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Metrics on open access (OA) availability of content published in scholarly journals (i.e. content licences, copyright ownership, and publisher‐stipulated self‐archiving permissions) are still scarce. This study implements the four core variables of the recently published Open Access Spectrum (OAS) (reader rights, reuse rights, copyright, and author posting rights) to measure the level of openness in all 1,728 Spanish scholarly journals listed in the Spanish national DULCINEA database at the end of 2015. Data exported from the database and used as variables for the analysis were: journal research area, type of publisher, type of access, self‐archiving and reuse policy, and type of Creative Commons (CC) licence used. Out of the total number of journals (1,728), 1,285 (74.5%) published their articles OA immediately after initial publication and thus received the maximum OAS score for reader rights; 37.5% of all journals used CC licences, and 79.5% allowed self‐archiving in some form. In 72% of journals, authors retained or publishers granted broad rights, which included author reuse and authorization rights (for others to reuse), whilst 13.5% did not specify any terms for copyright transfer. Similar studies could be carried out on other countries as this would enable comparisons of the general adoption and form of openness in different parts of the world.  相似文献   

This paper takes the cue from the case of a retracted paper, cited both by the retraction notice and by an article published later in the same journal. This led to analysis and discussion on the skewness of citations in the journal Sustainability and within Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI) journals, particularly investigating self‐citations at journal and publisher levels. I analysed articles published by Sustainability in 2015 and found that self‐citations are higher than expected under a uniform probability distribution. Self‐citations in this journal make a 36% difference to the journal's impact factor. This research raises the question of what citation patterns can be expected as normal, and where the boundary between normal and anomaly lies. I suggest the issue deserves further investigation because self‐citations have several implications, ranging from impact factors to visibility and influence of scientific journals.  相似文献   

Li LI 《Learned Publishing》2009,22(3):187-190
University journals in China exist primarily to showcase the academic research achievements of the university from which they originate. Although they do publish peer‐reviewed articles, their management, distribution, and editorial processes are different from those of regular academic journals. Because they are on campus, the editors of university journals can use face‐to‐face communication to help their authors to revise their papers. To maximize the efficiency of this communication, editors need to prepare well before giving such guidance in order to minimize publication delay, to provide useful guidance to groups of authors, and to improve their own editorial abilities and knowledge.  相似文献   

University academics face multiple pressures to publish. These pressures emanate from contexts with different, often competing, social norms, which result in academics publishing for reasons that may run counter to accepted scientific practice. This paper asks what decisions are being taken by academics when it comes to their choice of scholarly book publisher. An analysis of books selected from more than 2,500 self‐reported scholarly publications produced by academics at Makerere University in Uganda from 2011 to 2017 shows that 31 scholarly books were published. Of these books, more than half (54%) were published by publishers that do not follow accepted scholarly publishing practice. Findings also show that there was a sharp decline in books published with suspect publishers in the second half of the 7‐year period. The article discusses possible reasons for the selection of suspect publishers and considers four factors that may account for the observable decline: (1) a cyclical downturn, (2) improved research management and reporting, (3) explication of the norms of science, and (4) self‐correction.  相似文献   

齐国翠  李哲  石应江 《编辑学报》2018,30(5):532-534
作者资源是办好科技期刊的基础。本研究探索以作者为中心,围绕投稿前指导、便捷投稿、快速审稿、及时退修、数字化出版、快速推送、引用反馈等7方面创新调整传统的编辑出版流程,建设科技期刊作者服务体系。从作者服务体系建设层面,推动科技期刊质量控制与规范化建设。同时从作者服务体系建设层面,培育优秀作者群,吸引优秀论文回归。本文重点介绍其中快速审稿环节的建设成果,通过快速送审、快速审稿、快速退修、免收审理费、短信即时通知来实现快速审稿。通过流程再造,已经实现数分钟内送审、退修,初审周期1d,复审周期10d,终审周期5d。  相似文献   

李敬文  郭萌  薛爱华 《编辑学报》2018,30(5):516-518
强调科技期刊进行广告营销的重要性,并以《中国防痨杂志》为例,结合期刊广告营销的实践经验,介绍期刊通过纸刊、学术活动、微信、网站等多种渠道结合的方式在广告营销方面的运用。  相似文献   

This article re‐examines the economics of publishing scholarly journals and illustrates the dilemma of publisher identity and publication format with a case study of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication's Media Management and Economics division. The study investigates the perceived interest and demand for a society‐published journal for the field of media management and economics and the preferred format for that journal – print or online. Results showed a divided opinion on the support of a society‐published journal and no consideration of the benefits or harms of journal publishing to the society. The print journal, though a desirable format for authors, is deemed uneconomical. The online journal is viewed as a feasible publication outlet, but its status as a prestigious journal is doubtful. Applications of scholarly journal publishing and economic models to the case are discussed.  相似文献   

姜梅  张桂弘  高毅  王艳秀 《编辑学报》2020,32(3):274-277
为促进中国科技期刊封面及封面故事的设计与传播, 结合《含能材料》的封面工作,讨论封面论文遴选、设计、二次传播等问题。选取重要论文与代表性论文作为封面,将地域文化与经典图片融入封面设计,经专业化的深度加工,设计反映论文内容、代表期刊特色的封面及封面故事,通过封面故事的立体化传播,实现论文的多次传播。结果表明,通过生动、形象的封面故事可增强论文的传播效果,中国文化元素融入科技期刊的封面设计,在促进科技期刊传播科技成果的同时,可更好地传播中国文化。  相似文献   

