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移动机器人自主导航技术研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了移动机器人的几种导航方式。对自主导航技术的关键技术———路径规划技术进行了深入研究,对人工智能以及多传感器信息融合技术在移动机器人导航中的应用进行了论述,并对移动机器人自主导航技术的发展趋势进行了展望。  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION Model driven generative domain engineering (MDGDE) is improved on the basis of generative programming (Czarnecki and Ulrich, 2000) for the purpose of benefiting from the new emerging soft- ware engineering methods, such as agent oriented software engineering (Wooldridge, 1997), model driven architecture (MDA) (Kleppe et al., 2003) and aspect-oriented software development (AOSD) (Filman et al., 2004), etc. Agents are regarded as some special objects having more autonomy,…  相似文献   

A novel method for mobile robot simultaneous localization and mapping   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
INTRODUCTION A key prerequisite for a truly autonomous robot is that it can simultaneously localize itself and accu-rately map its surroundings (Kortenkamp et al., 1998), which is known as Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM), which, when phrased as a state estimation problem, involves a variable number of dimensions. Murphy and Russell (2001) adopted Rao-Blackwellized particle filters (RBPFs) as an effective way for representing alternative hypotheses on robot paths and ass…  相似文献   

Precise navigation for a 4WS mobile robot   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
INTRODUCTION Precise navigation is being researched and ap- plied in various fields, especially for outdoor mobile robots (Wang et al., 1998; Lee, 1997; Iida et al., 2000), such as those used in cargo container trans- portation at seaport, in precision agriculture, military vehicles, etc. As we know, applied sensors and rele- vant data processing basically determine the accuracy of navigation. In our research, GPS and encoders are used as navigation sensors. As an absolute positioning s…  相似文献   

利用一种并列连接的神经网络结构对移动机器人路径进行规划,并把神经网络与模拟退火算法相结合,解决了局部极值问题,最终收敛到全局最优解。计算机仿真研究表明:模拟退火算法具有计算简单,初值鲁棒性强以及通用易实现等优点。  相似文献   

This paper discusses and compares some common architectures used in autonomous mobile robotics. Then it describes a behavior-based autonomous mobile robot that was implemented successfully in the Robotics Lab of the Department of Precision Mechanical Engineering. Fuzzy controller was used to implement the emergency behavior, the behaviors arbitration was implemented using the sub-sumption architecture. In an unknown dynamic indoor environment, the robot achieved real-time obstacle avoidance properties that are cruel for mobile robotics.  相似文献   

机器人路径规划问题是机器人学的一个重要研究领域,主要研究机器人依据某个或某些优化原则,在其工作空间中找到一条从起始点到目标点的能避开障碍物的最优路径。国内外学者对此作过大量的研究,主要采用的方法有局部的人工势场法(Artificial Potential Field)和遗传算法(cene  相似文献   

From a bionics viewpoint,this paper proposes a mechanical model of a wheeled snake-like mobile mechanism.On the hypothesis of the existing non-holonomic constraints on the robot kinematics,we set up the relationship among the kinetic control parameters in the snake-like movement using Lie group and Lie algebra of the principle fiber bundle and provide some theoretical control methods to realize the snake-like locomotion.  相似文献   

设计了基于单片机控制的红外导航移动机器人,通过超声波测距来感知机器人的环境信息,利用微波和红外发射装置进行通信,机器人采集到红外信号后,调整路径,实现红外跟踪和自主定位,每个环节的电路均在实验中得到验证,为进一步深入研究机器人技术搭建了一个基础的实验平台。  相似文献   

基于模糊逻辑的移动机器人智能控制器设计(英文)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了提高移动机器人在未知环境下的自主性,设计了一种基于模糊逻辑的智能控制器.该控制器可以辅助装备多传感器的机器人在室内未知环境下安全地进行自主导航.首先,基于模糊逻辑设计了2种实现移动机器人智能导航的行为:路径追踪行为和避障行为.使用模糊逻辑的方法可以通过模仿人类驾驶经验,降低移动机器人在未知环境下实现自主导航的复杂性.然后,利用有限状态机对2种行为进行融合,以确保在未知的室内环境下机器人能够安全地追踪一条事先指定的路径.控制器的输入为机器人的传感器数据,输出为要求机器人运动的方向.最后,仿真和实验结果证实了该控制器的有效性.  相似文献   

A novel robot navigation algorithm with global path generation capability is presented. Local minimum is a most intractable but is an encountered frequently problem in potential field based robot navigation. Through appointing appropriately some virtual local targets on the journey, it can be solved effectively. The key concept employed in this algorithm are the rules that govern when and how to appoint these virtual local targets. When the robot finds itself in danger of local minimum, a virtual local target is appointed to replace the global goal temporarily according to the rules. After the virtual target is reached, the robot continues on its journey by heading towards the global goal. The algorithm prevents the robot from running into local minima anymore. Simulation results showed that it is very effective in complex obstacle environments. Project (No. 69904009) supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONAutonomousnavigationisoneofthemostimportanttopicsinthemobilerobotareaandcanbecategorizedintotwoparts:reactivenavigation(Haddadetal.,1998)andpathplanning.Thefirstoneislocalpathplanningbasedandthesecondoneplansapathintheglobalworkspace .Localpat…  相似文献   

