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This article reviews John Dewey and Our Educational Prospect, A Critical Engagement with Dewey's Democracy and Education, edited and spearheaded by David T. Hansen, with contributions by Gert Biesta, Reba N. Page, Larry A. Hickman, Naoko Saito, Gary D. Fenstermacher, Herbert M. Kliebard, Sharon Fieman-Nemser and Elizabeth Minnich. This review will not only praise and evaluate the merits of this book, but will also attempt to frame this new study of Dewey within the challenges that continue to engage education in the realms of democracy, as the latter continues to strive for its own survival. While highlighting salient aspects of Hansen et al.'s rereading of Dewey's great work, this review seeks to frame both Dewey's text and this Deweyan study within the breadth of those other challenges by which education—and in turn philosophy of education—has come to take on issues such as: the nexus between theory and practice, the prevalent domination of the social scientific paradigm in education and the continuous threat of the standardisation and institutionalisation of human learning. It will be argued that, to meet this challenge, philosophy of education must sustain a continuous engagement with Dewey's work. A rereading of Dewey also involves a revaluation of his pragmatic theory of education and its lineage, moving from Emerson's metaphilosophy to Cavell's ethics. As Hansen et al. invariably engage with the latter, this review will question, through Adorno and Horkheimer's critique of pragmatisation, whether Deweyan pragmatism can still challenge the current state of affairs by which education is not only systematised away from learning, but also subsumed into a more institutionalised state—a condition that immediately jars with Dewey's own philosophical instincts and pedagogical labours.  相似文献   

经验在杜威的视野中有着丰富而系统的内涵。杜威的教育思想深深植根于一种基于经验的教育坐标中。在此坐标中考察教育,有助于我们更为完整而深入地领会杜威的教育思想。在现代教育理性主义倾向膨胀的今天,这种教育的经验坐标仍给我们以深长的启示。  相似文献   

杜成的教育理论产生于美国,是立足于现代社会物质文明和精神文明基础之上的教育理论,充满着浓厚的现代气息,其价值是超越国界的.在杜威看来,教育首先是"延续社会生命的工具",在促进积极民主、构建社群和形成公民参与理念等方面有不可替代的作用,这也是教育之于人类社会的责任.再读杜威著作,对反思我们今天教育存在的问题仍有启发意义.  相似文献   

文章通过对杜威教育著作的分析和提炼,从一个全新的视角对杜威的教师观进行了全面的探讨。在杜威看来,教师是学生生活的领导、教师是不断进步的学习者、教师是学生心智的研究者、教师是艺术家、教师是社会公仆。他同时指出,没有渊博的知识、一定的业务水平、人格魅力、长远的眼光和对教师职业的热爱是无法成为一名合格的教师的。  相似文献   

杜威的思想对中国的教育改革仍然发挥着持续深刻的影响,但是既有的诠释框架却存在着保守性与片面性,并导致对杜威思想的种种误解与误读。只有在“大历史”的视域中,杜威思想的时代意义才能向我们敞亮。具体来说,杜威的思想适应了现代社会从静态转向动态、由封闭走向开放的深刻变革,其民主主义的教育立场和生成取向的思维方式仍是今后中国教育改革的行动指南。  相似文献   

杜威在其课程思想中对儿童、社会、学科知识三个因素,相互作用、动态统一的关系上进行了系统的研究,并指出教师在这个过程中具有不可忽视的作用。但从历史实践的角度来看,杜威对教师的要求与美国当时教师的素质现状有较大的距离,它直接影响着教育改革的成效,这也是我们今天的课程改革应该深入研究的问题。  相似文献   

历经一个多世纪的风雨洗礼,杜威教育理论中的重要观点与经典理念一直备受关注。杜威的教育思想亦在诸多交织如云的现代西方教育思潮中一枝独秀。特别是20世纪60年代至今席卷全球的终身教育思潮,就蕴涵在20世纪初杜威阐释的教育理念。本文通过对杜威实用主义统整哲学和生长理念的再释,解读杜威终身教育思想的理论渊源。  相似文献   

杜威的教材观是其全部教育理论体系的一个重要组成部分,该观点产生的理论基础是主观唯心主义经验论的哲学理论和机能主义生长论的心理学理论。探究杜威的教材观及其理论基础也是我国中小学教材编写的应然之意:教材编排应立足儿童认知发展特点;教材知识内容的选择要有利于儿童和社会的共同发展。  相似文献   

In this article I examine Dewey's ambivalent attitude toward art museums — criticizing their existence as repositories for the rich, while exploring their educational potential — by analyzing Dewey's comments on museums in various texts, by relating his ideas to museum education theories and practice of the time, and by exploring his involvement with Albert Barnes and the Barnes Foundation. Specifically, I discuss how these men influenced each other and consider possible reasons for Dewey's involvement with a "capitalist collector" such as Barnes. This examination is placed within the broader context of Dewey's philosophy of art as experience. An analysis of these issues is especially relevant at the present time, given that museums are increasingly involved in K-12 education through outreach and professional development programs, in addition to school tours.  相似文献   

