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In order to investigate the interaction between infant state and speech sound discrimination, records of state were obtained from infants participating in 3 speech sound discrimination experiments which employed the high amplitude sucking procedure. A total of 94 individual records were rated for state by 2 independent scorers. When treated as an independent variable, state interacted with responsivity to sound change as measured by sucking rate increases. Infants in the more alert states demonstrated significantly higher rates of sucking following sound change. Treating state as a dependent variable revealed that state was not significantly affected by a change in stimulus conditions.  相似文献   

本文在通过对数学分析中求极限问题的方法进行全面系统的总结与研究,提出了将求极限的方法归纳为基本法、转化法、综合法三类求极限方法,并各自针对典型问题进行了探讨和解析,并给出了stolz公式的一种证法。  相似文献   

韵律结构与语音的变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文由三部分组成。第一部分是韵律结构概述,主要介绍韵律结构的层次特性及其基本要素;第二部分是语音变化概述,重点从交际需求与生物学局限相矛盾的角度,从言语产生和感知对立统一的自然机制的角度,分析语音随机变化的根本动因,阐述变化的生成机理,揭示语音变化的规律。第三部分讨论韵律结构与语音变化的关系,主要阐述韵律结构与语音随机变化的语言学内涵及其交互作用。  相似文献   

对间接言语行为的认知阐释   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在认知语言学的框架内,利用理念化的认知模式(ICM)和事件域认知模式(ECM)对间接言语行为进行认知阐释,弥补了间接言语行为语用阐释的不足和缺憾。ICM和ECM运用知觉采集筛选的与角度、需要、目的等相一致的某一部分信息或要素信息代替整体事件域的工作原理,可以更好地突显信息的选择、处理和理解过程中的认知相关性,保障ICM和ECM对间接言语行为理论解释的有效性和可行性。  相似文献   

Recently, there has been an increased interest in producing electronic courses. However, literature shows that adopting e-learning does not guarantee improved learning. This is because mixing technology and content does not necessarily yield effective learning. This paper presents a systematic design process for developing blended courses for undergraduate higher education. The instructional design process is based on instructional design theories and utilized three taxonomies: Bloom Taxonomy, Redeker Taxonomy and Guerra scale. A mapping model is proposed and embedded in the design process to develop a blended course starting from the objectives and content of a traditional course. This paper also presents a evaluation process that estimates the effectiveness of the selected technologies in the design of the blended course. This effectiveness is evaluated in terms of three dimensions: course content formats, interaction and collaboration. A case study is presented to demonstrate the proposed design approach on a System Analysis and Design blended course under development.  相似文献   

This paper discussed a multiple linear regression approach to the evaluation of instructional strategies in science. A treatment by levels experimental design and the methods required for forming and solving research problems associated with it were described. Two methods of college biology instruction, the Audio-Tutorial and conventional techniques, were compared in terms of promoting achievement. Methods for making comparisons between the two treatments in the form of linear models were discussed. Interpreting regression solutions to linear models was also presented. The principles expressed in this paper can be applied to other research problems as an effective alternative to the two-way analysis of variance.  相似文献   

文章在微观层面上对英语毕业典礼演讲辞的人际意义从语气系统、情态系统、人称系统和词汇资源进行了分析,通过分析,揭示了演讲者是如何选用合适的语言手段实现与听众之间的有效互动,从而指导读者更好的欣赏和撰写毕业演讲。  相似文献   

The Online Academy (HO29K73002) was funded by the Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) to develop online instructional modules in the content areas of reading, positive behavior support, and technology across the curriculum. Targeted to preservice teacher education programs in institutions of higher education (IHE), to date, the modules have been adopted for implementation by 162 institutions. A requirement of the funding agency was that the content of the modules be research based. A total of 75 lessons in 22 online modules and an authoring software tool were developed. Each module is approximately equivalent to a one-semester credit course. This paper describes the formative evaluation processes that were employed in creating the instructional design, design and production processes, content development, usability and navigational features of the modules, and the national implementation process.  相似文献   

The correlates of spelling impairment wereexamined in children with histories of earlyspeech sound disorders. The spelling errors of52 children with histories of speech sounddisorders were analyzed to predict theassociation between weaknesses in expressivelanguage skills in early childhood andschool-age spelling abilities. Resultsrevealed that children with preschool speechsound and language problems became poorerspellers at school age than did children withpreschool speech sound disorders only. However, even children with isolated speechsound disorders demonstrated a weakness inspelling skills relative to their reading andlanguage abilities and Weschler Performance IQ.Measures of phonological awareness were highlycorrelated with spelling skills, suggestingthat phonological processing abilities arerelated to the ability to spell phoneticallypredictable words. Analysis of spelling errorsbased on level of phonological awareness skillrevealed that children with preschool speechsound disorders utilize phonetic strategies inspelling phonetically predictable words. Familial aggregation of spelling disorderssuggests a possible genetic component that ismodified by gender.  相似文献   

In higher education, student evaluation of teaching is widely used as a measure of an academic’s teaching performance despite considerable disagreement as to its value. This paper begins by examining the merit of teaching evaluations with reference to the factors influencing the accuracy of the teaching evaluation process. One of the central assumptions on which student evaluation of teaching is based is that there is a relationship between student achievement and student rating of teachers. However, the findings of the majority of studies do not support this assumption. The absence of a strong link between student achievement and teaching evaluations suggests that there is scope for examining other approaches to measuring effective classroom dynamics. This paper presents such an approach based on the notion of transformational classroom leadership.  相似文献   

This study describes the development of an assessment to evaluate the well-being of PhD researchers using a clinically approved methodology that places the perceptions and experiences of the subject population at the heart of its construction. It identifies and assesses the range and relative importance of seven distinct dimensions which are shown to impact adversely on the perceived well-being of student researchers across all stages of their studies. According to the findings, the well-being of doctoral students comprises needs relating to development, facilities, home and health, research, social, supervisor and university. The instrument was found to demonstrate good content validity and internal reliability. Its use offers new insights into the experiences of early career researchers and may inform efforts to better support them. This, in turn, may have a positive impact upon retention levels and future career choices for this research population.  相似文献   

对学生来说,英语学习往往会有一段停滞不前的阶段,其根源之一在于学习中缺乏声音的刺激。要想打破这种局面,学生必须养成良好的学习习惯,重视对朗读、背诵、听、说等有声语言的学习。  相似文献   

本借鉴建构主义的积极观点,探讨素质教育要求下政治课堂教学的评课标准。  相似文献   


Speech sound disorders are a common communication difficulty in preschool children. Teachers indicate difficulty identifying and supporting these children. The aim of this research was to describe speech and language characteristics of children identified by their parents and/or teachers as having possible communication concerns. 275 Australian 4- to 5-year-old children from 45 preschools whose parents and teachers were concerned about their talking participated in speech-language pathology assessments to examine speech, language, literacy, non-verbal intelligence, oromotor skills and hearing. The majority (71.3%) of children demonstrated lower consonant accuracy than expected for their age, 63.9% did not pass the language-screening task, 65.5% had not been assessed and 72.4% had not received intervention from a speech-language pathologist. The 132 children who were identified with speech sound disorder (phonological impairment) were more likely to be male (62.9%) who were unintelligible to unfamiliar listeners, and had poor emergent literacy and phonological processing skills, despite having typical hearing, oral structures, and intelligence. Children identified by parents and teachers with concerns may have a range of speech, language and communication needs requiring professional support.  相似文献   

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