To assess quantitatively the completeness and clarity of author guidelines of international English‐language journals in the biomedical and physical sciences, we randomly sampled 80 journals for which author guidelines were available online in English. The guidelines were reviewed for completeness and clarity in addressing ‘aims and scope’, ‘submission and post‐submission processes’, ‘formatting instructions’, ‘ethical requirements’, and ‘authorship’, and were subjectively assessed as being complete (score 1) or incomplete (0), and clear (1) or unclear (0). Scores were represented as mean percentages. No journal scored 100% for completeness and clarity. ‘Formatting instructions’ was the most complete and clear category, and ‘authorship’ the least complete and clear category. Biomedical science journals were more complete and clear in all categories, except ‘authorship‘, compared to physical science journals. While author guidelines of many English‐language journals of biomedical and physical sciences adequately address some essential aspects, they currently do not provide all necessary information as clearly as possible.  相似文献   

中国知网的录用定稿网络首发,可显著缩短科技论文的网络发表周期,对促进我国科学信息的传播与交流具有重要的意义.推行网络首发功能以来,由于编辑部担心编辑核心资源的弱化、编辑部的人力资源短缺、对录用定稿的质量要求高、传统的出版流程等原因,影响了网络首发的快速发展.为了更顺利地推进录用定稿网络首发,《重庆大学学报》确定网络首发稿件合适的编辑标准,优化出版流程、投稿模板和D OI后缀的格式,解决了网络首发实践中遇到的问题.但是,目前仍存在部分学术机构不认可网络首发的成果、引用统计也不明确等问题,这需要多方携手共进,全面推进学术论文的网络首发,才能实现我国学术论文网络出版的跨越式发展.  相似文献   

张忠  唐慧  王开胜 《编辑学报》2015,27(4):357-358
编辑实践证明,作者自校是科技学术期刊编校过程中的必要流程和重要环节.文章探讨提高作者自校环节工作效果的有效途径,其关键在于:努力使责任编辑全面认识作者自校目的,选择合适的自校时间,明确作者自校的内容与要求,与作者建立良性的互动关系,对作者自校的校改稿要及时整理与存档.  相似文献   

Somerset Computing Limited has developed a unique search engine that allows publishers and societies to produce electronic archives with full‐text searching and the ability to carry out high‐level search requests without major rekeying or tagging, making it the most cost‐effective solution for full‐text searching available. This technology has relevance to many publishing areas including legal publishers, academic publishers, STM publishers, learned societies and professional typesetters. This article describes how Somerset Computing has utilized its expertise and this innovative in‐house software to provide the British Academy with an affordable, fully searchable solution to the electronic archiving of the Proceedings of the British Academy.  相似文献   

Authors in different disciplines exhibit very different behaviours on the so‐called ‘green’ road to open access, i.e. self‐archiving. This study looks at the self‐archiving behaviour of authors publishing in leading journals in six social science disciplines. It tests the hypothesis that authors are self‐archiving according to the norms of their respective disciplines rather than following self‐archiving policies of publishers, and that, as a result, they are self‐archiving significant numbers of publisher PDF versions. It finds significant levels of self‐archiving, as well as significant self‐archiving of the publisher PDF version, in all the disciplines investigated. Publishers' self‐archiving policies have no influence on author self‐archiving practice.  相似文献   

论合并高校学报资源整合--以《扬州大学学报》为例   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
刘明寿 《编辑学报》2003,15(6):444-445
合并高校学报需在一定的原则指导下,更新办刊理念,优化、整合人财物等各种资源,以发挥有限资源的最大效能,使资源要素从低效益环节向高效益环节流动。只有进行资源整合,高校学报才能适应教育事业的发展和知识经济时代的要求,才能充分发挥其在社会发展中的重要作用。  相似文献   

张秀  陈幸  王玥兮  黄晔秋 《编辑学报》2021,33(3):340-342
"中国科技期刊卓越行动计划"对我国科技期刊的高质量发展和服务科技强国建设意义重大.作为非"卓越计划"的科技期刊如何获得高质量发展,让期刊整体上一个新的台阶?本文以《护士进修杂志》办刊实践为例,探寻非"卓越计划"科技期刊高质量发展策略,提出在争创国内一流护理期刊的目标下,依托专家资源争取优质稿源、策划专刊专题、应用媒体融合等方式提高内在质量和学术影响力,从而扩大期刊影响力,以更好地服务于广大的护理工作者.  相似文献   

Concern over the information gap between developed and developing countries has led to a number of initiatives to promote access to information, but is there a potential of overlapping and conflicting information being given to the recipients? And what are publishers' attitudes towards the supply of their content at greatly reduced prices, or for free? During 2002 INASP was commissioned to undertake a survey to identify publishers' activities and opinions in this area. The survey found that the majority of respondents were involved in one or more access programmes and there was a willingness from both the commercial and the non‐commercial sector to provide their information in this way.  相似文献   

王会珍 《编辑学报》2019,31(2):214-216
以《赣南师范大学学报》特色栏目建设为例,探讨地方高校学报如何在期刊金字塔结构中,认清学报所处的地位,通过区域优势资源和特色产品,打造地方高校学报特色栏目,发挥“小期刊,大贡献”的作用,促进区域经济发展和人才培养,提高地方高校学报核心竞争力,走可持续发展的道路。  相似文献   

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