1 Introduction Autonomousmobilerobotswithlegsorwheelsworkinginhazardenvironmentsoronroughterrainwillfacethepossibilityofbeingturnedoverbyunexpectedreactionbetweentherobotandtheenvironment.Typicalexamplesarevolcanoexplorationrobots,lunarorMarsrovers…  相似文献   

非确定环境下移动机器人多传感器系统及信息处理   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
PBJ- 01是一类移动机器人, 它的6个轮子和2个摆臂能够帮助机器人适应多种地形. 机器人上装有一个复杂的传感器系统, 包括超声波传感器、触觉传感器、视觉传感器等. PBJ-01采用基于行为的控制体系机构, 其关键部分是基于模糊神经网络的障碍识别系统. 仿真证明该系统能够从传感器的感知数据而识别出障碍类型, 从而帮助机器人在越障行为和避障行为之间进行抉择.  相似文献   

Cameras can reliably detect human motions in a normal environment, but they are usually affected by sudden illumination changes and complex conditions, which are the major obstacles to the reliability and robustness of the system. To solve this problem, a novel integration method was proposed to combine bi-static ultra-wideband radar and cameras. In this recognition system, two cameras are used to localize the object’s region, regions while a radar is used to obtain its 3D motion models on a mobile robot. The recognition results can be matched in the 3D motion library in order to recognize its motions. To confirm the effectiveness of the proposed method, the experimental results of recognition using vision sensors and those of recognition using the integration method were compared in different environments. Higher correct-recognition rate is achieved in the experiment.  相似文献   

非完整轮式移动机器人运动控制系统的设计与实现   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对非完整轮式移动机器人运动学模型的分析,以Elmo HARmonica伺服驱动控制器为核心,设计了轮式移动机器人的运动控制系统。基于Visual C 和OpenGL平台开发了轮式移动机器人轨迹跟踪仿真系统,并进行了轨迹跟踪的仿真试验,取得了满意的控制效果。实验结果表明了运动控制系统设计的有效性。  相似文献   

Across the articles in this special issue, there is a clear and important focus on how people learn through mobility, which allows them to move across contexts as they learn. This commentary considers ways mobile technologies can support learning with a focus on understanding the affordances to of the mobile technologies develop new learning practices that could not be accomplished without this technology. With this in mind, we return to the definition of mobile learning that suggests mobile learning is learning across multiple contexts, through social interaction, using personal electronic devices that can immediately capture information about, or provide information to the user. To explore how to implement this definition in truly powerful ways, we suggest explicitly unpacking this into its four component parts, so that we can explore and discuss the unique affordances of mobile learning: (1) multiple contexts, (2) social interactions, (3) content interactions, and (4), capturing information and providing information to users in real-time. We further suggest a 5th element, which is the synergies among these different dimensions. We conclude with the challenges in doing research in mobile learning environments and the need to understand both how and what people learn in such environments.  相似文献   

随着网络技术不断发展和便携式终端的不断增加,移动节点希望在任何位置接入IP网络,并且在移动过程中能够保持与网络的透明连接。IPv6已经被广泛接受为下一代互联网的IP标准,并克服了IPv4的一些关键缺点。文章介绍了IETF移动IP工作组对IPv4的移动性支持提出的一系列补救性措施,分析了移动IPv4实用化存在的关键难题,剖析了移动IPv6的路由机制,详细讨论了IPv6支持移动性问题的新特性,最后提出移动IPv6仍需解决的主要问题。  相似文献   

为了建立一个可实际应用于蛇形机器人运动的通用且易于控制的步态,提出了一种基于ser-penoid曲线的蠕动步态模型.通过对蠕动运动过程中相邻2个波形的分析和对serpenoid曲线的近似,建立了运动波形上各相邻连杆间的相对角度运动方程和各连杆与基线之间的绝对角度运动方程.并给出该步态的2个效率判据:能量损失函数f和一个周期的单位步长dunit.通过仿真和实验讨论了相关的3个参数(组成运动波形的连杆数n、相邻连杆的夹角α和相邻夹角的相位差β)对步态效率的影响.结果表明:f基本上不受n的影响,增加n可显著提高dunit,α的最大振幅随着n的增大而减小,对于确定的n,f对整个位移的影响随着α的增大而减弱.该步态模型可适用于运动波形由不同连杆数组成的蛇形机器人的蠕动,波形连杆较多或连杆夹角较大均可获得较大的运动速度.  相似文献   

根据人体的形态特征和仿生学原理,设计接近于人体尺寸比例的机器人结构,并应用自由度最少的原则设计了符合机器人功能要求的自由度配置方案,设计了一个舵机的驱动器,可以与上位机进行通信,实现对人形机器人的控制,该驱动器可以把上位机发送的指令转换成控制舵机的信号.实验证明:人形机器人能够完成相应的动作,实现机器人的舞蹈演示.  相似文献   

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