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We analyze the self‐citation rates of scientific and technical journals in the SCI database from China, Japan, India, and Korea from 2007 to 2009. Korea has the highest self‐citation rate, Japan the lowest. Compared with 2007, the overall level of self‐citation rate declined across all four countries in 2008. In 2009, however, the self‐citation rate of the three countries other than China rose a little. The total cited frequency and impact factor of excessive self‐citing journals and zero self‐citation journal in China, Japan, India, and Korea are all lower than those of the mean of all journals included in the SCI in 2009. It appears that the academic influence of journals whose self‐citation rates is either too low or too high is small.  相似文献   

SCI收录中日韩印4国期刊引文指标的比较   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
以JCR 2006—2008年的数据为基础,将我国与日本、韩国、印度的各项指标作比较,结果表明我国内地被SC I收录的期刊与论文在数量和质量方面都呈快速增长态势,虽与欧美有较大差距,但在亚洲明显超过印度,部分指标超过了我国台湾与韩国,仅次于日本。这启示我们:不必妄自菲薄,认为我国期刊质量都不如国外;当然,也要看到差距,努力争取更大的国际影响。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]通过与日韩公共图书馆法相关内容进行对比,为我国公共图书馆法的发展和完善提供参考与借鉴。[方法/过程]首先介绍中日韩三国公共图书馆法的制定现状,进而对比分析中日韩三国公共图书馆法在立法概况、法律体系、管理体制、馆员设置以及服务内容等的异同点。[结果/结论]对我国图书馆法的发展提出3点启示:健全公共图书馆法律体系、明确馆员设置准入门槛以及制定经费投入量化标准,以期推动图书馆事业更好地发展。  相似文献   

网吧作为新生事物 ,在亚洲 ,尤其是中国和韩国 ,其发展规模和顾客的行为都呈现出鲜明的特点。在对这一现象的初步研究中 ,作者提出了“社区生活重构”的诠释、也尝试了用“第三场所”等西方理论作了简略的分析。  相似文献   

亚太五国/地区数字鸿沟及其影响因素分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
数字鸿沟是信息社会存在于不同社会层面的、具有多种表现形式的现象,它不仅存在于国家之内,也存在于不同地区、不同国家之间。本文运用二手资料分析方法,对亚太五国/地区(包括中国内地、中国香港、韩国、日本、中国台湾)的数字鸿沟进行描述,探讨社会因素和个人因素对数字鸿沟的影响。本文还探讨了造成中国内地东西部地区数字鸿沟的内在因素,并结合亚太地区的综合现状,对如何缩小数字鸿沟进行了思考。  相似文献   

This study examined 1,631 college students’ endorsement of traditional Confucian values in four East Asian cultural contexts (i.e., China, Korea, Japan and Taiwan). Findings showed that young people endorsed values of interpersonal harmony the most, followed by the relational hierarchy and traditional conservatism respectively. Results also indicated that participants in China provided the highest ratings for interpersonal harmony and relational hierarchy among the four cultures. Finally, results demonstrated that Japanese females were more conservative than Japanese males and females in China and Taiwan. Results were discussed in the philosophical tradition of Confucianism, globalization and culture change in the East Asian cultures.  相似文献   

修复用手工造纸术产生于中国,后传到朝鲜和日本.文章比较了中日韩三国修复用手工纸起源与发展情况,分析其发展的一致规律和各自不同的特点,从本国、世界各地的应用和整体发展而言,日本修复用手工纸更为完善的继承了传统,并开发多种修复用纸.  相似文献   

文章在分析美国、日本、印度三个国家信息产业发展模式的基础上,结合我国实际,探讨了我国发展信息产业应采取的模式,并提出了相关的政策建议。  相似文献   

美丹韩印四国图书馆法比较分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从立法模式、立法过程、修订情况、发展背景等角度,对美国、丹麦、韩国、印度四国图书馆法进行比较,并针对四国图书馆法内容进行分析,最后从保障和规范两个角度提出针对我国图书馆立法的启示和建议。  相似文献   

本文简要介绍了加拿大科学技术信息研究所、日本科学技术振兴机构和韩国科技信息研究院的主要概况,包括其宗旨使命、任务职责、历史演变、组织结构和主要活动、作用和影响、重要成果、出版物等方面的情况。  相似文献   

