the park.She glanced all around her to find beautiful flowers, trees, animals, and even birds. She beamed a smile as she thought how wonderful this park was. She suddenly stopped. Before her lay a young seedling. She noticed it hadn' t been growing well. She thought  相似文献   

Last summer was first trip to Spain(西班牙).She was very excited(兴奋的).But when she arrived at the hotel(旅馆),she found that her Spanishmoney wasn’t in her handbag.She looked for it carefully in all her bags,butshe couldn’t find it.She had only a ten-pound note(十英镑钞票)with her.She found a place to change(兑换)her English money.On her way back to thehotel,Ann bought some cheese(乳酪),some bread and some oranges.She told  相似文献   

There are three people in my family.They are father. mother andme.My parents love me dearly.In my memory,I always required them todo this or that for me.winter or summer.When my shoes were dirty, Iwould say.“Mother,wash my shoes.”When I needed something,Iwould ask her to buy it for me.She did everything I wanted her to do with-out any complaint. She cooked meals, washed clothes, cleaned theFooms. and also helped me do my homework every day after she camehome from work. She is only forty, but her hair has turned gray andwrinkles have appeared around her eyes.  相似文献   

Locked Out     
It was Friday afternoon. Kate and Gemma collected their coats and walked out of school. Gemma was going home. Kate was going to her dad's flat.Kate didn't say much. She kept her head down and dragged her feet. Gemma looked at her friend. “I thought you liked it at your dad's place?”she said.  相似文献   

潘金莲是一个被封建制度和封建礼教文化压抑、逼迫,从而被扭曲异化的妇女典型形象。她是中国封建社会制度下觉醒的女人,她不安于现状,她渴望得到幸福,但是在她所生活的夫权制度社会下不容许她有这样的想法和行为。她企图改变命运,追求幸福,却遭到重重阻拦,在追求中丧失了自我从而走向堕落的深渊。她为了达到目的,手段凶狠,但是在封建夫权制度下她又束手无策,必须得到男人的帮助她才会实现自己的理想,在这点上她又很懦弱。  相似文献   

李清照是中国历史上才华绝代的奇女子,是宋代词坛上一大家。其词无论是写前期日常生活、爱情婚姻,还是写后期飘泊零落都表现出非比寻常的淑女情怀,反映出一个文化女性悠闲风雅而又心系家国的人生志趣。  相似文献   

There was a blind girl who hated herself because she was blind. She hated everyone, except her loving boyfriend who was always there for her. She told her boyfriend, "If I could only see the World, I will marry you."  相似文献   

论张洁早期小说中的女性意识   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张洁在她早期的小说创作中,高举“女性意识”的大旗,在《爱,是不能忘记的》、《方舟)、《祖母绿)、《七巧板》等一系列小说中,执著于对女性问题的思考和探索。通过对真正爱情的深情呼唤,对独立女性的礼赞和同情,对庸俗女性和低俗男人的嘲讽,向以男性为中心的社会发起了冲击,具有鲜明的女性意识。  相似文献   

美国女诗人爱米莉·狄金森一生创作了1800首诗。她生前恬谈,默默无闻,过着隐士般的生活。她终身未嫁,外表宁静,内心却隐藏着一个丰富、深邃、炽热的情感世界。本文主要剖析诗人的情感世界,并着重分析其爱情诗。从而,有助于读者进一步了解诗人及其诗歌构筑的世界。①  相似文献   

潘金莲是一个被封建制度和封建礼教文化压抑、逼迫,从而被扭曲异化的妇女典型形象。她是中国封建社会制度下觉醒的女人,她不安于现状,她渴望得到幸福,但是在她所生活的夫权制度社会下不容许她有这样的想法和行为。她企图改变命运,追求幸福,却遭到重重阻拦,在追求中丧失了自我从而走向堕落的深渊。她为了达到目的,手段凶狠,但是在封建夫权制度下她又束手无策,必须得到男人的帮助她才会实现自己的理想,在这点上她又很懦弱。  相似文献   

尤多拉·韦尔蒂是美国最受欢迎和重视的作家之一,她的写作主题和风格独树一帜,其影响超越了南方文学的地域性,使她成为世界级的作家。她笔下小人物的悲喜剧,正是动荡不安的南方社会的真实写照。本文通过对其短篇小说集《绿帘》的分析,阐述韦尔蒂小说的主题思想和社会意义。  相似文献   

Dreiser’s Sister Carrie often has negative comments,while her pursuit of happiness and ideal with pure faith under the dark social environment deserve study.Her characters shown in the struggle of life and her love affairs has been stated,which proves Carrie’purity in chasing dreams in the dirty society.  相似文献   

艾丽丝·沃克在她的短片小说《外婆的日用家当》中形象地刻画了内心充满矛盾的黑人女性形象迪伊。迪伊从小接受了主流白人文化,白人文化在她心里的内化使她厌恶甚至看不起黑人文化。因此,黑人文化和白人文化的碰撞所产生的不可调和的矛盾使她渐渐脱离了传统的黑人家庭。然而,轰轰烈烈的黑人民权运动激励她去重拾象征黑人文化的百衲被,却遭到了母亲的拒绝。白人文化在她心里潜移默化的内化使她走上了精神的不归路,对黑人传统文化的盲目追寻也暗示了她的尴尬处境。  相似文献   

在明清两代的众多才女中,王端淑可谓是其中的佼佼者。她经历了国破家亡的易代巨变,也尝尽了人世的辛酸苦辣。她禀赋超凡的文才,又肩负着家庭生活的重担。肯定自我才华的需要和生存压力的重担,使她不得不踏上追逐“名”的漫漫长路。  相似文献   

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