Learner motivation is considered an important premise for learning achievement. One of the theories used to explain learner motivation in physical education is the Self-Determination Theory (SDT). Different from others, SDT acknowledges the controlling nature of institutionalized education and builds its application around externally imposed regulatory mechanisms to enhance learner motivation. In this article, we review research findings on SDT in physical education and reason for the use of externally regulated motivation approaches as a primary strategy in physical education. We frame our arguments in the constructivist learning theories and argue that using external regulation mechanisms to maximize learner motivation is not inconsistent with the constructivist learning theories. Our pedagogical understanding about satisfying the basic human needs for competence, relatedness, and autonomy leads us to believe that the priority should be placed on competence development with relatedness as a pedagogical platform for competence development in physical education.  相似文献   

杜威实用主义教育思想对20世纪20、30年代中苏两国的教育影响是中苏两国教育现代化过程中不容忽略的。由于杜威实用主义教育思想所具备的反传统的特性及代表教育新时代的理论素养,国情不一的中苏两国教育在破旧立新,融身世界洪流中,都不约而同的以实用主义教育思想作为开路先导,从而使得杜威实用主义教育思想在中苏两国曾产生盛极一时的影响。  相似文献   

In the context of contemporary nihilistic tendencies in democracy and education, Dewey's pragmatism must respond to the criticism that it lacks a tragic sense. By highlighting the Emersonian perfectionist dimension latent in the concept of growth, this paper attempts to reveal a sense of the tragic in Dewey's work—his humble recognition of the double nature of democracy as both attained and unattained. It is precisely the lack of this sense of the tragic that characterises contemporary nihilism. In resistance to this, Deweyan growth points to a perfectionist education committed to the re–awakening of intensity of impulse.  相似文献   

杜威的教育哲学思想是服务学习理念产生的根源与理论基础。服务学习的设计与实施要素,正是杜威的经验教育对学习过程的最佳表述;杜威教育哲学中的教育民主观则为服务学习的产生与蓬勃发展打下了坚实的思想基础。杜威教育哲学思想还为我们今后研究服务学习提供了四条基本的理论框架。当前服务学习在我国无论是理论还是实践都处于起步阶段,为防止服务学习理念的异化,一定要确立"在包容中借鉴,在责任中服务"的观念。  相似文献   

杜威德育思想与我国德育变革   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘长海 《教育学报》2007,3(4):69-76
杜威德育思想的核心可以概括为以“道德的教育”培养“道德的人”。“道德的人”就是民主社会中的“有用的好人”,“道德的教育”就是培养个体有效参与社会生活的能力的教育,是承担学校社会责任的教育。杜威德育思想对我国德育原理的启示就是在“充分承担各种社会关系所赋予的责任”意义上重新阐释“道德人”概念,在“德育即教育的道德维度”意义上对既有的德育实体性概念进行批判与重构,将“德育首位”看作“将教育的社会属性放在学校教育规划的首位”,将“学科德育”理解为“通过学科教学增强学生理解和参与社会生活的能力、智慧和情感”,从而在整体上反思学校教育的德性基础。并且,杜威思想也提示了我国德育实践变革的学校教育整体德性改造路径。  相似文献   

杜威对中国近代高等教育影响评析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杜威实用主义教育思想对中国近代教育的影响已有许多研究,但其对近代中国高等教育影响的研究还不够。其实,从近代中国高等学校的办学思想、管理、教学制度、科学研究、社会服务及其管理者等方面考察分析发现,其对中国高等教育的影响是很显著的。全面认识杜威实用主义教育思想对近代中国高等教育的影响,对把握中国近代高等教育的转型及发展轨迹具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

论杜威的“教育目的”   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杜威的作品历来存有争议,其关于教育目的的论述更是如此。杜威的"教育无目的",一是指教育没有终结;二是指教育这个术语,本身没有目的;三是指教育没有外在的目的。杜威的"教育有目的",一是指教育活动是有目的的;二是指教育过程中存在目的。  相似文献   

杜威道德教育经验论方法述评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杜威经验哲学指导下的道德教育,无论在教育原则与教育方法上都有其进步的一面,对解决我国目前道德教育方面存在的问题具有很大启发意义.但其“经验”的方法,也有其无法克服的局限性,并成为其理论的致命缺陷.  相似文献   

本文通过探讨杜威"教育即生活"的教育思想及其对儿童教育的启示,提出"教育即生活"理论思想为儿童的正确价值取向及现代素质教育提供了有用的材料,对今天的教育改革有着重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

Garrison  Jim 《Science & Education》1997,6(6):543-554
An influential view of constructivism in science and mathematics educational research and practice is that of Ernst von Glasersfeld. It is a peculiarly subjectivist form of constructivism that should not be attractive to science and mathematics educators concerned with retaining some sort of realism that leaves room for objectivity. The subjectivist constructivism of von Glasersfeld also becomes entangled in untenable mind/body and subject/object dualisms. Finally, these dualisms are unnecessary for social constructivism. I will provide one example of a social constructivist alternative to social constructivism, that of the pragmatic philosopher John Dewey. In presenting Dewey's position I will appeal to Ockham's razor, that is, the admonition not to multiply entities beyond necessity, to shave off the needless mentalistic and psychic entities that lead von Glasersfeld into his subjectivism and dualism.  相似文献   

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