根据2003年<新闻出版总署调研工作实施方案>,本课题组于2003年8月21-25日,对云南新闻出版业进行了调研.调研组先后到云南省新闻出版局、云南教育出版社、云南音像出版社、云南省新华书店、丽江市新华书店、大理州新华书店等单位进行了典型调查,并到云南人民出版社、晨光出版社、云南科技出版社、云南美术出版社等单位进行了实地考察,认真听取了有关单位对如何加快新闻出版业发展的意见和建议.  相似文献   

In the era of big data, data creates new added value by collecting, analyzing, and transforming the thoughts and actions of economic members and creating insights that can predict the future. This means that in the near future, data-driven decisions based on data, rather than subjectivity or experience, will be the driving force behind society.However, since valuable and useful data is bound to be generated from personal information, how to safely utilize personal information is becoming an important topic in the big data era. To protect personal information in this environment, data services and database providers have increased their focus on the implementation of de-identification, a technique that can protect personal information while maintaining the usefulness of the data. Moreover, many countries have introduced new policies and laws focusing on the de-identification of personal information.Accordingly, this paper compares and analyzes how the European Union, the United States, Japan, and South Korea have recently adopted the concept of de-identification in their own personal information protection laws, and presents common trends and implications. As a comparative framework, each country's conceptual classification system related to de-identification, legal treatment, data controller obligations, and de-identification procedures was included.This study identifies the shifts made in each country's regulatory system following the introduction of the concept of de-identification. These include a shift from a binary approach to an approach that considers the identifiability spectrum, from a belief in anonymization to regulation from a risk management perspective, and from a focus on de-identification methods, to responsibility for follow-up management.This study contributes to the establishment of specialized knowledge of de-identification practices by empirically examining the current status of de-identification information-related legal systems adopted by major countries/regions. Also, the study proved the actualization of theory by confirming that the de-identification policy approach from the perspective of risk management is actually applied to the laws of each country. In addition, the attempt to present a framework for systematic comparison of de-identification systems by country provides a new perspective that can trace the trend of future de-identification system changes on a consistent basis. In addition, this study brings the gradual expansion of data policy research by expanding the research on de-identified information, which has been studied mainly in Europe and the United States, to case studies in Japan and South Korea.  相似文献   

The article contributes to the research on media management by approaching the audience as consisting of communities, instead of considering it a mass audience. By developing audience community as a concept in media management and audience research and investigating mainstream newspapers’ perceptions and practices of audience community relations, the study aims to provide a future outlook for the changing community nature of audiences. Newspaper organizations are starting to perceive the audience as a more concrete network of people, and journalistic processes can increasingly consist of generating platforms and practices for communication and communal activities with and among the audience. In the article, these processes are studied empirically by means of a qualitative study carried out in Finnish, Japanese, and Korean newspapers. Interestingly, the findings indicate that audience communities do not, after all, play an important role in the daily practices of the newspapers. The engagement with audience communities in social media is only occasional, intermittent, and by no means systematic. By contrast, interaction with offline communities seems to be more familiar and considered more valuable than connecting with audience communities in social media.  相似文献   

In order to analyze and compare the intellectual structure of information organization research in Japan and Korea, this study has carried out frequency analysis and network text analysis of research articles published in the last two years. Analysis showed that the Japanese information organization area has a high frequency of research centered on the concepts of “catalog” and “classification”. In particular, “catalog” is seen to have a high figure in degree centrality by network text analysis, it can be said that the “catalog” concept has extensive connections with a diverse range of subjects in the area of information organization. On the other hand, the Korean information organization research area showed a high frequency and connectivity of subjects related to “classification” rather than “catalog”. The “classification” concept is seen to have extensive connections with other various subjects in the Korean information organization research area.  相似文献   

文章以2006-2010年ScienceCitationIndex-Expanded数据来源,比较分析了中国、印度和巴西三国食品科学技术学科被SCI收录论文(国际论文)的发文数量、被引频次、发表论文所涉学科的分布和被引用情况。  相似文献   

舒和新 《图书与情报》2006,(5):121-123,128
明治时期的日本学者冈本监辅编纂并出版的《万国史记》一书,客观全面地介绍了世界各国的历史,该书与中国人有着密切的联系,对近代中国知识界和中国史学的近代化都产生了重要影响。皖西学院图书馆收藏有一部原为日本宫城师范学院所拥有、后通过规范程序流入中国、保存完好的原版《万国史记》。  相似文献   

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